Also, what GPU are you using? Got any upgrades planned?

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Other urls found in this thread:


Does it have raytracing?

gtx 1080, waiting for next gen or maybe the one after that depending on performance of next gen

No, of course not. That's still meme tech and charges an early adopter tax.

theoretically yes, nvidia has a monopoly on raytracing about as much as amd has a monopoly on freesync

I want to build a new pc, but only for Blender. Man, my render times suck and just editing big projects in 2.8's dev-look mode slows my computer to a crawl.

But, that said, I can play every game that I want to play just fine and it's a fucking meme for anybody to think they need more than a gtx1060 strictly for gaming.

>it's a fucking meme for anybody to think they need more than a gtx1060 strictly for gaming.
"Need" would be an overstatement, yes. You can still run everything on a 960 too but the performance is not ideal.
And there's plenty reasons to "want" a better GPU since high refresh rate 1440p monitors are now becoming affordable.

>high refresh rate
>high res

Choose one. If you choose both, there are serious compromises in color quality and display rate. Basically, enjoy sub-par colors, glowy ghost effects, and 5ms display rate

Bought an ASRock variant of the RX 5700 RT just a couple of dats ago, pretty happy with it

You can get everything just fine at 1440p/120Hz on most games.
You don't even have to settle for 5ms anymore. 1ms is still a marketing scam but 2-3ms you can legit get.

>what GPU are you using?
>Got any upgrades planned?
Yeah, pretty much everything that isn't GPU, soon.


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Is it worth getting this over a 2070 super?

RX Vega 64

I ordered an R9 3900X + mainboard.

The Sapphire cards will be restocking right around the tail end of the month, if you're really that interesting in getting one.

>continuing to pay intel and jewvidia more for the same performance

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Depends if

But Nvidia started integrating VESA adaptive sync into their graphics driver at the start of this year.

Bandwidth is only a problem if you go 4k 120hz 10 bits

I only play games on medium-low

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Theyve been useless for over 15 years now both gpu and cpu

>want to build a good computer
>everyone quotes me it should be around $800
>these fucking cards are $500 alone

Who the fuck do they think they're kidding?

I've had the same parts for 5 years. Will upgrading and being able to max games bring me the satisfaction I think it will? I'm afraid I'm going to spend $1000 and realize I still don't care about videogames beyond the multiplayer games I've been playing for years.

These are high end cards. If all you want is 60+fps at 1080p you can get like a rx 580 or something for

have you been living under a rock for the last few years?
both intel and nvidia have been utterly destroyed by amd lately

define good
this is a high end card, you don't need it to make a good computer

Hey, you get what you pay for.
AMD has always been worse, broken drivers, no support, and cheaper. Last time I got one was Radeon HD5850 and it couldn't handle Skyrim on any settings, utter joke of a card. A "downgrade" 760 could max Skyrim however I wanted.
AMD never again.

That really depends on what resolution and frame rate you're aiming for
$800 naturally means 1080p60fps where $180 RX580 should suffice, or you could chip another $100 for 1660 Ti for better and more guaranteed results
hell, i still used overclocked GTX980 4GB and its still doing fine job, albeit i don't run games on ultra, nor do i play unoptimized ubisoft garbage

>broken drivers, no support
Hasn't been true for years.
>Last time I got one was Radeon HD5850
Checks out.

>It was bad back when I last had one so that means it's bad now
You're actually fucking retarded.

1070. Probably going to upgrade to the 3080ti or whatever it will be called or perhaps AMDs rumored high end Navi.

>$250 card from 2009 vs $250 from 2013
>calls it a "downgrade"
Shows how much you know about hardware. Never post here again, please

current rtx cards and games are memes, op can get a 5700xt now and upgrade when rtx is actually good

>These fucking UK prices
God I hate this fucking shit hole so god damned much.

>Last time I got one was Radeon HD5850
fucking christ neck yourself

How about the Red Devil? It's even better than the Pulse. I wouldn't go for Sapphire until at least the Nitro+ comes out.

