What the hell? When did fireden stop archiving Yea Forums?
What the hell? When did fireden stop archiving Yea Forums?
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Board is unsalvageable so they stopped archiving it since it's just full of shit anyways.
Yea Forums is finally being deleted and nothing will remain
Delete Yea Forums and make a Nintendo, PC and Sony gaming board. /vr/ and /vg/ already exist so there will be no casualties
I recall getting redirected to fireden two or three days ago, so very recently. Wonder why.
/vr/ is dead, /vg/ is gay
why not? its nothing but the same threads all day everyday. what do you need fireden for? what possible discussion is worth saving? its like archiving Yea Forums threads like for what purpose?
just make 1 separate board for talking about news and unreleased stuff, and a board to talk about released things that people might actually be playing
you'd have all the eceleb, twitter posts, the 20 threads about the same thing that just got announced, etc... on the news board
there's hardly any game discussion ongoing here
Yea Forums is also going that way with excessive isekai/shonenshit and few generals for few school romcoms they are obsessed with now
Shame, but this
It's just shitposting galore
Site owner decided spending hundreds of dollars out of his own pocket to archive wojaks and shitposting was no longer worth it
Anyone is free to take his place, if you care about archiving Yea Forums
>no way to check shills and spammers
If only there were other archives
matter of time before b4k stops archiving this worthless board as well
>Yea Forums söyboy complaining about shounen
Every single time. Go back to watching moeshit, tranny.
When we took over.
Now those faggot ass sjw kike niggers want nothing to do with us, and that's a good thing.
well, they're almost only archiving worthless boards, like /vp/ and /mlp/
I guess it's their thing
He shouldn't have done it at all if he's gonna pull the plug. The whole point of an archive is for it to be around forever. Its existence stopped potentially more competent hosts from creating their own that might actually last more than a couple years. Basically, he can go fuck himself.
Based. Shounenchads run this shit, fuck moeshit slice of life trannies.
Apparently, there was Cheese-bombing on Yea Forums, /vg/ and here. That's probably what got the archive killed.
When they realised we haven't had anything of worth since 2013.
You should have been here a few hours ago, there's a reason why there's no "proof" anymore.
>and make a Nintendo, PC and Sony gaming board.
Eh, there's no need to make three separate boards, just one for Sony. To be honest it could serve as containment for other boards too.
Only Redditors believe that.
you seem to forgot that couple of weeks ago exhentai got nuked because owner didn't want to spend extra money to keep it alive after their host kicked them out together with ATF (thanks kiwifarms!), and we only knew beforehand to archive shit because one of moderators leaked the info to Yea Forums
so no, the archives don't really exist to be forever, they exist so you can download the stuff yourself in timely manner and keep it for your personal archive or other future archival projects
You really expect some single site to keep something around forever? Even the biggest archives will eventually get pulled the plug on.
Only way to preserve something forever is to have multiple archives.
Best gesture could do at this point is to just put Yea Forums archive files on a torrent.
We've had this thread ten times already. Check the fucking archives.
Discussion about unreleased games will always be biased not only due to shills, but also because the only material that can be discussed is the one that has been carefully crafted and picked out by marketers to show to the public.
was about to go there
yeah wth happened
that's an odd way to spell Yea Forums
seriously wth
Yea Forums /trash/ Yea Forums Yea Forums and Yea Forums are the top boards
with /vg/ being a base
/vg/ and Yea Forums are gone too so maybe it's temporary
Yea Forums still has desu, desu
oh shit
look at what I found guis
The arsonist did nothing wrong.
because Yea Forums is full of company shills
>search only goes back 3 months
it's shit
Now the jews can't datamine Yea Forums
The real reason is because activist groups scour through the archives to try say how evil it is to get it shut down.
If you open the catalog and see threads with le ebin wojak edits in OP that board is automatically cancer and it's only purpose to use it for shitposting.
you can download the full archive and search offline though
it's of course not complete but still goes back to 2015 which is more than 3 months
and I just realized we can't view the images
fucking FUCK
Images on image board BAD.
