>video game has something to say about power dynamics, about society, about geopolitical status, about how technology impacts our everyday lives
>the video game thusly is political
How did we come to this?
Video game has something to say about power dynamics, about society, about geopolitical status...
Other urls found in this thread:
theres always going to be people complaining about anything
their reasons may differ but its always going to happen
>video game panders to LGBBQT for brownie points and to deflect all criticism
Making observations and pushing an agenda are two different things you disingenuous fuck.
"X is political" translated into Yea Forums talk means "X is pushing a political opinion that i disagree with".
If a game shares your political views it's "redpilled and based".
If a game shares political views you don't agree with it's "keep politics out of muh vidya" "stop making this political" etc.
because all the criticism is just "STUPID NIGGERS ARE MY GAMES"
Except presenting something as something is already a statement and "pushes an agenda".
And you cannot make an "observation" unless you present something as something.
I can't wait until video games start tackling important political issues, such as the fact western elites are literal devil worshippers who torture rape and kill children
woops nevermind, have more tranny and faggot representation instead
>There's a gay person in it somewhere
>Must be propoganda
>video game has something to say about power dynamics, about society, about geopolitical status, about how technology impacts our everyday lives
Can you name any in recent memory? I sure as hell can't.
Well easiest to name would be Deus Ex Mankind Divided
Outer Worlds is going to come out soon, but you can read into something like the new Fire Emblem too for text
Because political games went from trying to tell interesting stories to unfun propaganda pieces with hamfisted messages. You can go back and experience this in real time with mass effect.
funny because andromeda has the least messages of the series
lel MD is actually a perfect example of a game that guts its narrative for the sake of being a propaganda piece
Prove it
>You can go back and experience this in real time with mass effect
What's the propaganda in the newest ME games?
I really only see people actually complaining about political shit when games push faggotry, niggers or communism. Cool strawman though.
It's daft and unfortunate that a word that's so useful and well defined has become so loaded and misunderstood. The demand that creators must "keep politics out of video games" is angrily hurled by a small but loud minority of consumers who either lack the wit to understand that games about war and conflict are inherently political, with the uncritical depiction of the status quo being a strong political stance in itself. Or perhaps who understand that full well, but choose this argument in bad faith because they recognise the rhetorical power inherent in its deceptively simple demand.
yes you can. it's called being objective.
There is no objectivity through subjective eyes
There's Tom Clancy political and theres "turn your white son into a black tranny" political
>video game obviously was made to pander people with specific political opinions while doing everything to antagonize everyone who doesn't share the said political opinion.
Jay is cute
>Well easiest to name would be Deus Ex Mankind Divided
That's a terrible example. Augmentations in HR and MD are nothing but a vehicle to preach about topical social issues like the pro-life debate and 'black lives matter' (they literally used 'aug lives matter' in their marketing). And they even fail at that. The aug incident happened because someone basically flipped a switch and turned all augmented people in killer zombies (why did nobody question why this was allowed?). This is an issue of cyber-terrorism, not social conflict.
Good sci-fi is universal and timeless, HR and MD are sensationalist garbage that's already dated.
Contrary to popular belief, OG Deus Ex (and IW) was never about augmentation. Augmentation was merely a framing device to tell a story about how technological advances could exacerbate the dangers of economical and political centralization, culminating in JC merging with an AI to form a new enlightened form of government to oppose these dangers. There was never an 'aug controversy'. Augmentations were only used for peacekeeping operations. There are like five augmented people in the whole of Deus Ex, half of which are your collegues.
While Human Revolution was advertised as a prequel, it's actually a reboot of the franchise. In a prequel things should be LESS advanced, not more) yet somehow augmentation is used not just for military purposes, but everyday mundane activities. Everyone is obsessed with augmentation. This is taken to absurd extremes: even lower-class people, homeless bums and hookers are augmented. You even have augmented hookers. Why would these people spend millions to have their limbs cut off and spend the rest of their lives paying for an expensive anti-rejection drug? How can they even afford it? And for what purpose? To get better jobs? They already have millions to spend, so what do they need those augmentations for? The whole thing is impossible to take seriously.
I really wish he's just come out with nudes already. :(
And ehats your unpopular political opinions? Gays and blacks are bad?
The game wants to tell a story about how prejudice is bad but doesn't have the balls to talk about actual historical prejudice or try and figure out why people are prejudiced against other groups. Instead they decided to gut the entire Deus Ex universe so they could make a bland half finished game.
did you have a stroke?
That is just saying that the narrative was badly told, not that it was propaganda
>Gays and blacks are bad
>unpopular opinions
>Contrary to popular belief, OG Deus Ex (and IW) was never about augmentation. Augmentation was merely a framing device to tell a story about how technological advances could exacerbate the dangers of economical and political centralization,
It may also be something of a cry for help from the Warren Spector who possibly got sucked into Epstein's secret circle. He's in the Black Book as a flight
If it gives more answers than it asks questions, it's leaning further towards being propaganda.
Most games don't try to do anything meaningful, they just try to virtue signal to get brownie points from people who don't buy video games.
>game tries to tell about poor opress knife ear fags
>make humans as diverse as possible
If you actually believed this, you wouldnt bootlick every time a game dev niggers up a game while trying to pretend that somehow humans are absolutely fine with multiculturalism as long as they are not darves, elves or hobbits.
MD was released in August of 2016 during the height of the European migrant crisis and the US election. Two major political events that used "racism" to silence political opponents. And then suddenly a game that guts its own narrative to push a "racism is bad mmkay" message gets rushed out the door before its finished.
>politics, just politics
>"war is bad"
>takes a stance, doesn't say anything more than "war is bad", doesn't point fingers to any political current
>current (identity) politics
>trannies good, women good, white men bad, normal people bad, let the whole population of africa in the western world, vote dnc 2020
lmao that is a huge reach
no gaymers are fine with political games.
they just don't like politics in games when the politics in said game is politics they disagree with.
Basically every Call of Duty/Battlefield game
Red Dead Redemption 2
If any game has a wider world with characters firmly placed in it, and it's not just a purely character-driven drama that could happen anywhere at any time, it's inherently political to varying degrees. But the above make explicit statements on political issues.
>How did we come to this?
Not we, YOU. You are not a part of our community.
Truth be told, MD was pretty based. Everyone hated cheap workforce that the government and corporations tried to use extensivly, just like in real life, where lefties cheer and bootlick corps who use serfs. Also augs were prone to violent tendencies, reflecting real life of spics and niggers being violent animals.
>game is full of american war, terrorism, politics, etc
>gamers: "cool game"
>game has brown woman or gay character
Which means nothing since any hint of right-wing politics, anything down to "praise God" is seen as nazifascism and thus hasn't actually appeared in any videogame for years, it's all transvestite politics.
Im not saying that the game was made with the purpose of getting Hillary elected 2020 but it was released before it was finished and it was written with the explicit purpose of pushing a worldview.
>racism is bad mmkay
What a stupid thing to say. Have you played the game? The augmented rights group has actual terrorists in it, it's already more nuanced than 90% of games with politics out there.
Because the politics in modern games boils down to
>Gays good!
>Trannies good!
>Multiculturalism good!
>Jews good!
>White man bad!
You have no right to complain about people hating on you politicizing your games when the politics in your games are this retarded.
>women power
>gay ppl good
>wypipo bad
Actually a lot of games were changed to shill liberalism after Smurf was elected, they doubled down right afterwards.
>based 5 year old doesn't remember 2016
Ah yes, as we know everybody on this board hates fallout new vegas and deus ex
Must be the Europosting and discord posting time of day.
When people say "ham-fisted politics are bad", they're referring to Life is Strange 2 and other terrible shit.
It depends on the game and its portrayal of said politics, numbnuts.
You might have an argument if the anti-aug faction wasn't made up of 100% 1 dimensional dickheads and half the dialogue didn't try to make excuses for terrorism.
>gut the entire Deus Ex universe so they could make a bland half finished game.
md is an excellent game that is only weak in regards to it's finale and cringey racism analogies. great atmosphere, interesting side quests, excellent world building and environmental story telling, and has some great writing moments. the debate with Talos was kino
it is easily the best dx since the first one. the aug lives matter trash really hampered it's reputation here, which is a huge shame
I want to test you out of curiosity. can you name 5 games that does have right wing politics like you're speaking of in them.
desu old white men are horrible
If they silenced you, they didn’t do a good job because you’re still running your mouth.
>faggots thinking there isn't a big difference between political issues that touch every group of humans and politics that will be outdated in five years and serve only to pander
shut up you gay nigger lel
[mad cracker noises]
You need to go back.
Actually Solaire is a beautiful trans man, my uncle works for From Software and this is the canon Miyazaki wrote down.
ok but season 11 is doing normal for doctor who, and actually even better than how the show did with capaldi as the doctor
and that is not really because of the actors either
There's politics in games, and then there's """politics""" in games. Do not confuse the two.
Industrial society bad/evil =/= disable trans niggers from outer space
Cope, and go back.
Its better now with patches and improved hardware to back it up, but on launch it ran like shit and took 10 years to load every level.
Truth hurts huh
>all the vids on the channel are shit like “How to make a good villain” with the stupid Dark Knight version of The Joker
You have to be eighteen to post here.
Don’t sign you’re posts
Everyone does know the benchmark for good Doctor Who is Capaldi, of course.
Based retard.
>new vegas
>dude sex
>anything at all related to metal gear
>dead rising to an extent
gamers hate these games for their political commentary right? or maybe gamers only pick on games that pander to PoC/LGBT grievance industry?
>being buttmad that our universe and all living things within it are organized in a hierarchy
Leftists always seem like they're in a constant state of denial over this. Water is wet nigga, the sky is blue, you can't create equality when there is none. All attempts at equality only hamper those who are competent. It only restricts the potential of humanity it never improves anything.
Humans are hypocritical
The thread might be deleted before I can finish this post, but I might vave an understanding why this has become such a hot button issue.
Let me take an example of a well recievee game that I would say has a political side to it, Half Life 2. The most obvious political aspect of this is the threat of authoritarian governments and the need to rebel against it. This is a timeless idea though; people have always rebelled against percieved oppression. Valve doesnt point a finger at a real world entity and say "this particular thing is bad". If Breen had been a say George Bush or Saddam replica, I am certain people would have thought lesser of the game.
Many games that people want politics out of these days are not this subtle and has a clear political standing. It seems obvious, but I cant be certain why, that these wouldnt be as well recieved as a game like HL2.
If anything older games were more radical. Red Faction has you lead a communist revolution against a corporation, The Elder Scrolls: Redguard has a black guy kicking the shit of an empire of white guys, and so on. You all just play triple A garbage every fucking year and wonder why corporate dogshit sucks and doesn’t feel genuine.
Capaldi was a good actor, but stuck in shit scripts
Lmao bootlicker
Discord trannies ACTUALLY believe this.
