Can you wait two more days?
Monster Hunter!
I mean it's more like a day and a half at this point.
Either way as long as that retard making up fake switch games using the monster hunter explore flagship and trying to call it monster hunter shin not knowing Japanese titles don't work that way doesn't post here. Also that fake fucking twitter faggot that made fake icons.
What will it take for you fags to crawl back to /mhg/ and never, ever return? I'm open to suggestions.
Chameleos is not in but his brother, Ohmizuchi is in World.
Pic related is Ohmizuchi.
What can I do to remove the scoutflies but keep highlight footprints etc? There's a mod but it removed every things.
>no Gore
>no Steve
>six dragons out the ass
Fuck western pandering
>finally got all gold mini crowns
Just need a large gold crown Vaal and Kushala and I'm done with the achievements
I can wait one more year
Don't forget to catch all the endemic life.
Im a vampire and I can wait for one more century for Monster Hunter.
By the way, my true form is a lamprey.
What the best way to speed up the Pink Rathian track bullshit
Sure. I wasn't really expecting the Switch to get a classic MH so it's a nice surprise. Plus I already cracked the thing after MH4 didn't come to the west and the filthy 3DS was region locked, so I'll be able to play it day 1.
Go and take a look at /mhg/ and you'll see why nobody wants to go there.
Orange version was better
He seems kidna edgy. What are his gimmicks?
What's happening in 2 days?
>Goofy chameleon gecko
gamescom opening night
>endemic life has crowns in iceborne
Why would this do this to my autism?
Ryozo is a harsh mistress.
They saw how many hours niggas camped out for crakes.
Even the /mhg/ Discord is better than /mhg/
>large fish have small crowns sizes that look just like normal fish
you killing yourself with pictures as proof
fuck now I'm craving it
>natto with the mustard mixed in over hot rice
Pls no, it was an absolute borefest to catch all the big fish in World already.
And now you get to catch small crown fish, big crown fish, small crown great fish and big crown great fish. I hope you're excited.
>Just starting HR
>Decide to do a normal Rathian quest
>Fight her
>Rathalos shows up and kicks my ass
>he leaves
>Keep fighting
>Bazel shows up and kicks my ass
>he fucks off
>Bazel shows up again
Giant Endemic Crown Master
Does AT xeno have more hp than AT nergigante or something? for fucks sakes I was wailing on him for 30 minutes and timed out. I fucking hate this fight so much
Unlike Nergigante he doesn't have regenerating weakzones
I just know they gonna hide a Guild Card background behind getting all endemic crowns.
How do you feel about adding more traditional monsters? I don't know about you but fighting a Hydra and a Kraken sates me so much more than a dragon BUT SPIKES or a stupid bomber.
Hydras are a dumb as shit idea because whenever an animal with multiple heads is born it dies like 30 minutes after that because it has a severe learning disability or some shit.
His his chest
That's what makes it monstrous.
Sorry we're discussing videogames here, I'l promptly delete this thread so we can have room for another Smash thread, a 2B thread, a thread complaining about Tifa's chest or /pol/bait
The more variety the better. I'd love nakarkos
That's what makes it fucking stupid.
Nakarkos isn't an hydra, it just pretends to be one
>Sorry we're discussing videogames here
Must you turn this thread into a thread of lies?
Unlike a B-17 Bomber, you mean?
It's a good thing monster hunter is a realistic simulation of wildlife and we don't have to deal with any fantasy make believe shit
can't reach
I am literally tracking the damage I do
19k to at xeno
20.5k to at nergi minus turf wars
No, I'm just saying multiple headed monsters are beyond the amount of stupidity I can take.
Raths are the biggest fucking pieces of shit in the franchise, nobody likes them unless theyre a brain damaged nostalfag or a child, i wish i could fucking exterminate all of them god fucking damn
Deal with it Seregios
They were perfect in Tri. Rathain was the perfect combination of speed, power and having enough tricks to keep you on your toes, even if she's a total pushover once you learn how to fight her.
Metal Raths in Iceborne!
I don't understand the "je suis monté" meme.
I'm french and the (first and) last game I played is 3U.
btw, is GenU is good?
Fuck off chair, this isnt your thread
The autistic rage against Raths sounds more like Astalos for me
I think it's pretty good
He's basically confirmed right?
Brachydios is confirmed to be in Iceborne and the game supposedly puts a big focus on deviants
Astalos hates everything with a passion, Seregios also hates everything but there's a special place in his cold, rocky heart for the Raths
meant to say variants fuck
"Je suis monte!" was the callout of a French player mounting a monster in the 4th gen games. It is often followed up by the Frenchie failing the minigame or just being a liability in the hunt.
The French ruined 4U's online. The Germans ruined Tri's online. I don't know who ruined Gen or World's online because I ddin't play it but I'd assume Everyone.
Would you?
Bad Japanese players
No one because no one bought it LMAO
What the fuck is that supposed to be. Rathalos flavored milk?
Well they seem to be just considering subspecies a part of that too, no? So far we have one announced and one unannounced variant.
How would you fix the Rath subspecies so they're not such pieces of shit barely different from the originals?
>Azure and Pink Rath
>Keep Fire Element, swap Poison for Paralysis
>longer tails, more precise control over them
>walk with them posed like a scorpion while in the ground
>general strategy is something like paralyzing the hunter and combo it with fireballs
>Gold and Silver Rath
>larger tails, more fan-like
>Keep Fire Element, Poison swapped for Blast
>Lots of attack induce Blastblight, moving the tail creates short-lived Blast Clouds that infect you with Blastblight
>Can create fire puddles like Glavenus, but lasting longer that damage you if you step and detonate Blastblight if stepped on
Jokes aside i think it's just some sort of choccy-normal milk mix with a MH4G promotion
But i'm not nip and i cant read moonrunes either so who knows
They are likely using variants as a universal term for any monster that isnt the original, though I remember Sox, the community manager, stressing very heavily that Shrieking Legi was a variant and not a deviant, so there's probably an importance to that
I doubt we'll see deviants in World, I wouldn't exactly be mad but I just don't think that'll happen.
Subspecies on the other hand...
>DarkSSJ7 Rathian (Chaotic)
>Rathian who has absorbed all 7 of the Chaos Beryls and can use the kaio-ken to achieve a new form
>Spits fireballs that are also poison (think nukes)
>25 minute time limit and disables the use of farcasters
The fucking poles. I cannot count how many times ive seen some polack try to unga a monster and then cart. Ive seen the "przepraszam" call out so many times
I think those are supposed to be pockys? I could be wrong though.
Nips ruined World's online.
You can be sure that if there's a nip in the quest, they will cart at the very least once.
Supposedly the specific difference between a deviant and a regular variant is that deviants supposedly got the way they are from surviving encounters with hunters. Since iceborne is probably taking place in untapped territory, it wouldn't make sense to have deviants there.
>surviving encounters with hunters
>Rathalos literally just fucked off
>this somehow makes him better
It's like the opposite of that MHFU comic
>Where is the farm
>Why are these monsters so slow it's fucking up my timing
>0/10 shit game
I didn't say I knew how it works.
