So who else is playing, I watched a bunch of gameplay footage and was initially kind of turned off. But figured why not, and it's not bad. Not too punishing on normal and the boss fights are complex enough to kick your ass if you aren't paying attention the first time, and simple enough that they are a cake walk once you figure it out.
sorry mr. marketer, maybe next game
dear marketer/dev if you put difficulty setting in your game soulsfags are not interested and your game is casual trash. cheers
I am also interested in this game
- Potential Remnant customer
I'm enjoying it so far, aesthetics are really nice and the gameplay is solid. Wiped on the first boss a few times while my buddy learns how to dodge roll.
Singleplayer 6/10
Coop 8/10
It's good, the multiplayer is also very solid and I like the way everyone gets a (semi) unique world with potentially different NPC's and bosses. I got an awesome armor set completely by accident from talking to one NPC, recieving an item, and then talking to another one and giving him that item. The game seems to be full of nice surprises like this.
The game has some flaws such as the weird dialogue, repetitive lines your character says out in the world, and phoned in voice acting. But overall it's pretty fantastic and I'm having a blast
"Hurr durr anyone who talks about a game on Yea Forums is a marketer"
What's the game even about or like at all?
I don't play tryhard garbage and the initial reveal at E3 was boring as hell.
I am actually interested in the game and I'm just pissing about adding potential remnant customer.
It's a multiplayer dungeon crawler with generated levels and extremely dumbed down soulslike elements.
Git gud
It's just a fucking meme souls game with a few new gimmicks. No thanks.
No I'm not a samefag
activate windows bro
Souls are meant to be meme games. DS series wouldn't have sold shit if faggots hadn't spread their epic memes on the internet and given it free publicity. The gameplay and story of the games are dogshit, that's just how it is.
>I don't play tryhard garbage
remember to dilate you fucking retard
Hello, marketer-kun.
Calm down, aspie.
>so many newfags
>nothing but marketer shit
>not just saying shill
I beat this shitty game. It's decent. Pirate it.
I'll get it once it's on a sale
>grr why you no buzzbuzz word like grug! stupid poster mans!
Tryhard brainlet detected.
Pirated it lol.
It's okay. Rips off every souls mechanic devs could think of. Fuck the moonlight butterfly.
it looks very, very bland
I don't like using meme words but soulless really kinda suits it in this case
Bosses which summon creeps are the worst game design ever.
>free ammo is bad
bosses that don't summon are worse
only met one though
First boss was terrible design. It made me hate the game a bit. Should i continue?
Have about 2 hours played, fighting what I assume is the first boss, Shroud. He is just blowing me up over and over, I don't know wtf is going on. Things are just exploding all around and I can't find any indication why or how to avoid it. I'm confused. I'm also playing on Hard, might reroll to Normal. Other than that I've been enjoying it, the game play itself is pretty solid.
How is it solo?
>free ammo
You can buy ammo crates that give you full ammo for 200 credits. It's not like you need the mobs. But I personally like them as it really shows who doesn't know how to kite or do mob control in fight. which souls fags seem to have a major problem with kiting while focusing on the boss. It's really apparent with Singe, I've run with a few different groups and most people seem completely lost at how to handle the adds in the last phase.
It's not about ammo it's about making boss fight interesting.
first boss is pretty indicative of things to come
out of like 10 bosses so far only one didn't summon adds it was the hardest one
dont get close to him
There are two first bosses, which one you get is random so you have to be more specific.
Some of the events/NPCs/items are also random so don't be confused if you start looking for something and not find it where a guide tells you it should be, for example in my playthrough i didn't get the silver coin so i can't craft the magnum revolver.
Almost all bosses are unlimited add works so it can be a bit frustrating solo, other than that it's fine.
You talking about this guy? Literally reminded me of Moonlight Butterfly. Also made the mistake of shooting the second cocoon because I thought the orbs came from it. Yea, that was fun.
yeah fuck these guys
Was building initially towards Hp, but now doing stamina and mod percentage because those just seem so much more important. As it stands I get like 4 little fuckers to summon and just wreck shit because it generates so fast.
the dragon is easy... try the claw monster that spawns infinite fast trash mobs
Oh I know he's easy. Like super easy because he mobs move slow, rarely do range once enraged, and he is easy to dodge until last phase where he just gets close. But it's hilarious to watch how bad others are who just can't handle the mobs.
The only worthwhile traits are the offensive ones notably everything crit related, mod power is also good.
>one class gets mod generation trait
>others get useless garbage
Can you get the ones you didn't pick?
So what you guys make your characters look like.
Watching Bahroo wreck this guy on solo Nightmare difficulty goes to show how the bosses aren't hard as so much as they are exceedingly annoying. Bullet sponges just gives the false impression that they are hard.
>bullet sponges
If you aren't shooting his chest, you are doing it extremely wrong.
yeah great job now you need 500 bullets instead of 1000
>the life leech on melee ring also gives you life if your little tree goblins hit enemies
Less than that, my crits were hitting for about 3.5 times normal damage.
>Buy my chinese game now gweilo
It's soulless because it's prodecurally generated
if you don't shoot the cocoon, he will spawn at full health when the first one gets to 75%
you're actually better off shooting the cocoon to do a full bar and a half of health damage once you whittle the first guy down to just above 75%