We could do one of two things here:
1. Have a long drawn out argument explaining why politics are unwanted in entertainment, only to have you strawman our viewpoint and accuse us of being whatever topical persona non grata you personally get triggered by the most
2. Just tell you to kill yourself
Meanwhile states are the most powerful entities in the whole planet, dwarfing every private entity
You have to distinguish the parts where a game serves as a straight up propaganda and having political tones. Good thing its easy as shit to recognize this because the game heavily suffers of quality when its just yelling about how your political opinions are the good, while everyone else is just shit.
The new Wolfenstein game is the perfect example of this when its just an autistic screeching by a few swedish cuckolds who try to live out their powerfantasy. But then comes the question: how come Return to castle wolfenstein is a good game, where no one gives a fuck about killing nazis, while these new ones are not? Because its a fucking video game, not a pitchfork used to fling your pile of horseshit at others. Like said, metal gear constantly shits on america, so does every good fallout game yet americans don't screech about it.
How did we come to this indeed
You have zero leverage over our reptilian elite. No amount of finger wagging and crying about equality will change this. We're lead around by our base needs and until we achieve independence from this system, we abide by it's rules.
Oh, and good luck achieving this after we outlaw guns.
>No, I was actually referring to The Black Panthers and their radicalism.
>As some people know I'm not really a fan of the United Colors of Beneton approach to Tamrielicreation, which smacks of white guilt and offensery rather than some holistic form of beautiful inclusion. Thus, it's my fault that the Asian analogues got eaten. Oops. Looks like others are bringing 'em back, though. But I promise my choice had nothing to do with Yellow Peril, it had to do with co-opting "coolness of color" without thinking about it intelligently and compassionately.
(Hunkers down for the flame.)
>That said, when I started writing Redguard I really thought about how unique the black people of Tamriel were: they came in and kicked ass and slaughtered the indigenes while doing so. They invaded. It was the first time I had encountered the idea of "black imperialism"...and it struck me big time, as something 1) new, 2) potentially dangerous if taken as commentary, and 3) potentially rad if taken as commentary.
>Who knows. AVault did say it had a story worthy of being on stage, and Michael Mack (Cyrus) once thanked me for giving him words that "Black folks don't get to say" (referring to Cyrus' speech and the reversal of Son to the Father)... which broke my heart and made me puff my chest all at the same time.
>Which is a long way of saying: panther-love.
Away, fake gamer. You do not know the lore as I do.
it really depends on what kind of "equality" you're talking about. Marx, for example, hated egalitarianism as any kind of political goal and saw it as bourgeois. other leftists would say that huge super powerful states and mega rich capitalists aren't an example of natural hierarchy.
Abe's Oddysee was very political. It was also a great game.
Guess what political games these days aren't?
I just came to say that I hope this is a joke or you might be retarded.
I just want to cut off the Amazon owner’s head. You’ve got some growing up to do.
>video game straight up preaches to you
>you cant complain about this because its basically the same thing as having a villain who wants to take the throne as a plot element
>Expected completely shit bait
>Actually a decent video
It’s a joke, but I still think you’re a little bitch for crying about getting silenced when you can clearly just bitch here 24/7
Nice projection
>game devs consciously design game around political ideology
>people mindblown that it is considered political
Nigga that's literally saying the black people were just as shitty as white people in Tamriel and slaughtered people.
More importantly none of this shit appears in Redguard and Kirkbride's ramblings are considered canon by no one.
Listen, when you grow up, you’ll understand that it would be extremely cool to load billionaires into giant circus-style cannons and fire them at high speeds into the sides of cliffs.
And you never will, so you really do need to grow up. You won't even cut off your meanie dad or boss's head, you'll just seethe about it online.
No one complained about CJ or demoman
Marx also fiercely defended gun ownership for the proletariat. I think it's safe to assume that anyone who proclaims himself a Marxist nowadays is anything but one.
/pol/ needs to be removed already
Yes, there is. The phrase "You are a faggot." is objective because it's a statement of fact.
>video game has something to say about power dynamics, about society, about geopolitical status, about how technology impacts our everyday lives
White people bad.Gay/women good!
But incel you didnt complain when kojima was talking about the military industrial complex and his influence on wars in the middle east!
>none of that shit appears in Redguard
He literally described the plot of the game, in which Cyrus and his fellow Redguards defeats Tiber Septim’s army, as well as the backstory in which the Redguards slapped the shit out of everyone in High Rock until they got to Hammerfell. How the fuck did the plot not show up in the fucking game, you moron
Kojima clearly lusts for dick and man ass. Look at how immaculate every Snake’s butt is, from Solid to Venom.
Because it's literally a black race doing fantasy shit, you think the black people in D&D are a black panther analogue too?
Is Hammerfell getting absorbed anyways also an analogy or is it just fantasy shit? The answer is obvious.
No. New vegas got away with it because it asked you what you thought instead of telling you what to think.
A game "being political" means that the devs faggy soapbox is more important to them than making a good game, and this is completely true for many releases since the end of the obama presidency. Of course neither the soapbox nor the game has been as important as normalizing shitty business practices, but hey, as long as you agree with their PR Departments corporate mandated opinion on any given political topic then why give a shit about whether the game is good or the monetization is ridiculous and shitty. After all we gotta beat those other guys with the bad wrong opinions and the only way to do that is to scream louder than them.
Fuckin fags.
Literally no one says that in that situation. People only cry about politics in video games when it's about feminism or lgbtq shit which have no place in vidya.
that's because someone like you would support the MIC as long as they made soldiers use rainbow painted guns.
I play starsector now.
AI bad. Ludd good.
>change the fabric of society at a personal person-to-person level so we stop raising unelected techno-aristocrats into positions of power in our countries
>kill le bad man with meny monie in benk account xddd
I hope you get whatever piece of tail you're after by doing the whole socialist thing man, I really do. I hope she's worth it and not some power thot you were tricked into liking.
>black people resisting colonization and imperialism from a white empire
Hmm, nope, this is not analogous to anything that has happened in real life
>power dynamics
>geopolitical status
Did you know there were niggers and lesbians in broad daylight in 1800s' London?
>about how technology impacts
That's what "political discourse" is in games. Don't even try to imply it's not just the most bare, ham-fisted attempt at it, either.
There's a pretty big difference between a game with political themes and a game that's merely a soapbox for the developer to promote his political views.
The former gives you questions and lets you find the answers.
The latter gives you answers to questions you never asked or cared about.
>Bad political game:
Game forces viewpoints onto the player with severely limited or no option to support or defy them, clearly exalting the desired devs viewpoints over the rest.
>Good political game
Game forces viewpoints onto the player but either contrasts them with conflicting viewpoints or gives the player the option to agree, disagree or completely oppose them.
There's always some leniency when it comes to the latter since writign games that offer such choices is an arduous task. New Vegas Legion for example is a bit too extreme but since the game was rushed to hell and back it's understandable.
High Rock primal retards attacking Skyrim and claiming part of it as their own is also political, too, you're right buddy!
"Everything is real life politics" ruins fantasy settings, Hammerfell society is a lot different than many African societies, for instance. It's in good fun.
Okay, you are retarded then.
Redguards confirmed anti French Haitian
Buddy, I’m in it for no woman. I live solely to paint the side of a wall in a photorealistic fashion so that it resembles a tunnel so that Elon Musk will drive his Tesla into it thinking it’s a real tunnel and die. Maybe some day when you mature, you’ll be able to conceive of people having goals other than sex.
Turn your monitor on
subtly implying europe was never all white. cute. what game?
sounds about as good as any criticism you have about anything
Nothing wrong with this except wolfenstein bitch and star wars bitch, their characters are useless
That was pretty funny but I still think you're after some ethereal she-twink with a onions twinkle in her eye
there really should be more video games about black crime statistics and the prevalence of stds among homosexual men
Looks like a walking simulator.
Sorry you live in such a shithole the only people who want to run for government are blue tiny people that live in mushrooms and all fuck their mother.
It would be cool if that actually happened, OP.
But no. What happens is that the "writers" are just taking jabs at people they don't like on Twitter. You know this is true because they flaunt it as soon as the game comes out.
Still, videogames aren't as bad as comics. Every Wednesday you can catch a self-important jackass "tackling important social issues" in their weekly comic. I mean, taking jabs at their Twitter enemies and getting brownie points from people who don't even read their books.
Twitter corralled people into fighting imaginary enemies. When an imbecile touts writing the word "tampon" in a comic as the height of his career, you know shit's fucked.
The thing is, they don't even "force" any viewpoint. You just KNOW their viewpoint is the writer fighting against his imaginary twitter enemies. Hell, I follow a lot of them on twitter and can pinpoint exactly who they're trying to lambast in certain points of their stories.
What you really mean is, waaah why isn't my faggotry and tranny shit being accepted by everyone, name one "political" game that people get mad at which isn't full with LGBT bullshit
Remember when that Battlefield guy included cyborg women in WW2 because he "wanted to change history for his daughter"?
"Niggers in my games" is valid criticism. If people wanting niggers in games is considered praise worthy then SJW's need to accept that not wanting them is also valid. With identity politics they assume what they want = right. If a SJW wants to get off on more nigs or nigs want nigs that's not something anyone else should need to support.
Nice false equivalence.
They walked that back in nearly all of the post-release trailers too. They also walked back the cuhrazy shit like katanas so it was a net positive.
But where can I insert my favorite Rick & Morty reference?
>straight white males are bad
what games do this
I'm seeing a lot of game characters that did very poorly on standardized tests. I'm proud that games are finally tackling important political themes.
Don't think any games say this, maybe the supposed people working on it, but no game actually says "straight white men are bad"
The sequel to Dreamfall, which insists that Europe isn't white homeland and that the idea of such a thing is racist as hell despite the very laws of pigmentation evolution saying otherwise. When questioned about this lie on Twitter, the author lashed out and, again, told "racists" to stop responding to him. Pretty sure he's Swedish so no surprises there.
Because they forced us
This sums up how stupid this all is. If one word doesn't fit and can be interpreted in a completely different meaning by average joe, make up a new word.
>white homeland
But user, Irish people, Italians, Greeks, Spaniards, and Slavs are not white.
Wolfenstein: The New Colossus also has a really weird line about Blazkowics calling Nazis "white ass." It's an incredibly off-tone statement considering he himself is white, like that skin feature somehow defines Nazis when the faction was allied with the Indians and Japanese.
literally all of them are white, you fucking twitterfiend, you need to go back
Buddy, if the Italians were white, they wouldn’t have been able to conquer the Mediterranean region. They’d be living in huts like the Goths and the Britons and all the other whites.
You have to understand that the people who write that trite IMAGINE they're not part of the "oppressors", so that's all cool. When they say "Fuck white people", they IMAGINE they're not part of the "bad whites", so that excuses them.
