1 more day until naysayers get blown the absolute fuck out
1 more day until naysayers get blown the absolute fuck out
Other urls found in this thread:
Fuck off with this caramel shit
Caramel is barely involved this time which makes it all the more likely that it's real
It's Caramel wearing a fake moustache
Now thats a name i thought id never hear again after he got harold camping'd last year
He doesn't have any shame in his body so he would not bother with hiding his identity
Wh-what? What do you mean?
are you fucking retarded? if anything these retarded "leaks" deconfirmed the thing even harder than simple silence. Literally every single thread was made by autistic pajeets trying to pass off obscure and obfuscated images of TPP mods as some secret screenshots of the game and every single thread exposed their laughable attempts. When actual leaks happen on this board they arent tryhard cringelord shit like the muh demon edition dogshit. The project beast leaks were short, blunt and had webms of an old build of bloodborne that was never intentionally shown off. The DMC5 leaks were extremely blunt and short and its second leak a day or two before E3 had a tiny image of something like a possibly scrapped back cover design with screenshots of the game
It was a real leak and then lots of people imitating it or making fun of it but it's 100% real
You will apologize to me tomorrow
Apologize for what you fucking autistic toddler? I lose nothing if your shit actually gets announced, I also lose nothing and dont have to make autistic cope threads if it doesnt get announced after believing the stories of some bored pajeet on Yea Forums
The truth will come like a thief in the night. By then it will be too late to say you're sorry.
Nothing. Go back to wanking, Limmy.
based as fuck
Ok Ranjeesh
You are so angry over something that doesn't affect you then user, are you alright?
why do you faggots do this to yourselves
>yfw Konami didn't have any plans for MGS, but had to announce something due the 'leak' getting memed.
>h-haha d-dont be a-an-angry
I dont know what kind of bean juice le amerimutt no conflict central youve been brought up in but I dont tolerate retarded redditors on my turf
wait, they're still working on act 3 right? my last 4 years have all been a ruse right? this has all been a nightmare. right?
MGS ended at 4
the world doesnt need more Snakes, just like it doesnt need more MGS games
You keep replying to this shit, you're the problem here. This kid feels lonely and makes shit up for attention, but you (yes, I mean you) are the one enabling his issues and encouraging this behavior.
There will be a new mgs announcement and we know Quiet is coming back. Seethe harder, fanfic edition is not happening
Caramel you better fucking kill yourself on livestream tomorrow
Will we be ashamed of our posts and deeds?
It's because you have to go back to a job you hate tomorrow, isn't it
nope, but thanks for confirming that youre some autist living in his mothers basement who "lives on disability". If it was up to me youd definitely be in the first batch for the day of the rope
Wait I got it, you are still going to school and dread yet another week of being bullied. Pathetic
Why do you keep projecting? Literally nobody on an 18+ site would even think of something remotely similar to say unless they themselves were some fucking kiddo barely out of elementary school. Go ahead and make another epic reddit reply
>Why do you keep projecting?
What am I SUPPOSED to do? My monitor broke and I have to wait for my new one.
Holy shit. Have you tried playing vidya like this?
>Quiet is coming back
Well, that's one way to ruin it
wait, do you mean the MGSV demon edition leak or the MGS HD PC port leak?
God 4 would have been such a kino ending to the series with the solid saga even though I enjoyed the game after this, that ending is powerful
Absolutely BASED
See you guys in 4 months after nothing happens again and then they invite Kojima to the game awards where he will surely reveal that the real MGS5 is Death Stranding and Silent Hills and Konami tanked their goodwill with literally everyone except Japanese gamblers as an epic prank.
What kind of adapter do I need to plug into a piece of paper?
>MGSV remade chapter 3
>Silent hill trademark, death stranding ruse may be real
apologize to caramel right fucking now Yea Forums
if any games deserves a reworked rerelease its 4
cut all the useless filler, rework the outer heaven chapter and recut the ending and it would be a masterpiece
MGSV is just Kojimas attempt to create a generic western game and should be forgotten
just give me the Switch port
i believe
What mini console will they announce next?
It wasn't even a believable lie. A more reasonable one would have been a revamped MGSV with more flexible customisation, motherbase details and a finished Mission 51
The amount of fanfiction wank in the demon edition post was retarded and skyrocketed it into the realm of cringe immediately.