Bought a NIB Strix Vega 64 for $425 and currently on a 2700x spent later half of 2017 putting money away and my comp is already outdated

>He's still waiting
>meanwhile I've had my gpu since January

Feelsgood I didn't fall for the wait meme and wait 8 months to buy a similarly priced card that'll just get btfo next year.

>2700x and vega 64 outdated

Nigger what? That performance is mid tier right now. That's literally less than what the 5700 cards are hitting.

>cards that are thick as fuck and need a ton of cooling to work
We're really fucked as a society, I swear. Nobody needs shit like that. Graphics peaked in the early 2000s and you all know it. It's all ugly overtextured, particlebloom messes that hide the fact that games have shit gameplay these days.

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Bought a used 1080Ti for $457 and returned the 2060 Amp I bought a week before.

>Not just buying a 5700xt for $400
Retard. Returning the 2060 was a good idea though, no point in buying one anymore.

>>cards that are thick as fuck
At first I thought I accidentally switched to the Koikatsu general.

i want to get a 3600 cpu but i keep hearing how they run at like 50c while idle so thats kinda turning me off

no ray tracing, no thank you

>not the THICC

>not the red devil

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why do retards always have more money than me? I bet you buy apple phones too.

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From what I have seen, the xt still doesn't beat the 1080ti

>red devil
>not two red devils

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I’m using a 1070ti and probably won’t move from there for a few years, it’s way more than enough for what I do

>Ray-tracing this early
You should only be caring about that shit once consoles start doing it and by then new cards will be out.

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I think it's the money that turns them into retards.

Yeah, and consoles are coming out next year so why upgrade to a card that can't do ray-tracking? Within a year every game will have it, mark my words. I've been in the business a long time and know my shit.

They sell it here but it costs 50 more than the blower. So i don't know...

>source: Trust me bro.

You're loss at the end of the day

>replying to obvious bait / brainlet posters
don't do that

1050 ti, thinking about upgrading to a 1060 or 1070 but i want to build a new pc so i'll wait

>why upgrade to a card that can't do ray-tracking?
Because the current RTX cards are overpriced. AMD is putting pressure on the mid tier market so I'd expect nVidia to get their shit together next gen.
RTX ain't shit if there's no decent affordable card that can do it.

Yet another shit graphics "technology" that encourages style over substance shitgames.
Graphics peaked in the early 2000s.

And yet most games haven’t taken advantage of 4K and special consoles like the Xbox one X can barely handle 4K shit? Raytracing seems like it’ll be the same

would this card be a worthwhile upgrade from a stock rx 480 from 2016?

Recently bought this stuff. Currently have an i5-2500K with a Asus P8Z68-V which I both got back in like 2012, so some new shit has been long overdue.

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Should I buy a gtx 1660 Ti? I just sold my 1050ti a couple of weeks earlier. Also how will it affect my specs?
Ryzen 5 2400g(I know its shit but I bought it because its the best thing in the nearest store)(Might upgrade)
8gb ram(will definitely upgrade)
500 gb ssd
Can i finally game on this bros? I just emulate shit and I heard that amd cpus suck at it? Do i pull the trigger bros? If so what cpu do i need?

buy a normal RX 5700. its only like 7% behind the XT and is cheaper. Unless you got heaps of money, then get the XT.
yes it will be a massive upgrade.
the RX 480 is actually more efficient and faster than the RX 580 and is harder to find, you can easily sell that

No. Buy a 2060 if you can. I recently returned the 2060 but I was upgrading from a 1060 6GB and it really didn't feel like much of a leap from that, so I bought the 1080ti. If the 1660 is weaker than the 2060 you will not be happy with it... or maybe you will.

Op isnt falling for the RT meme like nvidia fags

Imagine having to engage this much poorfag cope

I live in a third world shithole where everything is inflated to hell. The 5700 nearly cost 50% higher than gtx 1660ti and im not made of money.
I'll see into it. How's the emulation though? Will my cpu just shit for it or something?

