How are you doing fellow humans? The colonization is going smooth and steady
EDF thread
Where did you get this picture of me?
starting at 94, maybe we'll finally get to the end tonight!
Get in buyfrogs
Don't be afraid! Our combat suits are acid-resistant.
they're not semen resistant though.
Bought an imported copy for future preservation
*stole a imported copy for future preservation
Stop feeding the avatarfags.
Pirate server soon. Just trying to grind out this last Power Lance star.
It looks just like us!
You're invading earth and these guys (and one gal) slap your mothership's ass, what do you do?
Cool chainsaw.
It's not in EDF 5. Neither are some of WD's best weapons.
I really just dislike what they did to WD in general, charging for nearly her whole arsenal throws off the entire feel of the class, there was no need to fix what wasn't broken.
Pirate server
name forwardslash
Hard mode
Mission 47
How do I beat 99 hardest (bunch of erginus)? I'm playing ranger.
It plans to trap those men in the webs
Strike, my ass!
should've kissed him and turned him back into a frog prince.
I wouldn't have minded charging so much if it were precharge > not need to hold fire to keep it stored > fire at your own pace, rather than charge > hold to keep it stored > have to unload the entire fucking clip when you let go of fire.
starting at 94, 2/4
Get in buyfrogs
Is that the open field one with a bunch of barga on it? ignore the erginus and target trash stuff, because that's what'll kill the bargas and fuck you over.
Give me your favorite Fencer load outs. I want to be a one man army and tank bugs all day!
Well it's not suited for bugs, at least not really, but jackhammer left+dexter right with multi 4-4+gale exo or dash10+boost 8 allowed me to safely finish dlc2mission 11 without getting hit, so I'm a fan of that.
Any good way to farm WD weapons?
Been spamming 101 (green ants) as ranger but I can't clear it as wd and I'm not making much progress upgrading weapons.
WD weapons as a whole, or only high level WD weapons since you're doing 101?
>I can't clear it as wd
How? The phalanx fucking deletes greens and they're also weak enough to let your plasma weapons clear entire waves in one shot.
But that's the standard go fast and shoot everything combo.
depends entirely on the weapons you want. if it's within a certain range, pillbugs on 87 covers most of the higher ranges that you'd be after while still being easy. if you want higher, and have it. dlc2 mission 2 is relatively safe as wing diver and air raider, far less so for ranger, fencer I don't know because while it can easily get to a safe point, I felt it couldn't really do much while keeping safe.
Huh, that's good then. I usually just used a twin spear+dexter for my first loadout for dashjumping/movement not so much attacking, and the second loadout for more concentrated firepower when practical. Probably explains a lot really.
High level, I'd like to upgrade them so they don't consume so much energy
Last wave usually kills me as they comes at you from every direction
Haven't tried the dlc2 missions, thought they were all worse than dc1. Guess I'll give it a try, thanks captain
they are certainly a degree more bullshit in their own way, but it has a couple of 'easy' farming missions.
Assuming inferno, mission 2 you can use wing diver with a rapier nova (or something similarly styled but better) or phalanx zat once you get it, or hard counter the mission with air raider and absolute bunkers (or upgraded ver)/strongest bulge laser you have/strongest turrets you have (zexa probably), and your best red nix. Mission 11 you can jet around with a multi 4/3 3/4 or the top level dash+boost cells, with a dexter and jackhammer as fencer and just slowly shred erginus, and can completely stunlock an archelus to death. My air raider strat for it was 105 rapid cannon, tempest ATS, and the strongest power post I had. with a nix EZ or nix saber from dlc1. summon a tempest, use 2 105 cannons on the erginus fighting the barga, and then hit it with the tempest and hopefully if you're lucky it'll die. if it does, you can summon your nix if it has 10k total cost or less, dump a power post on its leg, and then go to town on the remaining erginus. Take note that if you use an EZ for this, keep a bit of range because otherwise you will oneshot yourself with the grenade explosions as a full batch does more than 45k damage and will pretty much suicide you if you fire point blank (the saber doesn't have this issue as it uses lasers, but it's holy shit slow though can pretty much force enemies to stay away due to its power).
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