I will laugh at you tomorrow
lets be real here its Gamescom
Konami will just show up with PES information to keep the Germans happy and leave without a trace
mgs 4 is ending to series, phantom pain juts stirs everything up to the point that you cant really trust anything anymore.
caramel you forgot your trip dummy
This is worse than caramel. This is shit only a child would believe.
I consider it a genuine mistake on my part to have continued on to play Peace Walker after MGS4 gave me all the closure and satisfaction I needed.
To this day I haven't played GZ or TPP
absolutely cringe thread, youve already been embarrased 5 times before.
BTFO in 1 day kid
It's been 4 years and you fags are still in denial.
>trusting reddit
Literally every "ruse" has been bullshit
Which one of you fags keeps writing this stuff?
The original leak was simply a piece of MGS V concept art with a relatively terse explanation. There were some red flags, such as Fukushima returning, but mostly it sounded like Konami turning MGS V into a singleplayer GTA Online-esque money machine. Which would not be out of character.
All subsequent "leaks" have clearly been by someone else. Sure, the original leak might be bullshit, but they were committed to their role and didn't engage in anything nonsensical.
people always talk about how MGS4 ruined the timeline but honestly PW and MGSV did alot more damage
MGS3 should have been the only prequel
>MGS3 still tried to stay true to the original continuity by setting itself as early as possible in the timeline, includes Cold War weapon concepts and a war machine that would inspire Metal Gear
>PW says fuck that and introduces drones, advanced AI's and a genuine fucking Metal Gear that looks like something that came after REX
This isn't a "ruse", though. The Demon Edition leak is literally:
"Fuck you, this is OUR Metal Gear now, and we'll do whatever the fuck we want with it. Here's our dark and edgy Metal Gear to capitalize on the dark and edgy craze."
Remember, this year's CoD is the darkest and edgiest COD yet... until next year's CoD: Black Ops V which is reportedly going to be even darker than the dark and edgy game with dead children and shit.
As I keep repeating: treat the "Solid Snake et. al" games and "Big Boss" games as two, separate, "what if" timelines. Then the games make perfect sense. If you stitch them together, then MG1 and MG2 have no right to have happened.
>it is fake
it is confirmed 100% true lads. 1 day remains until BTFO and caramel was right all along
Something is coming... you can feel it, can't you?
MGS ended with 2 tb h
*Peace Walker
>dude the games make perfect sense if you pretend they arnt canon with each other even tough the games themselves pretend otherwise
based retard
>pre MGSV
>Yea Forums agrees for YEARS that MGS4 was the total shit pile game of the mgs series
>post MGSV
>Yea Forums now says MGS4 was actually really good
it was always good Yea Forums... it was always good.
I personally think it comes down to whether Vergeben's sources are good, or Konami's anal security is better. Konami are capable of keeping secrets. Literally NOBODY knew PT was coming until it suddenly appeared at Gamescom. Ultimately, though, I hope Konami have something cool to show, whatever it is. My gut is swinging towards Silent Hill, though.
Did you try folding it and unfolding it?
Caramel up to his old shenanigans
*make it better
This time they'll make it more like PW including a date side OP with her
only retards will say MGS4 is a good game overall
retards will also say its a terrible game
truth is its 25% great MGS game and the rest is just Kojima's fatigue with the series
but that 25% is more than MGSV's 100% of fucking nothing
Fucking this, I would buy it in a heartbeat, ESPECIALLY IF IT HAS MULIPLAYER
Im sorry im getting fucking hyped
God i hope not. I dont want to feel as dead inside as after E3
This is why Peace Walker should have been before 4, it builds on to 3 and sets up the MSX games perfectly and would have given us an even stronger connection to Big Boss when we see him at the end of 4. Also the game is kino
I just want to play peace walker on my switch
please it's not even fucking hard, I just want to mindlessly grind more and more absurd weapons to fight MH like bosses
at least MGSV got some good memes
Good luck with your mental gymnastics trying to piece them together.