>consoles will clearly aim for 4k meme
>raytracing meme with dedicated hardware aims for 1080p 60 fps even in current gen titles on top tier cards
>retards somehow think raytracing will become relevant starting next year

How much of an upgrade is this over a 1080?

Get a 1660 instead of the 1060 bro

2080 super

2070 super or 5700xt

Attached: 2080 super.jpg (3264x2448, 1.78M)

well why did you ask if it was a worthwhile upgrade if you can't even afford it? was only trying to help based off what you said

>paying 800 bucks for a GPU

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let me sum this up

Barely. Like 5, maybe 10% in a handful of games? 1080 is still a great card to last you a couple more years. There's really nothing out right now that's a significant upgrade from a 1080.

If money isn't an issue, post your multiple Titans. You fags and your cope in order to justify the money you spent are pathetic. Every single thread.

Waiting for HDMI 2.1 and DP 2.0 first.

I ain't getting memed.

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Remember the times 3D became mainstream? Me neither.

Amd cards here are rare and expensive so the price is inflated. Thanks for the recommendation though user.

1060 6gb is strong enough for atleast 100 tabs of Yea Forums.

I'm Good.

GTX 970
dont feel like theres anything on the market that would justify getting an upgrade since im a 1080/60 boomer

good lad

I went from 1050ti to rt 5700 rx and it's like suddenly having magic come out of your screen in comparison. Though it's probably feel like that upgrading to anything from it.

To me it felt like the 1060/1660 wasn't a big enough leap and would end up having to upgrade again in a few years.

I don't know about Nvidia. Definitely a lot better price/performance, but Nvidia still wrecks AMD in straight up power with their higher end cards. Intel is getting fucked raw lately though. Maybe they'll finally lower their prices for once before they get pajeet'd.

Why is xfx above sapphire

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the fuck is kvetching? damn jews, trying to replace the English language with their gibberish

Intel yes, Nvidia no.

Still rocking a 970. I plan on getting a 5700 either towards the end of this year or next year though. Gonna have to upgrade due to W7 finally getting taken out behind the shed.

I thought I would never see the day, but I'm actually worried about AMD becoming too powerful.

he doesn't know
the new list is

Powercolor is based though.

The basically put a giant slab of radiator on it giving it better thermals

Attached: xfx-radeon-rx-5700-xt-thicc-ii-5[1].jpg (800x590, 45K)

Bought an RX 480 and I gotta tell you, it made me regret ever going AMD. Every problem I had with it, never even known could actually happen.

>so some new shit has been long overdue.
Understatement right there.

Why is powercolor above sapphire now?
I've been reading for years that sapphire is king when it comes to and GPUs...

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you can make some, arguments for 2070S if you got pricing issues in your region, but 2060S is utterly worthless at $400
2070S is within 7% of 5700xt but same brand aibs cost 150 more for 2070S
2080 is in no fish no meat condition, and the only truly wroth while nvidia card is 2080ti which is for very rich people or very stupid people

Based aorusposter

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>it's like suddenly having magic come out of your screen in comparison.
that's how i felt when i upgraded from a 750 (i think) to 1050 ti
1660 doesn't seem like that much of an upgrade compared to the 1060, i might as well get the 1070 already
i'm not really much of a graphics fag anyway, i just need a new system for better performance in some things

they fucked up VRAM and VRM cooling, it's pretty but mediocre

sapphrie didn't release nitro and only pusle, which is very good but very basic value
ed devil got some interesting pros above pulse like 31dBa cooling and decent PCB components

It's a yiddish mangling of a German word that essentially means "blabbering".

I feel like everyone has been sleeping on powercolor for years. Been using their cards exclusively for like the past 7 years and they've always been reliable, quiet, and efficient no matter what I've thrown at them.

The Red Devil is overkill. That third fan they slapped on there is way beyond diminishing returns in terms of the value it provides.
There is no reason to pay the extra $30 for it.

>no fish no meat
Are you Italian?

slav, you got the same expression? I forget sometimes it's not used everywhere

Doesn't having more or bigger fans allow for lower fan speeds, reducing noise?