Like Clint Eastwood said in one movie of his: "You're a legend in your own mind, kiddo".
Swedes are not white and they controlled most of Europe at one point so its only natural he'd say that
How did the eternal Anglo conquer 1/4 of the world then?
The only non-white part of Italy is Sicily and that's why the rest of Italy hates it.
Swedes are the fucking whitest of white along with Norwegians, dude.
Pressure groups can pay to add propaganda into games the same as companies can pay to add advertisements for products.
There is no law against it, so the only hurdle is if you think the likes of EA and Ubisoft won't take their money out of principle?
>eternal Anglo
You just had to bring that up, didn't you?
There is a difference between
>Game has an internal political world, with a specific political history and dynamics
>Let's put current politics into video games that have nothing to do with the current era, or might not be in the same world at all
For example some fucking space shooter in another galaxy talking about women's issues or orange man bad or something. That is what I fucking hate.
It was made by Norwegians. A pretty shitty no-name game though.
this is commercial art user you don't have to justify why you don't like it to anyone but your wallet
But how will those poor writers get their Twitter Brownie Points™ now?
>Game set thousands of years in the future
>Genetic modifications are so extensive that people can regrow limbs within hours and even come back from complete body destruction as long as some tissue is left
>Transgenderism is still treated like a hot topic issue in this environment when nobody would give a shit because it's been perfected and been the norm for centuries
It's always the SAME political statements.
>Here's a blayg where there would never be a 1350
>Here's a tranny. Press A to "Stunning and brave"
>Dude, buff gay daddy couple lmao!
>White people need to die!
Repeat forever until dead.
>Tons of games with evil PMCs as the bad guys who profit off war economies that they perpetuate
>Piles and piles of war games that usually promoted some oorah American jingoism against some vaguely Middle Eastern terrorist types
>Not a problem, no politics here
>Cyberpunk game says it'll have a transgender or third pronoun or something
>no mention of cyberpunk being an overt political genre built on criticizing rampant capitalism and warns of corporate oligarchical dystopias
No one should take 16 - 22 year old gamers seriously. They're fucking retarded.
Swedes are the most subversive shits ever exist, they are not white anymore, just golems.
Cool it with the antisemitism, pal.
>tranny in a fantasy setting with magical shapeshifting
why do these people get paid
Unless the game is Japanese then Yea Forums defends it with their lives
See: Persona 5
>Pong is political
>Pac-Man is political
>Mario is political
>Zelda is political
>Tetris is political
>Metroid is political
If you actually believe any of these implications you're absolutely fucking retarded
>corporate oligarchical dystopias
Except Google and other powerful corporations full on embrace/pimp out trannies and homos. Its disingenuous as fuck to ignore that major development in any current interpretation of the cyberpunk genre. But that would be "badwrong" politics in games, wouldn't it?
Literally why did you even come to this site dude
agreed. you internalize the anti-capitalist themes of cyberpunk and should pirate cyberpunk 2077
>cyberpunk being an overt political genre built on criticizing rampant capitalism and warns of corporate oligarchical dystopias
Have you ever actually read early cyberpunk literature?
>Not a problem, no politics here
Said literally nobody ever.
Politics are fine when they explore the human condition, why we behave the way we do. Why we keep repeating the same mistakes and how ultimately that's just the way we are.
Politics that revolve around identities are almost always trash because it resorts to "us vs. them." It specifically targets individuals and quite often turns into off-hand and widespread personal attacks. Like another user said, the sequel to Dreamfall made repeated claims that Europe isn't white homeland. That is quite easy to perceive as a claim that "whites don't have a place in the world." Africans have Africa, Native Americans have America, Asians have Asia, Caucasians have... ??? Where did we come from if Europe isn't our homeland?
>>no mention of cyberpunk being an overt political genre built on criticizing rampant capitalism
That's really cute coming from people who make videos with 50 Funko Pops behind them. Really. That's why those writers' "critics" don't feel sincere. They're as ham-fisted as they can be. They're just repeating talking points from a book or from their "teachers".
I mean, Metroid 2 is about going all the way just to genocide an animal species because space pirates keep trying to weaponize them
And then, in the process, you ruin the ecosystem by letting X take over since their natural predator has been artificially removed.
It is pretty environmental message
Yes? There is no reason for any character in any game ever made to be a fag or a tranny. Hell, there is no reason for the concept of sexual intercourse to exist in any game ever made. Unless, of course, you count porn games (although they're not really games, they're a series of static images with choosable dialogues) and shitty Bioware RPG's
Go get educated faggot, Mediterraneans are white, only because they're near North Africans it doesn't mean they were cucked throughout the generations.
Greeks are about as brown as they can get
I was in Greece not one month ago and they were as white as French people.
Even though games with differing political stances have existed for ages, it became a trendy new thing for hack writers to say that they are making their games political, and with those games turning crap it soured people on the term, even though crappiness was result of number of factors.
I'm 1000000% anti politics but I think 2077 absolutely should have trannies because trannies are part and parcel of cyberpunk dystopia.
If anything, the complaints about Cyberpunk 2077 seem to stem more from it being "politically correct" and thus less political or biting or edgy as cyberpunk is wont to do by not treating transgender shit exactly like the urge to replace your gross fleshy bits with robot parts. Because god forbid our political messaging about playing god with the human body offend or upset people with the most delicate sensibilities about their genital dysphoria.
The complaint isn't "Get politics out of cyberpunk"
Its really "stop preventing political messages from infusing cyberpunk because you're a pussy scared of twitter check marks"
Look up pictures of Greek dudes, they are most certainly not brown like even Turks are, for instance.
>white as French
bait this is
>Where did we come from if Europe isn't our homeland?
That has been knownd for a while now.
>trannies are part and parcel of cyberpunk dystopia
yes, but they will be represented as apex of humanity, not harbingers of degeneracy
Try travelling a little more
all they want from cyberpunk is for the commodification of bodies to be made into a power fantasy and complaining about corporations, and that is likely what they will get to avoid negative press
>games about war and conflict are inherently political
People don’t buy war games because they care about geopolitics. They buy them because shooting shit is fun and war provides a narrative excuse.
That should be the extent of politics in video games. Anything more is giving consumers shit that they don’t want.
wow, funny how the only intelligent and nuanced reply in this thread is completely ignored
That isn’t an opinion.
This thread wasn't created to encourage reasonable discussion. It was made to bait partisans into snipping at eachother like the faggots they are.
if a homo in media isn't depicted as a chomo or some other kind of deviant then it is propaganda
>laissez faire capitalists are bootlickers
>totalitarian communists are freedom fighters
>ignorance is strength
Ok retard.
Dreamfall: Chapters. Haven't played that one, but Dreamfall: Longest Journey was pretty good. During the development of Chapters, most of the Nordic countries were dealing with a hysteria related to the Sweden Democrats, who were being hyped up by the news as the big nazi party, and Funcom decided to hop on that wave for relevancy points.
at this point, the same or a similar thing can be said for every thread on Yea Forums
More like:
>video game has something to say about power dynamics, about society, about geopolitical status, about how technology impacts our everyday lives
>"""gamers""" (read: /pol/tards) don't give a shit
>video game has niggers or trannies
>"""gamers""" blow a gasket over politics not belonging in vidya
>unnatural hierarchy
Whatever the fuck that means?
>Video game panders to LGBBQT and niggers
>90% of the people criticizing the game are /pol/niggers crying about that
>Actual legitimate criticisms get completely drowned out
Brilliant tbqh
Ugh, if only we had a based and redpilled game talking about Q, the storm and pizzagate, am I right, fellow gamer?
True. Or at least true on all the boards I frequent.
They're trying to use natural as a synonym for good. It's stupid, but works on normies.
Precisely, those would be excellent political games and great pieces of art.
>I don’t have to be funny as long as I’m sarcastic
This is why you’re losing.
>The story in my shitty LGBT game is on the same level of nuance as New Vegas or Planescape Torment!
>Now make sure to make Master Chief trans and black!
Making vidya about politics is ok. Just like complaining about it is ok.
Smh, I would never understand why people give so much importance to 4chink and twitter.
>Good sci-fi is universal and timeless
Retarded. There's nothing wrong with games being marked by the era they live. Bloodlines, for example, is a great game that blatantly screams "Mid 2000s", it's not timeless at all, but I still love it. I know that's not sci-fi, but the concept translated. Hell, the original Fallout isn't timeless either.
Oh please, you aren't talking about political games, you're taking about soap boxes. You like them because they support your views and you'd bitch about the soap boxes that didn't.
So are dumb people who constantly cry about those evil gamers criticizing really hamfisted and down-your-throat political messages just gonna continue to make false equivalences by comparing MGS2 talking about censorship to Jax talking about how much of a woke Wakandan he is?
Nonsense. Activision should incorporate Qanon into a Call of Duty game in which Donald Trump has been selected by God to save the world from George Soros. It would be a very thoughtful and important piece of work appreciated by all.
>Don't you see? This game is actually a commentary about American military politics
>And that's why my 2D platformer about lesbian niggers is totally fine
I think the biggest issue is you can only have a certain kind of political opinion in your game. I wouldn't mind a game like cyberpunk showing the positives of transsexualism if it also tried to show that transsexualism can also be a bad and fucked up thing but it won't happen.
There's a difference between fictional politics and politics that translate to our reality.
For example one country in war with another in video game are politics contained within the universe of the game.
Putting in tranny toilets is being political in reality.
When people talk about political in video games, they're talking about using videos games (and other modern media, including social) to push their political agenda (usually extreme left). Complaining about and
comparing games that involve politics on any level is a tactic used to divert and misdirect people's anger and announce. If you dont understand this then you're a simpleton.
>New vegas got away with it because it asked you what you thought instead of telling you what to think.
New Vegas got away with it because it came out before /pol/niggerdom infected Yea Forums.
Look at all the people crying about The Outer Worlds being mean to capitalism. It's hilarious.
Thanks for proving me right. You're not talking about political games, you're talking about soap boxes. You just call soap boxes you like "political games" to validate them.
>feminism or lgbtq shit which have no place in vidya
There's definitely a place for that shit in vidya. The ResetEra audience exists, after all. They deserve games for them just as much as we do.
you realize the technology in soma not only doesn't exist in real life but also doesn't exist in real life.
It's funny because /pol/'s been here longer than you and you spend all your time here posting about /pol/ on boards that aren't /pol/.
People are too stupid now to listen to ideas that counter their own beliefs.
i also get a hearty chuckle when corporations make works with "the corporations is bad" themes
>Back then
>Game comes out
>We don't know the author's political positions so we we apply "Death of the Author" and enjoy it for what it is
>Game comes out
>Some baiting shitposter posts every political tweet from every developer that has ever even touched the game
>We go in knowing their views on things
>We inherently think they're biased one way
>We cannot apply death of the author
>Game is reviled by /pol/tards
Why is he so awkward?