God I want to use her mouth
those crazy eyes. shes going nuts Yea Forums. she can't get over kojima NTRing her
I fucking love those
>Kaz "killing spree in KFC" Miller
>mental gymnastics
>PW and MGSV make constant refferences to future MGS games
>but i still have to pretend those games arnt canon to make sense of this timeline
even Portable Ops made more sense than both PW and MGSV
as an absolute MGS4 fanatic, you are 100% right
the start of the game is very solid with guerilla type approach or infiltration, act 2 is just mgs3 wanking but a pretty solid part where being slow, fast, stealthy or not do impact the rest of the mission and octopus is a very fun boss
Act 3 tried to emulate the old spy style where you're supposed to go BEFORE the target you're supposed to protect to keep enemies busy but it was easier to just snipe with your tranq gun from behind
then the rest of the game went through the window, the unending bike chase, shadow moses was filled to the brim with shitty robots, outer heaven was boring as hell
She's 31. Poor girl is still trying to make it as an actress because she can't let go of the fame and positive attention, but it slowly goes away with every passing day and she really just needs a man to lock her down and make her fulfill the biological imperative
MGS > MGS2 > MG2 > MGS3 > MG >>>>>> MGS4 > MG: PW > MG: PO >>>>>>>>>>> MGSV
But that Shadow Moses nostalgia, the way the music starts playing, the rex vs ray fight made me cum in my pants
MGS1>>>>>>>>>>MGS3>MGS2>Peace Walker>MGS4>Twin Snakes>MGSV
Well you must think you're really clever, ya jokester.
The robots are awful enemies, they ruined Shadow Moses.
Shadow Moses would have been a great chapter if there where no enemies and all of the hazards in the level where just decaying structures and old active traps
Classic MGS is garbage. /v demonstrating their shit taste in video games once again.
>But I love my movie games it's post-modern!!
Witness CHAD taste
V > 3 > PW > anal matter > 2 > 1 > 4
>I dont tolerate retarded redditors on my turf
>my turf
Lmao. Grow the fuck up, manchild.
Post positive MGS4 videos. This game deserves the love we neglected from it all these years.
based and redpilled
The boss fights were fine but it would've been kino if it was completely empty aside from the boss fights. The entire base should've been explorable too.
Im fine with the Crying Wolf battle and the gekkos, but it would have been so fucking kino if it was just the echo voices of the first game, and the music coming in and out between silence of exploring the base
I don't think I've ever seen a site die as fast as AiPortraits did
tomorrow is monday already? jesus fucking christ you really don't feel time pass once you get older
>everyone on Yea Forums hated MGS4
nice historical revisionism newfag
Hows it going old timer
>new MGS
>new Silent Hill
is Konami back?
Metal Gear Solid V: Demon Edition is coming out, and there's nothing you can do about it.
Seethe, Cope and Dilate.
Take your pills
No, they replaced Quiet with a less scantily clad sniper remember.
>tranny spouts the latest meme insults in desperate attempt to fit in
>but peace day never came
Nah, the Joost is back. Can't keep her down for long
Stop bro, i dont want to cry again
i just hope she found peace with herself in her last moments yeah she was spy and try to screw over everyone but even her deserves love and peace may she find her peace day in the great beyond with all of the friends she made along the way those mother base soldiers,Snake,Dr Stragelove, Chico. Kaz, everyone youtube.com
Ironic, not only do you get laughed at by people who like metal gear solid, you get laughed at by the actual chads who play real stealth or action games instead of the zoomer console kiddo shit that MGS3 and TPP are. Even better that you put an actual nintenbeaner mobile game above the better ones, go back to watching MLP
why is the mgs fanbase so delusional
because we also have the phantom pain user our peace day never came
It's your first day on Yea Forums((nel)), I see.
It's been three years since MGSV dropped, and you dips have done nothing but look for hints and spread rumors. MGS V was a let-down, Survive was a failure, and Konami's not going to waste pachinko R&D money on a franchise that they don't have the talent to support. Move on.
because they can't think for themselves and actually believe the bullshit at the end of MGS2
the ray vs rex was retarded as hell and I loved it
the problem is how everything is a slog between them, and crying wolf is stupid due to infinite ennemies when it could have been the End fight 2.0
its literally one dude
Reminder that MGS4 is finally in the first stages of emulation.
Finding out after slowly finding those pictures that this was all just a manifestation of the Medics guilt of not finding the second bomb breaks my heart and gives me the phantom pain the title implies.
Also Knowing that after all the horrific things she went through, she'll find peace with Chico genuinely makes my shed a tear.
