And why is it Lulu?
Best FF waifu?
Other urls found in this thread:
Kill yourself, cumbraĆn.
Why does she look like Morrigan
Why does Morrigan look like her?
Because patrician taste
Ugly mole
I've actually started getting into Ashe. I like the idea of being some hot royal body guard to the queen who is used to sate her desires and keep her lustful secrets between busy days of ruling.
For me, it's Aerith
>no muscular pecs
>no abs
>no broad shoulders
>no deep soothing voice
>no big bulge
>not Gladiolus
what's the fucking point in waifus when husbandos > waifus
because i'm not gay, user
Mature attitude, deep voice, her boobs, all those belts
Not into men but Gladio is a choice bro
Good taste
>mature attitude
>deep voice
>wears belt
>fat fuggable tiddies
literally Gladiolus
Too bad she's a whore
What is up with you and Gladiolus
She's a slut and fucks dogs.
That's not Rydia
>the pleb black mage vs The Patrician Songstress
Gladio is a man's man user you're not getting any argument from me.
Lulu's victory pose made me realize I like girls
too bad she canonically fucks Orange Bender
why is her song so fucking good
Shows she's not hung up on looks
Yeah it's just that she misses Wakka's brother so much.
>"why are you shilling your FF waifu in a waifu thread?"
I want a paizuri of Lulu!
>waifu thread
>posts husbando
Gladiolus is a bottom so it's okay
Some of my fist and best nuts OP. Can't disagree
If I remove the belts, will she die?
Wakka's used goods
Her HD remaster model sucks. Not pale enough.
based and zuripilled
Hedy Buress should be in more things.
nice saggers
incel cuck
I always mistake her for morrigan
>Alec Baldwin
>Steve Buscemi
>James Woods
>Donald fucking Sutherland
the voice cast for this movie was wild
disgusting, isn't she?
Where is basch?
see how big that dress is?
it would be extremely naked
disgustingly cute
>those tight wrapped leather tits
T-this wasn't in the movie was it?
You know it to be true.
Watch it again
Oh we're going there?
I like her English VA.
Repulsive. And she's a fucking dyke.
Lol I might. I've seen it once over a decade ago. Didn't even hate it but it also had nothing to do with FF so could see why the backlash was there.
well she IS a qt
You are 100% correct.
This. Will always be my number one FF waifu.
Toriyama and Lightning is the modern Pygmalion and Galatea
Even though she's an incestuous cousin-fucker?
No mutt posting
Me by the window
This is a thread for waifus, not boys.
Luv me some Celes
Made for worship
She deserved better games
Rat wife best wife.
Lightning Returns was probably the best of the 3. Too bad it had such low-budget production and horrible story.
Underneath her dress, licking her cunny
I love both (I love Morrigan more) but they don't look alike enough to be confused with one another at all, shit meme
The remaster made her way too brown. Goth waifus have to be pale
I want to play with the pussy's pussy
So.....Goddess thread?
What's the appeal of this character?
her pussy tastes like toblerone
If you want to have sex with a teenage boy but not be gay for doing it
There's not one.
>gorgeous aesthetics
>graceful and fluid
>husky voice
>unsurpassed loyalty - will literally fight god to save you
if you need it explained, you just don't get it
Her dress was topcute and kinda slutty.
one of the most nothing characters in recent history
Lightning is love
Lightning is life
Lightning a cute
I want to hold hands and have consensual sex with her in the missionary position for the sole purpose of procreation
If she told me she was pregnant with my child tomorrow I would immediately take responsibility so we could build a home and raise a family together
Her actual cat costume is way better.
tfw Lulu will never femdom you
>tfw Lulu was first vidya girl to get pee pee hard
>tfw play dragon age and meet Morrigan
Stupid zoomers.
Why did she go from nice girl into pure dumpster
Respect to all posters except yuna posters and yuffie posters.
yeah, sadly
love her look, though
That's just the watery chorus garb recolored
I prefer the chocobo look
Good taste, but I prefer my girl.
Frimelda Lotice is great as well.
Because there's nothing in the world as satisfying as turning a wholesome girl into your personal semen repository
Does anyone here play as Lightning on f-list?
I'd rather put my hands onto Penelo's hips and breed her as if there is no tomorrow.
Because the Nice Girl personality was a put-on to cover how awkward and nervous she was. After she got some friends and started going on adventures; the nice-girl wallflower melted into the slutty tomboy of x-2.