>still stuck with Intel's shitty integrated graphics
fuck me

it's extra $20, the stupid limited edition is $450 but normal red devil comes out only next week
hell good like finding even limited ones, it's sold out for normal price and only overpriced ones left

Technically yes but the Sapphire Pulse is already quiet enough with just two fans and the difference in dB is not really perceivable.

Yes, here it's "nè carne nè pesce"

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Buy a used 1060 for 100 bucks

I had a 5870 (~20% better than a 5850) and I could run Skyrim at 1080p, max settings and with mods... you are either trolling or a giant retard.

it's probably inaudible over case fan noises, true,
perf difference is about 2% at best
you can't buy pulse anywhere though. there is ASRock which looks like pulse but no reviews yet. Sadly MSI fucked up loudness and VRAM cooling too, the card looked good.

Got it.

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>AMD has always been worse
You dumb faggot zoomer.

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I need a mobo. And i don't want meme tomahawk. A nice, like in 200 range x570. Which one?

He isn't wrong lmao, cope

Have a shitty second hand 580 which is doing some wierd shit. Gonna RMA it and get a 5700 XT (wanted to get a 2070 Super but i'm gonna save money for next year, due to Nvidia 7nm, AMD Raytracing and Intel GPUs).

gigabyte and asus are okay in that range, TUF one I think and gaming something
asrock dropped the ball
MSI is dead

Steel legend and Gaming edge look good though?

You are, incel

>just got a ryzen 3600
>now waiting for sales/black friday before buying a new gpu and ram
I hope that my 8gb 2133 ram and r9 380x don't fuck up everything,buying both mobo and cpu raped my wallet

>buying second hand gpu after the crypto crash when people just want to make more money out of it
It's your fault.

*blocks your path*

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>$150 cheaper and even beats the 2080 in some games
oh no no how can nvidiots cope with throwing away hundreds of dollars for silky smooth 40fps 1080p ray tracing lmao

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Nothing runs on OpenGL anymore.
Even emulators now have DX9/11/12 and Vulkan support.

Redpill me on how many games AMD GPUs would encounter OpenGL problems.

>only relevant for CEMU
Is it time to derail this thread into Nintendo whining?

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>even beats the 2080 in some games
One game. Forza is the only thing that runs at light speed on AMD cards for whatever reason.

Yeah it's cheaper by like 20-30 bucks so why not go all in and get the better one?

But CEMU runs great on my 290. It only struggles to run BotW but I pirated it on my hacked Wii U anyway so who cares.

Reminder there is no difference between geforce and radeon graphics cards. If you pay more for the same performance and keep doing it you are a complete idiot.

>one game
cope nvidiot

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it's more about bios support than hardware
with motherboards support is more important than vrms

But it doesn't beat the 2080 there.
It performs on par in average FPS while having worse frame drops.


Lmao cope af, cringe

>But it doesn't beat the 2080 there.
yeah, it also doesn't cost $600

I bought a “b grade” sapphire 5700 xt on overclockers and then saw it only has a 90 day warranty. I dun goofed right?

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So? That's not what people mean when they say one card "beats" another.

>a-acshually it doesnt beat my nvidiot rtx meme card that costs $400 more... it ties it and it only completely smoked the 2070 super that costs $150 more
the absolute cope

you got it for 350 so even blower is a steal
3 months is enough, just don't idle it play some heavy games for these 3 months so if it blows up it blows up in that duration

>does hardware have an algorithm?

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I guess. I’m really worried about the next few years though. When on their mobile site, the page doesn’t list that warranty detail, only on the full desktop site. I bought it on the mobile webpage so i didnt know

well it kinda beats it in three games, it's silly metric though
you have to measure everything by price/perf
longevity isn't a factor for hardware. we can only pray to god nvidia doesn't pull another kepler->maxwell nightmare, I pity 780 owners so much

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A specific claim was made. That claim was false.
Why do you get triggered by that being pointed out?

claim is true actually, see and its also other games more than just these 2. so yea, your claim that its only one game is false, and several games is true.

My 290x is still the Better card. I’ll wait for next gen to upgrade

got same perf in exodus which is hilarious.