Cope, movie game apologist
>calls people movie game apologists
>puts MGS3 as second best
>MGSV is at the top, the game more people have apologized for than actually praised
How fucking retarded are you? Metal gear loses out to all real stealth and action games, the one thing it had was its gimmicks, style over substance and presentation in general. MGS3 was the most babby friendly zoomer game of the original 4 where the first two outclass it in everything except basic controls and systems and MGS4 trumps it in those easily. Youre genuinely a fucking illiterate, retarded autist if you think laughing at TPP zoomers has anything to do with "liking movie games". Id tell you to go suck your dads dick while I play a real stealth game like chaos theory or an actual immersive sim like deus ex but youve probably never heard of those games since you cling to your 8th gen console game so whats the point
Yeah the information age is totally not real, Kojima's such a hack
it's the same game really is it going to have any new gameplay changes other then the few stuff?
I feel like this is a cope out
ill fix this post by adding that metal gear actually had some of the only good bossfights in games that involve stealth or shooting, something that TPP yet again doesnt even have
God this is so fucking cringe. It reads as a 2009-Yea Forums tier post.
Imagine still replaying Chaos Theory and Deus Ex in 2019, what a shit eater.
Sometimes I get strong urges to bark like a dog
Why would I play a butchered version of the game? Cut and changed content and worst of all no fucking Kojima! No thank you Konami go fuck yourself.
Its more prophetic than anything you'll spew out your hole faggot
Im more inclined to play SS2 if I want an immersive sim rather than deus ex but deus ex certainly curbstomps everything that TPP does except the basic gamefeel and controls which isnt an achievement to be touted when theres nothing around that. The is literally nothing to "replay" in TPP as it has 100 hours of repeat "content" that never evolves from the first mission while games like chaos theory and deus ex can actually be replayed because they have unique content and challenges on a second to second basis
If you can't appreciate Japanese campiness you don't belong on this site.
>God this is so fucking cringe. It reads as a 2009-Yea Forums tier post.
I know and it can basically be summed up as "control the flow of information, control the world" as stated in MGS4.
You know a speech is badly done when a sequel has to tell you what it's supposed to be.
>wanting Kojima
He hasn't made a good game since 2004.
Funniest part is he's been involved with like 5 games since then, 7 if we count PT and the upcoming Death Stranding.
I killed all those bastards in Afghanistan for her and chico i still shed a tear for them when i remember who she was peace walker then playing through ground zero and getting that bombshell dropped on me in phantom pain. it still hurts
Im sorry user ill try to lighten up a bit, 0As stupid as it sounds i hope this is real and what user said i want to believe i want to go home i want to fight along side with my army when taking a outpost not calling bombs or the helicopter just me and boots on the ground I want to feel again
back to /pol/, mr. honeypot
I wish too user, if its real, if I can experience this again, if i can feel again, ill mean more than anything in the world to me
2016, Metal Gear SurVive
2019, Metal Gear Solid V: Demon Edition (DE___, ATH are the remaining letters, DEATH is the god worshiped in Final Fantasy VERSUS. Noctis [Night] is sacrificed at the altar of __ATH to rid the world of DEMONS).
Not to mention it's now the same year (DE)+(ATH) Stranding is releasing, on November 8, the same date that the 3rd emperor of the Qing dynasty (KOJIMA, BLUE ONI) took that position after the Ming dynasty (KONAMI, RED ONI) collapsed. year 1644. 1 + 6 + 4 + 4 = XV.
Manchu conquest, a Red & Blue allegory.
V for Venom
V for Versus
V for Victory
3 V's, 3 Games (within the primary "V")
DE___ + __ATH = (V;MGS;GZ-TPP-DE + V;VERSUS;XV) {2 + 3 = 5, alternatively 2 + 2 = 5, depending on which way you want to see it).
Father & Son, Sins of the Father (MGSV against mankind and abandonment, FFXV a father losing his son to fate, DS a "father" becoming disconnected). Same theme among these three (not the same "3" as included in the main "V", those being {GZ;TPP;DE} and even further in TPP with Ch. {1;2;3} but the "whole" 3 as envisioned by Kojima and his friend in the industry whom he set out to do something never before done).
Theme among all 3 and every 3: RE V ENGE
Do I have your attention yet or must I glue your eyes open?
if anything, the people who actually like that drivel should be the ones that go back to /pol/
more tripfaggots
Yea it's basically babby's "look how intelectual i am" moment. Which sums up alot of MGS and its fans
she's a fictional character faggots.