What the fuck is happening in 2 days ?
I wasn't questioning your logic, I know that's how it works. It's still weird.
Brachy trailer because Doritos Pope's presentation.
Alright, time for some hunts
PS4: 4biR828ahs6
Join in
Did some digging around, Apparently it's some sort of coffee that Glico sells and had a MH4G promotions back when it came out.
Supposedly they killed the hunters trying to kill them
Read the posts on that mod, someone modded the mod
Do hunters only die when the palicoes they have assigned to fetch knocked out ones get tired of their shit and don't come around with the cart anymore?
We better get a size chart for Iceborne.
They only die when one of the writers is having a bad day.
They die when palicoes don't rescue them in time, or the monster just outright kills them with a fatal attack
Oh yeah what a fun place to hang out. I've definitely had more than two successful hunts at /mhg/ and its been a great time.
Why does Seregios look gigantic compared to Zinogre
It's a combination of the flying monsters looking bigger because they're not as crowded and showing off their full wingspan, and zinogre just not actually being particularly big
There's no blood in World? I never noticed.
You didn't notice the fucking rocks splashing when you slashed a monster?
Incredibly how the Mohrans mog the shit out of everything and yet they're a speck compared to Dalamadur
how do you not notice the dust particles and rocks flying off every fucking hit. its like the monsters have no blood. even the tails are rocky instead of bloody when cut off
I don't really care about the graphics period. It means nothing to me. I do remember playing P3rd where the blood splash covers the entire screen.
I agree. There should be hit effects like stars and fanfare flowing out after each hit like in kingdom hearts, because "muh grafix" doesn't matter if I want to defend World and shit on older entries, eventhough they were absolutely better than what we got now.
Aah shit. Since my friend obviously won't be able to play Iceborne with me i've lost the will. I'm not excited at all anymore.
>iceborne gets released the day i'll be out of the city
>can't take my PS4 with me because i won't have time to play it
Why not make some friends who are into mh.
bing bing
>P3rd gets shit on
Why are the people plaguing these threads such tards
Let's-a-go! *1UP*
Hunters die all the time. Just not in-game because it's a game. Remember that gathering hall felyne in FU?
Leave Coral Handler and Ebony Odogaron to me!
Damn, what a bad time, would love to join ya but I'm flying to gamescom
I need to get on it fast. The lame thing is most everyone around me is going to play it but they said they'll either want to play solo or play with their lover exclusively.
Hunting just ain't fun solo, i guess my brain's broken.
Monsters from frontier or online you wouldn't mind being in mainline
I keep hearing about how the vast majority of Asians as a whole are generally worse, not just MHW but going off other games as well. However in the context of World it's likely spread a lot more thin than just one nationality being responsible.
Fly home buddy, i work alone
What are the chances of a switch game
>work alone
>works with dodo as the second part of a comedy duo
Dumb pickle.
It's just a lie propagated by delusional people full of unwarranted self-importance. Asians are much better at games. The PS4 and PC just aren't that big in Japan so only bad players went online.
Just ditch the more gaudy ones or save them for another game that jumps the shark.
That's just his snack for the trip
Decently high, but don't expect anything until at least next year
>The PS4 ... aren't that big in Japan
[x] - doubt
there's blood too, it's just not noticeable
How does asian cock taste?
That felyne found his master back, you would have noticed if you have beaten the game (AKA killed Ukanlos)
Small meal.
>Remember that gathering hall felyne in FU?
The felyne explains that his master faked his death.
ultrakekkers, all these cute posters out of containment.
What about the felyne in cheeko sands
AT xeno
So, so so god damn close to killing it. So close. Then some fucking rando sperg stands dead-ass infront of it when it fires it's fucking lazer. To add insult to injury his automated message was
Fucking ban the French.
Rajang girls finish the job.
fight him solo with full drachen with dragon glaive and poison dust bug and beat it in 15mins
Those are some puffy nips
You cant take multiple headed monsters but can take wyverns and dragons that spew magma n shit from their mouths? Jesus man
It ain't. Sadly. Nobody knows why.
Me on the right
Im gonna play 4U!!
I've wanting to play that for a very long time...
Are the male armor worth getting over the female one?
Baruragaru get off Yea Forums and get back to succing the Dromes into extinction.
Yes, all female armor is waifushit
I've been shooting Heavy Artilley 2 cannons at AT Zorah for nine minutes and the cunt didn't fucking die. How much health does that faggot have?
How do I even reach the stalactites in the beginning, the highest point on his back is closed off due to the core, which takes way too long to break.
Playing mhgu for the first time, how important is the sharpness multiplier?
>Gold Crowns for Great Size fish as well as normal fish
Play multiplayer
Git gud
Fuck you and your bullshit roar
That number is extremely outdated, as are the ones for it in other regions there. PS4 is at least at 8 million in Japan as of earlier this year.
It is a little less popular than previous PlayStation home consoles in Japan, but not by as wide a margin as that image would imply. Mostly because a lot of the heavy hitter IPs in Japan are releasing less or kinda dead (Final Fantasy, Dragon Quest, MGS). Though I'd argue the PS4 will probably still outsell the PS3 long term there given another couple years.
Don't use VGChartz in general by the way, their numbers come from multiple sources of variable reliability and when they don't get numbers they simply don't update, so there's a high likelihood of their information being outright incorrect.
Use slinger pods on the stalagmite you troglodyte
This fight is just unfun bullshit, there's nothing clever or well designed about cutting a timer in half.
Capcom couldn't salvage the fight and this is lazy trash.
Media Create is even more fabricated bullshit. ballpark numbers are all you need regardless; this isn't science.
*Shing* brapapabraPA, HERE WE GOOO!
I'm gonna play 4U, what should I know beforehand?
It's monster hunter, what the fuck do you want to know? Secret strategies to style on early game filler monsters?
Velocidrome armor is great if you're a shitter. You get the plessy armor basically for free later and it's a lot better and lets you fit in the speed gathering belt which is nice.
But plessy isn't in 4u??
That's why it's free. You get it from a fishing minigame.
Online monsters are pretty meh desu. Merphistophelin is cool I guess but doesn’t really fit in with mainline’s aesthetic sensibilities.
How come Unknown 2 ended up getting a proper name later but Unknown 1 never got a name?
What's his gimmick?
Wrong. He’s in sunsnug island or whatever the cat place is called
SnS is better than you think
Basically Alatreon
It's a mystery. Meanwhile I've heard that Zenaserisu was supposedly meant to be something akin to the Black Rathian or Mi Ru, but instead it just ended up becoming the most cucked monster in the game.
Alatreon but with the Fatalis skeleton. He can switch between Dragon and Fire at will, and his variant can switch between all elements. His wings have no membranes until he equips an element, at which point he gains wing membranes of pure energy of that element and his chest changes colour.
That makes sense, it’s a black and red edgy reskin of Beru/Dora like how Unknown and Mi Ru are black and red edgy reskins of Rathian and Dyuragaua. Always felt weird that he wasn’t a Zenith species considering he launched during Z’s life cycle (was he in at launch for Z or not? I don’t remember) but had a name that sounded a lot like Zenith. Guess they just decided against UNKNOWN 3 but already made the damn thing and slapped it in anyway.
