why did Minecraft suddenly get huge again? I know it was always huge, but for a while it never reached the peak it had in the early-mid 2010s until recently. Some of my younger relatives stopped playing Fortnite entirely to play more minecraft
Why did Minecraft suddenly get huge again? I know it was always huge...
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Minecraft was always huge. Youtube and Microsoft probably gave it better visibility.
Mostly nostalgia and recent memery. People are also nostalgic over fucking pewdiepie's videos, now that's something more concerning.
underage people who played it in 2010 are now feeling nostalgic about it now for some reason
Zoomers are going through an early 2010 nostalgia phase.
Combined with dying eceleb careers that are going back to the Minecraft letsplay formula to win back an audience
Pewdiepie doing a comfy series with tens of millions of views per video made people want to go back
I tried it because of pewdiepie. He seemed to be having some real fun with it.
10 year anniversary, and just being a good game, and people coming back to it after the anniversary and seeing how much was new and improved since the last time they played it.
>start up a game on Beta 1.2
>saturated green colors
>weird biome generation
>no smooth lighting
>no hunger bar
>no xp bar
>super simple
Anything more comfy, bros?
too much soul in one pic
>played minecraft months before poopdiefag started cashing in on nostalgia
>don't feel like playing it anymore cause I don't want to seem like a bandwagoning faggot
No more mods for beta versions :(
I think it's because of the new biomes like the coral reefs and water temples. It's like you could be more adventurous with the game now because there's more things to explore not just caves and mineshafts. Old minecraft players probably see big youtubers like Pewdiepie explore these new areas and wanna start playing again.
Arent they all archived somewhere on the forums or did all get lost in time as the authors moved on?
1.13 and 1.14
1.14 made minecraft playable again
Old pewdiepie was fucking awful but his new stuff isn't so bad, like a diet filthy frank but without the needless grossout "humour"
Why the fuck did they have to screw with the colours. The new shit looks bitter cold in comparison to Beta.
Is there at least a texture pack that brings back the original colors?
Only after they finally patched Pillager spawning rules
I miss him, bros
stupid ass keanu reeves thanos redditors
"I don't want to be seen as someone whose decisions are influenced by ecelebs, so i will directly let an eceleb influence my decisions!"
Amazing thinking dude. Just play whatever the fuck you want, nobody cares.
Coral reefs are so fucking beautiful with the right supplies. The right supplies being a skeleton spawner for bonemeal and a conduit for unlimited underwater.
Oh, and a mod that lets you create more coral blocks from the little plants is also a good idea.
Make an underwater cave, manufacture some sea pickles and get yourself some mossy stone and cobblestone to make an awesome underwater city. Put a pirate ship on top to hold your villager trading hall. So comf.
Also idk who here might be into total biome conversion but swamps have really clear water so if you dig them out and cover them over with a layer of sand near the bottom it makes a perfect canvase for a coral reef. You can see down to the bottom no problem. Just in case anyone wants to give it a shot. It looks great when it comes to life and makes a bitchin entrance to your slime farm.
I have not played minecraft in many years. Tell me how to have fun in this game. I will start a new playthrough. I don't want find a hidey-hole and find diamond and uninstall.
As someone who only played this on pc as the hunger shit start. If I were interested in having a chill time on this what should I get it for, pc or switch?
If you want to mod the game to look nicer, PC, otherwise any version is fine
Does nu-minecraft have a server browser or matchmaking? Or do you still have to manually insert the IP address of the server?
Pewds got liberal assassination warnings, so he left the meme sphere and went back to shitcraft videos.
Started it up recently, but it's still pretty addictive, just enough autism with redstone to automate some stuff, but keeping it casual overall
We live in a nostalgia era where retards refuse change because change scary.
They paid PewDiePie some big sum of money to play it. That's literally it. The same reason everyone's abandoning Twitch because Ninja got paid to quit.
Windows 10/Console versions do. Java not.
Kids that grew up playing Minecraft are now adults and have nostalgia for Minecraft.
After all, people that were born in 2001 are all adults now.
Pretty simple.
