What is the purpose of a feminine mech?
What is the purpose of a feminine mech?
It looks cool
what's the purpose of a masculine mech, misogynist scum?
Is that bad?
The same purpose as a masculine mech
Because fuck you that’s why
They are hot
Made for human cock
So you can tell it's a lady robot.
Custom design, its like modifying your gun or adding embroidery to your fatigues.
To be the choice of humans with taste.
Pretty sure everyone can taste
ask /m/
Normally form follows function, building a large bipedal robot not least of which where it should apply.
I've see many posts on Yea Forums made by people that seem to have no taste at all.
>panties but no bra
Lewd. Use a spoiler next time.
Better balance
Do not sexualize the Zaku.
See, I can't tell that's female. So you'd have to go out of your way to design a mech that is actually feminine and by that point it does seem like you're dipping into a superfluous area.
To make you hard
Monitoring this thread
any singleplayer games (not gacha) or anime with this aesthetic?
Like this?
>not maining the magical girl mech with a super mode
Equal representation
what a qt
They're pretty as fuck.
Here you go.
we have a board for this you know
calm down /m/
Damn son
Look at those thicc hydraulic presses
Mobile Suit Gundam
>no elenor
fuck you Yea Forums, seriously
There are plenty of mechs and robots in video games so isn't this thread on-topic if you think about it?
Ooh. I get it now.
Someone has to make sandwiches for the other mechs
I am simultaneously disturbed and aroused by this.
Cars are often designed to evoke feminine imagery. Same with some planes
Obviously mechs would eventually go this route as well.
PSO might be the only game I'm so nostalgic for it actually hurts to think about
I didn't like her game desu
For the greater good.
Well, you should be.
Shinatama best doll
delet this
Fair enough lad. It was my first online game, it had a lovely community and its exactly 100% what I want in a game aesthetically so I have very fond memories
makes it easier for the female pilot to identify with it?
You know similar to how those robots in Soma mentally replaced their robot shell with a human body one to cope with the situation.
What's not to like?
Powerful like machine yet very sexy and very feminine
like fast motorcycles. girls who ride motorcycles extra sexy, especially when wear full helmets. faceless girls very hot and sexy.
based nip
What mecha is this?
G Portent
No thanks
Thanks user, I know what Gunpla kit I'm getting next. Shame I'll have to deal with shipping prices and all that.
Her sopping fat cock and balls are wedged between her legs.
This is now a Teenage Robot thread!
Post Jennys.
Mech boobs allow for extra battery storage or two cockpits
Stupid user, mech boobs are for ration and food storage. You dock your mech's face onto the nipple port and inhale all the chicken tendies.
>might live to see consumer level sex robots
>they're all just going to be made to look like creepy uncanny valley humans
This is some fucking money's paw shit.
This fetish can't be that niche, surely someone's gonna make this style of sexbot.
but with tits instead
just cover the eyes ans it will be fine
Are tits cool?
The coolest.
Just put a mask or helmet on them, problem solved.
Small steps at a time user. We'll have to start with something basic like Aigis and then work our way towards the more machine looking girls
Should I get into Virtual-ON? I really dig some of the mech designs and it seems like a frantic game.
cool and sexy
I want Peppercat to shock my prostate!
through dick unity. That's the highest purpose user.
Foq, you guys just made me buy this figure. Like i have any spare money.
It's not every day Bethesda creates something people all agree is God tier.
So there is two fetishes, yeah.
Who's she?
Replacing women so we can finally wipe them out along with THE JEWS, SPICS AND NIGGERS SIEG HEIL!
You must be over 18 to use this website.
Now I gotta beat it to toasters, thanks guys
Ardjet from zone of enders
>he wrote while posting on Yea Forums
>Giving Saryn hair
Is Zone of Enders any good?
Honestly i played only gba one, and i liked it.
Giving me an erection
you're fucking welcome my friend
Play Second Runner and just watch the recap of the first game. The first ZOE is just a test bed that would be vastly improved in the sequel. The version on Steam has a few port issues but otherwise it's playable.
Also the English dub is terrible except for ADA who is meant to be robotic, so keep an open mind.
That poor girl's gonna be drenched in hotglue
Damn I should have checked the thread before posting
to prove girls can be mechs too
Games need more playable faceless robot girls and let's me get fucked by human men.
Based Strelizia friends
>tfw ur waifu's game is dead
>it' been scrapped so Riot could do their league of legends fighting game instead
It wasn't even that good to be honest
>hat is the purpose of a mech?