You actually said this in earnest you complete idiot. Anyone with any creativity knows there is no way to objectively create, that everything you produce is a subjective expression
They don't even deserve my oxygen.
There is a very vocal community on Yea Forums that cannot understand this.
I love how this gets spoutted but whenever I mention I'm from SE in any other thread I get shown a map of how muslims lived in my country so we're all muslim rape babies. Funnily enough I don't really associate SE with either NA or NE so it's always entertaining to be used as a political weapon for nerds on an indonesian yu-gi-oh card trading forum
Can you give an actual example of said game. Like what game is being so inflammatory??
How would you know what someone with creativity knows?
>That's really cute coming from people who make videos with 50 Funko Pops behind them
You should google "The Quartering". That guy is the one who popularized the "Get woke, go broke" shit. Plenty of fonko pops behind him. Doesn't help he looks like the soiboi meme.
It turns out, philosophy is different from politics.
Of course you understand this and just made the thread to bait, there is your (You). You can make your games whining and crying about American politics all you want, but expect the rest of the world to call you a self-centered shithead for flooding the market with them.
None of these problems matter to anyone else except you, Ameriburger. We've sorted our shit out regarding this years ago. American culture is essentially entering its moody teenager phase, thinking it's shallow insignificant problems are problems that exist throughout the entire universe. So yes, stop brainwashing us with your political propaganda, you chumps.
>"technology affects our day to day lives"
Holy shit what a reach
My goddamn sides
Okay, let's see if we can come to an agreement here, fellas.
The notion that "politics doesn't belong in video games" is absurd. Video games have delved into politics for years, and they will continue to do so. Video games are an art form, and as an art form they will tend to conform to the philosophical and political beliefs of the creators. This is not an argument, and most of the people who are arguing against this are alt-righters who blatantly want less black and female characters in video games.
Now, that being said, let's not beat around the bush here. The people who are pushing for more "politics in games" are the same people that want to make Solid Snake trans, or the same people that want to make Mario into a fat black woman. These people aren't open to having diverse political opinions in their games, especially if it makes them personally uncomfortable. They just want their politics in games. These people are just as manipulative and exploitative as the alt-right, and their arguments need to be shut down before they completely sap the life out of this industry.
tl;dr: This whole argument is being astroturfed by both sides of the political spectrum, and it's important for you to call it out if you give even a slight shit about video games.
>It's funny because /pol/'s been here longer than you
If you count /n/, maybe. Was that board around 2007?
Either ways, this specific brand of nu-/pol/ cancer only started around 2014.
>game is good
>barely anyone cares about gay characters, or strong women, plenty don't even think about it until pointed out. Threads discuss actual politics and morality in game, or share memorable moments.
have you tried making good game?
> look at all the people crying about the outer worlds being mean to capitalism
I think you're mistaking people pointing and laughing about them fagging out about capitalism from one side of their mouths and taking a big fat suck of daddy sweeneys cock with the other side. It is, after all, hilariously hypocritical.
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Nobody actually cares if a game has something to say so long as it's well done and the message isn't a load of faggotry.
Nobody disliked Deus Ex for being political. They loved it. Because it wasn't wank.
I detest both
>Games have one set of politics
>Political games are good lol stop being mad
>Guy tries to make game about a communist dystopia and the consequences of universal credit
>SJW's attack the creator and shut it down
You're hypocrites. If games allowed politics you disagreed with you'd complain just as much. You like what you agree with just like everybody else, you just won't admit it.
>and the message isn't a load of faggotry
Translation: Nobody minds as long as they agree with the political message
> some turbofag shills about a gay character to journoshills
> must be propoganda
>Universal politics
Why not just say you only want to consume media that panders to your white bullshit. All of these issues being discussed do affect everyone, just doesn't center it around white people. Which is good, there's fucking centuries of white politics in media
SJWs didn't shut down shit. The guy went bankrupt on his own. It is pretty amusing that a guy bitching about muh SJWs and PC culture can't even function within the capitalism he loves lol
But who am I kidding? Capitalism has gone leftist for at least a decade now. You still have a million delusional people calling it "marxism", but it is what it is.
>Okay, let's see if we can come to an agreement here, fellas.
We can't. The extremes of both sides feel that the entirety of the other side needs to be outright murdered for their beliefs. There is no reconciling this.
>The notion that "politics doesn't belong in video games" is absurd. Video games have delved into politics for years, and they will continue to do so. Video games are an art form, and as an art form they will tend to conform to the philosophical and political beliefs of the creators. This is not an argument, and most of the people who are arguing against this are alt-righters who blatantly want less black and female characters in video games.
I would make the distinction as this: Politics and Philosophy are different. People want philosophical games that explores aspects of politics. Politics itself is the mechanics of human interaction; they're unavoidable. Complaining about politics is the same as complaining about games with human interaction, but there are subsections of politics which are very clearly shitty to put into a video game because it's clearly being portrayed as "Thing I like good, thing you like bad."
>Now, that being said, let's not beat around the bush here. The people who are pushing for more "politics in games" are the same people that want to make Solid Snake trans, or the same people that want to make Mario into a fat black woman.These people are just as manipulative and exploitative as the alt-right, and their arguments need to be shut down before they completely sap the life out of this industry.
And unfortunately you cannot argue against this without being lumped in the "Everything is political" umbrella. It's best to disambiguate the philosophy and the politics itself so you can make the argument that the previous attempts which explored the mechanics of politics were actually philosophical games.
tl;dr: It's a matter of phrasing at this point
>Entirety of western media enforces your views
>Yes I like politics more things should be political
There is nothing white about tales of war, betrayal, etc. Every culture has had discussions about those ideas.
Tranny rights in the specific context of the west or black culture in the context of the west which is completely different from other black people will absolutely not age well. Europe and America are a white continent/country too, get over it.
God, you're fucking seething. Please go back.
you don't even have a politics that isn't european
you actually couldn't even conceive of one at this point, because you would be forced to reach into some deep as reactionary shit to do so.
Reminder that this is an article that actually exists.
Which game? Papers Please?
I would be all for people making Pro-life or Pro-religion games. The problem is that previous attempts to do so make the viewpoint of the creator seem insane by comparison. (the You testament)
the story is pretty dogshit
nothing makes sense
bankrupt? why do so many of you retards not know what bankruptcy is?
This he wasn't forced into the game, nowadays it's just niggers where they are not supposed to be.
>All of these issues being discussed do affect everyone, just doesn't center it around white people.
See: Fuck off you stupid American. Nonwhite people in other countries don't bitch and moan as much as nonwhite Americans do. You have the biggest victim complexes in the world, thinking everything has to be *explicitly about you* or it's a direct attack on your identity.
Want nonwhite politics? move to a nonwhite country. Problem solved. Oh right, no one will listen to your irrelevant whining if you moved out of America and realized that the rest of the world doesn't share your shitty imaginary problems.
That's fine, just stop putting your shitty imaginary problems in games.
Pong has more in common with sports than it does with modern day gaming. I get your point, but it's a very simplistic view of what video games, most games aren't pong, so don't treat that like the norm. Pac man makes an interesting statement about endless consumerism and Zelda is a patriarchal narrative. Let's keep going?
I like a lot of games with political themes I don't agree with.
I don't like games that center their themes around identity politics, regardless of whether I agree with it or not.
Are you colorblind?
Reminder that Jim Sterling and almost everyone who is supposedly against "player exploitation" came out demanding Division 2 take a side, and got angry and frustrated when it didn't.
Literal industry and big business pawns too stupid to realize that they're basically the propaganda arms of the industry.
What are some latest video games with political views that Yea Forums agrees with?
you should. you see the existence, and conflict surrounding them underscores the failure of multiculturalism, which owns. it can only produce animus and resentment, which also owns.
>>no mention of cyberpunk being an overt political genre built on criticizing rampant capitalism and warns of corporate oligarchical dystopias
People would LOVE it if it was just that. People loved Deus Ex, and that was cyperpunk as hell.
But you know what Deus Ex wasn't? Attention whoring American politics stuck in the present day. It realized that its setting was decades in the future, and it embraced it.
Politics is the realm of manifested philosophy that concerns governance, states, nations, groups.
Like, if you focus on communicating political ideas and themes in things, you're very much focused on the "what" and "how", rather than the "why".
It takes a concerted effort to delve into the "why" of issues, which none of these games do. It would require a writer who is not competent at writing easily digestible stories, worlds, and characters - rather, one who is versed in making sure that all topics of the difficult kind, are discussed with real earnest.
Not just "this is good, bad, or grey", without defining what is good, right, correct, just, and so on.
No game has done so, and thus all are morally and ethically groundless.
No game has properly left the discussion of these kinds of issues to the player, because the ways the questions are posed are inherently ineffective.
> Jim Sterling
> Against exploitation
Oh that's hilarious. Isn't this the same fat cuck who collects those little figurines for the wii? What a joke.
You really think that most people in this thread have a problem with the lack of subtlety and unremoved characteristics of a games politics rather than just having a problem with the ideology of the politics? Maybe some people, but I don't want to give Yea Forums that much credit.
That said, there's room for both kinds of expression, and really hl2 is as politically clear as the others, it's just set in a more sci fi setting so there's a small layer of recontextualizing to make it applicable to your actual life. If that process of recontextualizing is making or breaking your enjoyment of a games politics, I think it's being a bit dramatic
>space policeman force enters Enterprise looking for terrorist
>fugitive turns out to be from race of slaves, and guy chasing him comes from race of slavers
"oh shit, totally subtle racism analogy episode..."
>actually, there are no slaves, they were given freedom generations ago
>instead of moving on with their lives, they do terrorist shit for "historical justice"
>while former owners retaliate, because "savages just refuse to learn"
>both try to convince Enterprise crew to support their cause
>in the end Kirk and rest are like "you niggas are all crazy" and just fly away
that was unexpectedly good episode, quite daring for 60's liberals. By today standards creators would be called racist for it.
This is correct, but I would say Deus Ex has done exactly this. Which is why it's such an important work even if the game itself is questionably dated.
But other than that, the realm of nuance is still relegated specifically to books.
>For example some fucking space shooter in another galaxy talking about women's issues or orange man bad or something.
But user, there's no better writing than if every faction and every character in your imaginary Fantasy setting with Demon lords and hordes of monsters raping and pillaging the lands has the same Sociopolitical views as Progressive Activists from San Francisco on Earth, 2019.
>You really think that most people in this thread have a problem with the lack of subtlety and unremoved characteristics of a games politics
By 60's standards, Yea Forums and Yea Forums would be the most liberal/borderline communist place in existence. It's bizarre how far the window has moved in just a few decades.
Capitalism is a human construction, a system devised to serve. Any heirarchy formed under capitalism is a construction of human thought.
