Who else is going to buy one of these and won't connect it to the internet to avoid updates until it's fully hackable?
Who else is going to buy one of these and won't connect it to the internet to avoid updates until it's fully hackable?
You're a pretty smart guy.
It would basically become the new handheld i bring to the bathroom when i'm taking a shit, replacing my psp.
So i don't have to bring the actual good switch, i can just use this shit switch.
Good thinking.
I never use my switch in portable mode
you could just invest $200 in nintendo stock and probably make enough to buy another switch by the time it gets hacked. there are better ways to "invest" lmao retard
Speaking of retards, nice projecting.
>shit switch
>has better battery life and brighter display than the OG model
Nigga who gives a shit, i play on my bed facing my TV on docked mode.
Don't need any of that gay ass shit.
Wake me up when they release a Pro with increased performance, resolution etc, that's the shit i actually need.
I only use handhelds when i need to go take a crap.
Nintendo are probably going to make extra precautions to make sure the Switch Mini isn't going to be hackable for a long while. They're already releasing a new Switch model because of the breach on the old one so you'd just be spending $200 on a tablet you'll never use.
Why, I have my hacked switch right here. about to go check darkumbra for Grandia 1 and 2
Fuck mods, jannies, women and NIGGERS
>Wake me up when they release a Pro with increased performance, resolution etc, that's the shit i actually need.
>I need extra power so I can run my bing-bing wahoo at full performance and I don't mind paying more for that!
>he would rather buy two different handheld consoles when he can just remove his from the dock to play while taking a shit
Even if you had a Switch pro this would still be the case.
I mean it's the most powerful handheld on the planet and you'd need to buy the pro for the best handheld gaming experience but keep shitposting moron
It has plenty of applications, fuck bing bing wahoo, i want more multiplats that actually run decently.
Are you insane?
I'm not bringing the good version of my console into the bathroom, it gets shit particles on it.
As soon as you bring an handheld to the bathroom, it's over.
That is now your shit handheld.
Especially the switch with the dtachable joycons that you can hand over to other people, are you REALLY going to give them your joycons that have been in contact with shit particles in the air?
Fuck that, you're a terrible friend if you do that crap.
Even after cleaning it, a shit handheld will always remain a shit handheld.
No, but I'm seriously thinking of modding my Switch.
>it gets shit particles on it.
Spotted a retard.
>you'd just be spending $200 on a tablet you'll never use
Not updating the console ≠ no playing with it
Sure, you can't play the newest releases, but still.
Also, the first Switch Lite model is more likely to be hackable than future revisions.
It's completely true.
Bringing anything into the bathroom with you and then using it in your everyday life is disgusting, even if you clean it as best as possible.
Is there any reason to not mod it? You cat even install Android on it and apparently it runs great.
>i want more multiplats that actually run decently.
If you want multiplats that run well, then why don't you build a PC and just use the Switch for exclusives?
I would buy a Switch Lite if it had an HDMI port and a USB port so I can use my gamecube controller hub.
You can*
I need more sleep.
So your towel that you wipe your hair and face with and 100% don't swap out every day is disgusting? Duly noted smoorhbrain.
Yeah, whenever I mod my consoles I get games and never play them again, I modded my WiiU to play BotW, then dropped it entirely. But my modded PSP was so cash that I wanna see if the Switch can get close to that.
Yeah, i have multiple sets of towels i use for specific things.
I'm somewhat germophobic due to childhood trauma.
nice fucking avatar usage!
Not him but I don't dry my face with a towel, that's disgusting, I dried my balls with it before.
My solution is to use one side of the towel for my dick and balls after i've washed them with soap, and the other side of the towel for my face and hands.
Works pretty well because the towel stays in the same position so i naturally can't forget wich side is for what.
Thanks buddy! Here's a picture of a frog so you can get even more mad :^)
>another new OG sized model coming out with better than the shit switch
oh no no no
>it gets shit particles on it.
Do you not close your toilet seat before flushing?
>rubbing ball sweat on your face
user, just let your face dry by itself if you are going to do that.
avatar usage
Your balls are supposed to be clean once you get out of the shower. If they aren't, then you're probably doing something wrong.
>You don't sweat when you are clean
That doesn't happen, see image.
You balls sweat the same sweat as your face.
The only reason the Switch was hackable was a hardware error that has since been patched in the latest models. Have fun waiting for 3 years until they figure something else out.
Wait you guys dont dry your balls/ ass last?
I don't start sweating right after the water stops running through my body and right before I take the towell.
They apparently don't wash their towels or have at least three in rotation either.
Seriously. Top down, it's the best way to clean anything.
Fucking apes.
I rub my face on my balls
Haha this is great, mind if i put this on r/greentext? We love how unique Yea Forums is!
>bright display
actually another person did a comparison, it's all a lottery in terms of display.
the new revised battery switch 1 had 291 nit brightness, and green tint. another new battery one had 348 nits. The youtubers OG switch had 361 nits.
You must be fun at parties.
Don't forget my epic (and fitting) KotH reference.
>Head to feet, you won't cause a leak. Feet to head, we're all dead
I already hacked mine.
you just know
based and knotpilled
I'm tempted, but no TV mode is a dealkiller for me. How the fuck am I going to play with my gf?
i will only buy it if reimu gets in smash
I will tell you a secret. If you can play everything you won't play anything.