The admin got a gf and decided Yea Forums, Yea Forums and /vg/ are too right wing, and they are joining the depltforming effort.
That's pretty much every board then.
The problem is that actual discussions get nuked while wojak shitpost threads stay. Then there's tons of threads that are just generals and probably shouldn't even be here but /vg/ basically just gacha generals now and nuke any thread that isn't the same shit that's there every day.
Archived.Moe still exists
No, just allow generals for Consoles here. We already have vr, vp, and vg. We don't need anymore splits. The /vg/ thing still annoys me desu.
or.. does it?
who knows
I'm hoping they are just taking care of all the pedo shit from the board, even when it most likely got too busy and big to manage
shame, it really helped me to understand the board's mentality and culture, not to mention all the threads I bookmarked
I liked going back as early as I could just to see how the board has evolved across the years
Nevermind,doesn't have full image archival for Yea Forums and the site is giving me gateway errors.
Rip drawthreads and other reccuring threads
well, Yea Forums itself is still archiving stuff (as long as the thread wasn't deleted by mods)
just deal with it. Yea Forums used to be entirely ephemeral. you won't die when a thread 404's.
>he doesn’t know
>Yea Forums used to be entirely ephemeral
>used to be
not like it's now archiving every threads instead of 404 unless all you care about is epic deleted shitpost threads
>I'm hoping they are just taking care of all the pedo shit from the board
literally only generated by Yea Forums and maybe Yea Forums
>just deal with it
no fuck you
but this autistically bigoted cesspool will shit bricks like infinity chan anyway
the loud house gen on /trash/ is filled with pedos
firstly lolishit isn't allowed on /trash/, not even cub, secondly it's only that one thread which migrated FROM Yea Forums because of the EXACT kind of shit you just mentioned
Make a fucking e-celeb board. So fucking sick of seeing that shit
they still achive /tg/ though?
Even though it can be covered in Yea Forums, agreed. I don't understand how /you/ or whatever wasn't a trial board by now.
Hey, sometimes I want to talk about a happening on social media without going off topic. And Yea Forums doesn't really fit the whole "random" kind of deal.
Unf, desuarchives guys still haven't thrown it in yet but still...
>he says this when based Symphogear is airing
>especially after yesterday's episode
You never go to Yea Forums, do you
80% of their traffic or more was from Yea Forums
Yea Forums, the most popular board they are now archiving has like 1/5th of posts of Yea Forums
That episode was so fucking good holy shit
where did you see this?
I did this - Fireden admins hosted my doxx on their site for almost a year, and refused multiple requests to take it down. A few weeks ago I started to scrape for child porn posts on the archive, cataloged them and reported the site to the FBI for hosting child porn. It seems they removed the largest archives, and one of them was the one that had my doxx, so it's cool now.
They have their own board, its on their website
user's point was probably that not only is /tg/ just as much of a repetitive crapflood as Yea Forums, but archiving it is also ridiculously superfluous since it's on like 5 other archives already anyway. IIRC it has the most archive presence of any board on Yea Forums and if the dude cared about server costs, he would have dropped /tg/ a long time ago
I can't find it
Where am I going to get the deleted pics now if I'm late to a porn dump thread?
Never sleep, and maximize all images.
Why waste server space with thousands of pepe, wojak, have sex, dilate, and porn threads.
just go ahead and archive Yea Forums yourself, then you can browse your local copy at lightning speed
>porn threads.
Oh, sure. Non-underaged would totally post that crap.
get good
That could easily be avoided by just not archiving threads and posts that got deleted on this end.
Although "viewing that post that got deleted" is the primary reason people use archives.
Well, 4chanX automatically replaced fireden with this for me arch.b4k.co
Can’t wait until you’re murdered by your colleagues faggot traitor
This. Just make an archive that records all threads for a week and deletes anything older. Who gives a fuck what any retard here said years ago. I hated you all then and I hate you all now.
