Hell yeah Grandia HD Collection is finally here. I haven't played Grandia 1 in almost 20 years. Still better combat than the majority of jrpgs.
Hell yeah Grandia HD Collection is finally here. I haven't played Grandia 1 in almost 20 years...
Considering getting this. How is the port?
The port is absolutely abysmal.
Forced filters that you can't remove, fucked up music, fucked up menus, fucked up everything.
Stay the FUCK AWAY.
Ignore this idiot. It's not a port, they redid pretty much everything, the new textures are great, they got the original recordings of all audio so everything sounds crisp.
Is this worth buying if you like turn based JRPG's?
Yes. They have one of the best combat systems in the genre. Music is really catchy. The stories are decent, but have no clue how they will be for an adult playing for the first time because I played them as a kid. Voice acting for 1 has some good actors and some terrible ones, but has a charm to it, voice acting for 2 is full of metal gear solid actors.
Ok seriously, this is legit shilling.
The game looks like ass, the sprites have been completely murdered.
Someone is legit shilling this port and getting paid to defend and recommend it.
fuck off loser. The backgrounds are a significant improvement and the sprites look okay. The face sprites in 2 look low res because apparently they couldn't change it in the pc code or some shit.
This. I don't understand how somebody can defend this cashgrab port. Everything was fucked up.
There are some screenshots in this /vr/ thread:
Looks like shit.
Is sanity the price to pay for power?
so whats the best way to play grandia 1? The new "remaster" is shit but are there any good ways to play the original with hd textures/high res/widescreen?
inb4 some faggot says buy a sega saturn
It's shit.
You're done, i'm onto your shilling.
They didn't even bother changing the compass.
This actually looks okay. I expected worse.
Is ithe port bad or not?
can somebody make up their mind?
I keep hearing Grandia 2 on switch has framerate problems.
Can anyone confirm?
It's honestly passable to me but the people in this thread are actual, real shills being paid to post about how this game is great, so please be very cautious
The compass is the better looking thing in that screenshot.
The port seems to be functional, but it looks like shit.
oof that doesn't look good at all, why did they have to do the filters
For some reason when companies do ports they want to try and make people forget pixel art ever existed. I have no idea what this conspiracy is or why it exists, but they seem to be under the impression that pixel art looks bad and would look better if all the pixels were blurry and blobby.
Okay shills for and against the game.
Show me evidence backing up your claims.
The better group will decide if I get this game or not.
Chop chop plebians.
It's just really aggressive filter work. What you can't see without side-by-side are actually changed textures for 3D assets. Problem is it kinda proves you cannot give PS1 games an HD treatment by running them an algorithm. Most of what you see in this can be done with emulation.
Yeah, but what about the most important thing - audio that kept cutting off. Is that fixed?
it's because they forget crt displays were a thing and you never saw pixels the way we see them today
Pirate it and find out ;)
what are you doing, son?
Piracy is theft.
Your shilling for being a thief won't work.
looks absolutely disgusting, going to emulate it instead
ps1 or sega saturn version?
Is everyone a shill to you? How do you buy food at the store when they're obviously shilling their products as well?
Who's the cute redhead girl in the front?
Stop shilling for food you paid marketer.
Are you trying to hock a product? You're a shill. Simple as that. In this case, you're a thief, trying to shill stealing things.
This looks atrocious oh my god. Super SAX2 or whatever that thing is
Difference is staggering.
Get mad.
The port is ok if you're not anal retentive, the only bad thing is the audio glitch which is too bad because the music kick ass.
Characters and story are as charming as ever, they do not make games like this anymore.
I'm talking about grandia here, i'm not very fond of grandia 2, remaster or not.
When you start out you're just consuming products, a young kid just playing whatever they want to that seemingly has all the time in the world. When you grow older you become a shill, it's inevitable. You have to shill yourself to get a job, you have to shill at your job, and with your hard earned cash you shill the entertainment you consume to feel validated for escaping. The only way out of the shilling cycle is to live on your own in the wilderness without any connection to the outside world.
what the fuck
See you at the Pride. Homo.
>the new textures are great
No they do not, they looks disgusting
Really want to play Grandia 1, but not for $40
So I'll wait till its down to $20 in two months.
Oh boy here we fuckin go
Grandia 1:
>Forced textures you can't turn off
>Music is out of sync
>Have been claiming it's the Saturn version when it's obviously the PS1 version
>The "Japanese dub" is literally the stolen fan undub, proven by the fact it switches back to English at the 2/3rds point
>All of the new languages it was translated into was machine translations, meaning the German version has this incredible gem of translating a MISS in battle as "frauline"
Grandia 2
>Didn't bother retexturing anything or smoothing shit out
>Actually has more graphical issues than the PC version for some ungodly reason
>Graphical glitches like Millenia's see through skirt now have her skirt outright disappear sometimes
All for the low price of 40 bucks. This shit was announced at the Switch launch and you waited two years for the same fucking garbage ports we already had. These glitches existed at gamecon or whatever in their build and gungho played stupid when asked about it. Don't let those lazy chinks get away with this. Square Enix put their name on this so raise hell on their social media.