Google Trends says it started getting popular in April 7-13 of this year, does anybody know what happened then
>have pirated minecraft, so do all friends
>one of them managed to port forward and get multiplayer working for us yesterday
>can now play ftb with frens
Fun times ahead, even with my toaster
>new pewdiepie good
No he's as bad as before he said nigger on strem
hi washington post
>over Minecraft
Fuck Millennials and Zoomers
All the people in this thread are wrong. Why are old online games becoming popular again? Because the new online games suck so people are going backwards to find some fun.
Minecraft has been around for 10 years. 1/3rd of my life. I can get nostalgic for this shit.
Wasted potential the game.
It could have been Dwarf Fortress 3D with the time and resources they had at disposal.
Why does it take so long for modders to update? I don't want to downgrade again, but Minecraft without mods is garbage.
Why are you comparing the two? They have vastly different goals
Pewdiepie started playing it
How do I install mods for beta Minecraft?
Yes, one is a complex game, the other is a digital babysitting tool without vision or direction
Anything past 1.8.9 is not worth playing.
YouTube videos and Discord communities promoting it again. It's a gaming community trend, I guess.
Fortnite is finally entering the final stage of a garbage free to play game, inevitable implosion.
Also people are realizing they only played fortnite because it was Minecraft Hunger games without babby gaem stigma, which basically transfered it directly into forknife
Also, yes this literally is it, minecraft basically overcame its babby game stigma which is why it resurrected and that was essntially the only reason people stopped playing it in the first place.
don't try to reason with slackjawed niggers when it comes to their 'vision' of what something should or could be.
And instead it's actually something playable
Finding redstone buddies is hard. Are people like scared of it or something?
It's just fucking boring, get a real circuit simulator if you want to do electronics
I'm too brainlet for it, everything more complicated than a piston door is too much for me
Because it's a good game that most players haven't played in a while. Pewdiepie spiked interest outside of the 10 y/o demographic and that just kindof snowballed. People started seeing memes, seeing their friends playing, etc.
>make perfect town
>friends start playing
>instantly wreck it with cobblestone bullshit everywhere
teach them how to improve their builds user
Get friends that actually want to play the game and aren't just in it for the memes.
In terms of content I mean. Minecraft cuold contain thousands of different minerals, animals, trees and pplants in general, making the exploring truely an experience that changes with every world.
My understanding is that its kind of broken because circuits only get processed if your in the same chunk as it. Just play Factorio.
A friend finally decided to try it out and she seems to like a lot so far, last time she played it was in 2010 and there wasn't that much to explore or do compared to now
I guess that's why so many people are back into the game
Its a game of optimization and that's annoying to do in survival without having figured literally everything else out. Best left to creative mode and then implimented in survival.
No, hes doing a new Minecraft series, that's probably what you're hearing about. Most of the re-hype started with that. Now all I see is people talking about that or that Minecraft music video.
t. Work around kids.
Who's fucking watching you? Do what you want faggot, jesus. You think to highly of yourself if you think anyone gives a shit what you do in your free time.
>Tell me how to have fun in this game.
If you can't set goals for yourself you're perhaps gonna have a bad time. Still, some of the cliche ones they've baked in: Build a full-strength beacon. Find all three strongholds. Kill the end dragon. Find a buried treasure.
You'll need the wiki. In-game recipe book is still not great.
i hope his video today is with jacksepticeye
>Minecraft music video.
Played this fucking game since before it was even made (Wurm, Infiniminer), but minecraft music shit is total fucking cancer.
>guys pewdiepie got better
I tried watching some of his videos and he’s still fucking annoying. I've played minecraft for the last 7 years and I don’t want a bunch of people saying I got back into the game because of that faggot. piropito is the true minecraft let’s player
Microsoft paid pewdiepie to shill mineycrapta in anticipation of mineycrapta too.
Zoomers were a mistake.
Big ships when?
I want mobile sea base not a floating cardboard box
Like bigger versions of the shipwrecks?
>Actually lets you play older versions if you don't like the latest installment
Honestly, as far as games go, that's pretty fucking great. Especially if you remember an old mod you once used and it hasn't been updated in years. Really wish more games did this.
Holy shit there has been a million fucking threads about this. Are you fucking blind, OP? Have you not seen a single one of them?
