Fuck bros, am I the only one who wants an actually good zombie-themed survival game? I just want to experience the thrill/horror of trying to outlast the apocalypse in a somewhat realistic setting while gathering resources and building shelters/looking for refuge. Even though I love L4D I wouldn't want any special infected shit, or some shitty forced plot. The closest thing I've found to what I want is 7 Days to die and even that game is garbage.
Fuck bros, am I the only one who wants an actually good zombie-themed survival game...
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Yes. Fuck zombie shit. There's so much of it. Just pick one of the 9 billion already existing ones to play.
Project Zomboid.
>The closest thing I've found to what I want is 7 Days to die and even that game is garbage
Curious to know why you think so.
I'm so tired of zombie games. Cant american devs think of something else?
Fuck zombie games. Give me some good zombie movies.
Already watched Dawn of the Dead 2004, 28 days/weeks later and REC. Watched a few seasons of The Walking Dead but that shit bored me fast when they reached the prison.
Shaun of The Dead
Overlord (don't let this one fool you, it's played completely straight.)
The Romero trilogy you pleb
I don't like how buggy it was when I played it and sometimes floors and even those lake structures would just randomly collapse.I haven't actually played it in ages so they might have fixed it, I played with a friend and there was a constant bug where I couldn't even build/fix stuff
Sorry, don't intend on watching anything older than 1990.
> Overlord
What? Also Shaun of the Dead looks like dumb comedy shit. I want drama, blood, people dying and crying.
that the JJ abrams nazi zombie flick? Did it turn out to be tied to the Cloverfield universe at all?
Black Summer on Netflix. Minimal propaganda, although it is still there.
>Shaun of the Dead looks like dumb comedy shit
you have to be 18+ to post here
Overlord sounds like it's up your alley, it's Saving Private Ryan but with zombies.
Yes. And I dunno. I hope not, that would be fucking retarded, he fucking killed cloverfield after that wacky space station sci fi drama they made.
There's no zombies in it but try darkwood.
You're not the only one.
But it seems this fad only attracts incompetent developpers, as the market is filled with underage faggots and no taste zoomers
There's also Train to Busan, I watched it at a hangout with family and while it was entirely in an asian language with subtitles, it was better than I thought it would be.
Yeah unfortunately, I just hope the genre becomes more niche over the years so we can finally get good shit
Keep an eye on Dead Matter
None of them are good you nigger
Zombies are fucking boring, man. Gotta mix up the enemy variety to keep things interesting. Fuck your excuse for bad AI.
A voxel zombie game like 7 days to die with actual decent fram rates and jice graohics is what keeps me alive. Youre not alone op. Its a shame but I think maybe some day 7dtd will be good enough. Frames have slightly improved but not so much.
And of course, I Am Legend, was pretty good but more on the psychological side kinda.
Overlord was legitimately good. Also holy fucking shit at the child shitting on Shaun of the Dead without knowing what it is.
Project Zomboid
7 days to die is pretty good now, last few updates did good work (just play it singleplayer, fuck MP)
This. I'm glad they've more or less died out.
It was a fad that really stuck around for a while compared to all the other game fads.
I think theres just a new level of comfty when it comes to building a base and grillin some food withba friend while the deas claw outside.
Am I the only fag in this thread thinking that dying light is the best zombie game of ALL TIMES?
It's not survival tho. It's really good, but it's arcade, and what I want is a game like stalker but with zombies, atmosphere, good porn, and a good emphasis on survival
It stuck around because it was easy
A) super braindead AI (no pun intended)
B) easy way to pimp your game's performance/graphics (WOW LOOK HOW MANY ZOMBIES ARE ON SCREEN GUYS WOW)
C) it fucking sold, zombie games were consistently making money since 2004 (and even before that).
Play Darkwood. It isn't zombies but it's almost everything else you want.
The Crazies and it's remake are underrated
Return of the Living Dead is the greatest horror comedy of all time
Also Romero Trilogy because it's the unachievable peak for the "zombie horror" genre, you won't find anything better
learn to spell fucktard
Again you seriously should check darkwood, there's no zombies but it's still 99% of what you're looking for. And it's 3gigs and easily hackable if you're a Jew. I played call of pripyat and it feels like a top down stalker in spooky land. And the emissions are replaced by spooky nights
Alright lads any decent website to stream Operation: Overlord off? Don't need a full link just a name of a website I can look up.
I don't like things that aren't fps
lol what a gay
sorry if you can't aim correctly
Give it a try for free at least. Just my opinion, I don't think you will regret it.
>minimal propaganda
The first episode has a white woman running up to a black man and thanking him after he shot her husband (who had turned zombie) by hugging him and essentially prostituting herself
Play Cataclysm: Dark Days Ahead
I'll look into it
>needs to play point and shooty zambi game like its 2011
Pathetic zoomer
I tried googling some streaming sites but couldn't find any free ones, except for a camcorder recording. You may have to torrent it off Rarbg.
Call of Chernobyl has a zombie survival mode.
You need to be above 18 to post here, faggot
burn the coal pay the toll
You need to not be a fucking faggot to post here, mate
>experience the thrill/horror of trying to outlast the apocalypse in a somewhat realistic setting
Cataclysm Dark Days Ahead, maybe? I don't know how realistic it is, but that sounds like most of the shit you're wanting.
>tfw zulu online died before release
State of Decay is a very jank game that delivered on that premise. I was so excited for the sequel to polish things up, until it was a long wait for the exact same jank. Even with how oversaturated the genre is, you'll never get a good game, is what I'm saying.
Doesn't sound quite like what you're looking for, but try The Forest, it's pretty cheap and even cheaper on sale.
Actually never tried it. Maybe I'll do that
>state of decay
this is the first time that I have seen someone on Yea Forums mention that shit.
>State of Decay
I wish SoD2 wasn't so fucking bland after the first couple hours. The play area's fine to deal with, but if you manage your shit well enough it's super fucking easy, and there's not a lot of variety of things you need to focus on.
Try state of decay. The first one is pretty fun and there is a mode that's purely survival with no real story. It's largely about building up or moving your base, gathering resources and exploring. It will also play on pretty much anything and is cheap as fuck.
Fuck off then
Really. Man I loved this when it came out. Sometimes I still play breakdown mode to scratch the survival itch.
another dead thread
>zombie game
>threat of death is rarely from zombies, but instead just starving
This would be fixed if there was always a reliable source of food but only in heavily populated areas with tough zombies, making the risk more worth it