Im pretty postmodern though, so I don't think most of our lives are predicated by natural qualities, only the socialized constructions we've invented.
>law of unintended consequences is now political
Magic lore is still very good and not having homophobia in it isn't remotely relevant. Fuck me, this is a complete plus. Do you really want "persecuted faggots" storylines in Magic? Give me a break. You'll bitch about anything.
Peak centrism
>Trans is good
Bad politics
>Trans is good, but also bad
Good politics
>capitalism is a human construction
Deep thoughts no one's ever thought of over here.
Don't you belong on reddit? Every group has downsides.
video games don't really deal with politics, because the people that direct video games have never really participated in a political process more involved than voting straight party. you couldn't tap one of them to participate even in textbook selection for a public school. to them politics is extremely vague and stupid thing that looks and sounds like a speech from law and order. it's why the "identity politics" or "war is bad" shit comes up so much in the first place.
Nobody who cares about politics in gaming cares about any of that. They use it as a means to an end to "win" and score points for their side.
So your position is fundamentally dishonest. You are fundamentally dishonest, and can't stand that everyone can see through you
Oh, I forgot about DX.
Yes, I would agree.
The conditions left to the player during and after playthrough that setup further exploration are very effectively set up for a videogame.
Critical lessons set up by the game are not concerning what, or how, but why you think the way you do.
>Metal Gear is about the horrors of nuclear war and the very possible future of governmental takeover using the power of controlled narratives and meme culture.
>Planescape Torment touches on different philosophical branches such as transhumanism and what it means to be human.
>Call of Duty delves into the ethics of war and what it means to be on the "right side" of history.
Do you see the problem with this, lefty/pol/?
Because I talk to artists and write stuff myself. First thing you realize when you have to construct something from literally nothing, from a blank page, you learn that it's all fabricated, any sense of objectivity in your creation is a farce constructed by the communities engaging with your art
I honestly like how leftist-thinking has been applied into some of the better RPGs of the past decade.
Said good RPG are fair more than they are preachy. In other words, you now get to kill women soldiers and women generals, who may or may not deserve it. You get to eviscerate all niggers, if you feel like it. You get to play the equivalent of a white colonialist, or the equivalent of an American Native, or you get to play a kike making money out of both, or you get to play a pirate.
These are all pluses to me. The strawman "Every villain is a white male and they want to genocide us poor gamers" is something that is in your mind more than something that is actually persuasive in the genre. Even the much hated Wolfenstein 2 never had anything particularly anti-white in it, and there were tons of white people who were on the good side.
The "culture war" shitposting we do over here is completely detached from the actual vidya we bitch about.
humans are not distinct from nature.
Communist brainlet fuck off back to Pleddit.
>You really think that most people in this thread have a problem with the lack of subtlety and unremoved characteristics of a games politics rather than just having a problem with the ideology of the politics?
Not him, but absolutely. I can enjoy tons of very subtle media that goes directly against my political beliefs purely on the merit of the delivery of the message itself. Tons of environmentalist movies, books, and art are some of my favorite pieces of material despite my beliefs in real-life environmentalist causes.
Which is what game developers can't seem to grasp. People would flock to their game, if they just made a good game first. The problem with most of these "games" is that they're games second and messages first. Calling the game a piece of shit for the hamfisted message is considered a 'cringe' and 'chud' thing to do, so tons of mediocre to outright awful games get free passes simply because they're reflections of certain online echo chambers.
Only smoothbrains need things laid out as this or that. There is absolutely no such thing as good or bad so understanding the positives and negatives from a subjective viewpoint is imperative to making an educated choice about things.
More like "niggers where they aren't supposed to be" and that's a proper criticism.
Based slav devs are the only ones who BTFO'd sjws into oblivion.
Good one OP. We both know that by "something to say" you mean "an agenda to dispense", these idiots never explore both sides of an argument like any self-respecting individual. They merely virtue signal and attempt to brainwash the youth (predominant market for these shit games).
I think the problem is that people often recognize a very patronizing tone in games.
It's not only political, but it sends a message of "this is the narrative and here is how you should feel about it".
I wonder which mindset is superior and will lead to better, more enjoyable results for everyone?
"if you believe that all people should play by same rules, and be held to same standards, 50 years ago you would be called radical, 25 years ago liberal, and today you would be called racist"
might have butched quote a bit.
Persona “Fuck Adults and Fuck Authority” 5
I don't think either you or the artists you have consulted are creative. You also have never constructed anything from nothing. You've inherited language, themes, and understanding of the real that has been approximated by generations of human inquiry. Even your attempts at divergence are a reaction to this inheritance of refined understanding.
>Said good RPG are fair more than they are preachy. In other words, you now get to kill women soldiers and women generals, who may or may not deserve it. You get to eviscerate all niggers, if you feel like it. You get to play the equivalent of a white colonialist, or the equivalent of an American Native, or you get to play a kike making money out of both, or you get to play a pirate.
I agree fully that the message that they're trying to send usually goes outright against the mechanics they put into the video game (see Watch Dogs letting you racially profile people and kill them in the street), but that's a reflection of them having to make an interactive entertainment experience. Not actually a reflection of them not trying to create a good narrative, story, or world.
If it were up to them, I'm sure they would specifically restrict violence against certain classes/races/factions in these games, but they can't actually do that because they're still making a video game at the end of the day. The problem is that anyone who wants to make a game reflective of what you're actually doing in it would immediately be shut down for sending the wrong message.
>They use it as a means to an end to "win" and score points for their side.
Youre so deep in this shit. Get a grip on yourself.
>You can only have politics in your games if you are equally kind to both sides of the political spectrum and don't favor one over the other
What the fuck is up with this stupid mentality? Should we also apply this to The Last Night? Are we all gonna complain if they're too mean on the SJWs? I don't buy it for a second. You're only saying this because the average video game developers disagrees with you politically.
So you admit a narrative of betrayal, one like a transwoman being shunned by her family after they find out could make for an interesting narrative? Cool, because minority stories involve those elements and actually show how those elements manifest differently within different communities.
Maybe, but people need to take steps to decolonize their mind and realize that Western thinking has its own set of problems, fiction is a great way to explore that idea.
I don't have to go anywhere, nor do any of the people brought here against their will. America belongs to everyone born here, including the nonwhites, not a at all that white people no longer have a monopoly on narrative construction
>Based slav devs are the only ones who BTFO'd sjws into oblivion.
So, "I just turned 14" - The Game?
So, then, it doesn't matter. "Death of the Author" applies. Regardless of what the developer said on twitter or believes, you get to play the game as you want. And there are a lot of games that obviously fully support this by letting you side with anyone and kill anyone (not all RPGs do this, Cyberpunk 2077 won't, for example).
>one like a transwoman being shunned by her family after they find out could make for an interesting narrative
If it wasn't over the top and the story delved into why her family thought that way, sure, although that's not betrayal. But that is not how trannies are written in games and you know that.
For instance, black people being treated badly by cops in America because we dindu nuffin. It's topical, I guess, sure, but it will literally never be relatable or considered a work that transcends borders.
no there is no point in "decolonizing the mind"
again this would just entail reaching into deeply reactionary politics, because europe's philosophy has permeated every population that isn't some hunter gatherer tribe that does lots of cool rapes
future political philosophy will not begin in african cannibalism, because it's fucking stupid
Basically any slav game.
Nigger status: 0
Good example would be Kingdom Come: Deliverance
Mere mentioning the game triggers lefties
Oh, never mind.
>muh western thinking
>muh monopoly on narrative construction
Fuck off to reddit, I treated you with more intelligence than you deserve.
>I don't have to go anywhere, nor do any of the people brought here against their will.
You are aware that America isn't the only place that had slavery, right? Every country has worked this out of their system a hundred years ago. Yet here you are in 2019 whining about "muh slaves, muh heritage muhhhhhhhh history"
Bullshit, you were never a slave. You grew up in a first world nation full of people who would bend over backwards to make you feel more welcome and accepting. You have never known actual hardship in your life, but you know who has? The people living in the countries you were "Stolen away from". Maybe if you picked up a book on what their day to day lives were like; you would realize that your stupid American problems are minuscule compared to problems actual people out in the world face.
>America belongs to everyone born here, including the nonwhites, not a at all that white people no longer have a monopoly on narrative construction
This is another American-only problem that only affects Americans. No one is arguing otherwise; you just have such a massive victim complex that you interpret every mention of the outside world as an insult.
>strawmanning this hard
Nah fuck off OP.
>What the fuck is up with this stupid mentality? Should we also apply this to The Last Night? Are we all gonna complain if they're too mean on the SJWs?
You do realize Late Night used to do this, and were in fact once something other than an outlet for media created narratives, right? There was once a time where it was something other than your hourly dose of hollywood propaganda by your favorite TV stars.
Yeah basically, the message is there even if it’s not subtle or nuanced
But then again the average japanese consumer is a surface level drone so maybe they needed to be beat over the head with it to get the message
Is he talking about Vavra? I recall 2 things. One where activist got so desperate he tried to push 19th century adventure novel as "historical source". Might have been just this ignorant though. Other one was when he tried to get Vavra fired, only to learn that he's founder and CEO of his own company, and become laughingstock. Then he tried to backpedal only to be proven liar by screenshots.
Let's not be a bigot and leave MAPs out of the title
Americans are the problem. Japan can put as many gay, female, black, and trans characters in its games as it likes and people don't care.
>Maybe, but people need to take steps to decolonize their mind
I agree, let's reject the evil white construct known as 'science' right now and use an actual, diverse set of properties: magic.
I can agree to a point about the idea of inheritance, although the subjective acquisition of that knowledge and an individual artist's application of it is anything but an objective endeavor which is what you originally claimed.
Witcher games are lefty as fuck.
S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games are okay I guess as they have different factions with different views and all of them have their up and downsides.
No other slav games come to my mind
Human nature has consistently proven itself to be god. No amount of wishful thinking or university philosophy classes about Marx will change that. I loathe corporatism, but "capitalism" is just natural course of human society. I will give you two goats for a bale of wheat etc etc.
It's mind-boggingly ironic that the same people who love and preach nihilism and hate mankind also promote communism, a concept that in it's entirety requires the same mankind to co-operate to function. It's like Republicans who hate the power of the state yet support the militarisation of the police and the unfettered expansion of power for the security state.
It's useless saying things like this anywhere. Not that I disagree but it's just useless.
Do you even know what timeless means?
This is probably the best way to interpret modern video games to ignore the current cultural terrorism.
That said, many people do care about settings and story, and they're not just going to ignore it simply because they can play pretend what the game is actually about.
I heard about this
>Other one was when he tried to get Vavra fired, only to learn that he's founder and CEO of his own company, and become laughingstock.
But not this
>One where activist got so desperate he tried to push 19th century adventure novel as "historical source". Might have been just this ignorant though.