Mods and jannies would start to have to take their unpaid jobs at least a tiny bit seriously. Understand what kind of person would apply for such a thing: the lowest quality human beings; and then understand that it's never going to happen.
ahah AT Zorah has 150k HP in multiplayer.
dragonator takes out 10k
each cannonball takes out 280~
anyways its easier Solo with gunlance after you bust up a magmacore. Either keep shelling the core till you reach the barrier or cluster bomb it
Edgy skeletal Fatalis who controls all the elements like Alatreon and is named after the devil.
>what should I know beforehand?
4u is bad. Play FU, p3rd, 3u, or xx instead. Those are better.
Just do quests normally as you would, it actually speeds up and goes quicker than picking up a ton of tracks in an expedition or something
Could be a nice siege fight
For me, it’s Level 9999 Solstice War UNKNOWN (Black Flying Wyvern)
So wyverians are descendants of wyverns right? Did a human get dicked by one in the olden days and popped out a wyverian?
Painted Falls is also a strange choice, but that map doesn't even have original items to gather either so I guess it makes sense. What a pity that the devs didn't give us a send off with a Zenith version of the fucker or something, Haru is kind of a disappointing way to end it.
I'm more of a Unlimited Yian Kut-Ku kind of guy myself.
Can't decide if i want play Iceborn on PC or PS4.
I have both
Holy fuck lmao
Yeah Zenith Harudomerugu being the last new content for the game was disappointing. I guess Frontier’s cancellation was either sudden or it was one of the last things far enough along in development to bother finishing and releasing. It’s kinda sad that Frontier and DDO are dying but I’m gladItsuno gets to make Dragon’s Dogma 2 now. I hope he and the MH team make use of some of the things from Frontier and DDO, there’s some cool ideas in COG’s games but their realisation and implementation haven’t been amazing at times.
Post your sets.
You DO you use almost every weapon and have all the loadout slots filled RIGHT?
I just realized that mainline series lacked any rodent or mole type monsters in it
user, I have like a hundred sets saved. You don't expect me to post them all here, do you?
>all those artillery jewels
Somehow i still doubt they make Gunlance any less shit
He’s edge incarnate, the chinks have no subtlety.
That garbage bird wyvern in the coral highlands has buck teeth so it's technically a rodent
Who are you trying to impress here?
>2 days until gamescom
>literally no leaks in sight whatsoever
how did they do it bros
>more world tours
loadout delete option fucking when
There were leaks, just very minor.
And since new info is tomorrow already, I don't think anybody's gonna bother leaking anything at this point.
Eh its bearable. I like the 3 slots on this r6 wide4 gl. easy heals
>not Level 9999 Solstice War Disufiroa
i actually wasnt walled on g4 valstrax, i just gave up before trying.
but i needed the full 35 minutes to repel him.
well, onto g4 i guess.
whats a good set i could craft? im using the cean GX right now with the elder saber lvl2, playing valor LS.
or should i wait until i kill athal ka and work towards a hyper set?
im pretty much only playing solo right now, but i imagine soloing hyper monsters is miserable (especially silver los).
Is this just edgelord rathian?
actually it's 60k solo and 120k in multi
>Two more days
Amazon delivers physical edition of games the day of release, right?
pretty sure there's one in iceborne
I love you annon!!
At least, it's got more going for it than Musou Zeru which was probably testing the waters as a Zenith before getting rushed out with what the devs had. But yeah, I'm not so sure if the game's cancellation was going to be too sudden, especially with how the TW version of the game was treated. Those guys straight up made bullshit overpowered decorations and at a point decided to cash in with putting their super gacha whale armor on direct sale, and flat-out removed a monster from their update schedule. Those guys certainly had to know what was going to happen in advance.
In the end though, it's not too easy to see where the game would've gone otherwise. Road and interception just pretty much turned the game into a meat grinder once you're up to scratch on a mixed set, and festival is a coin flip on whether you're allowed to get good decorations or not.
I haven't been carried ever before, I'm not going to start. I've cleared every quest by myself since FU and that won't change now.
Plus, I don't trust randoms to be coordinated enough to offset the extra HP.
I was about to get a second dragonator use but I was 33 seconds short. That must have been it.
The values are a bit off but yes, I get the idea. I think Affinity Sliding Hammer works, but I need to better the execution, had a pretty poor Nergigante repel on the last attempt I tried just now.
stop projecting your insecurities m8
I just want the thread to keep going
Does not help that all the """"leaks"""" we did get where boring useless shit
Just buy a cheap sword, equip it, overwrite the loadout slots you want deleted and then sell it. It just works.
What's your favorite weapon/style/arts combo in mhgu?
>You use EVERY weapon RIGHTTTTT!?!?!
You're the one sounding insecure here, friend.
Pretty much. That’s honestly all the lore and shit to it there is. It’s not even one of the later monsters when Frontier got wacky, it was introduced before Frontier G even.
So what do you think they're gonna show tommorow? Brachy trailer and Zinogre tease? Considering release is in less than three weeks they should be showing at least a few new monsters otherwise the lineup will look pretty small.
Anything/Striker/No arts
Most players at that point in endgame would probably just keep farming Laviente non stop anyway.
cant go wrong with the jumpity jump style.. jumping off of monsters makes me feel so free and light~ so fun!
Moonbreaker or brimstone slash.
>almost == every
>Deviljho rapes this on a daily basis
Lucky fuck
I just looked at this set and realized its missing the Force shot jewel holy fuck no wonder i wasnt doing enough in Behemoth
We’ll get proper Brachydios gameplay 100%, as that’s how the teases have worked all the way up to this point. I don’t know if they’ll bother with more teases though, like you said the game is three weeks away so there’s really only time for a launch trailer after Gamescom. They might just outright show multiple new monsters this trailer with no teases. Zinogre is my best guess too considering he was the number 1 most popular monster in the last poll they did, but I wouldn’t be surprised if they had Seregios too. I can see them teasing Elder Dragons both old and new at the end of the trailer and then elaborating on that with the launch trailer. More subspecies and variants are a given too.
I'm sorry to bring this up but i'm quite puzzled at this point, where is HE?
After doing a supernova on /mhg/ he seems to have disappeared
I don't get Snakeholm syndrome, especially when COG was retarded enough to make another Tenrou series. Then again the bad news hit just as I finished up getting my Determination decos.
Fuck off and dont mention him. We dont care
Nevermind, there was this revelation.
Is Gore Magala ever coming to World?
No one likes you, go away. No one cares that you stopped posting.
Every day we should all be grateful that frontier is getting shitcanned.
He’s been ban evading for a while, and depending on how he went about it it might have been getting pretty costly with VPNs and shit. There was a legendary /vp/ shot poster called slugfucker who spent over $10K on VPNs and proxies a couple years ago who killed himself after he ran out of money. ‘He’ doesn’t approach the level of autism and insanity of slugfucker but he might finally not be able to afford his ban evasion anymore.
Gloomy? Wasnt his name Bui or some shit?
