Well, I finally did it, Yea Forums. I got a smartphone. Am I a woman now?
Anyway, what are some good free Android games to play on the shitter? Stuff like Tetris, Solitaire or whatever. No weeb gachas
Well, I finally did it, Yea Forums. I got a smartphone. Am I a woman now?
Anyway, what are some good free Android games to play on the shitter? Stuff like Tetris, Solitaire or whatever. No weeb gachas
tits or gtfo
>I got a smart phone
>gets an android
Only Indians and Arabs get androids
Only women get iPhones
pls be in London
>I finally got a smartphone
I'm more concerned about your age than your gender.
Actually, absolutely everyone get androids. Samsung is the number one. Are you implying you buy apple shit? Do you know where you are?
I'm 33
Not a lot of vidya around here
>buying anything Apple
what a retard
>he paid the apple tax
sorry OP, there are no good mobile games. The best you can hope for are gacha games, but be aware they turn into pay2win daily chore simulators, but maybe you'll get addicted and keep playing anyway
Read the news, learn geography or something else on the shitter. Don’t play braindead phone games
>free games
Get a functioning brain and figure how how to pirate paid apps.
I already read the news, I'm not American so I already know geography, and Sudoku isn't braindead
Imagine being a pathetic double digit IQ-having brainless iToddler. Maybe 6 or 7 years ago it would have been okay, but the iPhone was long been surpassed.
I want short time wasters, not Skyrim.
>I'm 33
Jobless neckbeard?
Android is still trash
I never mentioned software. I'm raking about phone hardware.
iOS is trash as well.
Yes, although I don't see how that relates to getting a new phone
Any kind of job requires you to be socially active that means communicating with your colleagues, which means you'll have to be part of their group chat on the messenger of their choosing, that is unless you're an outcast and want to be ostracized.
>group chat with people from work
Now that's sad.
That's how it works in real life, especially for white collar jobs.
I certainly never added or had any contact with any colleague outside of the workplace.
Yeah exactly
That's sad
Have you already been labeled the next mass shooter?
No, as already specified, I'm not American
No for a white collar job, you get a second work phone and never bother replying on your off time.
>buying worst korea tech
Apple is actually Western unlike all the other bug people devices
I never said I got a Samsung, I got a Huawei
Must feel bad to be inferior to bugmen
Are you implying women are dumb? Because only dumb people buy shitty smartphones with that horrible touchscreen crap, that spies on you, and that tracks you everywhere you go.
Playing games on that garbage is like using a keyboard with a fucking baseball mitt on. Fuck smartphones and I fucking hope this fucking government and corporate spyware garbage forced onto people by brainwashing and viral marketing dies a horrible death and is made illegal.
Buying a literal chinese botnet over an American company which has the precedent of refusing to decrypt the phones of suspected criminals so as to maintain their privacy
>being forced into work group chats
>i-it's not forcing, y-you don't w-want to be an outcast or o-ostracized
what a shit of a life you have, thank God I'm not in your shoes
You can download the ppsspp emulator, and play psp games on your phone....
Why are you supporting criminals? Are you of African descent?
Smash Hit
Curses n' Candies
Punch Quest (Which is kill. RIP.)
Suspected doesn't = criminals, dumb fuck. This is why we have totalitarian governments. Your privacy should be paramount at all times. This modern trend of data hoovering is disgusting and I hope it causes wars
>I got a smartphone
Welcome to zombieworld.
Fuck nigga that's a pretty grand idea, I'll just do that
Sure it does
Thx bro, really only got it to take photos and play on the shitter
>Sure it does
past tense: suspected; past participle: suspected
have an idea or impression of the existence, presence, or truth of (something) without certain proof.
No it doesn't you subhuman. Enjoy giving your data away to China for free you fucking moron. I hope your idiocy gets you killed, and soon. Don't look both ways when crossing the road anymore
I hope so.
This is the only mobile game I play and imo the only mobile game worth playing. Everything else is garbage.
Don't you have some migrant welcome banner to paint or something?
this sounds paranoid, but I found google had been literally tracking me everywhere I went for months before I turned that shit off, I could go back to any day and see my drive to and from work and anywhere else I went mapped out
On Android, you can download a hacked Youtube app that allows background music with no ads.
That alone is incentive enough to always pick Android over Apple. Always.
You haven't had a smartphone yet and you're 33?
>He uses youtube for music
I use Spotify Premium aswell. However Spotify doesn't have every song and also Youtube has better suggestions.
Just use Youtube Music ou retards
The hacked Spotify premium is usually up for like a month before it gets blocked again. What's the point.
Just pirate your music and put it on your phone. The things have so much storage space that you'll never use otherwise anyway
I already had a phone but it recently died
Using youtube for music is horrible. The quality is trash and your can't repeat a track.
I said Youtube Music, not using the Youtube app for music, you retard.
>playing on the shitter
Enjoy your prolapsed anus, fatass.