Seek help
Based and projectorpilled
Every fucking e3 and gamescom we have threads like these
Is the MGS fanbase the most mentally ill?
Didnt prove me wrong did ya conehead?
Refer to
Cope, movie game retards
Oh, it's a shitposter.
Guess I won this argument.
Back to your kennel, dog.
You're a faggot who thinks he's intelectual. And MGS2 is trash
Do words scare you or something?
We have mods for revenge.
t.Kojima cocksucker
the story felt real to me user,sorry i felt emotions to something like you never done that before
Im just staying hopeful friend, thats all
>Do words scare you or something?
no but verbal diarrhea from a lying piece of shit bores the fuck out of me
I'm probably the most spiteful anti-Kojima person here. I literally post about how PT was never going to be an actual game and how Kojima hasn't made a good game in over a decade.
Kojima is also basically the entire reason why Konami went to shit, fucking jew.
I think you're just having a hard time coping.
The story and the characters felt so real to me from all the anticipation of waiting for it to come out and the tragic backstory
Daily reminder that the only and best way to win against these autistic toddlers is mass reports for trolling, which is actually against the rules on Yea Forums. Enjoy your ban
Im glad to find out anons know that Kojima is a fucking asshat that takes credit for other peoples work and singlehandedly ruined a game series and put people into depression
Considering that Kaz was directly involved in putting bombs into Paz she should shoot both
Yea no you're a Kojima cocksucker. Your precious movie games are overrated dog shit
>refuses to talk
I'll take nanomachines and bipedal nuclear tanks and a dude made out of bees but this was too much
Everyone saw your mistake, dog.
Cope, concede kneel. You're done.
t. intelectual babby
He literally showed he isnt though
Yet they won't put a single dent into Kojima.
You should kneel and concede to my cock, kojima shitter
Hate Kojima or love him, ultimately he managed to occupy your head.
Hate or love Hitler, ultimately he manahed to occupy your head
You're a dumbass
From the supposed leaks would this really make anyone happy? I didn't hate the "twist" in the original but it was stupidly obvious. Would changing the story make it any better? I didn't mind Sutherland for Venom because of how it played out but the fact Hayter didn't voice the real BB was just fucking dumb. The supposed leak has his MGSIV VA, right? That'd actually make me happy as far changes go.
Not that I believe Konami gives a fuck or this leak in any way. I'm just not sure if changing up the story so much would make people happy. If it turns out better, great. Kojima may be insane but I always liked a bit of the camp, cheese, and oddities in the MGS franchise. All this serious stuff going down but you'd still have discussions about movies or hiding a box. As long as MGS without Kojima can keep that balance it could still be solid.
I love Hitler
What if u play as THE PAIN in the Phantom Pain DE
>it could still be solid
AHHHHH i see what you did there user
Like I said you're a dumbass
To fix the industry you have to break it first. Keep looking.
What the absolute fuck are you two even arguing about anymore?
I'm not even the guy he was arguing with, I just love Hitler
I didn't even intentionally do that and I wish I was clever enough to have.
How many hours until the Gamescom announcements start?
You don't seem to understand what the site's actual purpose was
Anybody who used it and clicked "OK" when it asked for privileges to snoop around "just your browser", is now fucked over
the site was shilled by literal bots, posting the carbon copy, exact same thread on like 10 different boards and anons fell for it like the gullible looneys they are
your fanfic would've been more believable if you didn't continue to try to push it as if it's real. tomorrow will be silent. your flame is fleeting. you're the next stevefag, and everyone here will laugh at you when tomorrow comes and goes without a single word from konami, kojumbo, anyone.
Why would Kojima talk about it? He talks about his movie tomorrow
MGSV had some good memes
im still upset
why did kojima kill her like that? why couldnt he just let her drift along the ocean and end it there
anime faggot
>YFW the twin shits leak is real
better than demon edition at least
>Liking le pretentious Nietzsche shit
We're coming home.
Was that supposed to be funny?
I don't
I don't like either
Can they release the fucking collection on ps4 already?
Fucking kek that was good
I truly hope its coming home user, i truly do...
have sex
>verbal diarrhea
>lying piece of shit
struck a nerve
But it's also what makes her the perfect waifu. She also sacrifices her life for Venom which is also bullshit, women would never consider making any sacrifice for a man.
