He thinks Halo is a good game

>He thinks Halo is a good game
>He thinks PC isn't for gaming
>He thinks a gamepad isn't bad for FPS games
>He doesn't know his console is a entry level PC
>He firmly believes Overwatch is a competitive game

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Other urls found in this thread:


Spoken like a true pubg player

>He thinks a gamepad isn't bad for FPS games
I do just fine with one. Weapon switching in games with a lot of them is a bit tricky though, I'll give you that. Not a common problem nowadays though.

What, you think a game where disabled (((players))) can do fine is a competitive game?
>game needs precision and fast movement
>"a gamepad is ok I swear!"
It's like playing a driving game with a keyboard, it's not designed for that shit you fucking imbecile

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>he's not an idort

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>a gamepad is ok I swear!

>proper exemple
I farmed bitches in TF2 with the trackmouse of my laptop You need to implement skill into account, fucking tard.
A gamepad is a handicap. You can still win with a handicap. Just need it to be against bad players, like you.

Gamepads are really bad, at least OP was correct in that. With gyro and touchpad controls, you can almost have precision aiming at reasonable speed, but it's only going to be on par with a mouse in the best of times.

>A gamepad is a handicap
Sure, I already told you that it is for weapon switching but please explain to me how it is a handicap for movement and aiming. I don't see it.

Unfortunately most of this board is filled with underage faggots or the mental equivalent, and doesn't want to recognize the fact that:
>FPS needs K+M (TPS too, but you can do fine with a gamepad, kind of)
>ARPG needs Gamepad
>Racing games needs Steering wheel (gamepad is decent though)

Gamepad goes with almost everything but a fucking FPS
>not precise
In TF2, you need to check your back for spies. Do instant 180 with a gamepad, I dare you.
It's just one exemple.

Daily reminder that shooting game crossplatform will never be a thing, because people with a keyboard and mouse just destroys the people with a gamepad, no matter the skill level

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>Do instant 180 with a gamepad, I dare you
That's just a quick swipe on the touchpad for me.

>He thinks Halo is a good game
I can agree that the gameplay is weak.
>He thinks PC isn't for gaming
PC isn't for gaming, but it's where gaming is done best.
>He thinks a gamepad isn't bad for FPS games
Works fine, just never gonna be on par with KB+M.
>He doesn't know his console is a entry level PC
Nonsense. I wouldn't have to pay for online on an entry level PC. It's an expensive toy.
>He firmly believes Overwatch is a competitive game
Isn't any game where one team fights another competitive? If yes, then it's a bad competitive game, and if no, then you're right.

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Acceleration is the worst thing you could do for precision

>Works fine
no it doesn't that's why all the games have to have built in aimbot to compensate

You're not even trying

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>Gamepad works fine for FPS
>Has a built in aim assist

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There is no acceleration and the touchpad is only used for large movements. The gyro is used for precision.

>He thinks a gamepad isn't bad for FPS games
I wouldn't use it in a game where you need to aim well, but it is a lot more comfortable to use as far as single player goes.

Bungie Halos are superb. 343 Halos are garbage. PC is n°1for gaming. Gamepad can be okay for some specific fps games. Consoles can't be PCs but they prevent cheating online better. Overwatch isn't competitive and was only good the first few months when it released.

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Then it's just not precise at all. You're forcing two inputs fro what a mouse does in one.

>not be able to aim correctly

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Well yes, they do work well in tandem though and it feels quite natural.

>he thinks he's special for pointing out basic shit
jesus chris Yea Forums really is nothing but retarded zoomers

Disclosure - for high skill 2d platformers I prefer keyboard. The seperate directional keys make fast dodging walljumping weapon switching what not easier. If not for DFC motions it would be better for fightan too.

>soap opera with a gay faggot in power armor that can only carry two weapons
>can't sprint
Ok, the story is interesting, the gameplay is fuck.

Now tell me how a console isn't a entry level pc when it is a cpu, gpu, motherboard, and a fan. Are you braindead? You can't recognize what a computer is?

Look at the other faggots that disagree with OP. Yes it's basic shit. No others can't into common sense.

Yeah, comfortable not having to keep my hands on the keyboard constantly and being able to sit however I want. It aims well enough in games where you don't need to be competitive.

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>sitting isn't comfortable
Do you even try, faggot? Do you need to be a lazy potato on a cough to enjoy your games?

Oh, you mean games with aim assist

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Leaning back is comfortable, yes. Choosing how to sit is great.

Yes, and?

>I enjoy games where I need to have aim assist

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They're absolutely right, though.

PCs are for gaming, gamepads are terrible for FPS, consoles are clearly PCs, and I've never played Overwatch.

But Halo, the original, actually is a terrific game. You're comparing it to Doom, Quake, and Blood, the 3 greatest games ever created in the history of games. Don't do that. Compare it to the hundreds of clones of all those games that followed them and realize that Halo helped the gaming industry finally grow out of that.