He killed himself? Bullshit.
Frontier harmed no one
You should practice rolling without max evade window on every set mate. It's complete overkill.
Shitier harmed everyone
Shit not Bui, I’m getting shitposters confused. I mean this guy.
That's Bui, 100%.
Tri is unironically peak MH.
>at xeno has around 24k hp
I figured out the brainless strat and did it twice but it's still not fun
>how to spot a tribab 101
I don't play GU but I can only use the lance effectively in these games.
Tbh World did more harm than Frontier ever would.
That doesn't make it any less true.
absolute evasion is pretty great allows me to unga quite a lot
World was overall a great improvement
FU was just downright retarded
Except it's bad and you only think of it that way because it was your first.
25500 hp solo
66299 hp multi
FU was my first.
oh man i can roll roars alright without evade but rolling attacks without any evasion is just suicide.
Bow/lance/gunlance are pretty much the only ones i use evade up+distance on bc its fun as shit.
>World was overall a great improvement
What tangible impact has Frontier had on mainline aside from the addition of two incredibly unassuming monsters?
>forced to grind Frontier Lavasioth for decos
What is that tigrex eating?
MHW was the one that turned him into an insufferable manlet.
Why's it gotta be tangible to matter? Everything that came to define MH as we know it today started in Frontier. The focus on multiplayer; stupid anime bullshit; retarded monsters rife with artificial difficulty.
>Tri is unironically peak MH.
How can that be with only 18 monsters and actually REMOVING weapons?
'cuz now you have 18 completely new and fastastic monsters instead of shitlords shitting up your experience, and well-designed weapons that aren't completely broken like in P3rd.
I don't suppose they've put an actual date on the PC release yet, have they?
You can blame the first MonHun for adding the trash Piscine archetype for that one.
They have, check Steam
Gotta agree with you actually, after playing GU I realized that I'd much rather have a smaller roster than fight the shit tier gen1 and 2 monsters.
It’s only 15 new monsters Tribab.
If you mean something more specific than January then no
>on a 30min timer
fuck this fight. worse than midir with how much he runs around
Plesioth is a fantastic challenge, unsurpassed to this day. Git gud.
Best ost, best maps, great hub, all the monsters were varied and only 2 felt like copy pastes. It didn't have nerfed monsters like P3rd and 3U, it had better swimming controls than 3U, it had better camera controls than 3U, and it didn't have bonus naked defense like 3U. Tri is peak.
tribabies can rim my taint, all you're doing is showing your newfag smell.
It didn't have armor before Frontier.
You can't say that, GL mains and Nintendo haters are still salty.
The Raths have been completely redone. If you had played FU and Tri you'd know that.
>Gen 1-2 Raths
desu i'd rather have something like a 30 monsters roster even with HR or GR if every mother was 100% its own thing instead of a glorified reskin like they almost all are in 4, Gen, and World.
Come on now, many long-term Jap franchises end up in bullshit power creep and spectacle at some point. If Frontier wasn't a thing, you'd still get something like X down the line.
GL was never good, who cares what GL mains think. They do almost nothing but play second fiddle to their big bro.
What are you talking about, the controls were the exact same if you had the Pro Controller on the Wii, on the WiiU you didn 't have to pay extra money to make the game playable.
Every monster in Tri is a completely different fight from the last. That's what MH is all about; learning how to swim and then being forced to ride a bike.
First you need to learn how to survive for great Jaggi. Then Qurupeco comes and you need to learn how to attack so he doesn't summon shit, and aim so you don't bounce. Then Royal Ludroth comes and hey this ain't so bad, he's like a big Jaggi, no problem, and then he dives underwater and you're like awwwwww shit mang
>all the monsters were varied and only 2 felt like copy pastes
Considering the game only has 18 of them, they better fucking be.
Those 2 copy pastes are already too much.
This is a lie, and you clearly didn't play both Tri and #U if you actually believe this. 3U uses the default control scheme for swimming that TRi had, but TRi also had an alternate control scheme for swimming that made it far more tolerable for controller use. 3U on the Wii U is s shitty port of the original 3DS 3U and doesn't take the extra buttons into consideration, so 3U actually doesn't have this superior alternate control scheme that Tri had for swimming. So yes, Tri objectively had better swimming controls. This isn't debatable.
I know that i'm thankful that abomination is getting put down. Too bad they didn't do it earlier and patch out the harm it did like lavasioth
Tri unironically has more monster Variety than World does right now despite having less than half the roster.
False lol
Doesn't this only show people who have accounts on that website specifically?
Did anyone clear 4-star yet? Havent seen an update
Every time I've gotten in to HR/G rank in every game since Tri, Pink Rath has always fucked my shit up. I feel like I have a mental block when it comes to encountering them in a new game and I always get fucked. By the same token Rathalos is a piece of shit and always will be, but nothing will be as painful with those two as when I had to solo the Gold/Silver duo because I was fed up with shitters carting.
No, it's true. I can prove it too. Give me a few minutes
Yeah, you have to put some gay code on your psn profile to get indexed.
Pinky is a fucking joke in every game, except maybe the frenzied G-rank version because it changes the timing for its tailspin, meaning you can't go full UNGA BUNGA.
I don't think I've carted to a Rathian since like 2012.
Yes. Quite a few finished the story already,not just 4*.
More like ruined for marriage nerg
Can´t wait for this...
I vaguely recall the devs saying that multi-headed monsters were off the table because they felt it didn't fit the sitting
>Objectively better control scheme
>Only person who ever used it
Only because you preferred it doesn't mean it's superior. I've never had a problem with the default one either in Tri or Tri U
I really hope that this small number is because very few people have tried to beat him because I don't want to believe that people that are this shit at the game are playing it way earlier than most
My guess is that most journos are just powering through the story, and Ruinergi isn't required for that.
He's probably the lmao2Bagel/TempKirin/HR100 quest of Iceborne.
>I don't want to believe that people that are this shit at the game are playing it way earlier than most
It's the games journalism industry, what exactly did you expect?
Another pointless post from a cuteposter? Color me shocked.
>stupid clueless game journos have already killed variant nerg
>still thinking IB will be hard
I kinda doubt that considering there's at least one double headed proto design in the artbooks
It's not that I didn't expect it, I wanted to be wrong, that maybe things have changed
>FU was just downright retarded
You've never played either FU or Frontier, w*rldturd
The only double headed monster i know of in the artbooks was the egyptian snake and even then it wasn't actually two headed, it was just 2 snakes mummified togheter
That was back in MH1 though, when the whole game was still in concept and ideas were still rooted more in fantasy
wtf bros how could this happen
you told me this will be the dark souls of video games
That's hilarious coming from the stupid mother fucker that calls 3 Ultimate "TU" and thinks that having to use the camera to swim in a specific direction is as good as having actual ascend and descend control schemes tied to the shoulder buttons. Fuck off you god damn retard.
another beautiful mouth to stare at...
Ah yes.
Rotten muceous beans RERRY NAISUO NIP NONG NING
I've seen enough of Frontier to never want to play it, yes.