>Then he (the guy trying to get Vavra fired) tried to backpedal only to be proven liar by screenshots.
Got screens?
You know this is all bait, right? He probably doesn't believe a word he said and he's laughing at you right now
Huh isn't this man an actual FAGGOT?
keep modern politics away at all times. thanks.
Liberals have no concept of irony.
>Deus Ex and Battlefield V? What's the difference!
Why do you people keep intentionally misinterpreting a point of view, then argue against that falsehood?
What is your evidence that suggesfs capitalism is the natural course outside of it is the system we are using? Systems and operations change and are subject to human desire. Not everyone desires capitalism and the dissent is growing, so is the future of economic/social structure that might vere away from capitalism also natural?
He did have some Native American in him at the Manhole
>the dissent is growing
No, it's not. Your twitter buddies are not everyone.
Capitalism itself may not be the natural course, but any system that tries to get rid of a market system is most certainly less of a natural course.
This. Europe can as well.
It's only Americans who have problems with this. It's entirely because when Americans try to do it; they fall victim to racism of low expectations. It isn't good enough that a minority just exists in their games; that minority has to be the most important character in the game because anything less than pure obsession to them is bigotry.
Meanwhile I get ten tons of Nessa porn on twitter from Japan almost every day and no one is considering the cultural implications of it except sexless kalemales who are furiously comparing her skin tones in photoshop to make sure she's "dark" enough.
>video game panders about how race mixing is good
Good goyim
What makes you the arbiter of what is natural course and what isn't? I'm still having a hard time seeing your evidence outside of it's just the path history has taken which is not an argument for natural
The natural system would be humans hunting, gathering and murdering each other for resources but we kinda got past it to some degree and tried a few economic systems and capitalism has proven to create the least poverty and the most profits out of all the system we tried.
Actually I implied that you don't know what you are talking about, because you aren't creative, and that was the predicated source of your knowledge.
Your metaphysics is fucking dumb and I have no real interest in arguing about subjectivism with you.
That literally never happened though.
I'm not the guy you've been arguing with who posted the Che picture, but if you haven't noticed that every society outside of hunter gatherers and tribes have evolved to have a market system I don't know what to tell you. More than that, communism is completely unnatural. Every human society has stratified themselves, although by what changes from society to society.
Acceptable forms of politics in video games:
>something to say about power dynamics, about society, about geopolitical status, about how technology impacts our everyday lives
Nu-politics in video games:
didn't save them, but book was The Knights of the Cross, that takes place in 15th century (so about time KCD takes place), and his "proof" was that one knights (or was it price?) had black servant. Looked up wiki, and book was published in year 1900.
It's possible he genuinely believed book comes middle ages though, never underestimate "quality" of modern education.
>um sweaty all games are inherently political like educate yourself ok
Exploring political concepts in video games is fine, even if they're currently hot topics, but they should be able to be removed from the current political climate. Whatever parodies or messages they're pushing should stand on their own outside of that context. The whole "games are political" argument likes to conflate the exploration of themes with the pushing of an agenda so they can continue putting out literal propoganda in their games.
>What is your evidence that suggesfs capitalism is the natural course outside of it is the system we are using?
Not him, but historically almost every human population has used some form of bartering or exchange for the allotment of goods and resources. Welfare states where a leader paid for the well-being of the citizenry are extremely rare, and in many cases are associated with being a peasant or a serf (IE: Two classes so poor that they had nothing to barter with).
Capitalism is simply the system of bartering and trading on a macroeconomic scale. And in fact, without it; it would be impossible to generate the resources and manpower necessary to sustain the population we have right now.
If the problem is that too many people exist; then we should tackle the overpopulation problem before trying to turn our economic system on its head. Every attempt to do so previously has resulted in the deaths of millions.
I think that story of a black person being treated badly by a cop can be relatable, it can make you think about an oppressive government institution that abuses it's power, bringing me to rethink how we have our systems set up and whether they are the most effective for the future I want. Just because YOU can't relate to a localized narrative like that doesn't mean others can't.
Yea Forums is full of literal 14 year olds. They want to talk about politics but probably didn't even have pubes when their country's previous leader was active.
It also goes without saying that context of the era matters. A game that's openly biased about events from 30 years ago is a retrospective based on perspectives and informations with hindsight vision and a generational gap that allows it to be seen more objectively.
A game in 2019 saying FUCK TRUMP thinks it's "topical" but it's just inevitably a lazy hot take on something with an emotional lens and nearly no wider perspective that time and a retroactive assessment provides, so it's pretentious and dated the moment its born.
"Political games" today have plenty of tools like analogy, character traits and balanced criticism to use, something that would engage you in the matter, but instead it's just a college student's reddit posting history tacked on to a vaguely interactive experience. "Political" art in today's climate means there's a 95% chance it's created by a fucking amateur of every caliber. That's why people fucking retch when they see it injected like low quality botox into their favourite medium.
Maybe you never learned this, but the "deliberatly pretending to be oblivious" tactic only works until people start genuinely thinking you might be on the spectrum.
And your kind passed that point like a decade ago.
Still not an argument for objective art creation but alright
Well that's cool, but you're almost certainly a self hating mayo American. The rest of the world doesn't relate to we dindu nuffin stories or that #BLM book would have been a worldwide bestseller.
and when any video game developer disagree's with a tranny, all of you are up in arms trying to get them fired and deplatformed just because they think parents shouldnt be in charge of determining a childs gender.
humans can naturally adopt other strategies for organizing the division of labor and consumption. there were strategies before the emergence of capitalism. there have been strategies since then. they were notably worse and discarded.
Did you really just say "we live in a society"?
I'm not even sure what you think objective art creation means, but I'm sure it's not very smart.
Many cultures have fiction where they try to reconcile their oppression or when they feel they've been unjustly treated. Russian literature, Irish literature, even post ww2 Japanese literature.
Persona 5. Fuck adults, fuck society, fuck public transportation.
That was DmC: Devil May Cry featuring Dante from the Devil May Cry series.
It pandered directly to that political agenda, and Yea Forums still blasted the fuck out of it because it used it's political message to hide the fact that most of the dialogue was just "FUCK YOU" "NO, FUCK YOU" over and over.
What about this one?
And yet they don't relate to ACAB #BLM autism, so what does that tell you? In fact, two/three of those societies like the police.
Maybe the current Hong Kong protesters would relate to it, but I seriously doubt it.
>subtly implying europe was never all white
Nigga what
I would agree if historically systems had been democratically selected in such a way that the input of everyone equally determined the decision to use a system, but that would be pretty inaccurate.
I still don't see course of history as evidence for natural progression
youth in japan apparently have it pretty rough up until they turn 20. once that hits, they're finally able to escape into the world of wage slaving, but they at least have some free reign on their lives after that.
>How did we come to this?
Becouse current year politics is a clown show that any sane person would stay away from, its a bunch of comedians trying to outmeme eachother for attention but nobody wants to listen to annoying retards except other annoying retards, they have nothing intelligent or insightful to say
Look at this thread right now, NOBODY here believes a single word posted in this thread becouse they think they are either joking or retards and the reason for that is that everything posted here is meme shit for the sake of one uping eachother, not real discusion, just trying to be on top matters, now imagine that shit in the real life and you have the political standings of current year
More so saying we unnaturally make society, but yeah sure same difference. Not even to say that unnatural is negative, just that we should use that knowledge to realize we can prettily easily change our systems if we wanted to
There is some genuinely good discussion here if you go through the thread. I've found the best threads on Yea Forums are ones where people start out pretending to be retarded and then start to have serious conversation between people hurring and durring at one another.
>restore Europe to a whitebread fairyland that only exists in their xenophobic wet dreams
I can only assume they're referring to the fact that Europe was always culturally diverse even when it was all white but that's giving them too much credit.
You already believe in an objective lens so I agree I doubt you're very smart.
I guess it's time for gamers to RISE UP
Subtle difference being the Russians and Irish were dying of famine by the millions and constantly at war. While dindu nuffins today are obese because they have one the highest standards of living in the world.
no user you are arguing legitimacy. you don't find selection legitimate, because it doesn't follow from democratic processes. democracy itself is merely one strategy groups have adopted for making decisions for themselves. it isn't primal.
Economic systems are by design sort of democratically chosen and supported. You don't think the elites were literally devising and controlling economic systems, do you? Nor that in a million years could everyone literally congregate and develop a system that agrees with everyone?
Would you like to come see my baseball bat collection, user?
Nobody wants to see your dildos user
Can I help/stand with European Dawn in this game?
it's more so people don't want poorly conveyed political messages, and shitty, one dimensional characters in their games. as a gay guy id rather have more characters like Mislav from the Witcher 3 over Undyne from Undertale. since the latter had two defining character traits: she was loud and gay, and that just doesn't make for a good character or a fun experience.
When gamers say "political", what they're trying to say is "partisan". That is, advancing the agenda of a political party.
That's a good point. Made a mistake and conlfayed the two. I like your use of the word primal, I tend to align that with natural in that there are primal instincts that lead to natural responses.
I would still say that capitalism is not one of those. But if you have another definition of natural where it does fit I'd genuinely like to hear it
I'm not a homosexual, user. We're going to have exercises in metaphysics.
Mislav was a bro, I wish he had appeared in more quests. Same with the crossdressing but completely straight Elf.
>We're going to have exercises in metaphysics.
Sounds gay
being unable to empathize, understand or relate to someone else and/or their situation is the sign of a peabrain. people like this are defective humans that need to be removed from society. all of humanities efforts right now should be focused on improving itself, rapidly, by any means. people have too many flaws for society to continue to function without some kind of catastrophe (not necessarily violent, indefinite stagnation counts imo). it's sad that everyone's effort is wasted playing a stupid ass game of disingenuous posturing instead of doing something useful. technology has far outpaced our evolution, your brain didn't develop to function in a world this big and interconnected, full of people constantly trying to manipulate you, and with so many complexities to consider at any moment. it's no surprise that retards constantly jump into escapism -- it's comfortable to deal with a contrived, simple world that is meant to be understood, compared to the real mess we've made here.
Just you wait, a jannie will delet thread in no time. I'm already surprised it lasted that long
>Whitewashes history and makes assholes into heroes
You fuckers couldn't write good politics to save your life otherwise you'd be in hollywood with the rest of your friends.
all of these things are natural as they are produced within nature. the question isn't whether capitalism is "natural" (it is) but whether it is successful, and whether a population values this success or not. groups that follow unsuccessful strategies will eventually lose.
games are escapism
if some neckbeard who drank too much onions the night before decides to write his worldview - that invariably takes inspiration from current events - into the story, then it's not escapism, is it?
most adults who play bideo gaems do it after a day doing what toilberg tells them to. they want to switch their brains off. having some fedora tier script preaching to them and reminding them of the news doesn't help with this.
