Who destroyed gaming? Who murdered her?
The Decade The Music Died
>PC market now bigger than console
Triple A and focus on "cinematic" experiences and increasingly realistic but creatively bankrupt graphics.
Would the Switch be classified as a console or a handheld in this graph?
>Who murdered her?
sjws leading to games being made for an audience that doesn't exist
It would be classified the same as you, meaning that it would be classified as a faggot.
>shows non-mobile games more popular than ever
>still pissed about mobile increase
sad little manchild
u wish
I think u wish too
Lol PC is more important, has more hardcore games, has more varied genres, has more games and is making more revenue than all consoles and all handhelds combined since 2014
In THIS graph? They're obviously calling it a console, despite the fact that it should be considered a handheld.
>still being a pcmasterracer in 2019
Imagine taking pride and belittling others for something so petty
Imagine being a peasant. Imagine voluntarily letting Microsoft and Sony fuck your tight little asshole every Christmas with your mom's credit card.
The 2008 recession
So butthurt, so feeble and so poor.
Consoles are dead and that's a good thing.
oh god stop you're killing me
you're such a consumer hero, user
>only real difference is mobile
OH no
I'm surprised VR is so much more popular than it was a few years ago. It feels even less relevant to me today than it did then. Maybe it's streamers?
>not profit
worthless data for simpletons
Objectively the consumers.
I mostly play PC, my only modern console is the switch. I just think you anti-console losers are deeply embarrassing.
It's you intentionally ignoring it.
Found the coping manchild loser.
It's (You)
Coping with what? I'm not the one who has to validate my computer games by shitting on less pure gamers
egs and other shit money grabs by assorted jews
>not appreciating all of life's rich tapestry
>sell expensive devices at loss
>wow look at our revenues
Oh your butthurt is so delicious, you can't even tell how ridiculously stupid and ironic your passive aggressive posts that also project your own inner issues are. It's doubly funny.
Sony and Nintendo in the mid-90s with style-over-substance bad controls shit games like Mario 64 and MGS, with everyone else following soon afterwards (Sonic Adventure, Half-Life, Halo, etc).
Consoles and handhelds are sold at a profit, not a loss
I mean, you keep saying I'm butthurt, but I just don't see it. I'm not the one using rape analogies to describe owning a games console. That sounds a bit more butthurt to me.
And what are my inner issues? I'm dying to know
Purely speculation, it just felt like after the recession the industry as a whole began growing more risk adverse, the middle market receded began to dwindle and the safer AAA market began to thrive. CoD 4 released just before, more and more WoW clones sprang up, and EA was killing and scooping up studios left and right
I hope you do die.
What an embarrassing display and outburst of random consoletard lunacy this is
Removing mobile revenues from the equation, just PC/Console/Handheld as a market gained $20bn in 20 years. That’s pretty good.
I'm starting to think you don't have anything of value to say andd you're not a very nice person.
Gatekeeping video games is about as low as it gets, kids
I know, right? This is like that "great replacement" myth where there's more white people than ever and they're somehow going extinct
Its true tho.
Anons could you imagine a commandos game without females?
The magic word is "commandos"
Well, mobile is now the majority of sales
The same group of uncreative tribesmen that wander the earth and ruin everything
Cape Verdians
The mainstream sinking its claws in. Ironically, games becoming successful killed them.
go and watch more sargon you manchild
So it means that’s where any smart publisher is going to focus
>pointing out obvious flaws in things and telling people those flaws are the reason you shouldn't be doing something is somehow "gatekeeping"
God, that fucking overused shit word. I blame goddamn reddit.
Who controls the media? Say their (((names)))
Mobile goes up in revenue because everyone has a phone and has played at least one game. Doesn't even have to have microtransactions just advertisements. The interesting part here is all the other spaces.
With the switch, if classified as a console, they've crushed the handheld market share since anyone who was going to own a DS or Vita has one for years at this point and anyone with any sense would just get a switch if new.
PC vs console though, could it be that consoles are no longer offering anything different than a PC? Perhaps price point for the he games to be played but you can do nothing really else on a console. The multimedia aspect isn't a draw because people's TVs already have all the applications like Netflix and YouTube.
I've been wondering why nearly every multiplat I've been wanting to play has coming out on PC and not six months to a year later like used to be the case but day and date with consoles. I guess I know why now. I played RE2 and DMC5 on PC and it was great.
My PS4 and Switch are fucking lonely as shit but hey I'm not complaining.