Don't let FG autists hear you. They think it's cheating even if you disable opposite inputs on the hardware level

Games today have aim assist that rival aimbots
If the game punishes accuracy for jumping or movement then controllers might just win

Destiny 2 allows controller on PC and when you play with one its like playing with softlock aimbot
if anything they should give PC players the ability to opt in or out of crossplay

also new CoD is going to have crossplay

It's like saying TVs are entry level monitors.

Some games where I use a controller don't even have aim assist, but that didn't stop me from making Deus Ex playable with a controller.

Today I will remind them

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Maybe I'm just tolerant to bad gameplay, evident by my love for Halo, but even without aim assist I would consider it to work fine.
Disregard my opinion on the matter, as I'm clearly not the one to speak for it.

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>he can't appreciate non mp games
>he uses his pc only for gaming
>he thinks m+kb isn't bad for fps
You have no chance against my eye tracker
>he is a graphics whore
>he gets demolished in overwatch because he has no friends

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Can't believe there's still people defending analog sticks for aiming.

>playing overwatch

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this is bait

>He thinks starting a thread with an anime girl picture is appropriate

>eye tracker
Eye tracking is hilariously inaccurate. If you said IR head tracker it would have at least been believable.

New cod’s crossplay won’t allow pad and kbm players to play together

>Playing Destiny 2 and thinking he has relevancy

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>implying pc fags care about games
>implying pc fags beat games without cheats
>implying you don't lose your shit when the framerate drops and waste your day finding a solution
>implying you don't spend hours instlalling mods only to close the game after 20 minutes
>implying you don't spend most of your time pirating/emulating shit you never finish
>implying you aren't a third worldler with a toaster

based satania poster

CE sux but 2 is bretty gud

To be fair, that one was just the guy being retarded

Does anyone has clips of that black dude playing siege during E3 with russianbadger? Nigga was the only one using a gamepad, felt bad for his teammates when they didnt win.

>that aim
Jesus christ, are you serious?

To be far, that one was just a perfect exemple of a gamepad being retarded for aiming

I unironically agree with most of that, but
>He thinks a gamepad isn't bad for FPS games
In my opinion it is bad, BUT in the current state of the industry and how dag things have gotten in terms of casualization you may as well. I mean ffs the devs are now developing for controllers first even on PC versions. You can even play current WoW with a fucking controller without losing anything (yes, it's real)
Shits fucked.
>He firmly believes Overwatch is a competitive game
Again, it has no place to be considered as a competitive game but given the current state of things...

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...and this helps your case how exactly?

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I agree that gamepads are retarded for fps but anyone that has actually tried should be able to tell that this dude sucks ass

>saving the thumbnail
>a gamepad for fps games is an opinion
It's like saying analogic controls allowed by a gamepad isn't such a good thing for car games. No, really.

In a FPS, you need *precise* and *fast* movements, something that cannot be achieved with a gamepad. Much like in a driving game you need controls that allows you to be smooth, not go on/off for steering. Imagine driving IRL with two buttons for left and right.

Like FPS players that still play with a gamepad on PC. Saw one in quake. The guy didn't competitive plays. he was stuck in bottom tiers because he couldn't do more with his pad.

Doom is unironically a better console FPS than Halo ever was. Keeping the aiming limited to a single axis along with having a high movement speed makes it easy to target enemies without slowing the gameplay to a crawl.

guy played competitive*

Doom is all about nervous action and going everywhere. Did you play at Doom? Double jumping, strafing, and crown controling?

>>saving the thumbnail
Let's try that again.

Also about your point in driving, if we are going this route then we also must take in the consideration if the driving is comparable to state of vidya, then you would only have 2 buttons in your car, left and right. Everything else is automated so retards don't get confused.

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>dude sucks ass
>somehow got to be a pro while doing so

Plain wrong.
A joystick allows you to get an incremental input.A keyboard goes 0/100, no inbetween.
Did you try throtling with X on PS1?
Do you need more facts?

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At aiming I meant
But most importantly, why are they playing on gamepads?

A joystick allows you to get an incremental input.A keyboard goes 0/100, no inbetween.
Did you try throtling with X on PS1?
Do you need more facts?

Did you reply to wrong post? What's this about joysticks?

>jerks about current state of vidya
>isn't related to how gamepad is bad for fps/driving with a keyboard is shitty
Dunno, it's like playing blindfolded and saying it's the fault of the current market

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All console shooters do, and should. Move on already.

Nobody wants to fight with sticks for 10 seconds every time they fight an actively dodging enemy.

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>Move on already
Fuck you and fuck your terrible control method.
You're the one that needs to move on to a better input for FPS games.

>I don't ACTUALLY want to be using a controller
wew laddy

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