If you can suspend disbelief, her masculine character traits make her far superior to a realistic woman.
what the fuck
Let's just pretend for a sec that the leaks ARE true.
>Would you buy it?
For game play yes but I would hate the story
If they fix the shitheap that is the sotry kojima made and it looks kino then yes, id buy it in a heartbeat
If the live service elements are just extra missions then sure, if they don't remove them from the FOB shit then we'll see.
mgs3 made big boss 20 years younger, true to the timeline my dick
If they fix the single player I would but if what they say is true with the multiplayer become a live service model than its going to be even more jewtastic with the FOBshit. I'll avoid that part of the game entirely.
>inb4 all the leaks are fake and bluepoint is just remastering mgs4
I just want MGS3 on the fox engine guys
God I can't wait until tomorrow. The timeline will be split in half; I wonder which one we will be in.
Alright how does this actually fly?
Would you buy Survive 2 Shadow Moses?
god tier shitpost
>the twist at the end is that you are Raiden as a teenager doing VR missions.
Please no. Please.
>MGS5 will be the first game to say that the patriots did nine ereven
>We will get to chase zero through the sewers of NY
>Solidus confrontation
Konami is now based
Can you feel it, Yea Forums?
Can you feel it coming through the air tonight? The feeling of non-believers getting their comeuppance after all their shitposting. All of you are so smug and full of yourselves. So certain you know more than me, so certain you know everything there is to know about Japanese corporate culture, laws regarding investors, UK tax laws. I've been presenting evidence to you imbeciles for six months and you just ignore my evidence. It's become a Reddit-tier meme to ignore my evidence and call me mentally ill and you fell for the meme.
I'm sure a lot of you naysayers will backpedal and pretend you believed all along. The gook isn't even trying to hide it. Konami themselves said Kojima was never fired, they denied any rumors claiming they were abandoning triple AAA game development in favor of Pachinko and mobile gaming. Kojima warned you about misinformation in MGS2 yet all of you still fall for it when Kojima brings it into the real world. You people are so fucking stupid you literally think head transplants are possible. Even after Sergio's disastrous TedX conference where he made a fool of himself, you still think you can cut off someone's head and put it onto another body. These are the same people who claim to know so much about tax laws, corporate culture. These imbeciles think they know so much about the world and their perception of everything is about to be shattered. I don't know how they will ever recover, honestly suicide will be the only way out for them. Reality will come crashing down on them and they'll have to face the fact they know nothing about the world. In a matter of hours Yea Forums will be collectively BTFO and will never recover.
Game over, kiddos.
How do I have fun with survive, I was memed into buying it
Whose cruise? RUSE CRUISE
Can they just port MGS4 to steam so I can finally play it in glorious 4k 60fps?
MGS4 is way better than the soulless unfinished cash grabs that followed, but it’s still an absolute clusterfuck of a game. It just happens to be a clusterfuck that has some truly kino moments. For example the microwave hall and ocelot fight at the end of act 5 is amazing, in fact that ocelot fight is probably my favourite moment in the whole series, but at the same time you’ve got that dumb Merryl and Akiba shit which makes it all feel so stupid. Then youve got the wedding and all that other crap at the end.
This essay leans on the supposition that MGS4 "doesn't make sense" and repeats it constantly as if it's fact. But it does make sense. It's juvenile high school anime writing that only retards and literal children can't understand.
lol faggot
basically this
>Pachisuro MGS3
It's not FOX Engine. They're just pre-rendered cutscenes on a hard disk. Even if they remake MGS3 on modern consoles, it still won't look half as good as the Pachslot cutscenes.
that's not what that video is
When did Big Boss meet Miller? Miller doesn't appear in Portable Ops, but on PW he's suddenly already there.
There was a Drama CD in Japan that explains how they met. It's even included in the Japanese version of Ground Zeroes with English dubs.
>with English dubs.
MGS4's biggest fault was that it tried to make too much sense into the previous games. Liquid Ocelot was better when he was actually Liquid possessing Ocelot and not just Ocelot pretending to be Liquid.
That's correct. My phone filled in the wrong word
They have a conversation about it in PW as well. Big Boss and Miller were both PMC's on opposing sides and Big Boss completely smoked Miller but let him live.
There was an audio tape in PW
I always thought he was just one of the first soldiers Boss recruited, I could've sworn Robin Atkin Downes voiced a character in Portable Ops.