Never fought Behemoth or Leshen, but I gave them the benefit of the doubt. Every single flying wyvern in World is a rathian or rathalos reskin, which are already slightly altered reskins of each other. All the fanged wyverns fight the same, only slightly edited between the fast class (odo) or the slow class (jagras) and Kulve is just a reskinned, resized, Great Jagras. Anjanath is a reskinned Deviljho and shares 80% of its move pool. The piscenes are the exact same way with each other, and so are the Uragaan/Radobaan, Both Diablos', and most of the elder dragons. World focuses way too much on what are essentially copy-pastes with different skins and its actual variety in how monsters feel to fight suffers for it to the point where a game that most people calls shit in these threads actually has more real variety than World does despite having a noticeably smaller roster size.
>1.) Kulu-Ya-Ku / Tzi-Tzi Ya-Ku
Stopped reading there.
that list is so retarded i have no words
>this is your brain on nintendo hardware
Did listfag shift gears from GU to tri?
based opinion
just realized my mistake, it is a handsome mouth that belongs to a handsome nerg
>had to fight NG+ Midir on the first run
hated DS3 after that
Here you go
I did DS2 and DS3 DLCs on NG++ for the first time. It wasn't too bad.
>I don't have any good points left so I'm just gonna complain about "Tri" U as if it matters
Monster Hunter Frontier Portable
Why is literally every monster in this game so anime and overdesigned? The final boss is a literal fucking giant robot.
>have all but one or two moves shared
>not the same because I say so!
>worldsperm cope
Listfag seems to have imploded in its own autism, but I'm glad to see someone take up the mantle of the resident retarded shitposter
You're calling both control schemes the same when they are objectively, 100%, different from each other. You would have to actually be brain damaged to use both of them and say they're the same. So either you never played Tri, or you're actually just stupid.
>the last boss is a giant robot
G-giant r-robot!?
I think im gonna go play GU some more!
This is the type of retard that calls an apple the same as an orange just because they are round and tangy
But does the game have 15+ skill sets?
cute best girl
That is a terrible analogy. If the apple and the Orange had the same taste and texture but only looked different, then yes I would. The Ku's don't fight differently for the most part. they're basically the exact same fight.
>M-muh anime
I swear nothing makes me disregard someone's opinion faster than them saying "too anime" like that fucking means anything
Agnaktor, Lagiacrus and Great Ludroth are all the same fight, they share most of their land moveset, and Ludroth and Lagiacrus share most of the water moveset
>they're basically the exact same fight.
They are not. The rock and flash are the obvious differences.
Kulu also has peck-like attacks, while Tzi Tzi has his kicks.
Yeah use his own logic against him. The fucker had the gall to say Kulve is same as Jagras like holy fuck lmao
Yeah you obviously don't know what I mean and aren't just being willfully ignorant.
>I disregard it so hard that I'm gonna make a butthurt reply
>Agnaktor, Lagiacrus and Great Ludroth are all the same fight
They share the same skeleton, they do not fight the exact same way. Are you actually going to try and tell me that the Lagiacrus and the Agnaktor are the same fight with a straight face?
The average elemental set have five to six skills
>kulve isn't a great jagras reksin
Did you not fight it?
Asians go around life like everyone else was just a healslut with the only purpose if keeping their asses alive and when they cart twice they just abandon the quest, fucking over the entire group.
Chinese are definitely the worst, followed by nips, followed by Koreans who are the most OK in my book.
They have a different taste and texture, also they have different bones too.
is this enslaved crossover?
Normally I wouldn't, because they all share like 3 moves, but since you're so retarded to the point of grouping Pukei-Pukei with Rathalos, I'll stand by it
> I'm so mad about someone pointing out how irrelevant my shitposts are I'm gonna make another non statement
Anime is a incredibly diverse medium with many different styles, saying something is "anime" literally means fucking nothing. Also the series about beating up dinosaurs with weapons as big as your body has never been grounded
Aside from the charge, there isnt really anything similar between the two. Just because they have the same skeleton doesnt make them the same fight. I have 200 kulve hunts. I dont fight it the same way I do jagras. Why did you take up the mantle of listfag?
I keep hearing this but most nip players I found are quite competent
Pukei is a smaller Rathian.
Did you?!
And Lagiacrus/Agnaktor are just different shades of Royal Ludroth :^)
Also Rathian shares moves with Diablos in Tri, so you might as well group those too
Please explain what having a robot has to do with anime? Like robots aren't incredibly saturated in fiction around the world. It looks more like Ork mech from wh40k than it does a Gundam, guess it's western then durr
>Great Girros is the same as Odogaron.
>All elder dragons are the same.
>Legiana is the same as Pukei-Pukei
>Deviljho is the same as Anjanath
>Dodogama is the same as Kulve but is not like Great Girros.
If anything Paolumu is even more Rathian-lite
>Are you actually going to try and tell me that the Lagiacrus and the Agnaktor are the same fight with a straight face?
You are saying with a straight face that Paolumu fights the same as rath. Legiana fights the same as rath. Kulve fights same as jagras. Teostra fights same as niggergante. Luna fights same as kushala. Are you seeing the depths of your hypocrisy yet?
Go back to /vg/
>Also the series about beating up dinosaurs with weapons as big as your body has never been grounded
Every game's monster design philosophy with the exception of Frontier and GU have had a pretty straightforward formula when creating monsters.
>Cross one animal with another
>Result is usually fairly believable
Then you have shit like GU where they decided to go full retard
Yes, it even use the same skeleton and has the same attacks outside of a couple of them. If you actually fought the both of them and think it isn't a reskinned Jagras but bigger then you didn't pay attention to it.
It has the same swipes and slams, but the slam is just slower because the monster is bigger. By-and-large the Kulve is unironically just a female Great Jagras Elder Dragon. This isn't even something new, people have been calling it that for months. I can't prove it as well as i'd like to since the archives got nuked,but there's this at the very least. (ignore the list spam)
I didn't know the Royal Ludroth burrowed underground and relied on using lava armor and laser beams while summoning digging babies every few seconds. I also didn't know what it was also a lone hunter sea snake mixed with a Khezu. Damn, if only I knew this earlier.
because not even the humans of monster hunter are advanced enough to create robots and then you have an insect conjuring up a robot and also being able to pilot it. it's retarded.
>>Deviljho is the same as Anjanath
How are they not?
I noticed you're not debating the Leviathan problem anymore. Please do prove Royal Ludroth, Agnaktor and Lagiacrus are diferente fights
>Yes, it even use the same skeleton and has the same attacks outside of a couple of them. If you actually fought the both of them and think it isn't a reskinned Jagras but bigger then you didn't pay attention to it.
Why the fuck isnt Lagia and Agnaktor grouped then?
Agnaktor is just a fire lagia, they also share moves. just a reskinigger
>haha what's the big deal with the terminator showing up in the lord of the rings haha it's just fantasy relax
>Keep Fire Element, swap Poison for Paralysis
>Pink Rathian’s backflips now paralyze you, guaranteeing that you’ll get hit with another backflip.