Probably older than you, kid :)
That and the fact Rikku was giving her multiple orgasms every night
>After she got some dick
more importantly, who
Why do these women always look half asian half white?
this too bad she looks like a mongoloid in the remastered FMVs. although I don't know if she always did
For me it's Luna
Lightning looks too much like Taylor Swift, no thanks
All of Spira
everyone looks like shit in those
princess garnet
I want to manhandle her so bad
its time to D-D-D-D DDDDDD DILATE!
I wonder if Garnet-user's here
I know Squeenix modeled her vagina because I saw the images when Windows Edition came out.
Couldn't find the images on my hard drive the other day though.
she might have been good if she had more than what, 15 minutes screentime? they completely fucked up her character, shoulda had the game start off with noctis's early life to build her up (and to please /ss/ fags cause shes older)
yunalesca is pretty hot
Lulu is suitable for POV 3DCG porn but Aerith is far better waifu material.
Well, if you're older than 28 and still got such shit tastes, that's kind of worrying.
The dragoon outfit is the Goddess' best one.
look for it, nigger!
otherwise you're lying
Here is your dancer, bro
True, ruined the unclothing scene after the al-bhed attack you in the water area halfway through the game. I was pissed
I want Cloud to give her a child
FF10 looks nice.
I'd impregnate Lady Agrias so hard, you have no idea.
Too bad she enjoy's Zack's monsterous blade more
she's a literal who but that outfit is based
More like your tastes did not evolve and you still pick the kid's choice
Those fucking legs, how can she even walk
>lightningfags shitting up the thread
No, leave. Post more Lulu.
>ctrl+F Selphie
>No results
You should be ashamed of yourselves!
here you go
Her Valkyrie armor is better - it makes her look like the Goddess she is
Go for it
I wonder why so many Lulufags are so insecure and have to attack other waifus to get some validation
Lulu is not my waifu but Morrigan is fucking dumpster trash tier.
The kind to live near a meth lab.
Compared to her Lulu's a gem.
And you want to discuss tastes? You are an unironic subhuman
Don't mind if I do!
Don't ever post again
Seething trailer park trash.
>Still no decent SFM about Lulu and Kimahri
Lulufags and Lightningfags are autistic, period.
I can just fucking hear Ali Hillis' voice saying "come hither"
kek, I don't know hat kinda bed talk you're used to but "come hither" ain't exactly what comes to mind, not in this century at any rate
don't kink shame pls
this, why did the remaster give her a tan
>tfw no Lightning qt3.14 cosplayerfu
My pain is constant and agonizing
>Anonymous......come to bed. I need you.......
'tis nothing to be ashamed of, milord
I want to break her fucking hips with my cock.
I want to break her toblerone and make her eat a piece from my mouth
Oh well
Your waifu is shit, in fact, every waifu from FFX is total shit.
Who's your FF waifu then
I enjoy THICC chicks but there's something about super slender girls
the one SFM model everyone uses is too tanned
me too
I want to get arrested by her so bad
Thicc girls make you want to fuck them really hard.
Thin girls make you want to hold them in your arms at night.
They feel like their waifu was replaced with an upgrade so they always have to bark like small dogs, same with old Lara fags when there is a TR2013 thread except at least in their case they are kind of right about the replacement thing
Some nights I go to bed imagining what it would feel like to have arms wrapped around me
>He isn't Gay for Gladdie
>Anything you say can and will be held against you
For me, it's Celes.
It's be nice yeah.
Because she looks like a mature sexy woman, rather than a wide-eyed naive girl like most of the others.
Her and Terra, got damn
If I had to pick an FF dude to fuck it would be Noctis and even then I'd be on top
Celes +10
FF-fu? Not 100% sure, probably something boring like Tifa or Terra. If I was in the position of Cecil from FF4, I'd pick Rosa because they have a pure vanilla love, and unlike most FF protags, their love interest doesn't die or their relationship doesn't fall entirely apart.
Lulu is the incel's choice because she appeals to their mommy issues
Terra is also fine as hell
i bet if i asked them "you want icecream cone?" both of them would say yes
For me it's still Princess Garnet Til Alexandros. But Celes is absolutely top tier, I approve.
m o n k e y f u c k e r
Ah, Garnet, the sniff queen.
Does that mean she was BLACKED?
No, I mean she literally fucked a monkey. Shit-flinging, tail, the works.
I love Lightning-sama!
She said she added me to her list. WHAT LIST?
I want her to call me her little Hope when we make love
What's wrong with that?
Last one for now
She fucked all of Besaid user
Lightning is Cloud's husband
Probably because she lives on fantasy jamaica
Bros, how do I get a Lightning gf?
Technically it's based on the SEA region, so it's a fantaSEA
Morrigan is a goth bitch you lovefuck into a better person and into the loving mother of your own child whereas Lulu is a walking wikipedia that fucks the mentally challenged brother of her dead husband and gets knocked up by him.