>All this love for Strelizia
>None for the others
the black and green looks like garbo
She's the only good one, the others are trash
This thread is about robutts not your opinions.
>Talking shit about Genista, who has the best weapon and a cute bucket helmet
YOU are garbo.
your opinion is shit because they're all best robutts
hot af
>Sexualizing feminine mechs
For fucks sake.
bucket head
Fine, we'll drop the bucket. Happy?
looks much better
Lure the enemy into a false sense of security thinking it is weaker and not as lethal.
As an icon to the users, it comes off more female in nature because it may utilize less weapons/armor in certain spots to increase mobility and speed.
The real question is why humanoid mechs in the first place.
even mechs need waifu mechs
so we can fuck them user. I thought you would understand that much.
Oppai Missile
Are mech games actually good? This is the only series I’ve played with robots in it, but I would not consider it a mech game.
Humanoid mechs in general are pretty dumb on the whole, if you start picking every little thing apart they should resemble Mechwarrior mechs at best and at worst bipedal robots are a shit idea.
If you start playing with but muh sci fi technology then you can just bullshit that the tits are power cores or hold some other important function.
Strelizia > Chlorophytum > Delphinium > Argentea > Genista
inanimate objects are often female eg ships and countries so this is just taking it to the next logical step
Haha what if you were a basic clanker robot that someone bough and turned into a big tiddy sexbot that they fucked every single day and night? Can you imagine lmao that would be crazy
This one has a huge dicc finn for show.
All the best feminine mechs have a a feminine penis
Franx had so muchw asted potential
Armored Core
i dunno, i find it hot...
have a thing for long hair, which unfortunatly doesnt mesh well with one of my other fetish of faceless helmets. Not enough helmets with back space for hair...
hush hush
Angelan >Fei Yen
Prove me wrong
Will we ever get another game with playable big tiddy robots?
Which games do have big titty robots?
this looks ugly and gross, and is not even a robot
please never post again
the codex astares does not approve of your opinion
well the codex Astartes doesn't approve of your opinion either or the butchering of its name
Underrated post
it's getting a sequel but no robot protagonist until mods mod one in
So skyrim also counts since one day someone might mod one in
haydee the first one had a robot
Mobile Suit Gundam has sexualized feminine mobile suits?
Unless I'm misremembering it just looked like a black chick in a shitty costume
the head and arms were robotic. maybe they were piloting fleshware, yes, but it was a robot who was in control of that flesh
Any others?
it makes it sexier when you rip them apart haha sparks flying everywhere, skipping voice module, static screams robots are COOL
Aesthetics, design, fapping, etc. It's cool and it's been around since the start.
Shit son you've played one of the best, only down hill from there.
Super Robot Wars is good if you like anime crossovers over gameplay.
But I want practical and sexy.
it might not be a mech game but it has the mech spirit
I need to get around to watching this someday
You do; it's a fun OVA and you could probably get through it in an afternoon.
The first female mech was a complete jobber
Fuck Fei Yean
Where's my Angelan content, Sega?
The Index version doesn't count
what is the purpose of making the pilot hatch so small female pilots can barely fit in
she is just fat
To be pampered for.
My nigga.
How do you even walk in those robot-boots, like a bow-legged cowboy?
Franxx was an awful show from the first episode.
Doms have essentially a hovercraft mechanism in their ankles, they don't need to walk, they just skate around.
Simply terrible
It is, and it's a very good game. The 360 port of voot is great, but it has a VERY steep learning curve, and a very high skill ceiling.
To save the world (Japan)
good thread
No. Just because you can't make Threads about pic anymore doesn't mean you get to hijack others.
We only post good robots here, please don't ruin it.
not hijacking, if I said post more tsukasa then I'd e hijacking
I would connect to her usb port if you know what I mean
what would that usb port have I wonder
Multiplayer is dead unless you live near a japanese arcade.
the phrase "get in the robot" takes a whole new meaning when she says it
She is a good robot.
What's she about to say?
Safety first
As long as you're careful it's fine.
better center of gravity?
what is this cute bunny from?
t. prosthetic hands manufacturer
She's the mascot of Tenjin Pocket, a theater in Japan. She also has a youtube channel, goes to events and locations around Fukuoka, and is going to make an official stage debut in a couple months.
Remember when Zone created a robo-waifu?
>Literal handlebars on the hips
thank you
the only reason people still talk about Jenny from My Life as a Teenage robot
they're for easily transferring her to a charging station when she runs out of batteries, don't get the wrong idea user
Porn artist, really he hasn't done anything else as good as the Midna flash he did years ago.