You’ve just increased the frustration factor of fighting pinkie by tenfold. There’s a reason why paralysis monsters and paralysis as a whole is the rarest status as a whole, and it is that as soon as you staple it to anything that hits hard, you’ve just made a very frustrating fight for practically everybody. Also if you want a scorpion monster they should make a new one for mainline, not just turn rath subspecies into scorpions.
Blast Raths would be far more tolerable than paralysis, but without anything else it’s just window dressing that doesn’t change the monster much.
I mean, I don't remember Rathalos using windblasts or doing those crazy flips like Paolumu but that didn't stop you, don't see why it should stop me :^)
More like what if we combined a dragon with a peregrine falcon you disingenuous retard. Stop acting like Valstrax using energy for propulsion means anything, pretty much every other monster uses some form of energy or matter that has nothing to do with it's design concepts. Also why the fuck do you care about Ahtal-Ka slapping together tech that's been in this series since the start? Or did you consider the existence of the Ancient Civilization too anime too?
I'm not going to give you a (You) so I'm writing this post right now, I'm a smart kid
>the fucking pukei pukei and paolomu don't fight like a rathian or a rathalos when they have 90% of the exact same moves outside of one gimmick attack
>the kulve isn't just a bigger jagras with videos to even prove it
>great girros and odogaron don't have the same damn attacks either because i say so despite this being a proven fact just by looking at a quick video of the both of them fighting
And i'm the stupid one here? You're clearly just a deluded worldshittter who can't handle criticism.
But it's not a robot, it's a puppet
It literally has strings, it's not actually piloting it
Very different moveset?
Are you seriously asking that question?
Holy shit I've been trying to remember this game for so fucking long that I just ended up thinking it was a fever dream. Thank you, user.
>Chinese players
Can't wait for them to ban video games over there honestly, it'd improve life so much
>More like what if we combined a dragon with a peregrine falcon you disingenuous retard. Stop acting like Valstrax using energy for propulsion means anything, pretty much every other monster uses some form of energy or matter that has nothing to do with it's design
Yeah just ignore the fact that it takes off like a harrier and uses sampled audio from airplanes when it's flying. it was clearly designed after a very specific bird and not an airplane.
> I don't have a point but I wanna shitpost
If you don't like something, fine. But don't pretend saying "durr anime" means anything or that you're not just butthurt
>not even the humans of monster hunter are advanced enough to create robots
Actually they are, or rather were, there's an armor in 4U that is literally an hollowed out Ancient Civilization android
You dont get to get to say IM the deluded one. If anything YOU are holy shit HAHAHAH. You say the 3 leviathans in tri are completely unique because they have 1 or 2 unique gimmics but do a 180 on world and say n-no those gimmics dont count! T-they are just rath reskins!!!
Take a hike nu-listfag
>take the lagiacrus
>reskin it
>remove its lightning gimmick
>give it an armor gimmick that dynamically changes throughout the right
>also give it a laser beam
>remove its ability to swim, it is now only land locked
>remove all the lagiacrus water based attacks since it now has no access to water
>give it burrowing attacks
>also make it a pack leader
That's why they aren't grouped together. Having the same skeleton and sharing a few elementary claw swipes is not the issue here, you seem to not understand this for some reason.
It's literally was designed after a Falcon... This is from the developer's mouths directly. No one gives a fuck what sound effects are used you idiot. I guess Tzitzi is a chicken cause it incorporates chicken noises then?
Agnaktor, Lagiacrus and Ludroth are basically the same
Barroth is just a Diablos without digging, so it should be grouped. Rathian is a mini-Diablos so it should be grouped. Rathalos is also associated with Rathian, so group all that together. Qurupeco as well. Barioth shares animations with Rathalos so join it too
Gobul and Nibelsnarf are to be joined together as well
Ceadeus is to Lagiacrus what Taroth is for Great Jagras
Don't bother user, they literally just wanna shitpost. Forget the fact that the Ancient Civilization and shit like the artian armor have been around forever, these idiots will conveniently ignore it to pretend like they have a point
i love how butthurt GUfags get when you say this isn't pants on head retarded in the context of mainline monster hunter games and they try so desperately to say this isn't supposed to be a jet dragon.
okay so none of the people in the current times can utilize any of the lost technology from the schrade era so why can a random dumbass bug do it?
Please justify to me how Lunastra is the same as Nargigante. Please man, I just want to laugh at your retardation
Careful now, Armstrongfag might freak out over those World insults.
The bug doesn't use the technology, it just builds a vaguely dragon shaped puppet out of garbage and makes it writhe around, it's not like it shoots cannonballs at you
>muh listfag boogeyman
Not really surprised seeing how that fucking autist broke you idiots into thinking every single person criticizing world is either the same person or some shitposter trying to emulate him. You're actually trying to argue that monsters like the Lagiacrus and the Agnaktor are the same despite something like .
Is the Gobul now the same as the Agnaktor because it's also a Leviathan? Species is not the issue here, and I don't understand how you've yet to see this. having a "gimmick" is not the issue either. Look at all the gimmick monsters from the older games. They tend to revolve around their gimmick and it defines them as monsters. The Agnaktor vs the Lagiacrus is a great example of this. Hell, so is the Gobul. It's a leviathan like the others, but shares almost no moves with them. Its gimmick is three fold; its suction, spikes, and blinding abilities. It constantly utilized these throughout the entire fight. It's constantly shifting from hiding underground to try and suck in the hunter, puffing up which actually makes it a harder target to dodge, or uziliting its bulbous flash membrane to stun. It also has a poison tail that it mixes in with the rest of its gimmicks on the fly. Something like the Paolomu is completely different. It's basically just a smaller Rathian without fire. It's gimmick is secondary to the fact that it's basically just a copy pasted Rathian with some poison spits. It's poison spit animation is even the exact same as the Rathian's fire spitting animation. which makes it feel even less unique than it easily could have been.
What are you talking about? Hunters use dragonators all the fucking time? And can wear stuff like the Artian armor fine? Ahtal-Ka literally just takes a bunch of shit and rigs it together with it's silk. There's no gears or anything moving the construct, it's a straight up marionette you dunce. Also why is a creature shooting energy out it's mouth or ass no big deal to you? But somehow out of it's wings is too far? Once again, you're a disingenuous retard
I have no idea who the fuck that is and don't see why it's important.
I meant pukei-pukei. My mistake.
The state of trifags and wannabe listfags
Understand everyone sees through you bullshit and no one is going to take you seriously after you unironically tried to group together something like Lunastra and Nergigante. I'm aware you're trying to be ebin troll btw, just replying because it's raining and got nothing better do do
Even the Fated Four have more vibrant personalities to their fights than the entirety of World.
Soon they won’t be able to buy jap vidya out of fear of lowering their sesame score, my friend.
You can stop seething any day now and actually try to point out how they're the exact same. The fact that you're getting this mad over it shows how fucking true it is.
I'm not giving you a reply so I'm writing a reply I am a very smart individual
Half the roster is garbage
The worst part about World newcomers is that they were NOT supposed to exist back during the game development.
How would you explain tail fart and tongue attack?
Is Rathian has that?