FBI got caught inciting terrorism on 8ch you think they want to leave proof again when they’ve been going overboard recently
traitor to what and whom exactly? edgelord?
This. Blame the console war faggots.
Fuck off
Country and race. Nigger.
Make a board for smashfags like /vp/, im fucking sick of these retards flooding the catalog with their rosterfaggotry
Now schizophrenic incels can not longer call you a reddditttor becuase his paranoia kicked in.
The whole of humankind really. Criminals all of you.
based, but you're still kind of a retard for getting doxxed in the first place.
Konami saw the demon edition leak getting more popular. They decided to shut down the archive.
Kill yourself traitor.
good this site was never meant for archiving
I’m 35 user
and shit thats up 24/7
oh wait we already have /vg/ but mods get paid to not ban shills
it's already archiving itself now though
only moderated threads don't
I have a better idea: Just fucking ban them.
to the human race
You need to be 18+ to post here.
that'd just makes things worse and start another "he does it for free" endless spam
Based boomer
ps dilate tranny
*gets caught inciting terrorism*
Oh vey shut it down!
banning doesn't work
Brainlet question but how do the archives work? If they automatically archive everything isn't that an issue because if CP and/or other illegal shit gets posted, they'd effectively be hosting the content until they manually delete it.
>an outlier. and exception to the rule
every time with you people.
It does if they don't give up after 2 seconds. It takes more time to reset a router and delete cookies than it does to ban a user. The entire reason people don't care about getting banned is because they know the mods are too lazy to keep at it. It's an endurance race where the shitposters are rabbits and the mods are fat people.
>this spammer is confirmed for a butthurt glownigger
Again can’t wait until you are murdered by your colleagues. I hope they kill your family too.
Since we're in a meta thread, how do we deal with the low quality shitposting that plagues Yea Forums? There is some gems, but so many threads get derailed into /pol/ shit, with "dilate", "have sex" and other simplistic insults making the bulk of the thread. Surely new word filters would help solve the issue
t. advertiser
Blind arrogance.
You doomed your own close-minded selves.
Mus, and nothing more, but could be, yet refuse to be.
Vandalizing even your own deities in the name of "muh monkeyism"
Killing one another over petty nonsense and pure autism.
You created your own fear and hells and at the same time desire to suffer and burn in them.
I have never seen such self-destruction in all my eons of existence.
oh fuck no
please fuck
bring it back, I don't want to sit and read replies to deleted posts without knowing what it was.
Get rid of jews and make civilization embrace honesty instead of lies
Kill yourself glownigger traitor
>tfw you sort by new threads in the catalog and rarely check threads that already have a lot of posts, so you see every posts either way, just with [Deleted] next to it
any yet there was only like one thread discussing it and mods delete all duplicate threads because we will never get hype like code geass again
This is an example of what I'm talking about, back to your containment board stormcuck
So where is the good video game discussion, if not here or the /vg/ 'internal jokes only' clubrooms
>not getting the second layer of irony
The boards are removed temporarily for cleaning since those got spammed with illegal garbage by Brazilian monkeys. Give the admin some time folks
>muh stormsharts
Irrevelant. Jews are absolutely the problem to your question.
this and rangeban every single third world country
if you were here for /vint/ then you'll probably know why
kills yourself kike go to r*ddit if you want suck mutilated dick so much
by killing yourself first
probably bullshit but based anyway
>Brazilian monkeys
Interesting way to spell letter agencies
All those years of /vg/ history lost.
i still think all low quality and bad derailment is leaffaggots the red plague of the boards
>tfw actually can see the deleted thread because Yea Forums X already switched to b4k
I agree with you only if you include jewmerica as a third world country
Please don't forget the constant SJW and /pol/ shitter from both sides.
That's even worse, because these cunts keep dragging it into every fucking thread that's not about that topic or Yea Forums in general.
now if the REAL reason the archives were scrapped could be brought to fruition . . .
ban "gamers"
Good. /tg/ needs to be archived for a lot of shit.