Likely but that means nothing. RAD voices multiple characters in even a single game all the time.
why is she so flat
Portable Ops also had Steve Blum and Tara Strong (the voice actors for Zadorknov and Paz) as two unrelated characters. It's just a coincidence.
Guys. It's been 5 years now. Let it go.
feelshit faggot
>This is why Peace Walker should have been before 4
Nah, I'd still think it's a shit game if it came before MGS4
The only thing that'd be different is it'd be an internal cancerous growth instead of external
PW's gameplay was garbo and its story was shit
>characters real names are fucking Hot Coldman and Pacifica Ocean
How the F U C K is Paz's fake name the more believable one
>advanced technology and weaponry decades before they'd ever appear again in canon (before MGSV doubled down on it)
How the hell could Kojima reconcile Metal Gear ZEKE being made of scrap metal picked up on missions in 1974 when Outer Heaven in 1995 could only muster the rinky-dink Metal Gear D
>milking muh Boss and replaying scenes from MGS3 over and over
Also, that Strangelove tape where she reveals The Boss was literally brain damaged but somehow, it made her better and smarter
w e w
Unironically Portable Ops was a better follow-up to MGS3 and connecting bridge to the MSX games.
At the very least, the Philosopher's Legacy actually mattered still.
>You know a speech is badly done when a sequel has to tell you what it's supposed to be.
No, that's how you know you're retarded
Throughout that entire scene the Patriot AI reiterates the central idea they're trying to get across multiple times
How the hell did you not understand all the shit about cutting out useless information, "creating context?"
Come on dude.
even if they announce mgs5 its gonna be some shallow trash made of reused assets
>Survive 2
I believe
Man, every AI filter pic of Big Boss/Venom Snake just looks so damn cool.
I dont know about you guys but I'd fuck eli's boipussy.
lol, okay neckbeared faggot; back to your basement.
MG1 and MG2 are no longer canon. There is such a heap of retcons and contradicting information that these games simply did not happen. Kojima was obviously going to retell the story of that time period.
Maybe MGS6 will be a two in 1 remake.
I'd rather they stay canon and I just disregard PW and MGSV instead
MGS4 retconned them already anyway with CQC. Logically Big Boss's guards would be using CQC yet Solid says he hasn't done it since training but only does it in 4 because it's his body reacting naturally to it.
Every part of MGS4 that is REAL gameplay is fantastic. Every part that has some kind of forced condition like Rat Patrol section, bike riding, APC riding, rail gun section, REX section, is fucking cancer. Just let me PLAY the fucking game. Only exception is microwave, it's earned af.
I even enjoy the robot guards in Act 4 since they mirror the basic AI of MGS1 in case you retards couldn't tell. I also enjoy Act 3 a lot, the atmosphere is top notch and it's so cool to just walk around in the trenchcoat.
Lmao faggot
>How the hell could Kojima reconcile Metal Gear ZEKE being made of scrap metal picked up on missions in 1974 when Outer Heaven in 1995 could only muster the rinky-dink Metal Gear D
Because the PSP is way more advanced than what an MSX2 is capable and they're not going to restrict their creativity just to be consistent with canon.
>Metal Gear D looks like a dumpy mess because of the MSX2's limited hardware
>the MSX2 hardware somehow informed the fiction of the game world
How can a nigga be so dumb
i miss ai portraits :(
This. People who complain about the canon like that are gay
Absolutely SOLID
Someone has the theorie/script about the DE? Couldnt find it.
Are you fucking serious? Yes, that's exactly what happened
Explain to me how the MSX2 hardware forced Kojima to make Metal Gear D look the way it does
Ever seen what mechs in games look like you faggot
Nothing about the MSX2 would have precluded Metal Gear D from having a cleaner, more futuristic design like the mechs in PW and V
It's a fucking sprite, and MSX2 was capable of more detail than, say, the SNES
So again, fucking explain to me how the difference between the tech in MG1/2 and PW/V comes down to the hardware the games released on
I would really, really love to know
Bonus points if you can explain why MGS4 stays relatively true to MGD's original design despite releasing on PS3 which, by your logic, somehow upgrades the in-universe technology
its easier to pretend PW and MGSV didnt happen
how many days untill it is announced?
How about something not gundam you weeb faggot. Also mecha isnt mechs.
Moving goalposts
Even though i stand corrected and have not moved goalposts since i stated mechs not mechas which TX-55 is NOT.