Anyone have the New Colossus black girl who looked IDENTICAL to Little Black Sambo down to the white dress and white bow in her hair?
>So woke you go back to the 20's for character designs.
If that piques your interest, then you can subjectively experience it that way.
Zoomers with extremist views grew up playing video games and like with other media use the internet to express their distaste for the progression of society. Like their boomer forefathers with blacks and Asians in movies, sports teams etc. The funny thing is video games are the lest progressive form of media as it still doesn't have much representation of gays, blacks, women who aren't big tittied anime whores.
Cope, every board serves its purpose.
were video games in the 90’s-2009 political
That's fine, I think its run its course anyway.
this we need to ban videogames
I agree, we should discuss politics on any board whenever it naturally comes up in a discussion
Sometimes I really just want to suck a big fat cock, you know? Like really go to town on it.
i really just wish devs could write better gay characters. instead they just opt to have them state how gay they are all the time while also being as obnoxious about it as they can possibly be. then people praise that shit as the best shit ever, and ree at people who disagree.
Well alright but you should know I'm a power bottom.
Yes, metal gear solid as a prime example. Most RPGs tell political stories and then you modern warfare which was extremely political.
Can't say I've ever seen natural defined in those terms, wouldn't that mean bombs and even artificial intelligence are natural constructions because at some point they are created using things within nature?
I wholeheartedly agree, in general the natural argument isn't the most productive one. Probably shouldn't have entertained it as long as I did.
I still feel like capitalism is one of those doomed to fail projects, but I guess only time will tell. The current state seems like one in complete dissarray and chaos.
Say what you want about Last of Us, but Bill was great.
Generation Zyklon is going to turn back part of that "progression", dumbass, that's how society works. It ebbs and flows.
>What is your evidence that suggesfs capitalism is the natural course
Every single human civilisation in the history of the world using a bartering system of one kind or another?
The game is about whatever you want it to be about.
This site isn't for you. You need to be more of a degenerate to use this site.
he was gay? that totally flew over my head when i played it
Yeah, and did you bitch that they weren't fair on both sides? I doubt it.
Delving into reduced, misinterpreted, or misguided interpretations of world events is another form of escapism.
In fact, delving into current events at all is probably a form of escapism, from having to give serious introspection into why you have conflict, suffering, and emptiness in your own life.
Any action can be turned into an avenue of escapism - after all, it matters not "what" you're doing, and "how" you're doing it, but "why".
And the "why" is, again, to run away.
That's why he's a good character, you paid attention to his actual traits before who he fucked.
I think he mentions his husband at times, and there's letters around.
Name one game that says this. Protip: Wolfenstein doesn't say this. It doesn't imply Trump voters are Nazis. In fact, it says Trump is too incompetent to be a nazi. The game is about killing actual nazis and any interpretation of it being about killing Trump supporters is persecution complexes.
>Yeah, and did you bitch that they weren't fair on both sides?
Lots of people did. Remember the Bush era? Remember Leno standing in front of an audience of millions preaching about how great it would be if we all went to war with Iraq? You may not remember that, but it happened.
Frank was his "partner", you find a note from Frank which was basically a break up letter telling Bill to go fuck himself, and there's gay porn magazines at his place, one of which Ellie steals.
>be japan
>put the most blatantly LGBT character in years in your game
>Yea Forums loves it
how do they keep getting away with it
everything is doomed to fail, because the ability to do work will eventually come to an end in this universe. humans will be extinct long before then, but that is the upper bound on all strategies. you can't compute without a computer.
you think capitalism in particular is doomed, because it reassures you about the possibility of utopia or some other faggotry.
Pandering and a holier-than-thou attitude does not make for good political commentary.
Because Toriyama designs are based and make everything better
>Protip: Wolfenstein doesn't say this. It doesn't imply Trump voters are Nazis
You are 100% mentally retarded if you believe this.
but if the game doesnt just make a point to directly tell me he's gay, how will i, a gaymer, get my much needed representation!!!
>arguing with commies and marxists
El oh el
To these people lies and deceit are just means to an end, you're arguing with literal subhumans.
Then you weren't paying attention
The only thing that's political is going into politics or voting.
fuck niggers
nah nigga thats gay
Far Cry 5 and Division 2 not saying this caused journos to cry about it.
But, nigger, are you serious? How could you not see that Wolfenstein was literally calling cheeto an incompetent Nazi (which conflicts with HE'S GOING TO TURN AMERICA FASCIST YOU NEED TO PANIC quite a bit)? Funnily enough they ended up making the Nazis look more cool than Trump supporters as a result.
I didn't have to bitch that they weren't fair on both sides because they shit on both sides equally. Democrat did something dumb? There was a joke about that. Republican did something retarded? There was a joke about that, too.
Modern Late Night is about taking the subtext that the news programs are too objective to talk about and just pushing it as if it's fact. Think Epstein's death was suspicious? You're a conspiracy theorist. Think Russia isn't where satan lives? You're a Russian spy. They can say this because Late Night has no standards to adhere to, they can say whatever they want. However, it didn't used to be this way. People thinking that Colbert and Oliver, faux-political flunkies from Comedy Central's failed late night experiment; is what all late night hosts used to be like is the real revisionism here.
Come the fuck on, Yea Forums only calls gay characters good if it is totally hidden from sight the fact they are gay. It has nothing to do with the actual quality of said writing.
how do people like you cling to metanarratives like progress? it's like there's no coherency to your worldview.
Arcade and Bill were not hidden from sight you fucking dumbass.
What exactly am I supposed to be seeing here?
Explain or hell, any game with flamboyant characters all around.
How would you know they're gay if it's hidden from sight retard?
Are you one of these people who thinks that despite homosexuality being abnormal by definition that straight people should put up with you talking about who's cock you want in your mouth this week? Fuck off.
>Did you know WOMEN can be heros too?
>See this guy? he loves cock!
>...Did you know racism is bad?
Fucking wow, truly groundbreaking political statements, user.
Looks like you're going to have to answer our Quiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiz Questiooooooooooooooooooons
Nobody has ever told me what the "progression" is. At least not a "progressive". Plenty of right wingers seem to have an idea about what the "progressives" are trying to progress towards but the actual people calling themselves "progressive" never can tell me the end goal.
>Faggot doesn't go into a long ass speech or chapters on how everyone should love him for being gay and how unfair the world is to faggots.
Sylvando is character first him being a faggot doesnt even matter in the overall plot
Last I checked most of Yea Forums loves GTA IV the most, and that was a game where one of its main characters was an out of the closet flamer.
And then there’s Gay Tony.
you not noticing it but asking for more politics shows why games need to be literal propaganda in order for people like you to appreciate them.
if there aren't other universe for us to emigrate to we'll just have to create them ourselves
or rather our nonhuman heirs
I don't see it either.
For all of its shit I would say that Overwatch has handled gay characters the best. If you take out the fanbase from the equation and just look at the game and its attached storyline stuff (write ups, comics, what have you) it's never treated as something spectacular or all that important by the characters themselves.
Soldier 76 doesn't have a gay pride assless chaps costume and a voice line that says he needs cock.
Tracer likewise doesn't have voice lines about her Tumblr blog or how much muff she wants to dive. Hell her default isn't even a warning hair color it's just normal brown.
These are believable as people that just so happen to have these sexual preferences. Honestly someone making their sexual preferences the first thing they make sure people know about them and basically a main pillar of their personality, seems to me, that they're not genuine with it. That it's pretend. That it's for attention.
no we lose this game in the end
but along the way we may find the most efficient way of burning up everything else on the planet
Ok cool. So can you say what the message in that picture is? I didn't play that Wolfenstein. Unlike most of Yea Forums I don't play games that don't seem appealing.
have they ever really said how much augs cost in the games? they might be cheap for all we know
Gay people are NOT born that way they were all raped as children
Is that a joke? Market economies are unsustainable. Just look at what state capitalism has done to Venezuela.
>Game is about America that is literally Nazi-infested (not Trump supporter infested, Nazi infested, there's a difference)
>Turn a famous catch-phrase into an anti-nazi catch-phrase
Trump cucks are so fucking embarrassing.
You literally contradicted yourself in your post dumbass.
Nigger, they are using Trump's catchphrase to talk about being against Nazis and straight up said these politics are intentional, what more do you need?
Obama's slogan is Yes we can. It's out of order in the new regime.
because Slyvando takes off like a fucking rocket in the post game and becomes a power house there
Not him but the "IT'S NOT LIKE MODERN POLITICS *wink wink*" posting is embarrassing. All it does is illustrate why modern wolfenstein is a disappointing nightmare made by people who are 'Totally talking about fictional nazis in our fictional world' but it just so happens that all of the politics and issues discussed line up perfectly with parallels in our real world.
It's paper thin, everyone can see through it, and no, everyone thought the bi-racial homosexual intercourse in The New Colossus was disgusting. You will never be able to use this "I-it's totally not the same guys!" argument with Wolfenstein as it's arguably the most transparent as it's ever been.
Blow me twerp, once the Petistas take over and turn us into a super power, you'll be the first on the wall.
You really are retarded. It was shortly after the election, it's using Trump's catchphrase AND a phrase that has only ever been used specifically in the context of being anti-Trump ("not muh president"). I don't even like Trump, I think he's a dumbass, I just hate this retarded blatant injection of contemporary politics (if you can call "EVERYONE I DON'T LIKE IS LITERALLY HITLER" politics) into a franchise that used to be just about killing nazis- actual 1940s Hitler-worshipping German nazis, not the entire American right wing.
>multitude of anti-trump digs in commercials and in game
>no one's talking about you
How fucking brain dead are you.
>Lets all do communism
>country collapses
>this is capitalism's fault!
I'm glad we have another failed experiment to add to the list.
It's kind of had to apply that to TNC because that story was written out like, a year before Trump got elected.
It is totally possible they applied that to Young Blood though
It's in the resistance base, what more context do you need?
The part I'm not triggered by in Wolfenstein is the ancient Jewish tech that Nazis stole, it's so absurd it's great. The politics in TNC and the newest one are losing that absurdity.
>he's from brazil
You're not taking over anything.
>Unlike most of Yea Forums I don't play games that don't seem appealing.
Ah a fellow picky user. Good to know I'm not the only one, I sometimes lose hope in humanity when someone shits on a game for reasons that are inherent to its genre but they played it anyway because they have to play all games that come out
>It's kind of had to apply that to TNC because that story was written out like, a year before Trump got elected.
Yet Trump cucks still fully believe the game fully targets them. Just goes to show why the people bitching about politics cannot be taken seriously. They see them everywhere.
With Young Blood, it is absolutely obvious. How are you any less retarded for having Trumptards live in your head rent free?
>It's kind of had to apply that to TNC because that story was written out like, a year before Trump got elected.