I'm glad you've given up on trying to pretend you weren't just blowing hot air up everyone's ass
They are closer than Nergigante and Lunastra, so first you'll have to write an essay about how those two are totally the same
4Ubabs are worse than Worldbabs.
literally "my dad works for Nintendo" tier
I'm going to disregard what you just said
We really deserve Listfag
Honestly it just speaks volumes of World's quality, it's been out for an year and a half and Nincels still seethe on the daily
>Barroth is just a Diablos without digging
Barroth is a Diablos without digging and a mud throwing + armor gimmick similar to the Agnaktor and its lava on top of not even having the same attacks or Skeleton.
>Gobul and Nibelsnarf are joined together
They have almost none of the same attacks and Nibelsnarf isn't even in Tri.
>Ceadeus is to Lagiacrus as Taroth is for Jagras
The similarities end at Ceadeus being a lumbering elder dragon sea serpent and it only shares a hip check with the Lagiacrus. Again, skeleton sharing is not the issue here.
Did I ever say that Pukei has no unique attacks? I specifically stated that it shares 90% of the same attacks and animations at the Rathian with a couple new moves. Read better next time.
Fags like you are worse than anyone else.
I am still waiting for you to justify Nergigante and Lunastra being grouped. For extra fun throw in Vaal Hazak
Barroth and Diablos share the spinning tail move and plenty of charge attacks, and Ceadeus shares the hipcheck and bites with lagiacrus. While I don't think they are the same, I'm trying to be consistent with your retarded logic here
>seething 4ushitter mad that gen 4 was actual garbage
Ge 5 might not be off to a great start, but it's definitely better than Gen 4 was, and I say this as someone who absolutely hated World. Gen 4 was absolute fucking dogshit.
The monsters were great
You're the only one pretending here. Pretending to not know exactly what people mean when they say something is too anime and trying to play the semantics game because "durr not all anime are overly silly flashy nonsense like 90% of them so you can't just say anime like some blanket term, that is not fair to grorious nippon" like some fucking autist.
At least I really hope you are pretending, otherwise you are genuinely less intelligent than a monkey.
I really don't get Gen wars. I've played every MH since 3U and I've enjoyed them all
So you don't have a point, so you stoop to personal attacks based off "durr you know what I meant". Note that knowing what someone means when they say something doesn't mean that you have to pretend that they have a point or aren't totally retarded. So once again, enjoy being a disingenuous retard
If there was no mindless conflict, what else would Yea Forums talk about? Threads would be dead. In a sense Yea Forums is same as normies, they consolewar to no end as well.
Because the fights, despite not being unironic copy-pastes like most of the World Roster, essential play out the same because of how much World homogenized the series. Outside of spitting fire around every once in a while and nuking everything within 10 feet when it gets flash bombed, they share a bunch of the same moves and the fights revolves around almost nothing but just spam smacking them both until they die, taking nothing else into consideration. They even both have that dumb ass shaking tail swipe move that they both love to spam so much. World removed the continuing uniqueness to fights that existed in the other games for the most part and it's unfortunate. No, I never said that Lunastra and Nergigante are the exact same monster with the exact same (100%) shared move pool and same skeletons. I said their fights aren't that unique enough from each other. I never said they were the same monsters. You assumed that I said that for some reason and just kept screeching about it. Their fights essentially play out the exact same way, for the most part, and that goes for almost every single elder dragon in World until Iceborne comes out. In which case it would be retarded to compare Tri to world because Tri has no G Rank.
Just use a pierce HBG build with a shield, it's boring as fuck but it gets the job done on solo.
The fucking Koreans. I swear it’s like they cart on purpose.
And you better hope you don’t have a Japanese player in your hunting party because then the Koreans sole mission will be to cart simply to piss them off as if this is some sort of fucking pissing contest.
The maps were terrible and forced verticality too much for no good reason. It introduced mounting, something that has been shat on ever since 4 got release in both the west and Japan. God awful, unresponsive at times, controls, and a shitty camera. Ugly as shit, even for a 3DS game (gen looks better despite being on the same hardware), and some of the monsters have terrible models, to the point where the model and the hitbox aren't 1:1 and you can smack the Nerscylla's legs or abdomen with a weapon yet it takes no damage because its hitbox is apparently smaller than its actual model. 4 was shit. It had some neat monsters like Gore, but outside of that it was not a good game.
>gen looks better despite being on the same hardware
All Gen did was add particle effects out the ass and it runs worse than 4U
>Lunastra and Nergigante are the same because they share the tail swipe and you only take it account hitting them until they die
>but Agnaktor and Lagiacrus are totally different despite sharing almos their entire land-based movepool and you only needing to hit them until they die
I'd expect more than just vague mumbo-jumbo you just vomited out but I guess I was giving you too much credit. I won't reply further because I'm going to sleep but just so you know, be reminded everyone saw through your bullshit from the get-go and you convinced zero people. Have fun spamming your pic on the next thread so you can become the next listfag, cheers
Gen actually has better textures on the background.
Those are not attacks, those are statetements of fact. You are a room temperature IQ retard. And you're sitting there actually thinking you made some award winning argument saying the equivalent of "but faggot means a bundle of sticks, I don't get what you mean by calling me a bundle of sticks THAT DOESN'T MEAN ANYTHING hon hon hon :P"
What a goddamn mongoloid.
Nerg and Luna didn't even has same tail swipe.
If anything Nerg fight is closer to Agna compared to Luna
You seem to love saying Agnaktor and Lagiacrus fights play out the exact same way despite the fact that I listed how their fights aren't the same in . Lagiacrus and Agnaktor would be the same fight if Lagiacrus had burrowing attacks, a dynamic armor shifting mechanic, babi lagi following it around, a consistent, movable laser beam attack. and did nothing but fight on land like he unfortunately does in Gen. You seem to be forcing yourself to ignore the fact that Lagiacrus in Tri spends most of its time underwater, and the Agnaktor has none of its underwater attacks or animations.
You've lost the argument already, Worldtrannies. Now stop shitposting ane go play a real MH game.
this it's basically rotting onions beans with a thick phlegm on them that create the "cheesy" string look.
Usually given to children because it's japans version of yoghurt.
I think he's covered on that front.
ill be playing mhgu now and on the 6th of september im gonna be playing iceborne and i will enjoy myself while playing both and theres nothing you can do about it.
>guabortions are at it again
euro hours are the worst, shouldn't you guys be praising Allah or giving your lolis to Muslims?
They do, but Nergigante has an added tail slam instead of just swiping side to side. The body animation itself is the same, though.
Lmao "statements of fact" bro all you've done is share some pathetic edgy teenager tier opinions. No one gives a fuck if you don't like anime. Your statement was useless, and you've given no actual points for why anyone should take it seriously besides "durr you know what I meant". All your doing now is flinging shit further and trying to deflect from the fact you have fucking nothing. I love how the second me and other Anons gave actual reasons for why nothing Valstrax or Ahtal-Ka do is ill fitting for MH you try and go full internet tough guy
This thread just needs to get nuked. We were done with listfag but now we have a delusional tribalistfag
No one cares, GUfucker.