>durr spinter the boards more!!
fuck off faggot
Probably because of how much CP was in that archive.
nothing of value was lost
Mods do their job.
I've had a shit ton of good late night discussions this week. But yes they could be better.
Maybe introduce shadow bans?
except Titanfall General
I'm legit fucking seething. I use that website every fucking day. It's useful for
>calling out samefags, advertisers & spammers
>gives an insight into old threads and what people thought of at the time
>saves images in high quality
Archives are so useful - the only people against it are shitposters who don't want to get caught and advertiser shills
>shitposter who don’t want to get caught
Also I'd like to add that a Yea Forums login would help greatly improve the quality of the site.
Absolutely not, they'd be abused to all hell by our current band of farthuffers. The entire current mod team has to go.
I can pinpoint the exact threads on there where my favorite community was made, and I loved being able to see the beginnings of what is still going strong 7 years later. I'll miss being able to read it all.
if you want images, they're still archived on Yea Forums as long as they weren't deleted. Typically enough for archives to just have the thumbnails.
Unless you wanted the deleted CP in high quality.
>>calling out samefags, advertisers & spammers
takes your meds, schizo
>>gives an insight into old threads and what people thought of at the time
constant whining about how based old Yea Forums was and now is shit? fuck off oldfag turd
>>saves images in high quality
you have boorus for that
kill yoursself
take some nice downers get drunk and get a rope
>believing this
>when there's no evidence to suggest it
>and plenty of reason to believe that it's just a matter of fireden stopping archival of the busiest boards since Yea Forums has an alternative, Yea Forums and /vg/ are garbage, and the remaining boards being archived COMBINED are slower than just one of the boards that was removed
I tried updating Yea Forums-X after seeing this post but it's still saying it's version
this make it ID secure so we can dox and harras all dissent opinion
An ID system per thread could be nice.
>Yea Forums
>but no Yea Forums
what the fuck
Not him but u have to manually apply the script, it will stop auto updating it so you will need to check every once in a while for new releases
it's not a Yea Forums X update, it has a separate .json file for setting which archive is used
look in the Yea Forums X's options under the advanced tab and click update now
I'm not a glownigger
Maybe if the mods and jannies would do their fucking job. I think the reason why this happened is because people are protesting against waifu threads and have autistic flamewars resorting to posting CP to each other
Fuck off you cunt
I made these posts by the way
Slow moving boards (except Yea Forums) so the guy hosting fireden don't have to pay too much for it. Also, he's a faggot. Like a literal one.
Yeah, that's what I just did. Normally I'd then refresh a Yea Forums tab and it'd pop up with the box saying Yea Forums-X has updated but it's not doing that nor making any other apparent changes.
Oh, well that's that part taken care of at least.
why make this post? don't fucking pretend to be me you nigger
why lie on the internet got a narrative to spin fbi?
all me
nice edit, that's not how it looks from my end
senpai, your phone is nearly dead
spot posting at once and let it charge
I have to come clean. these are all my posts.
Can't archive anything that isn't politically correct. Future generations must not be burdened with CUNNY.
kys pedo
me post this ones
Honestly the only archives that actually last more than a few years are the ones subsidised by the government.
When they realised that GAMERS were going to stage a mass shooting and they didn't want the FBI to be able to access the archives. They're on our side.
Can't wait for more le ebin memes without archives
it's charging senpai
fuck off shill
>only (you)ing the edit
God... imagine all those useless paper trails, full of congressional bullshit.
>When gamers realised that FBI were going to stage a mass shooting and they didn't want the FBI to be able to access the archives. They're not on our side.
yuki.la has the most complete archive but a SHIT search function and layout
b4k is missing huge chunks of the archive
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>fbi investigates the fbi. Leaving bread crumbs for the fbi but burns the evidence so the fbi can't catch on.
even if the search is limited, b4k lets you download it at least (unless you want posts older than 4 years)
so you can do any kind of search you want on the files locally
At least that's fucking on-topic. Imagine bitching a board is on-topic but not the topics you like.