The insane politics on display in that game were still extremely prevalent when that game was being developed. Maybe not specifically Trump, but there has to be something wrong with a development team when they tell themselves "I have a political point I want to make. I'll make a white nazi fucking a black man in exquisite detail to illustrate that." and no one tells them how unhinged and insane it makes them look.
>It's in the resistance base, what more context do you need?
I didn't need the context but everyone else did.
Why would I need to give the flute to the one who produced it? Unless she produced it specifically for me to give out. In which case it is a gift or I paid them to do it.
This chart is retarded.
Do you want to smoke my shit man, yo man.
>Yet Trump cucks still fully believe the game fully targets them.
You are aware he was running for president then, right?
You're also aware that 'Trump cucks' wasn't the thing wrong with TNC's political message, right? You're projecting about Trump when this is really about the politics involved. Youngblood absolutely had Trump parallels. TNC absolutely had BLM/antifa parallels complete with white nazis fucking black men.
This is why we can't take people bitching about Trumptards seriously, they see them everywhere.
Welcome to communism. I genuinely can't tell what person that image is pushing, they all have genuinely claims to it.
Yeah...I just guess there are a lot of people who are legitimately addicted to the games.
The WHO is right.
I think the chart is making the assumption that you're taking the flute from the child by force. It's making the supposition that you are the government handing out resources, and is asking you which one is more deserving of them.
i don't know what you guys are on about, but the entire purpose of "nazis" in contemporary discourse is to attack people that resist third world colonization. even having this discussion is stupid.
>games are for fun!
>so let's focus on POLITICS
> a onions twinkle in her eye
what did he mean by this
Brazil will be a superpower by 2025, the IMF has said so multiple times.
'in your face' politics are never good in any media
political plots are only good if the writer(s) are good enough
People want proganda shoved into their faces where everyone that opposes them are nazis.Then are taken back when people don't like being compared to nazis
And Japan was going to be a superpower in the 80s. Sure, bud.
Jesus Christ India in 2020,Brazil in 2025... Now tell me Congo becomes a superpower by 2030
But it's okay when Japan does it, right?
What are you talking about, Three Houses?
politics are fun
its the second greatest game just after wrestling to the death in a greased up ball pit in zero g
the best thing about politics is how its gambling with the survival of our entire species
>come back after a few years and check the catalogue
Man, this place has somehow become unchanged in its ways and gotten worse over the years.
I do not miss this board at all. Death to Yea Forumseddit.
>It's kind of had to apply that to TNC because that story was written out like, a year before Trump got elected.
that's not what I was saying. TNC having homosexual intercourse in extreme detail was disgusting. All of the nu-wolfenstein games are about extremely paper thin parallels to the real world where one is an analog for another in every way but name.
Which is why is a fucking retard. It's the "Totally not the same guys wink wink" while you're reading logs about how 'The Fash' are totally like conservative christian boomers and how all of the resistance are young, quirky Antifa types.
Then you get to Youngblood and it's straight up about fighting the strawman equivalent to Trump supporters, down to the slogan they use.
Whys it so unbelievable that India won't become a superpower they have resources and just as much people as china
No the only one with the legit claim is the one who produced it. Unless the scenario was "a flute was made and given to you to distribute" and if we are going with that assumption then the only legitimate claim is who I deem fit.
The one who can use the flute properly has a skill that has no application without the flute. Just because you have a skill with a tool doesn't mean you have a claim to that tool.
The one who produced it has given up their claim the moment they gave it to me either as a gift or in exchange for money. If she didn't want me to give it away she should have never given it to me in the first place.
The third one had no claim to anything. Being a charity case is not a legitimate right or claim to goods or services. Third child is an emotional argument only and thus the "claim" is basically based on how much I give a shit.
See you tomorrow.
It is, see
Strawmaning like this is why it is impossible to talk with liberals. They will never address your actual argument
Japan makes them character first then faggots, America makes it faggot/color first, oppression second, and character last
I kept hearing they're going to be a superpower in 20 years, 20 years ago. They will never be a superpower until their culture evolves into not shitting in the streets.
>video game says diversity is our strength
Too short a period of time and Chinese are more advanced culturally in general. Remember, Indians still shit in the streets
>le u r here 4ever
I've grown out of video games, son.
Wolfenstein was just off-brand Indiana Jones, even when it was made. It should stick to that, and have BJ fighting Nazis who are seeking lost relics and superpowered tech.
Not this shit where it's a lame corridor shooter where you're supposed to feel like you're fighting the fash. Fuck the fash, who cares about the politics of the fictional Nazi regime? The thing people cared about was stopping them from getting the Lance of Longinus so the final boss wouldn't turn into a giant demon that shot fireballs at you. That is what Wolfenstein is about. The people acting as if it was always 'political' are brainlets and retards.
Shocker, you've missed the forest for the trees.
>video game has something to say about power dynamics, about society, about geopolitical status, about how technology impacts our everyday lives
Game devs aren't this clever.
It would instead be something like a guy with bad blonde hair named dorland drump who would just constantly scream about a wall.
Thats a little bit of an over-exaggeration, but not by as much as you might think.
feels like i heard it first 5 years ago, but your second sentence is on point
The only reason why is this happening because these shits never even played these games. These people actively hate games, they have nothing to do with video games, never was, never will. Remember hamburger helper? Its the same ass shit. The only reason they are in the industry is because they can use it to fuel their dogshit opinions and live off their power fantasy in a medium which can be easily distributed and also prints money due to the overall intelligence of the consumer being dangerously low.
I don't want to doomsay, but its clear as fuck this whole industry is in a huge pile of shit, and instead of crashing, which should happen it continues to produce low quality products, due to the aforementioned consumer loving that they are being fed with shit.
This can be applied to the whole west and east in general. Completely different mindset of what a game should be. An entertainment. Its also the big reason why western games are so trash.
Like a tax? That's dumb as shit too. You're taxed on the commerce of things you produce not on the production of them. In fact production and operation costs are often tax deductions
We're fucking tired of that shit.
any attempt to normalize faggots is a propaganda you inbred
You got it wrong OP
>video game has something to say about power dynamics, about society, about geopolitical status, about how technology impacts our everyday lives
>Yea Forums is fine
>video game has a female, person of color, or LGBTQ character.
>the video game thusly is political
That's what the hypothetical is about.
So basically pic related.
>that's not what I was saying. TNC having homosexual intercourse in extreme detail was disgusting. All of the nu-wolfenstein games are about extremely paper thin parallels to the real world where one is an analog for another in every way but name.
Explain how the nazis in the new Wolfenstein games are anything like actual real life Trump supporters, please. Show us the analogue.
To be honest at this point I'm thinking the christards are on to something.
They've been screaming for years about how the rich and powerful have been pushing sexualization of children and normalizing things so that they can be more open about their shit.
Pretty sure everyone's eyes are open to that now with things like Epstien and all these sudden transgender child fashion shows that doll them up like adult women...
Honestly at this point if you are a man and you say you're a feminist I just assume you're a rapist or some sex pest of some sort.
If you're an SJW I assume you're just a closeted racist.
If you're one of those "LGBTQ+ ally" types you're probably a pedophile.
If you're one of these right wing ethnostate types you're probably just an incel.
>The only reason why is this happening because these shits never even played these games
The irony of this sentence is powerful. The only reason why "muh politics" is a problem is because you don't play video game, you just look at cherry-picked tweets made by developers and cherry-picked scenes that are supposedly oppressing white males and conclude the game is shit and against you as a result.
see and and and And then ignore them, because it makes you look dumb.
That's not what "political" means in the context of gamers.
"political" means modern, contemporary politics which includes, but isn't limited to:
-Forced diversity
-Fake concepts like "gender identity"
-Whining about American politics without seeing the broad picture
-Presenting Islam as positive influence (Never Forget 9/11)
-Presenting Jews as an oppressed minority
The absolute worst part is that the big AAA developers who just love to make statements about this stuff are just doing it for attention and revenue. They don't give a shit about any of that bullshit, they just want to make money, but the fucking PLEBS that have invaded MY hobby are gobbling it up like RETARDS and don't understand that they are being used.
They are almost as bad as the other idiots say shit like "I wont play games with women and niggers in them", also completely oblivious that they are instruments in the new form of outrage PR, where you just make up some bullshit and mouthbreathers will shill your shit FOR FREE on social media.
>technology are from the jews
>Nazis are using it to cause global warming
>Nazis like raping black people
>if you support Trump you're a nazi
>also heres some unlikeable black people who are worthless caricatures.
>don't like em ? What are you a Nazi?
Do you even play videogames? What am i talking about this is Yea Forums of course you don't.
Just dilate before it's too late and the hole is closed up
That pic doesn't make sense at all. Couldn't a black person easily jump over that barrier? They are so good at that stuff.
>the topic is interesting like questioning what it means to be human, who should have the power, politics is inevitable in it.
>it has an interesting discussions, where people talk about the topic
>the topic is about pushing your pozzed political worldview where I'm supposed to be interested in some carped munchers, race mixing abominations in wheelchair screeching about how communism is the best thing, and every christian white guy is the devil himself
not even related to this conversation but if you can't see the clear parallels, i wonder if you actually played the game.
Because unironically a lot of degenerates are using media as a tool to push social commentary, specially games coming out of california or other liberal shitholes. The fact people are pushing back and not taking it in the ass is a good thing you spineless shill.
This isn't exclusive to games, google itself is controlling the narrative and skewing you in "the right direction", so does twitter and every other silicon valley company.
They're not, but the people producing the game would like them to be.
That's the point. It's a projection of an insult.
You are either being willfully ignorant or you're just a retard but the idea that any and all Trump supporters are somehow just a bunch of Nazis is a traditional argument point among the foaming moths of the left.
The sky screamers can't cope and so they do this shit.
Those KKK fellas sound like nice guys desu
>well written dialogue that explores different ideologies from different points of views and lets player come up with their own conclusion
>blatant propaganda telling you what to think because the writer has a chip on their shoulder and who can't help themselves from soiling the quality of the writing by interjecting their own opinions in it
If you can't see the difference here, I can't help you. Bonus points if the shitty writing is in a sequel to beloved game series known for deep and rich writing.
Picture related. Look at this shit. Look at the dialogue options. You can't roleplay a character in a roleplaying game because some clown thought it would be a good idea to put their own ideology before quality. Oh and guess what? You're a bigot if you have a problem with this. Oh yeah man, don't you just fucking love that? Isn't that fucking wonderful? It's not possible that you dislike the shitty writing and lack of role-play, nuh-uh. You're just a bigot. That's literally the only explanation.
>you can't call him a disgusting fucking fag and advise him to an hero
Does this just come unprompted?
I somehow dubt that any trans person irl would be so open to a stranger.
Well you have to click on the npc in order to get the dialogue
The worst part is this is a world where you can actually become a women because of magic and the writers still chooses it to be trans and to create a perfect snowflake with its own made up bull shit name.