>not catlolis
>thread goes to shit
So, some sort of basedbean pudding? Interesting.
All the tasks like that have a limit on how much progress you can make per quest. The idea is that they are giving you time to go upgrade your gear without compromising progress too much, but since they never tell you this it fails
i actually like world more, but i enjoy GU too.
very fun game.
Obviously, there will be medium fish that are either gold crown small fish or mini crown large fish, and are indistinguishable
>muh listfag ree praise world
Christ, this is getting old
Aight, gonna boot up that FU.
Surely you accidentally just picked the wrong pic for your post?
Fucking spoilers m8
That sounds absolutely horrible.
How could Capcom have made one of the best foodporn I've ever seen in any media with those delicious looking meals in World, yet they eat stuff like you described on a daily basis?
How does one safely have intercourse with Nergigante?
With a lot of care and love
>pretending to be me
World is shit, go play FU or Gen 3 you filthy gentard.
Out-spike Nergigante.
is the same retard, just report him as bot spam
>being THIS delusional and insecure
Which monsters would be best for giving rimjobs to?
Are you guys seriously reporting anyone who doesn't like World as a spam bot? Did listfag actually break you guys this badly?
A Genfag calling anyone delusional and insecure? Seriously? I'd rather hang out with a worldsperm than you. Fuck off.
me on the left
Exactly the same way as Lunastra, considering their fights are identical.
im not even him
This is now going to be our go to response. every elder is the same.
Dont forget to bring cool drinks and 20 fire resistance for Nergigante everyone~
You can't even read, can you, you fucking animal? I didn't even play the faggy games that have Valstrax and I literally never even heard about Ahtal-Ka until today. I didn't even make the statement that they're too anime. I'd rather not play anything than play some 240p shit on some tiny handheld toy.
My problem is not with your precious fantasy monsters, it's with your braindead semantics bullshit. Even you admit you understood it perfectly and were just trying to start shit about it for no fucking reason whatsoever except because the word anime was mentioned and your pathetic weeb feelings were hurt. There's nothing tough about calling a retard a retard. You are miserably fucking stupid.
keep lying faggot
only classic mh for me
>monster hits me
>I get knocked away to another zone and have to sit through 2 loading screens now
I think it's fun. Do you have heat guard? Playing around the lava floor is the most annoying thing about that fight.
Hope you brought warm drinks and a water mantle for Kirin user, it’s gonna be a bumpy ride.
Well of course it's a bait thread with no proper MH thread
can all you fucking asshole find a fucking cliff and jump the fuck off it holy fucking shit. Fuck you
shit thread, ignore it
we can leave shitposting like
behind I hope
How is it a shit thread? Because it discusses the game and doesn't post a pointless tumblr picture? Do you plan on ever growing up and stop wasting your life away?
New thread for actual people, not "people":
>page 1
>migrate on Yea Forums
I wonder who's behind these posts that appear at the same exact time on Yea Forums and /mhg/?
what? No spread up, normal up, pierce up or even artillery? what even are you using that gimped set for?
Fuck you idiot, the game’s been out for years
I find that if you have more than 20 fire resist, the molten floor doesnt hurt you or proc fireblight
It’s not
Horn outdamages Glutton with Wyvernheart if you can kill a monster before it runs out.
Molten floor always hurts unless you have Felyne Fur Coat or Heat Guard
Is MH Freedom Unite any good?
Not pudding, nothing at all like pudding.
Imagine if someone took some cheese that doesn't melt properly, make it sour and taste moldy, take some dry ass beans in there and then give those a nice milky, fungal aftertaste.
It's an acquired taste.
Same here though 3rd gen is still my favorite overall. They're all good though.
the best monster hunter
4U is a close second tho
They're dedicated shitposters, even samefagging responses
What bout dark devourer?
I like running fortify heroics and see the ungabunga big numbers solo
We need another Switch game with loli. World was still good but they made it too western normalfag friendly.
Yikes. I'm gonna have to make a thread for us World fans on resetera I guess.
Fucking toxic Nintendo fans.
we dont like pedo shit here in the west. go back to nippon. World is fine
It's good
Don't listen to 4u is shit
It needs less setup. Just Para in to Heart.
you don't have a single argument on why 4u is shit
Because it's only "grandpas" that started with FU that do it.
>Is MH Freedom Unite any good?
Only if you like outdated gameplay and graphics with some of the worst hitboxes in gaming history.
Stick to World, it's the best game in the series by far.
Probably the person responsible for spamming the same images and webms over and over again for over year.
Nub here, is there any way to change which items appear in the little scrolling item selection on the bottom right? If not is there any way to change their order?
Which game? In World there's an option in your Item menu, unfortunately you can't remove items from it but you can change their order
Before World it's just based on the order of your inventory
Yeah it’s somewhere in the ‘customise radial menu’ option when you bring up the menu. The wheel itself is better to use but you can still change the order of stuff on the bar from there too. Make sure that when you’ve got an order you like to go to an item box in town and save a custom item loadout, they don’t explain this at all but your adjusted radial menu and item bar is tied to item loadout.
>Stick to World, it's the best game in the series by far.
What an awful series then
Thanks bros. Now maybe I'll stop dying like an idiot scrolling through items.
A shitty roster is more than enough not counting all the other shit like bad maps. 4u is just the biggest rehash in a series that already rehashes plenty.
No game with an abundance of monsters in the vein of blue kut ku, purple gyp, red khezu, 4 diablos, etc after we left them behind for good reason can be up there.
>A shitty roster
So then FU is bad too. How about that.
You dont realize what you have til you lose it.
Newfags dont realize how much of an improvement World is if they started with it. its like saying mario 64 is better than Mario Galaxy, the latter opened it up and revealed the true potential mario franchise had, the former is liked only for nostalgia
Mario 64 is more fun though. The graphics may be rough and the gameplay isn't as smooth, but it's a game that I'm delighted to turn on any day. Mario Galaxy is just a bore compared.
Make sure to read the whole post. You missed the part that says after we left them behind.
4u is a wannabee gen 2 game more than half a decade after gen 2 ended. Not a good thing.
Not to mention for all the gen 1-2 rehashing it does it couldn't even bring an actual good monster like narga over.
What a mistake that game is.
>Newfags dont realize how much of an improvement World is
Actually I think the ones that struggle with this are kids that started with the PSP games.
Galaxy took away a lot of the stuff that made 64 fun, like the open levels and the expansive moveset, even if it was a good game in its own right for other reasons (although if anything I suppose that makes the comparison to World even more apt).
>You missed the part that says after we left them behind.
No I didn't. I'm simply pointing out the hypocrisy of FU fans.
Tri/P3rd/3U are bad because of new monsters and change.
4U is bad because it tried to be like the older games and that's not a good thing now for some reason.
But hey, somehow FU is the best game in the series. Don't question it or you'll trigger us.
FU brought new stuff to the table and has it's own identity. As did tri,p3rd,3u
Meanwhile 4u couldn't even be bothered to create a new hub or new maps. It's a poor mishmash of an entry.
It just polluted the game back with monsters we did not need to see anymore after they got cut in 3rd gen. Didn't fix the map issue either.