>pointing out obvious flaws in things
Sorry, I must have missed that post in the midst of your tantrum about computer games. Could you point it out for me?
Nothing you posted was of any value raging consolecuck, you just kept throwing new insults and projecting your own problems and consolewar bullshit onto others because of your mental issues. Oh you own the Switch? You mean the latest scam by nintendo? You mean you're a manchild with the shittiest taste possible who loves corporate cock stuffing his consoletard piehole? You don't say?
Well I could claim it was nice conversing with a mentally ill person, but it wasn't.
It's probably getting easier to port things over as well. Game engines being built to be utilized by as broad an audience as possible.
The cope in this post in nearly palpable.
Because of f2p games like LoL and Dota mate, not because of actual games.
Fuck, I miss arcades
It happened to movies and it's happening to vidya.
High budget and less technical constraints can hamper creativity.
You can make the modern equivalent of duckhunt and as long as it looks good and has nice sound design people are going to praise it to high heaven.
Also having a high budget usually means you have to reach a certain amount of sales, so your publisher doesn't eat you alive, the easiest way to do it, is to pander to the lowest common denominator.
Most of the time you can't even blame them for it
Look can I fuck 2B in VR yet? If so I'll buy the index tomorrow.
For the kinds of games being released today, every market is saturated. The endless growth is over.
True if you're talking about Nintendo. PS3 and PS4 were both sold at a loss that was to be made up by software sales.
>mobile is bigger than all the rest combined
PS4 was never sold at a loss
This really shouldn't come as a surprise. People will be playing shit like Candy Crush until the end of time.
I'm still only going to buy console games and console Hardware that's it but once physical copies of games die out and I know they will in my lifetime I was simply just stop buying games and pirate everything since there won't be much difference between pirating and buying digital
Glad to see VR gaining traction.
I feel Oculus is fucking around keeping it afloat, but Sony is driving actual sales. The PS5 is gonna cement VR as a future major platform, it'll be way less a mess than the current PSVR, way better controllers, and a system actually powerful enough for good VR games. Not to mention you can tell that'll be their major push with the console, surely cutting out the processing unit, maybe inside out tracking on the headset, streamlining it down to one wire. Devs will adopt it with full titles, as this gen they've simply dipped their toes in with demos and experiences, waiting for Sony to deliver a more competent platform.
Yes, honey select VR, and a number of other VR games that let you custom create and fuck, they all have 2b guaranteed
Well lets be real $60 is pretty fucking generous considering inflation.
The whale hunt, "games as a service", microtransactions.
Of course you can make a shitton of money if you succesfully convince bored housewives that playing tetris for 5 minutes is worth 5$ of red crystals.
Not applicable
There are fuckton more people buying a 60 dollar game now than people buying a game back then
So that makes up for the change in inflation. Loot boxes do not "make up" for some supposed loss of revenue through sales from not raising prices.
>Yes, honey select VR, and a number of other VR games that let you custom create and fuck, they all have 2b guaranteed
Have they created the VR penile input device yet or is the standard still a tenga ductaped to a novint falcon?
When were you diagnosed?
I hope this isn't a serious post.
Probably the ninten.drone from before using the sonegro meme hand
Problem white boy?
You might be able to find something if you really dug around Japan and had the cash.
But fuck man, just invest now. Grab an onahole and use it until the techs there. It'll be a while, no reason to miss out on time better spent beating off to VR hentai. Think about all the faps going to waste on 2d hentai man.
>implying the trillion MMR gulag plebs stick with assfaggots forever
based niggaboo
They literally do. Riot makes billions a year off of skins. That's the bulk of PC revenue.
Mainly the big western publishers homogenizing standards for video games. Open world “rpgs” and cod on repeat for a decade because that’s what sells and they got too big to take risks.
You don't think it's a little nuts that while everything else in the world has gotten more expensive including food, gas, housing, utilities, travel, the consoles themselves, all other media including books, movies tickets, ect games have stayed at $60 throughout?
If anything I think lootboxes, preorder culture, day 1 dlc and all this shit is a product of a untenable fixation on the $60 price point.
New games should probably vary from $20-$80, the fact that as a industry we decided $49-$59 are the only price points for new games is incredibly restrictive.
As with everything, 2007-2008 was when it all went to shit.
This is exactly it. The pc version of just about any game is dwarfed by the Console version. PC games are making money of F2P whales more than anything else. Its basically turned into a lite mobile platform now.