I don't even dislike Lulu but you are retarded dude
I always wondered how FF13-2 got the ME costumes
I would commit the act of murder to be in Jensen's place here
What I wanna know is what Bioware got in return
Official Lightning lewds
Haven't seen that in a while.
Hey it's my screenshot
Paid in exposure(tm)
>fully voiced Lightning lewds done by the official VA
>Ugh....ugh...oh, s-shit....wait, user, can't c-cum can't! It's....It's not a safe day!
Keep posting Lulu
no thanks
Not him, but as long as they let me join in, why would I complain?
That's a sad looking ass
Without getting Ali Hillis to do the voice, how would you get Lightning's lewd voice? Is there a program that does the vocal equivalent of a deepfake? Or would you have to sample her entire collective work to piece together the words?
Honey Oats bars > Toblerones
Agrias is made for tenderly loving and dominating; causing her to melt from the inside out till she's a blushy mess.
hey so is this probably
>that Tifa
I'm glad we got her new model
>Is there a program that does the vocal equivalent of a deepfake?
Yes,and its been aaround for much longer than the video version. They did it with Obama's voice.
>no character; the character
You can probably get some grunts from Dissidia
So then why does no SFM video of Lightning have the voice?
what happened to my beautiful Yuna? What is this shit
FFX's CG was only good in two cutscenes: the underwater sex scene and the ending
is Rosa jewish?
Cumó ”brains like you and I are too stupid to know it exists, the only reason I found out was because of a politics-following coworker talking about the video version and bringing up the audio one
love her or hate her she is spitting straight facts tho
She's ok
best onee-sama
was she a dyke?
Yes, most of the FFXIII women are. Serah is ok.
only good thing that came out of that dumpster fire
you can almost see it
This. Aranea was too good for that shit game. Imagine if we got a different game where she were a full party member.
tfw when no lulu morrigan threesome
God, I want her to compress my time so hard.
My fuckin' man
I love Rinoa too
Lulu is the best FF waifu and Lulu is not even that good apart from her looks. FF waifus are rather bad.
Why did they even go full sausages fest? 3 male party members and 3 waifus is the perfect ratio. Everything else is gay
Can't someone make a girls locker room SFM of the two trying out the clothes of the other one
>wholesome but also lewd SFM
My cock
>the ffx doujins are mostly yuna and rikku, barely any lulu
at least she's got a ton of sfm shit
don't mind me just posting best girl
99% of it is her fucking dogs though
VERY based
Tabata thought he'd already made the perfect waifu in the form of Lunafreya, so the rest was mostly focused on appealing to girls with small helpings of guy appeal in Cindy and Aranea.
Lulu is the type who doesn't appeal to Japan as much.
Honestly always thought she was kinda overrated.
I want Paine to peg me.
They wanted the "bros on a road trip" vibe, and were too incompetent to realize you can do it even if there are still females in the group.
FFXIV Heavensward had great moments like that, despite being 2 guys, 1 girl, and 1 blank slate.
In all seriousness, Meia is the best
>faggots mad that we didn't get to see her panties
>my cock still erect because Lightningface and spats
blunder of the century
I think it's time to post The Purest Form of Love
quality post right there
What is this
>Honestly always thought she was kinda overrated.
I actually thought about it once, maybe when I''m bored of my vidya
u gay
Mobius Final Fantasy. Every now and then they release rare jobs that are based on existing FF characters, and Meia (one of Mobius' main characters) just got a job based on Ultimecia.
Cloud if he was a girl.
>powerful mage ends up getting knocked up and settling down into a housewife role
Fucking hot
Not so hot when Wakka of all people is the father
but Aya Brea already had Cloudface
I need to check it out someday
What's wrong with Wakka
>Didn't even hate it but it also had nothing to do with FF so could see why the backlash was there.
yeah thats about it
a perfectly average movie with really amazing effects (for the time) and a ridiculously stacked voice cast that got crucified because of the title, it even bombed so hard that Square had to do the enix partnership just to survive
to be honest, they should have called it "The Spirits Within: A Final Fantasy story" because that sets the expectation of this being fairly standalone
Based Garland dropping redpills
>Her dead hubby's brother
Guy is a brainlet, she deserves someone better
>that promotional art showing off her ass in the tight pink miniskirt she wears
Definitely fapped to that before
Where are my JIHL-bros?
fucking gross
Goddamn, the model is amazing
wasted potential
nuke it
>that sad roastie
>that fat piece shit in the background
There is a certain beauty in really bad cosplay
>america vs japan
it ain't fair
just finished FFVII for the first time
should I play IX or X next? or maybe one of the 2D games like IV or VI?
play VIII you degenerate
>japan hates the remake design!
uh oh!
