What are your hopes for the new Saints Row game Yea Forums?
What are your hopes for the new Saints Row game Yea Forums?
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that you can play as a dude and dress up in woman's clothes to just be silly and absurd not to make some "statement"
sex appeal meter
you can still make your character a fat ass
mc sings along to the radio
lots of mc voices
boatloads of customization for your character, cars, clothes, etc.
you can drink and smoke again like 2
eliza dushku reprises her role as shaundi
ddk reprises his role as gat
a city with personality and unique districts like 2
a mission where you use the time machine to go kill dex as many times as you want
pic related
I want it nothing like any games after 2. Especially that disgusting engine, and shit city.
Everything they've done since 2 made it worse, just let it die
I have no hope in the franchise anymore.
107.77 The Mix
The spanish female voice from 2 & 3 to be back in. It won't though
>mc sings along to the radio
I loved that in 2.
Bring back Cockney voice actors from SR2. He was fantastic
is it that hard to just do a rerelease of SR2?
DDK loves being Gat, if they got him for agents of mayhem there's no way he won't be in the new game
Go back to its roots. Taking over gang territories in a GTA knock off world. Make the protag an unashamed psychopath again. Diversions and activities should not be the bulk of the main story missions.
I liked that voice so much, they didn't even try to get her for 4 so probably not.
I hope it fails. We haven't had a good saints row game in over a decade.
REmake that shit, it's been over a decade and now is the fucking time.
If you dont think the games have been good then wouldn't you like to see there be a good game?
Zero, none, Volition just needs to close. I don't know why Saints Row 4 did so well other than "people really wanted a new Crackdown/Prototype type game", it did nothing for me, otherwise it's been nothing but underwhelming garbage since SR2.
I know everyone has a hard on for Laura Bailey but I thought the female Caucasian voice actress in SR2 was much better.
Volition is currently unable to even come close to being able to do a proper remake for SR2.
Fo those that still think SR3 was better than 2
>Removed the ability to pick up random objects laying around and use them as weapons
>Removed the dynamic day and night cycle
>Introduced PAID cheat codes in the form of fucking DLC
>Cut out a ton of content so they could nickel and dime us with a hundred DLC packs
>Removed Fight Club minigame and made it a mission only thing for KillBane
>Removed the Demolition Derby minigame when SR3 even had fucking stadiums where it could've taken place
>Removed the ability to replay missions
>Removed the ability to rewatch cutscenes
>No option to downgrade weapons if you didn't like them
>Has significantly less customization options for cribs ( literally every crib option in SR3 is just copy pasted for all locations. In SR2 you would have some unique options depending on what location you're at)
>Has less pedestrian variety as well as less activities they did
>Removed a fun multiplayer for Co-op ( There is no reason that SR3 couldn't have had both )
>SR3 had nowhere near the amount of character customization that SR2 had
>Replaced food and drugs with lame ass grenades nobody gives a shit about ( outside of regular grenades anyway ) Then again, I guess using food to recover health is pointless when you're practically invincible not even halfway into the game, another problem SR3 has.
>Significantly less buildings that you could enter than SR2
>Couldn't balance the serious and wackiness like SR2 and went full retard with the lolrandumXD humor
>Removed the ability to change walk animations
>Forgot their own lore and never tied up the loose end with Dex. Also, in SR4 they had the nerve to mention him and STILL not do anything with it.
They did put Dex in gat out of hell iirc but it was some shit mini-game that went nowhere
You mean that shit minigame where he looks like every other ped but with a purple hat?
Yep, the one and not only.
idk what they are doing next, but it might be better than 3 and 4? Apparently they got IdolNinja to play it
IdolNinja's opinion means less than nothing since Deep Silver put him on the payroll.
Continue with the tradition of having the best jiggle physics.
Holy shit! This car has a cd player?
SR3 biggest issue is that is almost became a parody of SR2. SR1 and 2 were a slightly more crazy GTA. How I think GTAIV would have been had they not went realistic, considering how 3-SA were it seemed like the natural evolution. I never understood why they focused so hard on pandering to what THEY THOUGHT the people liked, and therefore turning that shit up to 11, instead of making a third game similar to their first two.
Very similar to how Borderlands 2 was. 1 was far more grounded and holy fuck did 2 focus way too much on what they thought us gaymers liked from BL1. Completely misunderstanding the main fanbase and creating a new one in the process.
>inb4 I didn't like Borderlands or SR1-2
That isn't the point. Learn to read.
I kinda feel bad for him. He was a hardcore fan and its probably killing him to watch his fav game being put into ruins
They've proved themselves to be past their prime time & time again. It's time to let go.
Except for the possibility of decent remaster PC ports of Saints 1 & 2 "which they openly refuse to do" i've not interested in this series or Volition .
True, true. I just want to have something to look forward to at this point. Hope they put a stop on 24/7 crazy ride 3 and 4 could get.
it hurts.
"I've not been interested in the series or volition in a long time" i meant. I need to go the fuck to bed....
