What is the sushi of video games

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need to know

lost life

Pretentious, but complex, rewarding, and with a correct way to play that most don't know or understand.

shitty meme food that whitey fell for?

no man's sky

x-com apocalypse

basically just the ingredient served as is?

absolute tripe from japan that weird nerds enjoy despite it lacking any substance?


You mean fighting games

How can you enjoy Metroidvania in an incorrect way? Skip upgrades or something?

Dark Souls

Kojima putting movie credits in game is like Hiro putting raw fish on rice.

It just works.

Fire Emblem
>enjoyed by women, or at least purportedly enjoyed by them but who knows?
>weebs are vocally enthusiastic about it but have either never seriously tried it or did and are quietly unimpressed
>occasionally too difficult for normies, who are either indifferent or turned off by the concept, and tend to go for more accessible options if forced
>was a pretentious hipster and nerd class signal in the 80s and 90s due to its inaccessibility and low appeal, but is now everywhere

Fire Emblem Heroes is like gas station sushi in that they are pointless, addictive gambles and most of the time you will lose.

Meme food that people pretend to like because it got memed into popularity?

Dark Souls.

damn it i've already had sushi once this week why are you posting this

Most people get lost or stuck before the half way mark because they can't keep a mental map in their head or can't read environmental cues.

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RTS. Only true patricians can properly enjoy both.

ecco the dolphin

I finished Super Metroid without ever finding the spring ball, I had to bomb jump through a lot of puzzles.

I finished your mom without ever finding the g-spot

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What anime

That looks disgusting

(Reflex arena mod)

Overrated to the point of being nonsensical? Breath of the Wild and Witcher 3.

You mean a videogame that consistently gives their users worms?



3rd strike

Go back 2 leddit you normalfag, we love JRPG more than western shit here.

>Carmo says that properly trained sushi chefs can detect anisakis larvae -- because they can be seen in the fish.

so don't eat sushi made by noobs

Or how about I just cook my food because I'm not a fucking animal

>Or how about I just cook my food because I'm not a fucking animal
so do you microwave apples before eating them too?
you fucking pleb

>I'm not a fucking animal
What are you then, a plant, fungus or a bacterium?

I am a meat popsicle

reminder there are people who actually attempt to rationalize not liking sushi

what's the mcdub of vidya?

Rapala Pro Fishing

it's just shit taste desu and surefire way to spot a pleb because they can no longer taste anything due to overdosing on the additives found in hotpockets, mac n cheese and shit

forgot the mcdub

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I want to eat some sushi now but I'm broke, thanks OP

All food is meme food.

Prove me wrong.


>I want to eat some sushi now
my nigga
I wanted to order some sushi after seeing the thread but local sushi place is closed on sundays


It's dota. You would have to eat a shitload of it to get an empty stomach, and all variations/reiterations (ebi/maki=lol/hots) of the core concept have been consistently garbage.

halo: reach

just make your own pleb

>not eating vegan maki exclusively


>just make your own pleb
the freshwater fish where I live has parasites - I would rather not eat it uncooked
>inb4 just canned tuna and mayo bro

nah nigga I ain't about that

It's for this reason that most sushi places have pretty limited selection of raw fish, buy flash frozen over fresh, buy farm raised salmon over wild, etc. In Japan I had some fresh raw crab and other stuff they generally won't serve in the US.

what's with all the reddit spacing? jesus christ

nips don't eat freshwater fish/crab raw due to freshwater fish having better conditions for worms to survive
the joys of living on an island

Uncooked and easy to make? Every ubisoft game ever made.

Ok but what is the Isle of Dogs of Video Games?

what's the aligot of video games?

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The spring ball is the last power-up you'd get in a regular playthrough, it's hardly an important power-up.


What is the cod liver of video games?

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Why is sushi so fucking good?
Reminder Unagi and Salmon are the best nigiri.

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overated and memed as fuck? then that would be fortnite.

>oriental trash that weebs eat up

I've never heard of it before but after looking it up it sounds really good. Along with that sausage.

And that's why you suck dick at real games, you develop no muscle activity in your hands due to the little gameplay that shit genre has.

Don't act like this minigame isn't the reason you wanted to try it.

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I remember when I was a kid thinking that those green tee cups were like barrels with some green radioactive liquid

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Unagi and Salmon are hits, but Uni is the king.


I mean, it is a japanese game.

Oh you bitch.