Imagine giving a shit.
Why does Yea Forums get so upset knowing that today's youth grew up with something different than what they did?
Like a shipwreck but it isn't actually wrecked and you can captain.
>why did Minecraft suddenly get huge again?
We, on some level, want the younger generations to experience the same things we did. We want to share the fun we had but that's almost impossible since everything changes so quickly
What do i even do with these? they look fucking horrible.
smp live brought back interest and youtubers into streaming the game again
it simply grew more again as more youtubers jumped on the bandwagon, with keemstar making minecraft mondey and bringing in all the ecelebs including dead minecraft youtubers that also got back on their feet by this
There was also the creeper meme recently.
And minecraft edits have been a meme for a long while before all that, raising peoples interest and keeping it steady till youtubers made fun content again
Oh no they are coming
Brown bricks in minecraft
Put four of them together and you will get polished blocks that can sort of be used in construction.
It be better if dye mechanics were improved and they would just let us paint the sides of blocks.
Polished Diorite and Granite look nice when your resource pack doesn't suck
I usually make a nice tile pattern out of them when im building a temple or something
Andesite on the other hand can go fuck itself
Shit was cool back then but not good enough for now, now hytale will be a thing, but isn't yet, so people go for minecraft as a placeholder.
Hope it kills fortnight
>shitting on others because they're not a failure like you are
I tried it for some time, but anything even remotely complex like an automatic quarry or a zero tick mass potato farm kills my frames and crashes the game
>t. I5-2500K and GTX 680 user with 8gb of RAM
Running a dedicated FFA (Except for spawn) survival vanilla 1.14.4 server.
Hop in and feel free to build anywhere.
It was more popular in the past
i feel ur pain
>That building
Can we try and keep /pol/ as far away as possible?
I'm building a Reichsadler at spawn just for you faggot
People want to replay it because they are fatigued of fortnite
>Pic unrelated
Memes and grown up nostalgic zoomers.
Also the likes of Reddit keeps pushing the whole "Minecraft good Fortnite bad" circlejerk everyday.
Also the cringey kids who made every MC player look bad grew up moved on to other things. That's something else to consider. Times change yo.
The hype will probably just die down the next year when Terraria gets the same treatment. But what do I know.
This video perfectly encapsulates what went wrong with minecraft (post adventure update)
Terraria is zoomer filter because it's 2D. Also, new update fucking when?
>pic unrelated
It's a generational thing. A good quote by some e-celeb you might know I found that capsulates this to a T goes something like "Today's Bullshit. Tommorow's Nostalgia".
Watch in the next 10 years or so it will be "Fortnite good. Other Game Bad" all across the board.
For a brief period, around the time of the whole Wall Street Journal situation, PewDiePie was actually decent. Probably because he lost relevance and was more comfortable to just be himself and not pander to children. However, he started gaining popularity again, so he's gone back to looking at Reddit memes and screaming at video games.
Watching him be genuinely excited about a game I've grown cynical about is like watching a child play make believe with a cardboard box
Brewing gets so much easier when you have machinery set up though.
>for some reason
9 years is enough time to feel nostalgic even if they're zoomers
All I know is I never want to hear Minecraft and Smash in the same sentence ever again.
Here's your modded Minecraft, bro.
Can someone give me the name of this mod?
That's the Yea Forums mantra, GTFO newfag
It might be immersive engineering
>what are resource packs
I know it's Immersive Enj and Grimoire of Gaia, but what's the mod that integrates both of them like in the picture.
What's the mod that makes you strap monstergirls for industrial purposes?
So set up an iron farm and tell your mates they'll be drowning in pistons and hoppers if they help you out.
This. Im glad he doesnt take Sven on missions anymore because I dont want him to die
Congrats, you're a bandwagoning contrarian
Because after 10 years NOTHING has gotten better. Games are worse, packed with macro transactions and gambling, designed around single digit IQs and emptying bank accounts
The base java version of Mineycrafta is still the same. All the M$ spin offs failed miserably. They blew a billion dollarydoos on a peaked game and tried to whore it out for shekels without understanding what it was they had bought.
>everybody's abandoning twitch?
wtf? Do you have any examples (apart frop ninja of course)