>will be outdated next year when the pro comes out and everyone who buys it will cope hard
I never had this problem.
Just pick a game nigga.
Well, you can play everything if you have some self control and don't spend more time installing shit than playing them.
I purchased my hacked Vita 2 years ago and I'm still playing the games one by one with some breaks to play some Isaac, Downwell and Nuclear Throne ofc
Imagine getting a stick drift on this? Because you will
>due to childhood trauma
What? did some kid drag his balls across your face or something?
>free console every 6 months
Based Nintendo.
They fix that for free now.
Does anyone here actually invest in Nintendo stock? Ive wanted to play into vidya stocks for companies when games i believe in will sell, but im a stock market brainlet and have no idea how it works or what the buy in is like for developers.
>this matters if you're only playing at home
Only if you live in a country with a NinHQ in it.
>tfw comfy fall/winter playing pokémon on the switch lite
As a kid i fell into an illegal dumping ground that some farmer had set up when i was running around not paying attention.
It had terrain on it so it looked solid.
It was filled with rotting animal corpses, shit both human and animal in origin, and toxic chemical waste.
I was stuck in the hospital for a week, fortunately i got lucky and didn't suffer anything serious.
>Not living in a first world country
except in france, lol
But user, you will be sending your whole system in difference than just your joycons with the OG.
Gotta admit that's pretty fucked.
That's too much hassle to save 60 dollhairs on one zelda game
I'll never understand germophobes. Germs are everywhere, you breath it daily and you come into contact with it no matter how clean you are or how cautious. Nobody will ever escape them, unless you're under quarantine 24/7 and still.
You’re going to be waiting a long ass time buddy, most of the switch hacking scene says they’re “impossible” to hack. I don’t believe it and think that something will be found eventually but not for a few years at best.
Also like 98% of germs are harmless.
>bought a PS4 last year for this exact reason
>the latest version is hacked but not released yet because of tranny hacker drama
I wish we had more cis cfw creators...
It will be just like the "new" 3ds where the upgrades are marginal, there will only be a handful of exclusives, and the updated hardware has no effect on pre-existing games
>has to waste $60 to force himself to play some vidya
Is it true that staying disconnected from the Internet isnt enough prevent the console from being patched because physical gane cartridges have automatic update on the cartridge?
Could it be better than the PSP if fully hacked?
>retarded weebshitter is retarded
The switch is already getting to that point, GameCube and even Wii are playable via Lakka now.
>>has better battery life
not anymore...
>can't switch
>no hd rumble
yep it's shit
Do you not wash your towels?
>the switch losing two shitty gimmicks is a bad thing
I will buy if after people hack it because i don't want to get stuck with a straight out of factory hardware failure
Pretty much. I know a phobia is just a very irrational fear at something but most of those fears you can avoid completely or walk away from. But germ? Literally impossible
I doubt most people actually play their switch outside and even when then, do they play it for more than 4-5 hours straight.
And what's this about screen brightness? The screen is bright enough to the point where I always feel like turning that shit down.
So the only real disadvantage from the vanilla right now is that it'll be harder to mod, but I wont be surprised if the mod community finds a new exploit method within a week.
i remember when they said this about the n3ds and then it turned out to be easier to hack than the o3ds
They made this specifically for Pokemon, right?
Like any VGC wannabe still only plays on their 3DS and will now get this to play SwSh
They release a month apart what else would it be for?
The thing with the 3DS was the OS security was discovered to be dogshit and they used the same OS on the N3DS.
Pure marketing. Everything has the potential to be hacked
Is it disgusting that I basically use a towel for a month before switching to another clean one?
People said Slim PS3’s would never be hacked yet here I am with CFW on it. 9 years later but worth the wait.
Wish i could, i want to play mario maker 2.
Are there even enough switch games worth to have a hacked switch, considering you allready have a 3ds and vita?
Also by the time the switch is fully hackable yuzu is propably playable
The switch is already fully hackable, the only issue is that only the year 1 switches are at the moment and the solution is tethered. I’m impressed with Yuzu’s progress, hopefully it grows it’s compatibility list in a year or so
Did Nintendo finally win?
The 3DS hacking scene weren't as hopeless as this.
switch would need about 50 more games before i even thought about considering it
The N3DS was barely different than the O3DS.
That's because hacking the 3DS eventually became PSP levels of trivial, after it was discovered how bad the security on it was. Nintendo only "won" by putting halfway decent security measures on their console for once.
>Are there even enough switch games worth to have a hacked switch, considering you allready have a 3ds and vita?
Dunno about you, but the Switch has enough good exclusive and indie games that would justify the purchase for me.
And yes, I know I can play these indies on PC, but I want to play games like Dead Cells or Stardew Valley on the go.
Those "halfway decent" security measures clearly stumped the combined efforts of both the 3DS and Wii/WiiU hackers.
Ye, having the games handheld is allways a +, theres games i play on my vita instead of pc aswell.
Guess i will see once the switch lite is out
Is it worth getting a switch lite?
If you want to save money and don't mind playing in handheld only, then yeah it probably is.
I'm pretty sure Nintendo stock is bought and sold at the Tokyo stock exchange so you would probably have to live there or get a proxy.
has there ever been anything that wasn't eventually hacked?
your virginity
Dead thread?
im only buying one when it gets hacked thats all the switch will be good for, they barely have any games for it besides ports
Considering buying this and the Switch revision when they drop and selling my launch Switch