Finish a game

>finish a game
>spend the whole next day deciding what to play next
>mfw I still don’t have an answer
Who else here gets gamer’s block?

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You just have to sit down and force yourself to start something sometimes

don't care about your problems danganshitter
take it somewhere else

Play tetris

My answer is, if you liked "game x", you should play "game x 2", even if you read in Yea Forums things like "game x 2" is fucking shit and is not even close to how amazing "game x" was, is totally souless.

What did you think of the ending? I really liked it. Even though it was cheesy and nonsensical, shooting hope into your friends is really inspiring.

I thought it was lame personally, the ending is the only thing I didn't really like in 1 and 2, V3 was so stupid I ended up liking it

>finish a game
>spend a couple hours reading explanations and recaps

>spend the whole next day
this but it lasts weeks

>Gamer's Block
Ive finally found the wording for this feeling. Thank you danganposter
Also chihiro is best boy

Its the reverse for me, Doomy ternal is the only game I'm wanting to play. I don't want to really play anything else

>finish a game
>spend the whole next day deciding what to play next
Not really. When I beat a game, I might take a week or two without playing anything else, just pondering about the game and doing other stuff. Granted I have to drawfag so I have stuff to do. But I do want to play games more often though, waiting for Ninja Warriors, Astral Chain and Dragon Quest 11S for now.

cute girl, game?

>cute girl
lol homo

I would dump gallons of semen into Chihiro's soft boy butt.

I can't remember last time I played game that you could finish.

Multiplayer only?



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>he hasnt finished all games years ago
hello zoomie


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Bros, i cant fucking take it hes so fucking cute. I dont even care if its gay I just want to headpat and cuddle with him

Get in line

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How do I win him over


I just play something like Gothic again when that happens.

Do you think Mondo learned about Chihiro's secret before they lost memories

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>Mondo and Taka coming to take him away so they can have him for themselves
Greedy cunts.