If you liked VII, play IX or X next.
Don't listen to you'll be disappointed.
I'll wait for the remaster
>ever disappointing
get a load of that fag, guys
she can't compare to the original, but it has it's charm
I like Yuffie. Shes a sweetie.
Bet she's a sweaty too haha
The west has its moments
>that fic where Lulu gets left behind on mount gagazet to live as the ronso's breeding sow as payment for passage
>Holy shit we all grew up together, this changes us in not a single way
>Holy Shit there's a giant fat dude in the basement who gave the original order to execute the sorceress but then got framed for wanting to execute the sorceress holy shit the writing so good!
>we defeat the true enemy by letting her do her plan we just have to believe in love and friends guise lets do it!
>implying that doesn't make the game even better
Maybe, I'd sniff her armpits to check.
Sweatty girls smell really good. It can make you go a little bit crazy smelling that good girl smell.
Pic related.
>Atrocious writing in combination with useless subplots with little to no character development for anyone but Squall improves the game!
Ok retard.
> best FF girl
That's Yuna objectively. This whole discussion is pointless.
hell yeah brother
Sauce? Usual Places no luck
But which one?
Same reason why any persona votes Tifa, Aerith, Lightning, Yuna, Celes and Terra top tier FF girl in the personal polls:
The Writing of the character in the original game.
Lightning has a stoic, easy to anger, overprotective and under-confident personality.
Her motivation (while a bit bouncy) still is closer to "I want to save my sister because I admit I fucked up and pushed her away".
She's also believable because she isn't some form of chosen one who's parents died tragically to set forth her path to being the FF savior or something.
This falls in line with the good writing of
Sadly many western writers had confused likeable/relatable/sympathetic as good character traits. Square Enix on the other hand only gets ONE CHANCE to make people like their character so they have to be more focused towards the former 4 traits and the later 3 traits
what about the one where she's left as a petrified statue in the calm lands that the guado deface and degrade as a whore prostitue for people to fuck and humiliate
All versions of Yuna are best girl.
Second best girl is General Beatrix.
I love X but i never played X-2 beyond intro. I couldn't stomach the cringe and rape of X's characters.
Should i do it? I've read the synopsis on the wiki. The whole Shuyin being original version of Tidus sounds interesting but main botched main characters put me off too much.
Yeah. If you watch Eternal Calm it'll make more sense and the Yuna in the intro isn't the real Yuna, but she IS a singer
you seem too based and redpilled to enjoy X-2 half as much as I did so probably don't bother
Tidus. She may be a sloot but shes a directionless sloot without him and she knows it.
The story is crap, but you get lots of neat fanservice like:
literally soulless
For me, it's Vanille.
Her and Rinoa are best FF girls, but neither are my waifu.
Good taste
What about HD remaster QUALITY? Is it as bad as FFX? I mean soulless models, fucked up background textures and cropped FMVs?
Worst taste in this thread
Jesus Christ
>rape of the characters
I don't understanf this shit, did people not play the game? Yuna's character growth from X to X-2 is perfectly reasonable and she's not even thqt distinct feom her X incarnation, she just has a little bit more confidence in herself and control of her own life not bound by duty and heritage. She is not in any way a slut.
Hey buddy, fuck you.
No one said she was a slut, user
Why FF13 pc port is so fucking bad? I have i7 and gtx 970 and fps jumps for me from 20 to 60 all the time.
It's so jittery, my eyes hurt.
t. Toriyama
>he doesn't know about selfcest
Everything FF13 related is absolute shit, why are you surprised?
why does the asian version remove the english dub
ali hillis was half the reason i wanted to play the game in the first place
I'vevgot an i5 7500/gtx 1060 and I still get jumps from combat to field. SE just makes bad ports.
XIII-2 is even worse if you can believe it. Lightning Returns on the other hand turned out fine, somehow.
what is this shit?
Including the one where she's the cumdumpster of all Spira?
then what's the issue? isn't that what people always cry about?
that they're "not even the same character anymore!"
idk maybe they should watch Eternal Calm
I know that doujin
so fucking hot, especially with a cute innocent girl like yuna
Fantastic design trapped in a terrible game. And they don't even use her much in that game to boot.
XIII is such a jigsaw puzzle of fantastic assets being poorly squashed together by an incoherent madman who badly needed someone to tell him what he was doing was wrong.
I'm playing it on PC because of extra features
I met Ali Hillis once. Got her autograph. I had no idea how wonderful Lightning was at the time. I wish I'd known then so I could get a special dedication. The encounter still haunts me to this day.