>tfw I emailed gungho about the crashing years ago and they flat out said they weren't gonna fix it because they didn't know how
that's legit a girl fuck you and FUCK anime
>He thinks that's a girl.
I recently just beat grandia 1 so I don't care much about that but can anyone tell me if the G2 remaster was any good?
>baaww why don't people want to work with infamous pain in the fucking ass sega saturn/dreamcast code
Girls don't wear shorts, faggot.
>Girls don't wear shorts, faggot.
>Hey I'm going to make you a PB&J guys
>This is bologna
They specifically say in all of their marketing it's the Saturn version. It's straight up false advertising, you dumb shill cunt.
I don't care about this game, you are just a baby who thinks devs can just download a saturn rom and "decode" it.
The saturn was infamously terrible for code, yes.
Dreamcast was based on windows and Microsoft hired most of those dudes for xbox shit in Japan, so what retard shit have you been smoking? Why do you think every version of the xbox has a dreamcast collection?
Nobody said that you fucking moron.
What we're saying is THEY CLAIM it's the saturn version when it's obviously fucking not and two seconds of research proves otherwise. They're a chinkshit company straight up lying to you
I DON'T CARE. I'm not a child. I have a job so I relate to other people with a job who will do the easiest path to achieve the same result.
>corporation lies
oh my god, really?
>Graphical glitches like Millenia's see through skirt now have her skirt outright disappear sometimes
This is supposed to be bad? Sounds hot.
You didn't figure out he was gay?
>Everyone who works a job is a dumb lazy cunt like me
I'm a paramedic and that's the fastest way for me to lose my job, you unbelievable fucking chink moron. Is that why you're defending this so bad? Are you one of the lazy gooks on the team? Tiananmen square, winnie the pooh, etc etc.
You lazy fucking dumb retard fuckin cunt. Go eat a dog.
>I'm a paramedic
Yuck, imagine saving nigger criminals and baby boomers for a living. You make the world a worse place.
Get mad.
Never played, should I just emulate the Dreamcast version (or was it Saturn?) or what?
Fuck off, no Grandia Xtreme, no sale.
I would have bought it if it also had Grandia 3. Never played 3, heard the combat is best in it but the story is pretty shit.
No, I played it, It really isn't great. Xtreme is great in that regard. The plot is bare bones so that you can focus on the awesome combat system. And the villan is played by Mark Hamill.
Yes. Better than this shit job.
1 is okay
2 is absolutely great
xtreme is kinda there
I somehow never finished 3.
Reminder that they legitimate cut out parts of some sprite sheets, on top of all the other issues people have stated.
No one should be buying this trash, its such a shameless cash grab with no effort put into it.
>I'm a lazy fuck, so I relate to other lazy fucks
You're still a faggot regardless.
>advertise beloved classics as HD remasters
>smear dosgshit vaseline filter over painstakingly crafted sprite work and call it a day
are these cunts actually serious? it looks far worse than i imagined it would. absolutely hideous.
The filters are the least of it's problems.
Its got sound issues, graphical issues, language issues, literally everything went wrong.
I can tell you were growing up when the PS2 was popular because your opinion is wrong.
Yeah that's a hard pass from me.
Definitely will be piratan.
>charge top dollar for 2 20+ year old games
>make them objectively WORSE than their original counterparts
>half-ass literally everything, plagiarize the work of others, and use an ugly filter than no one asked for
>also commit false advertising, which is in fact illegal by claiming it's based off the Saturn version when it clearly isn't
If anything, I'm surprised they haven't been sued for that last one, but it doesn't change the fact that you're retarded for blindly defending a shitty port made by a company that gives zero fucks about you or their products.
Actually with ps1, my older brothers are piece of shit that won't even let me watch them play though
>that filter
>>The "Japanese dub" is literally the stolen fan undub, proven by the fact it switches back to English at the 2/3rds point
Is this for real? People played this far and the characters start talking English again because that stolen fan patch was unfinished?
Vaseline filter aside, this is even lazier than I thought. How shameless.
I guess the chances this gets the Chrono Trigger treatment and at least the filters are remove are close to 0% since it wouldn't be "HD" at that point anymore.
you might as well just emulate the PSX version if your Switch is hacked
Justin is a 14 year old user.
Also he's an absolute chad
Im trying to remember if a lazier remaster exists but I dont think I can, closest I can think of is Silent Hill
I've had the ps1 version of grandia II loaded on my ps3 for years. Should I try it out or does that port sucks? I don't even remember getting the game
The filters aren't even the worst part imo, how was it deemed acceptable for the ground textures in the city to be all miss-matched in the PSX release? (and carried over here) It completely ruins any believably of the area.