>ww2 game
>doesn't include pic related
Why do devs insist on doing this?
Ww2 game
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Nazis are shit and their pussy leader kill himself like a coward
it is due to the current political climate
germany and the other countries that ban it, so why bother make two instances for them?
granted germany no longer has the ban i heard
>starts a war with every European country that results in 60 million people being killed
>causes half of Europe being enslaved by communism
>responsible for the creation of the illegitimate Israeli state
>responsible for nationalism forever being an evil taboo subject
>beta orbited a woman who didn't even know he existed
God damn, was Hitler the ultimate incel?
They want to make you forget it, so they can repeat it once more.
I mean it would depend on what exactly within ww2 the game is about. If it's about the war as a whole then just pretending the nazis don't exist is bizarre, but if it's about a certain battle or location that's a different story. They weren't everywhere at once, were they? Or were they?
>responsible for the creation of the illegitimate Israeli state
Nah. More like the ultimate shitposter.
>this world sucks so imma make it shittier
>You cant do that! I'll ban you!
>Nah, I'm bored now k thanks bye
>leaves the game
because DEVS live in a very fine line between success and bankruptcy with every release that they have to be very careful not to incite negative repercussions. so they'd rather be subservient to not offending people rather than be historically accurate, all for the name of profit (which they terribly need)
>modern war game
>doesn't include pic related
Based. Dumb Central Asian gypsies got what they deserved
Because Germany’s USK had Nazi imagery banned in games until very recently, including countries where German is considered the primary language. If a company wanted to release a game with Nazi symbols, they have to make two dedicated versions: one for the entire world, and one for those countries. On top of that, if a game releases with Nazi symbols (like if they weren’t all properly sanitized and the devs left some in by mistake) and the USK board finds out, the game would automatically be banned for life regardless of if the publisher went and patched them out. This infamously happened with one of the older Wolfenstein games.
So a lot of companies just don’t bother with the hassle at all and just make one “clean” version. This might change with the recent overturn of the laws, but a lot of store sellers are still paranoid about carrying them and are afraid that games with Nazi symbols won’t sell.
most jews fled to the middle east and demanded their country of god back.
The good guys
>hey palestine, give us your land or else it will be another shoah
>oy, remember the 6 gorillion, give us back our holy land
imagine being this much of a history illiterate that you spout a bunch of retarded nonsense with confidence.
do the world a favor and kill yourself.
Feel free to correct it.
>starts a war with every European country that results in 60 million people being killed
this is actually NOT what happened. Learn your history, you faggot.
Germany didn't start a war with Italy for example,. they were allies just like Japan were also allies (not European I know).
For some reason people always think WWII was Germany VS the world while it was allies Vs axis.
Its illegal to display in a lot of european countries you mongoloid
literally first fucking google page link.
it was the fucking americans as usual fucking the entire world.
>beta orbited a woman who didn't even know he existed
Eva Braun, who constantly filmed him or took pictures of him (she would be ok Instagram nowadays, she was so obsessed with taking pictures) didn't even know he existed? Like she didn't know the man she later married didn't exist. Can you explain that shit to me?
If people didn't flee back in the first place, then there wouldn't have been a reason to create it.
>thinking he's talking about Eva Braun
have sex
Jews wouldn't have had an excuse to go back there if Hitler didn't cause another shoah.
>says thing is wrong
>doesnt correct it
If that is incorrect (I don't think most jews fled to the middle east but Might be right) please correct it
the reason shit like this happend is because hitler did the bad
/vol/ seething
far-left politics and far-right politics. If we could just kill off all of these subhumans it would be great living in the western world.
the arabs didnt want it.
the british didnt want it
the fucking previous american president (that casually died in 1945) said that he wouldnt allow it
and then the jewish pick their own puppet president to rule the usa and then the americans forced the british to make that shitty country
and from all of this series of events the only thing you can get is that nazi germany made israel?
seriously kill your fucking self
No one cares, lol. Their party got disbanded in the 40s. They might as well be fictional characters to anyone who isn't 80+ years old.