Pretty much everyone played LoL, Dota and CS. They might still be doing well but the current playerbases are only a fraction of the people who played them.
Also using revenue of some jewy games on PC only to compare popularity is disingenuous. The same shit applies for console, there’s a reason every fuckin game has MTX now.
Cool proof. But in the real world- the bulk of console sales are yearly released fifa, cod and mario's yarn games. It's quite pathetic really. That you are on the platform meant for children where half the sales are nothing more than guaranteed buy-ins because your parents got the latest console toy for christmas.
Except it's not. If you buy a game at full price today, you're getting ripped off. The game releases in a broken state and streams of DLC will nickel and dime you to hell and back with shit they already finished before the game released.
Even worse, someone with half a brain left can buy the complete package as GOTY meme edition for $10 a year later.
Back then you got a whole, working game for the price on the box.
>The pc version of just about any game is dwarfed by the Console version
Not true. Most games sell around the same amount on PC and PS4, or a bit more on PS4. No "dwarfing" though.
It's not disingenuous. It's a known thing that games sell more on consoles than PCs, apart from exceptions like Witcher 3. There was this sourced image stated that manority of the billions of dollars PC games made were from f2p games. League of legends is still on top at the moment, and their esports are watched hundreds of thousands. It's a we-oiled machine; I don't see why you'd downplay it.
Only suckers and the brain damaged are still on console today.
Peace be with you.
>immediately assumes I'm a platform warrior like him
Quite pathetic. It's also pathetic that you'd try to pretend you're above these children when videogames are mainly a hobby for children. You're comparing two different flavors of shit.
Man that's crazy, I haven't even thought about mobile shit for the past decade and suddenly it's as big as all other systems combined? Are there even any good phone games or is it all just gacha whale-hunting shit?
Sorry i was not talking about sales. i think you're wrong on that, in fact i know you are for the majority but it does depend on the game....
I was talking about playerbase and retention of players. The goal is to get Whale type PC/Mobile games onto console. Next gen will finally allow the industry to do this with all next gen consoles having full native M/KB support.
Feels good
>Who murdered her?
you got me, I admit, just don't epstein'd me, okay?
>you are for the majority
I'm mainly on console. I use PC for piracy of exclusives, playing mp games like lol csgo, and emulation.
>The Decade The Music Died
Music? What?
Is that a typo?
Anyways to answer your question, the same thing that is ruining the entire human society: corporations being afraid of controversy pushing for "political correctness" so that they can keep making money. It got out of hand and sent some people insane who push the PC shit for free
Looking at this it, not that bad. Mobile hasn't taken away revenue from the other parts, it's just adding stuff because mobile gamers never played games before.
Sorry for your mental problems but I am stating facts that everyone knows and are available easily online. They are facts.
Your story that the majority of pc revenue is on league of legends skins or whatnot is downright stupid and your opinionated FANTASY.
The only reason i play on console is to minimize cheating. Cheating in general not just pc is getting real bad these days and playing on console minimizes that by a huge amount.
but thats only for pvp games when it comes to anything SP its 4k hdr PC all the way. also pirated every time ha.
No, I think it makes a lot of sense that games have gotten cheaper after going mainstream from a niche hobby distributed on expensive hardware. The industry has done their research to find the ideal price point to maximize profits. Why would they be willing to lose money just to make their customers unhappy?
I dunno who's happier the kid that got Maximum Carnage for $69.99 in 1994 ($121.17 adjusted) or the kid today that got Spider-Man (2018) for $59.99? Who got more bang for his buck?
I think overall you're generally getting a much better deal these days. I remember saving up for weeks to buy myself Mega Man X2, and I beat the game that weekend which was a rather bittersweet experience. I love Mega Man X2 don't get me wrong but it probably wasn't worth the $60($101 adjusted) I paid for it.
Ok then. Post your "facts" and sources. F2p games bring in the majority of revenue. Feel free to prove that wrong.
One thing I shoul.. excuse me for one second.
Go to google get a list of games that were on both platforms. compare the sale numbers. bring it back here.
>actually falling for the "selling at a loss" meme
Compare the hardware to pc hardware prices and then take into account that they can mass produce them.
Hold the L console warrior posting on a discussion board for "different levels of shit" in a "children's" hobby. Your rampant shitposting and stupidity is exposed.