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I think it was Jayztwocents who said it, but that performance is really exceptional with RDNA and Navi. He said if you scale up the density you have something that could compete in the top stack, I'd love to see just a straight graph on projected density to performance ratio based on what's realistic for a top stack card to pack on the PCB.

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So it comes from "quatschen"? Yeah, I see it now, would have never guessed though

Well Sapphire already registered 58xx and 59xx series GPU's so we'll probably see those launch sometime next year.

it will reach 2080ti, next year
and if nvidia doesn't release ampere next year it may even gain some traction if price is under $800
but AMD needs at least 2 years to truly catch up, fuck koduri and his vega bullshit
But Intel may save us all. You never know.

XFX 290x DD here

It's not, it's over twice as fast, next gen is now, but I'm also waiting for top tier Navi because it should be three times as fast.

Happy with my Radeon 480X G1, I mostly play VNs but I could upgrade next year if AMD puts out something decent

>these threads in /g/
>just get one of these cards, depends on your budget and build all is good

>these threads on Yea Forums

Yea Forums talking about any tech at all could give a person an aneurysm.

Koduri may not have done Navi but he definitely helped build RDNA, so the dude has some value.

Vega fucked sucked though, holy shit GCN die

yea its ridiculous how nvidia goyim try to find reasons to defend what is clearly not the market leading cards on price and performance

Have a 1070, planning on getting a 5700XT before the year is up.

The Red Devil looks great, but I wanna see what the Red Dragon is going to offer first.

Got an RX480 last summer on the cheap. Big upgrade from my old 660ti.
If I upgrade my cpu, I'll need a new mobo and RAM so I think I'll wait it out for a while.


>mostly ay VNs

Have sex incel

Nope, fuck you, noncel

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You can get the 5700xt, for 2060 super money, it performs within a few frames of the 2070 super most of the time, while costing $100-150 less than the 2070, thus making the 2060, the 2060 super, the 2070, the 2080 and the 2070 super entirely irrelevant. Not to mention the better image quality of AMD cards, in comparison to nVidia ones.

Yumeutsutsu can't come soon enough. I don't even like VNs but I want to read that one.

>Not to mention the better image quality of AMD cards, in comparison to nVidia ones.
The what now?

Was planning on doing a full platform swap to a ryzen 3600 and RX 5700 XT coming from a 4670 and GTX970.
It's been a few years and it's time to upgrade. Only thing i'll actually miss is unironically win8.1. I don't feel like win10 will give me anything substantially better

>better image quality

>I don't feel like win10 will give me anything substantially better
Then don't get win10.

It has to do with nVidia's compression algorithm, results in slightly worse image quality. You can change the settings in the nVidia driver panel, but its turned so to get better performance.


There was a rather big issue with the GTX 1060 and the RX 580 in Prey (2016) and how nVidia drivers forced that to gain a few frames in initial benchmarks. It is an ongoing debate, with arguments from both sides. Anyway, even so, AMD's Contrast Adaptive Sharpening, working miles better than DLSS and developers dropping RTX


there really doesn't seem to be any reason to go nVidia, unless you go for the really high end, like a 2080 super or a 2080 Ti, but you can literally get 2-3x RX 5700XT for that price.

Sapphire nitro when

mid september or even alter, sapphire missed opportunity here

as much as I'd like to call this bullshit after owning 1070 for two years I can confirm this is at least partially true, I regret selling 390 so much

I guess I'll be waiting before I upgrade

R9 390 (sapphire of course) died just now
Ordered an RX 590 (sapphire of course) as replacement
How'd I do?

Attached: 1483635414830.jpg (380x380, 13K)

won't run any faster than red devil or strix
AMD already pushed the chip to the limit

>How'd I do?
meh, why not 5700? non xt versions are still in stock here and there

what the fug, are you me except for the mainboard part?
what are you upgrading from

for what purpose?

I don't want faster I want cooler/quieter

pulse covers you on that, 35dBa card around 70'C

A used RX 570 I've just bought.
I won't upgrade for at least two years if it's still working by then.