>it also had nothing to do with FF
Each Final Fantasy has it's own story and is unrelated to one another outside the ones with direct sequels. Your statement is completely false.
Maybe I can be your Yuna for tonight?
I'm sorry user
You know Yuna well
I have a literal toaster from 2009 that runs 13 just fine.
13-2 on the other hand...
Can we get a hint on the Doujin name?
You don't have to be anyone else, Claire.
>My own clone! Now neither of us will be virgins!
I don't want you to be Yuna. I just want you to be Lightning, my Lightning, forever. I love you.
fuck, that's deep
awful, awful art
low test fag
So this is the power of the Monkey's Paw
The plot may've been peak meh but the visuals still hold up. As does the cast.
>Each Final Fantasy has it's own story and is unrelated to one another
Oh, oh shit for real? What the fuck? How did I never notice that?
>Let's make Yuna take a laxative to take a dump so we can rape her ass!
I can't fap when I'm kekking this much
it's not for everyone, pretty extreme
but the page at the end where she's blindfolded and gagged presenting herself is too hot
there's also the one where they submerge her in a pool of cum
also the one where rikku and paine bind and toy with her
is that really the first time you've seen that situation?
I want to __BE Lulu!
>Each Final Fantasy has it's own story and is unrelated to one another outside the ones with direct sequels
You also forgot about Ivalice games. They are not direct sequels but they share the same world, summons, mythology, etc.
They also share the fact that all of the canon Ivalice games are 10/10.
By canon i mean those who were developed by Matsuno.
I.e Tactics, Vagrant Story, 12
I prefer ones where it's rikku dominating her cousin and yuna submissively goes along with it
The fucked up her face in this.
Accept no substitute
XIV girls slowly becoming pretty good nowadays.
Shame Lyse ends up with Widargelt of all characters.
>Literally the worst character in her game.
seriously? she's an absolutely useless crybaby who does nothing the entire time but still gets all the credit in the end
fuck lyse, she ruins every stormblood scene she's in, and that's a majority of them
she was far better as yda
Not as good as the Toblerone one
Lightning does the same thing, but Lyse is a far better design and she's in a coherent game with an interesting story line.
Looks like a gross tranny.
Fuck off
Lesbian sex with her sister
I'm the opposite. I think lyse is mostly ugly and generic looking and lightning is super attractive when she's drawn with actual curves and is not a literal plank like the in game
also I don't remember lightbing being nearly as much of a fuckup as lyse
seriously every time she talks to her "fellow" ala mhigans she just pisses them off and hurts the cause even more
Prishe isn't the best waifu, but she is the best friend.
lulu was a huge fucking bitch. the only time I liked her was when she and wakka had a weird love interest going.
because I want to suck her fat fucking juggies
>Prishe isn't the best waifu
But she is.
Rail thin tsundere turbodyke that's never been with a man before but uwuuu your so different from the other boys~
This is such a zoomer thread.
Make way for the best FF Waifu.
Tifa is love
I didn't play XI but she's great in Dissida
Prishe is for WoL though
This is where I'd post the picture of Tifa peeing on Aeris if it wasn't a bannable offence
I bust fat nuts to Y'shtola because she's the only FF catgirl I know of.
She looks like she fucks dogs
PRINCE Sabin Rene Figaro
I want to tongue his mouth
Nah, Prishe is for Ulmia.
>low int
heavily underrated ffgirl
Naja >>> Y'shtola
What does she smell like
>uses a rapier
fuck, now I'm kinda sad she never became a thing
>All these Prishe pics
Fine additions.
she hot tho
dog and lizardman cum
I would let a female Ronso Snu-snu me
I unironically love legoman's lulu fuck
it's offmodel but my dick don't give no fuck
Lulu makes such a good bimbo
Yeah she Tifa fags will never understand.
I mean shr basically already is canonically
>all of that whore make-up
>huge tits
>lowcut revealing top
>constantly bending over with her tits almost spilling out
>got knocked up and reverted to a simple housewife
Does anyone know FFX mods to make Lulu's breast size bigger on PC?
Between Penelo and Balthier
>basch between penelo and balthier
that's hot
More Lulu goddamnit
Reinstalled Lightning Returns, just a few mins in.
Music's alright.
Actual best girl coming through you homos
ha, gay
Loses to maxed Soul of Thamasa + Hermes Boots Terra
>making cowtits even fatter
Disgusting and gay
Well this thread went on longer than it had any right to.
FF games don't have good waifus.
You don't have any good waifus.
be black or rich or a disrespectful abusive piece of shit