Why is Final Fantasy VII rightfully considered widely to be the greatest game of all time?

Why is Final Fantasy VII rightfully considered widely to be the greatest game of all time?

Attached: my_tifa_by_kahoshib_dd494d0-pre.jpg (700x1141, 100K)

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Breasts too big

when will this dumb cow stop tormenting me with her huge floppy mammaries

Attached: EBwOfzuU4AAslql.jpg (1536x2048, 331K)

Finally a Tifa with actual breasts

Sorry OP but that's unethical

>Why is Final Fantasy VII rightfully considered widely to be the greatest game of all time?

If by 'widely' u mean FFVII fans. It's not even the greatest in it's own franchise yet you're saying it's G.o.A.T? probs best bust tho

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It's generally not even considered the best in the FF franchise.

>when will I stop tormenting myself
when parasites eat the semen lining your brain

>mfw she deleted her blog with a thousands of photos

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u gay

Is it weird I'd rather facefuck her with lips like those?


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why is her face so featureless?
it makes her look like an alien=;


Attached: 6BjPs.jpg (768x1024, 252K)

it's shopped

her tits aren't though, they'e really that big

Tifa is White

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Weird bug alien

Tifa doesn't have wide hips so no


user too gay

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Who this


She's ugly.


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You's gay.

The story and characters.

Cloud is the greatest video game character of all time. Just compare him to his rivals (Link, Samus, Mario, etc.) who are absolutely garbage and hardly even qualify as characters. For starters Cloud actually has a personality and character development. That already puts him way above these clowns. But even when compared to other story driven games, Cloud is way above the rest. For example, most JRPG Heroes have a plot twist that revolves around them being the chosen one, a half demon, the angel of death (like Zidane), or that they have a really important lineage, etc. Cloud is the opposite, you start the game thinking he was this legendary super soldier, turns out he just some virgin who made it up because he was trying to get laid.

FFVII’s cast is so above other JRPGs in terms of charisma and popularity. People claim FFVI’s or Chrono’s cast was memorable, but literally no one gives a shit about them. Just compare the YouTube views of Tifa’s Dissidia NT reveal to Locke Cole. Locke Cole was a newcomer, yet no one gave a flying fuck about him. Terra, Celes, no one gives a shit. The only memorable character in that shitfest was the gay clown and that’s it. As for Chrono, everyone looks like Vegeta, which is why the only character with an actual following is the one that doesn’t (Frog). Crono himself has no followers, they’re just fans of Chrono Trigger and like home cause he represents the series, same thing with objectively garbage non-characters like Link or Samus.

Meanwhile, Zack and Vincent can show up for 5 seconds in the game and still be more beloved that 99.99% of other video game characters.

>Cloud is the greatest video game character of all time.
>turns out he just some virgin who made it up because he was trying to get laid.
Just because he's relatable to you doesn't mean he's "great".

Not guy but his character arc is pretty neat

I don't dislike his arc but when a great portion of the fanbase considers Sephiroth a "great character" when he has barely any, it's hard to take any of them seriously.

That's a good Tifa.

Attached: tifa_bigger.webm (850x530, 2.9M)

Does she have pictures where she isn't looking at you from above because that's the only good angle she has?

Attached: looking at you from below.png (1080x1350, 2.61M)


I saw a nipple, somebody ban this badly cropping nigger.

Final Fantasy 7

You win this time


Cute Tifa > Whore Tifa

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Tifa is a whore by default.

That's considerably better, thank you.

That's not a nip, it's only areola.

>mfw some alium looking cetra slut steals mai osananajimi husbando

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>tfw i'm that cetra

Attached: 71.jpg (467x700, 69K)

>tfw I'm only stealing her husband because he reminds me of my disappeared boyfriend
Aerith is a disgusting person.

Now kiss

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It's futa shit right?


REDMOA you can found his stuff in palheal

There was a period in time when skanks would tattoo this smug bitch all over their bodies.

Real talk, I'm playing the game blind now and I think Cloud is written pretty badly so far because the writers can't seem to decide what his personality is. He's incredibly inconsistent in ways that don't make sense. I thought he was gonna be generic aloof asshole guy based on the game's intro and there are still a lot of dialogue choices in the game to that effect at the point I'm at, but between him unironically jumping into ventilation shaft from a toilet stall and making friends with not one but two mascot furries, talking about that time he stole Tifa's panties when he was supposed to be explaining who Sephiroth was, and then not even mentioning his mom's death during the scene where you literally can go into his house as it burns in the exact same flashback, I have no idea what the fuck they're going for with him. He seems like quadpolar

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