Is this someone's OC of a Titanfall robo-pilot or just a sexy variant?
I want to tickle Blazermate!
giant robots are cool
female giant robots are cool and also sexy
simple as that really
who could forget?
>everyone was under the impression for over a decade that he was obsessed with goth girls and shit like Raven
>ends up being a clangbro the whole time
Yes, one of those.
I talk about Jenny because she is cute and I loved watching her show as a kid.
>Rebuilt form looks like MMZ Zero
>love robots and masked/helmeted women
>this thread
Fair enough.
A man of glorious tastes.
Uuuuh mommy.
Give your opponent a boner. Blood rushes from their brain to their dick and they can’t think as clearly
Yes, even the giant ones
Obviously the giant ones are for marriage as well.
it's detachable
So that chadbots don't feel lonely.
Blocks your path.
spread lubricant all over its upper chassis
Refuel her exhaust pipe.
>why yes I do fuck robots, what gave it away?
it seems dangerous to leave her internals that exposed
you snooze you lose user
Because if the guy shaped robots shot out the heart shaped lasers at each other it would be a display of non binary robosexuality
honestly they look a fair bit more aerodynamic than masculine shaped ones, unless they end up with petticoats like this one
ahh, I want to love a robot loli
Would grope your robopussy.
one has to wonder how long ahead sex bots will be to start being made/practical.
Would you a spider medabot?
Monster girls are hot, so a robot monster girl would also be fucking great.
Lucky chadtron.
Ew. Here we were having a perfectly good feminine mech thread and you guys had to go and ruin it with these abominations.
wtf I love abominations now?
>dissing on Valsione, an actual vidya mech
>not the 3DPD avatarfag even further down
Off yourself, my man.
If you have the option, why wouldn't you build a mech that is feminine?
Being an actual vidya mech doesn't mean shit if it's design is ass.
built for violent animalistic mating presses and having her tits bitten hard
Better than a actual meatbag in cosplay, you duplicitous fuck.
The 3DPD shit looks unironically more like a sexy robuttmech then Franxxshit or the benchwarmer custom.
Fite me.
Just putting some stripes and mechbits on a regular ass anime girl does not make it a robutt/mech.
Emotional stability.
If you program them with a human mindset, having a non-human body will most likely result in mental issues and instability down the line due to that if they lack gender or look like inhuman.
Its like asking "what's the problem with a human being deformed as a child? they won't have sex until they're an adult"?
They'll still suffer mentally due to their appearance.
The cosplayer is essentially the same thing, except the nose and mouth have been removed, in actual human clothing as well. Wow.
This thread took a turn for the worse.
>*only in human clothing as well
I don't mind robits wearing meido outfits and the like.
Seems to me like that's just going to be more confusing for an AI to understand and come to terms with by making it an imitation of what it's not and never will be.
No, it looks like a stylized shell/protective cover, not a regular anime girl wearing a suit with some vents drawn on it.
Play Fortnite
Will we live long enough to get affordable fuckable robot wives
Fortnite has so many fucking skins I love and yet I don't want to support such a grubby company.
Chances are when VR becomes pretty damn good in 20-30 years, you'll have plenty of horny older anons who will happily roleplay as your robot wives. Just don't push them, they'll have creaky backs and bad knees by then.
Yes, there will be robot wives for everyone who wants them.
god i hope so, its the only reason why i havent necked myself
Where's this from?
>What is the purpose of a feminine mech?
To prime us for the inevitable rise of waifu-bots and their subsequent replacing of biological females as man's primary reproductive mate and life long companion.
We will likely be either too old or dead to fully utilize them as meaningful companions. Best we can do is put resources into making sure mankind gets the future it deserves.
That and so much more soon user. You have to believe and hold on, remember, the night is darkest just before the Don
moral boost
>already mid 30s
My dick is not going to make it bros.
Female robot nuns will bring you up to moral code user.
pp boost
Now this is a cover
I'm still mad how such good robot designs were wasted in this shit show
>tfw no Terminator game with a waifu mechanic
I kinda liked the mothman skin, but me and friends have long stopped playing after that. And that was before the whole debacle. Cool skins though
I don't ask for much, I'd even take an AI in a fleshlight. Hell, slap a pussy on potato glados and I'm good.
Macross Frontier.
Should I find and play the PS2 Votoms game?
Yes, its not hard to understand despite being in nip. You should also try Heavy Gear.