I just had sex. Your mum told me to say hi.
the reason fucking hitler even came into power was because of the fucking retarded americans intervening in world war 1
You didn't ask for this and suddenly your'e a nazi.
Being responsible indirectly doesn't mean it's not responsible for it. If you can blame them for it, that's a different stance.
Don't you have to be over the age of 18 to post here? Anyways here's a (you).
They got Israel because people felt sorry for them after ww2
And on top of that they get away with constant atrocities still due to that sympathy
Hitler's faggotry is literally the reason kikes are allowed to scream about "muh anti-semitism" anytime they fucking get called out for acting out
Well Medal of Honor 2010 tried, but people bitched about the multiplayer. I mean it was clearly still Americans vs Taliban but they just renamed them to insurgents.
Wrong they decided to spit-roast Poland with USSR and then the UK and France declared war on only Germany to "protect" Poland when half the country was getting dicked by russians.
i guess according to your logic we can blame the serbians for killing nationalism and imperialism right?
and while we are at it we can also blame napoleon for ww1
before hitler even came into power the jews held a privileged spot in society. stop pretending that hitler suddenly made the jews powerful.
>what is the balfour declaration
Can we talk about Nazis in vidya then?
it0s been a while since we've seen a named Nazi character in a game that isn't just a faceless canon fodder
tbe jews would never be as powerful without hitler
>quoting me and not the guy claiming that hitler made israel.
and the entire point of my post was about the actual creation of israel as a country.
loving how triggered this snowflake is lmao
why are you here faggot?
you re adding nothing to the discussion.
yeah i guess royalty, bank owners and media press owners are not powerful right.
I never played a Yakuza game before. Do I start a new game of Yakuza Kiwami on normal or Hard? Is normal too easy? Is hard too hard? Hurry
iirc Germany was actually gaining ground towards the end of WW1 their own government sold them out (possibly due to jewish influences). Hitler being a soilder in ww1 didnt take too kindly to his own government selling them out, most people didnt, this lead to Hitlers rise to power.
I'm sure there's a few
I’ve only played Yakuza 0 but I played it on Normal and it was incredibly easy
if the americans hadnt joined the war france would have been capitulated way before the government could shit things up.
thanks, ima do hard
Man, I forgot I even posted this but I'm glad retards replied. I have to stop drinking.
Makes libs seethe too hard judging by this thread.
Wrong, he was living happily ever after in Argentina.
Cool, but that does not answer the question. Perhaps you meant "developers don't include swastikas because the nazis were a bunch of pussies". Not a good explanation but at least it's something.
So shit you can't even show their flag because you kikes have a mental breakdown whenever you see it?
Are you actually replying to an obvious falseflagging shitposter? Did he actually upset you? Christ, get some fucking help and have sex.
Because they lost the war
Reminder that Germans and Anglos aren’t native to Europe just like the Jews they cry about
Name a single game that does this.
Another reminder that Germans and Anglos have 0 ancient history
I know right?
Tell me good sir, for what purpose do you tripfag, I am genuinely curious.
>this is Yea Forums now
Is there a website with little censorship that isn't filled with retards like this?
To confuse you
You can always go back to plebbit
Based, Nazis seething!
Italy was an ally to the Reich until 1943, when the fascist government got overthrown and Italy declared war with Germany and they were pretty shitty allies anyway cause they were too weak to attack other countries and to defend themselves in the end.
Japanese don't count in Europe.
So yeah, WW2 in Europe was pretty much Germany vs almost everyone else.
Well in that case, you've accomplished your goal. Why someone would attach a name to them self on a website about anonymity is truly, beyond me.
You're one of those retards, clearly.
And it will always be beyond you
There are no real "good guys" at this point. Just people looking to make people's lives hell, and the people just trying to make it through the day without getting fucked with.