This seems to be the case with all indie games.
this is 4 you
>hasn't taken away revenue from the other parts,
That is not the problem, the problem is that non mobile developers have seen how much profit there is in mobile gaming and have adopted the business practices/models that they use which has been detrimental to the medium as a whole. When these games flop they wont even consider that these practices are what has caused the downturn they just instantly blame the gaming community and assert that mobile is becoming the preferred gaming platform.
>no proof
>still doubling down on thinking I'm a platform warrior
I accept your concession.
And regarding "children's hobby", I was highlighting how you feel smug over a child playing a game you don't like. Which is a telltale sign of a manchild.
No no no, delete this /vp/os!
Pc are nothing but pirates and cheaters... we got too cocky...
Honestly you sound more like a child than that other faggot. You can respond without being a faggot
You are an idiot posting dumb wrong shit. Also stop replying to me.
Make me newfag
I accept your concession.
There is a lot of 2D hentai out there man. Now that people are actually buying these things on steam and they're making money we've had a bit of a porn game renaissance. Sure 80% of them are 50 CG RPG Maker trash but there are some gems spattered about. Some of my best faps have been edging for hours playing some RPG Maker game and then busting the biggest nut when you hit the good stuff.
I think I might just wait on VR porn. Yes VR porn is probably the future, and it time we will all kills and fondle our wifus in VR while we pump our novint falcons to simulate fucking our waifus but it's not there yet I don't think. Just imagine when we do have VR sex games and that VR penile input device where being good at sex is actually part of the challenge and if you can't perform the game has her mock your shitty skills and inadequacy.
You'd accept my dick in your fucking mouth, FAGGOT
>shovel knight
Next you're gonna say Mario sells best on the Switch and WOW sells best on the PC while COD sells best on consoles lol.
Not an argument.
Newfag, how dare you...
A microtransaction tax will take care of it.
Doctor? This dose doesn't feel right..
I hear RTS games sell best on PC. Did you know cartoon aesthetics sell best on PC and Nintendo platforms?
Holy shit are games finally back to brign niche
did it peak
fuck yeah things can only improve from here
>The industry has done their research to find the ideal price point to maximize profits.
I don't think they actually have. I think it has more to do with consumer expectations more than anything. It's been $60 for so long it hard to break that conditioning. If you move the needle in either direction you're saying either your game is crap and not worth buying or you're greedy and a monster so everyone should boycott your game. I don't buy the idea that one size fits all when games and this industry is so varied.
This is also why we've seen a death in mid-size niche games that don't target wide audiences. Lets say you've got a game franchise that has a smallish following about 500,000 players worldwide, that target audience religiously buys your game for $60. To make a game in this franchise it cost around $20,000,000 in 1999 and you expect to make about $30,000,000 back. Fast forward to today and suddenly that game costs $30,800,840 and still only expects to get $30,000,000 back meaning they have to find some other way to get more money and that manifests as "we're targeting a wider audience", nickel-and-diming people with DLC, lootboxes, or it just doesn't get made at all because they don't "want to disappoint fans".
I'd say all of those options are worse than a game that costs $70 upfront.
where is the casino revenue?
if phone games are real games so are casinos
That doesn’t address it being disingenuous. Say PC revenue is 70% microtransactions, and console’s revenue from mictrotransactions is smaller than PC’s (a statement that is also not backed up). That could still leave it at 69%.
I’m not downplaying LoL and other shit like that. I’m just saying the PC market isn’t almost entirely LoL. Like other user said, you could say the same shit about FIFA. Each platform has its normie cash cows that aren’t representative of the market as a whole.
Whoa, user, stop right there, are you equating Surprise Mechanics™ with gambling? WTF?
>Mobile games
This has to be China/UAE right?
99% of phone games crash and burn so not really
in fact slot machines have more gameplay than aaa games these days
Gamers themselves because they bought shit games. They encouraged corporations by buying games with microtransactions and Western gaming companies in general went full retard with leftism.
If a SNES game was shit, you could just trade it for another one (within reason, so a few days max). At least where I live.
And Spider-Man is a bad example. Haven't played it yet, but from what I heard, it isn't destroyed by "games as a service" bullshit and mictrotransactions. If that had been there during the SNES era, all of our games would be unplayable now. The authentication servers would be disabled and all your premium currency gone like a fart in the wind.
Development costs of phone shit are negligible. You just keep trying until you catch enough whales.
Casinos come with cheap rooms, drinks and whores. Completely unlike suprise mechanics.
>PC fats actually believe they're relevant in anything but shitty f2.p, mo.ba and bro.wser games
Leftist shill landwhale spotted.