Hello fbi
Fuck off. I have to share the board with AAA shills pushing games as service, Incestuous indie SJW circlejerks such as itch.io, Epic's "we don't allow the users to band together and fight back against publisher bullshit" game store, Steam's "Oh we allow that, it's just hidden behind an option deep in your profile that the average buyer won't select" Valve, CDPR's "We ban our employees for transphobia" GoG, and all the various low quality ports?
No thanks. Self-published games by non-SJWs only, please.
fuck off /biz/
sounds about right
>Yea Forums
CIA niggers don't have this problem.
You motherfucker, of all places I go to of course here you fucking are. You're so fucking stupid that your posts just glow even amongst a sea of shit.
I know this faggot. He's a mentally ill furry ponyfucker-in-denial cunt that has been spamming an unbelievable amount of bullshit about a race of cat aliens and anything furshit over who knows how fucking long on several boards. Here are his accounts:
>rebbit: sloppyfreddy/neptuneos
>furaffinity: blastermaster
>tumblr: blasterwavemaster
>twitter: @Gladiosly
>steam: Kernel Kumshot
>e6: masterwave
>might be forgetting some others
He always writes in the exact same way, he's like a little fucking kid. And you're actually right, he IS a nigger. If you dig into his accounts you will find the same recurring themes of calling humans "monkeys", whatever the fuck "mus" means, an ego the size of a fucking planet, and an absolute fuckton of stupid shit that could only be concocted in the mind of a mentally ill faggot.
Get a load of this schizophrenic glownigger, kill your family and co-workers.
What in the name of autism
Who let you out of the loony bin?
Who do you think is the CIA's waifu?
>only Yea Forums, /out/ and /n/ can see this shit in a snap
We got one bros, this ones breaking. Maybe he’ll actually kill his traitor friends.
that's not how you write nintendo retardfaggot.
kek thanks for the info is he on /cow/?
>people doubt there arent federal goons here
This shithole is unsalvagable. I can understand their decision, nothing of value is lost quite literally. It also does not help that the gaming industry is a trainwreck right now.
>fbi has folders with terabytes of smug anime girl faces ONLY because Yea Forums exists
What’s their fucking problem?
Hard mode: don’t mention jews
Yea Forums has been my home board for more than a decade now, but I’ve been boiled so slowly like a frog that I barely noticed the ways it got worse over time.
I think the most stark and disheartening thing on the board is the Shingeki no Kyojin general.
It’s gone on uninterrupted for months, it reaches 500 posts every hour, and 99% of posts are from off-site trannies harping about what character will fuck whom, spamming poor quality, gay fanart while the plot itself left largely ignored.
Just seeing it there fills me with pain.
Yea Forums is going the way of Yea Forums
The same way they failed to eliminate the trannies until they became just a branch of tumblr filled with faggots and hamplanet subhumans, Yea Forums is letting those same people proliferate, comfortable in their generals do they never have to conform, never lurk, never learn.
Vigne from Gabriel Dropout. Not that I would know or anything ;)
I have alternative imageboards for Yea Forums so I can ignore it going to shit, but I don't have anything for Yea Forums.
gee user why does the fbi incite violence so much i don't know
What the hell an actual schizoid
This is a travesty on par with the burning of the Library of Alexandria.
A lot of space taken up for nothing worth archiving.
I'm pretty sure this is false, please don't spread baseless information
just like sadpanda
Was it autism?
newfags litteral fags are site wide problem don't get me wrong i don't mind fagposting but it's just plain porn posting on my homeboard now
That shit is old and busted, wikileaks is running on old info. They just use use google image search for whatever.
CIA detected.
Yea Forums should deleted so all the redditors (everyone here except me) are forced to go back
It’s bots
Just the OP, it's interns and rookies monitoring the threads and making replies.
Ah hyuh hyuh
>oh noes I can't fap to muh CP archive anymore
Get a life, losers. And don't touch any kids, please.