Heres a revolutionary new idea retard...DESIGNERS AND ARTISTS CHANGE.
Agreed. My ideal MGS4 would have been nonsensical, starring Raiden struggling to separate fact and fiction. I got teased by the stuff in V's hospital chapter thinking we'd finally get something like that and then the hallucinations go away for the rest of the game.
>tfw no VR missions in MGS4
why was it just some shitty testing range area?
MGO2 had VR training with Raiden, I think.
You're all fucking retards.
>Raiden as a teenager
Raiden was killing people for real when he was a teenager. If you want to go with the vr angle you should go with the explaination that survive is happening inside dying GW ai. The dust is foxalive.
Explain this thread.
MGSV demon edition and MGS HD collection for PC will be announced at gamescom tomorrow
It's been too long without a real MGS game.
>MGS HD collection for PC
Let it go, anons.
Let it go.
Is metal gear solid 4 one of the biggest wastes of potential ever in the medium? Just imagine if the existing mechanics remained but act 1 and 2 actually took a substantial amount of time to complete (say 3-5 hours when taking it slow) and if the subsequent 3 acts were revamped to be more reminiscent of what makes the first 2 good even if they introduced new gimmicks. Overhaul the bosses and story in general and suddenly you have an incredible game
Fucking this
Yeah, I would. The gameplay in TPP was good; if they can re-contextualise that into some proper levels then it might turn out decent. Plus, if the new story is shit I get to laugh at it -- win-win
mgs4 had the best gameplay
you can't be serious
I cant, the phantom pain still lingers...
Peace day never came...
MGS fags are mentally ill and the reason why Konami has fucked every ip they own
He is right you know
I have enjoyed every si gle metal gear game I have ever played
MGS4 isnt bad
MGSV isnt bad
A quality post? ON MY 2019 era Yea Forums?!?
a VERY "evil plan," Mr. Powers!
best post itt
Best post of 2019. Nobody bother posting anything, you can't compete with this.
go back
i'm sorry we enjoyed a post, please don't shoot your school up over it.
get that dick out of your ass, homo
>it's been almost as long as the time between PW and TPP
It's Caramel with his face wrapped in bandages.
I just finished Portable Ops yesterday AMA
Why did you fag always told me to skip it?
I unironically liked it as much if not more than MGS2
yeah this isn't competing with it
because her death is what motivates mantis
it's the key to understanding whats really going on
Because gameplay wise it's just worse MGS3 combined with worse PW and Kojima declared that only the overarching narrative is canon (IE Big Boss shuts down a rouge fox unit)
Holy fucking shit user, best post so far
The fucking gameplay was atrocious on the psp, i also dread remembering all the times I wasted slowly carring solders across the boring maps to the truck
Can somebody tell me what these posts are referring to?
Good god imagine playing this entire game not realizing you didn't have to drag them back after the first mission about it and just use the marker
How many fucking hours you wasted
Because Yea Forums is shit
The Big Boss Metal Gears >>>>>>>>>> The Soiled Snake Metal Gears
What a horrible opinion.
t.movie game fan
die faggot, big boss is shit and ruined the franchise
oh god icant fucking breathe
whats the story behind that image
sergio canaveros toy collection
damn. Shit taste AND psychotic. You're the full package
Kojima posted it to his twitter a long time ago. I think it was before TPP released but I don't remember for sure.
toy production line?
I guess I need to mention that my opinion is probably slightly better than most because I emulated it, so I could bind the camera to the right analog and I could use the fast forward button to speed up the dragging people to boxes. Also I had an FPS patch, so I didn't have to play the game at 20 fps
>Metal Gear SOLID
>there's more Big Boss games than Solid Snake games
this video was an incredible 3.5 hour experience
fuck i want to leave this place but these posts keep bringing me back
nope, im not a pajeet redditor who cant tell projecting and printing apart
Solid referred to the graphics. IE being 3d.
Metal gear 1 and 2 starred Solid Snake and weren't called Solid.
Ohh solid as in geometric solid, I actually never thought about it that way, that's pretty cool actually.
Everything about MGS4 could be fixed by keeping Snake young (I do like Old Snake though) and dropping the entire nanomachines plot.
That's just the production line for Hot Toys Naked Snake
Mgs4 is honestly a really good game , you can feel the love when you play it.