Which one should I buy? I heard ray-tracing is a gimmick. Is that true?
GTX 1660 Ti VS RTX 2060
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don't buy the first gen of anything. wait and see if raytracing even takes off or goes the way of other retarded shit nvidia like hairworks.
I would say 1660ti. Though truthfully if you're willing to go used, you can get a 1070ti or 1080 for $275 to $350 usd.
Next gen GPU's are next year from AMD, Nvidia, and even Intel. Current gen just feels like a stopgap.
fuck off miner no one wants your 24/7 used card.
If it's one of those 2 I'd recommend 2060 simply because it's better than the 1660ti without ray tracing. If you already have a 10 series or even a 9 series card, I'd recommend just hanging on another year to see.
It was $400usd for a 2080 and $700usd for a 2080ti at staples a few months ago. I would just wait until prices go lower at this point unless you really need a card. Then go for a 580/590. You can grab those for $120-$160 for 60fps 1080p gaming.
1660 Ti
RTX was always a meme. Focus on what "you" need for a GPU. If you're gaming with 1080 res for at least a year or two grab something like the 1660ti or whatever for a good price. If you do 1440p the 2060 or a 1070ti or better depending on budget. Personally I had just bought two 1440p monitors in the last couple years and my Fury card died twice. The original shit the bed then I RMA'ed and got a replacement which died in another year. The 2060 was the cheaper option for me at 1440p than a 1070ti plus had warranty. I paid around 300 at the time for an upgraded EVGA design. 1070ti's used/new were going for 300-400 a pop. I've never used the Raytracing and I even looked at something like the 1660ti that was upcoming and known and benched.
If you're looking to spend at the price range of a 2060 super, the 5700xt does better for the same money. Get the Red Devil one for better thermals.
>Both Nvidia cards
Save your money and blow it on a gay club instead. It's inevitable.
I just want to gayme at 1080p 144hz and play PUBG
You can get away with something cheap like a 580/590 or 1660 easily. Whatever is on sale imo.
Should I buy the Hyundai or the Corvette?
thank god I didn't buy that hairworks card, right user?
Only poor people with bad credit buy Korean cars like Kia or Hyundai user. Oh...
Why would a mining card be so bad? Outside of maybe having to reapply thermal paste, what's the worry? I wouldn't expect miners to be running an extreme overclock on their system if it nets them a loss in money compared to the power they put in.
>Corvette is now a MR car.
>They removed manual tranmission.
Fucking monkey paw. What's the point of a supercar without a clutch. Might as well drive a Tesla if you want quickness if they are only having paddle shifters.
1660 for sure, because the amount of RT cores on the 2060 wont run shit with RTX on so dont bother.
I had both. I ended up with the 1660Ti.
1. The 2060 isn't powerful enough to take advantage of the Raytracing stuff. Expect subpar fps with it on. You want it.. go for a 2070 or 2080.
2. 1660Ti is much cheaper and runs the games at about the same as the 2060 when the rtx is off. Difference is %4 or so. Not much.
3. It runs games max at 60fps on most titles. I'd you have a 144hz monitors like I do. It runs em at 100ish fps.
I like the decision I made. Other anons were right. Never buy first gen of anything. If you want Raytracing. Wait for next gen cards.
>going in-depth into GPU performance without even mentioning the resolution you run that shit at
fucking 1080p isn't the standard anymore, dingdong. I honestly hope you're talking about 1440p, but these fps claims seem a bit lavish for that.
You really think OP is going to go for 4k for his set-up with a 2060 or even a 1660Ti?
Read the thread.
I don't buy used