Look at how many times we have had this EXACT same thread since some user noticed and think about how many more times we will have this exact same thread, then you tell me why they aren't wasting archive space on this shitty board.
Honestly it's better that more people don't know. The panda was a giant porn translating and archival machine with an entire ecosystem of translators and scanlators being sustained by it.
I don't know what /cow/ is so probably not. But please do dig up everything you can on him.
I wish I was a fucking federal goon so I had proper tools and authorization to deal with this piece of shit. Nah, this faggot simply infected a general I *used* to go to and made it a living hell with mountains and mountains of furshit and off topic bullshit about alien cats. Him being so stuck up his ass and legitimately retarded made him post his accounts and unintended clues constantly enough to narrow him down. If he's still here, he's probably already replied to that post to damage control. Did I mention that he shitposts from an iShit device?
Take your feds you fucking nigger
There are more retarded newfags getting into anime and manga than ever before. That is really accelerating the decline of the board. It is mostly retards from twitter, reddit, cancerous forums and maybe some remnants from the now dead dumblr. Still far off from Yea Forums, since there is constantly a good amount of new content coming out of Japan. Western animation and comics are absolutely worthless and produce nothing of value, it has been that way for at least a decade, that is also something that will kill a board.
they probably shouldn't get a life either
You are an unironic wacko and death would be unironic mercy
>butthurt glowie mad the only way he can interact with people he hates is by giving them military equipment
Try working for a group less evil
The absolute state of US law enforcement
I've seen posts like these quite often in meta threads lately. They always confuse me. Yea Forums is reflection of it's owner's will and it's moderation. Whatever discussion moderators want people to have, they will have it. And if something's not allowed it's not allowed. What you fail to understand is that people like you moved on from this website, and you still stuck here even though you're not welcome anymore.
>The same way they failed to eliminate the trannies
That was never the goal. THE MODS ARE TRANNIES (figuratively, mostly). Go away.
Let me guess, hurr durr Yea Forums is for le shitposting XD
>waaaaaaah Yea Forums used to be so gooooood when i was 14 waaaaaaaaah
Yea Forums was never good. Yea Forums was built by people permanently banned from other sites, namely SomethingAwful. The foundation is shit and all you faggots have done over the years is pile more shit onto the shit. The problem you're all having to deal with is one that people who have been here 15 years have already dealt with over and over: the guard is changing. You got overwhelmed by newfags and the culture in place has been replaced. This happens. It is a natural occurrence.
You have options, you can stick around and just deal with it as best you can or you can move on and find another place to go every day.
Lyrans are a thing and you are completely off your rocker
Just from this post alone we could tell you are the exact kind of autistically bigoted pus the user you replied to was referring to
Get help
Why do you complain so hard about /pol/ yet don't seem to have an issue with what SJWs are doing to the game industry as a whole? I sincerely do not comprehend the type of people that have an issue with /pol/, do you agree with what SJWs are doing or something? At least be honest about it instead of acting like your some enlightened centrist.
I know this is a meme statement, but quite literally the ONLY people that complain this hard about /pol/ are likely trannies from ResetEra.
to be fair at least for the time being there aren't exactly any huge game releases coming up in the immediate future
Ill make sn archive if you follow me on twitter
I have already given up since a few years ago and just watch anime at my own leisure without discussing with anyone anymore.
Hidamari threads getting nuked was the final nail in the coffin for me.
Not that Yea Forums is any better, but it's better than browsing a homeboard I can no longer recognize.
Or use KF
Yea Forums was always a right wing politics website
hahaha Yea Forums being not elitist anymore sounds fucking hilarious to me
but that does suck
can i ask for recommendations there yet?
even resetera has better moderation
e621 is a fucking shitfest these days. Fuckheads won't even tag things properly because it might offend some trans-whatever.
True I've recently started watching anime and reading manga as games are dead. Also reading books.
seriously how can you complain about shounen ? your trash slice of life shows are just as cringey as any shounen. There is some truly shit-ass shounen like one piece and bleach but to sink all of it without recognizing your own pleb taste ? who are you kidding