It a sad state of affairs. I even thought the gimmick of the Saints selling out could've worked story wise. It made sense because most gangster try to get out of the hood and be rappers and after they make bank they just chill.
A return to a style similar to SR1, even though I know it's a pipe dream.
Loved that soundtrack to bits.
Is the SR2 port remotely playable or am I better off dusting off my 360 once again?
>SR1 zoom into shirt
>see criss-cross threads of shirt
It doesnt happen much in any other game but how did they do it?
I hope SR V copies Sleeping Dogs because GTA V would be too difficult for them, also, Sleeping Dogs was really good. It can be set in the US just focus on neon, wet roads, and a decent hand-fighting system.
>Tone down the wackiness and turn it into black comedy
>Bring back the Brit VA from SA 2
>No superpowers
>A brand new city instead of rehashed one
It is but you have to mod it
Texture interpolation or something. Deus Ex did it too.
Honestly LOD models and textures are still standard, it's just not standard to have them for extreme closeups.
Make it exactly like SR3 to keep SR2fags triggered
Are you talking about detail texturing? It's a standard thing. It dates back to the late 90s and it hasn't gone away. Games still do it today.
>SR1 had on-foot playlists
>SR2 didn't
The fuck
SR2 was missing a lot more from SR1 than just that.
>you can still make your character a fat ass
I know the animations got worse somehow, as did the overall graphics but what are you referring to?
>RIP Kronic 92.2 and Sizzurp 101.69
Anyone remember playing SR1 online multiplayer. Protect the pimp was legitimately fun. I saved up so much money for the pimp coat
more closer to 3 than 4, i liked 4 but it got a bit weird
It's mostly just the graphics downgrade and some minor differences in gameplay and shit but they ditched theft which I really liked. They added so much new shit though it's not really reasonable to complain about the few things missing. I don't even really mind they made SR2 a lot easier because sometimes SR1 was just frustrating. I saw even in a stream with the devs once they acknowledged it's bullshit how often they expect you to do drivebys with those shitty controls.
Those Westide Rollerz missions can suck my nut. As can the final Carnales mission. All the King's Men is alright, just gotta orbit Forgive and Forget with Stefan.
>a city as fleshed out as Stilwater
>no johnny gat dicksucking
>no cringeworthy Japanese parodies
Have it SR2 style of "humor"
The beginning of Saints Row 5 starting off with you waking up from a nightmare. Turns out Saints Row 3 and 4 was a nightmare and never happened.
I hope whoever's making it gives more of a shit than whoever made Agents of Mayhem.
No modern politics bullshit
I just want a remake of 2 in an engine that doesn't shit itself and maybe some touched up aesthetics, holy shit the character models in that game are 6.5th gen atrocities.
And a PC port of 1.
More Red Faction
That's not the biggest issue SR3 had. The tonal shift from 2 to 3 was awful, but I think the gutting of customization and the fact that that every mission in SR3 existed solely to contextualize and tutorialize the side activities (a problem that 4 also has) are far bigger problems.
it ran like shit but after gentlemen of the row and some weird cmd bios command it just works for some reason.
Both of what you want literally can't happen, the source code for the two games is apparently just gone, like some nigga who only had the code, one day just accidentally put that shit in the recycle bin and that was that
Hire competent lunatics that can reverse-engineer the release version then.
Or just remake them from scratch.
Hint: they're lying.
Mate you're talking about the same devs who made Agents of Mayhem as of late, they don't even think Saints row 2 is real at this point in life probably think the games started with 3
Honestly I just want Saints Row 2 rip off with better graphics, animations and other technologies. A physics engine like in GTA 4 would be amazing too.
>the source code for the two games is apparently just gone
According to the official Volition twitter account they retain the source code for everything but the PC version of SR2. And I believe them too because Volition has streamed various alpha builds of both Saint's Row 1 & 2 for fun. If they've still got obsolete builds of the game they probably still have the source code too.
No agents of mayhem shit complete clean re boot with most elements taken from 2
I just want my campy b movie gangsta movie feel when i play saints row like in the first two games not singing hell,not becoming celebrities, not become the damn president for a whole minute and immunity get that taken away for some space simulation bullshit just want a semi serious story that not filled with lol random humor
If they bring back Troy Baker they can literally do whatever the fuck they want with the game and I'll buy it
I'm the kind of lame bastard who actually still really liked 3 with how mediocre it was, so even if it wound up only as good as that one was I'd still play it. Now, if we have to suffer another pointless slog like Agents of Mayhem wound up being, then I'm out.
A remake of 2's city with the gameplay of 3.
A remake of 2 but with better graphics and no missing features
2 > 4 > 3
This. My dream game is just SR2 with SR3 & 4's breast slider and physics.
Not only does the slider go all the way up to head-sized without mods, the games calculate horizontal and vertical movement of each boob individually as well as increasing or dampening the bounce depending on how supportive of a bra your character is wearing.
Bros saints row 1 multiplayer.... why was it so much fun? That pimp game was the shit with full servers. I’d pay so much for a saints row 1 remaster.
just mass effect andromeda but better in every way.
Just remaster Saint's Row 2
That's Max Sheffield