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Ryzen 3200g + RX 550

I'm broke as shit but also I put more budget on storage, RAM, and a good PSU for future upgrades

They're about to be. This card corners the midrange market. Once they release the 5800xt, the 2080ti's days are numbered.

Is crossfire reliable? Has anyone benchmarked 2 5700 xts yet?

it's dead, same as SLI/nvlink

Just upgraded from Sapphire 7870XT to Sapphire RX580 Nitro. Half the price of the Nvidia equivalent. Feels good man.

Attached: 11265_01_RX580_NITRO_plus_8GB_800x500_01.png (800x500, 325K)

>not getting the THICC version

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>went from 750 ti to 1070ti
>want new card
>none of it is worth it compared to my last jump
Might as well wait 10 years And I don’t care for vr or 4K

babbies first gpu launch

rx 580/590 are still strong as fuck. i just got a huge boost from amd drivers last month. i play 1440p 144hz with some settings lowered with textures always maxed from the 8gb vram.

Attached: 131315351.jpg (846x606, 57K)

at 1080p there is absolutely no reason to upgrade since 2016.

gtx970 chads assemble

Fuck AMD

Mine is slowly starting to overheat more and more.

Attached: 1565803854908.gif (266x456, 1.79M)

replace thermal paste, it's not hard there are youtube tutorials

Mine keeps around 80C so i guess it will last me at least a yer or two (unless i decide to just replace the thermal paste)

My 980 has been running at 80c for close to 6 years now

>tfw fucked my old gpu when trying to replace thermalpaste

I hardly even play any taxing games anymore.
I think it's been mostly used to stream videos which feels like a waste.
I guess it's just nice knowing I can play anything at non-shitty settings whenever I do play something.

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Might as well post here too. How about it

>Jumping from 1100T X6 to at least a 3800X, willing to spring upwards to the 3950X
>Radeon HD6870 to RX5700 XT

How much better will games like Jump Force, SFV and Bloodstained run?

Any recommendations for 1440p/144hz/HDR (actual hdr, not just marketed as such but lacking the screen brightness to actually put it to use)

I don't get the complete disinterest in ray tracing from people here. Phsyx and hair works were a joke, but ray tracing is a basic new tech that affects a lot of things. Shadows, lighting, reflections. Things that literally every game has. It was obvious to see that the applications for hair works and physx were niche but how can you say that Ray tracing is just a new marketing ploy or a fad? Simulated light, shadows and reflections instead of the baked in crap that we've had for the passed 20 years

should have bought 1TB SSD and 1TB HDD

why didn't you get a $200 vega 56?

Attached: 1533408679436.gif (446x251, 721K)

>actual hdr, not just marketed as such but lacking the screen brightness to actually put it to use
No. There is not a single gaming monitor on the market right now that has actual HDR without some other drawbacks.
And even if you're ok with the drawbacks then it will cost around $2000.

raytracing is definitely promising, but RTX isn't. Gonna wait a few years for a viable implementation that doesn't tack hundreds of dollars onto MSRP while choking frames.

I dont buy trash brands

Good to know, so hdr is a complete meme for gaming monitors. Is the lg27850b the best bang for the buck at the moment? Is it worth going for a bigger monitor? I see 27" is popular but it seems kinda small for something I'm spending 500+ on

But of the 2 card makers, rtx does Ray tracing with less compromises. Sure you could do ray tracing on a gtx card, but that comes with a significant cost to frames and resolution. Genuinely curious, what's the issue with rtx? You could say any new series of cards is overpriced because they use new tech and thst if you wait you'll get that tech for cheaper. That's a never ending cycle, what are you shooting for?

>lg27850b the best bang for the buck at the moment?
The product code tends to vary by region but if you mean the LG 27GL850 then yes, it's a great monitor.

Nvidia's top flagship used to be $500 at launch. $1200 is a joke with the performance you're actually getting. Everyone's just accepted prices like it's no big deal.


my GTX 1070 still plays games at the frame rates i enjoy

not the DD version