I miss the days when Yea Forums openly embraced lewd posting instead of constantly complaining about it like everyone does now.
I miss the days when Yea Forums openly embraced lewd posting instead of constantly complaining about it like everyone...
It gets tiring when you do it constantly, and because you can't control yourselves you do it constantly.
Tangentially: /vg/ was born, because people can't have a thread once and leave it alone for a day or two.
Go to /trash/ then you fucking hypocrite you cant bitch about off topic posts you dislike the bitch you cant post off topic posts you like
notice it's American mornings when that shit gets spammed
Hi semen skulls.
Lewdposting isn't bad in itself.
What most people here are fighting are people that are exclusively motivated by fanservice in games as the only reason why they purchase video games.
It used to be harmless, but with the advent of Gacha, encouraging this behaviour is fucking up the one thing we all give a shit about: gameplay.
The moment you start to buy games with no decent gameplay just because they contain tits and pantsu, it's the moment we have a problem and people start turning on you.
at least the mods are slightly less retarded than normal and filtered the twitter shitposters
It actually is reddit in this case, which is why the worst of the shitposting is during the workday.
Can't browse Yea Forums after all and run into something that might get you into trouble with your boss.
fuck off, retard
all this bullshit was a campaign from Yea Forums discord faggots, nothing about video games
It doesn't matter how it started, i don't give a rats ass about no yellowfag bullshit, in the context of Yea Forums, if you buy games exclusively because of fanservice and start forgetting you're supposed to push the medium into having solid gameplay, you're cancer.
And thus i don't give a fuck if it's started by Yea Forums or /pol/, it serves the same function: semen brains need to get the fuck out.
>like everyone does now
Dedicated shit posters.
>you're supposed to push the medium into having solid gameplay
I hold no responsibility to ensure game you like are made. Eat my actual shit, faglord.
tourist and retard if you think you can change the entire industry that way
and double retard if you think fanservice games are more widespread or damaging than modern western trash that normalfaggots automatically eat up
>I hold no responsibility to ensure game you like are made
You do, because i said so.
get some taste porn addict.
>and double retard if you think fanservice games are more widespread or damaging than modern western trash
You're equally as bad.
Weeb semen brains and western SJWs movie addicted retards share the same trait: both don't care about gameplay and one wants to watch porn, the other wants to watch movies.
You're both alien and harmful to this hobby.
You both need to get the fuck out.
I dont think theres a more autistic and delusional post than this on Yea Forums right now
this, major tranny thread filled with autistic retard trannies who hate fapping because they miss it
Oh fuck off you dumb spermbrain.
>maybe if i aggresivley spam a discord meme people will finally do what I want them to
Yeah cause that always works you dumb tranny nigs
>You're both alien to this hobby
how fucking new
fanservice in games has been there for the longest time
found the mind ejaculate
you first, tranny
Yea Forums isn't going to change just because lewd threads trigger your mutilated loins
I remember when we could have the board plastered in explicit porn content and tfw no gf threads, it was fine because it was what Yea Forums was, not this watered down bs pandering to trannies faggots and fat people with no friends
this unironically
you faggots think with the wrong head
>both don't care about gameplay
Bold statment, when the games that have the most gameplay discussions are the ones with the most horny idiots in the threads.
It's almost like it's the basis of Yea Forums or something.
you couldn't be missing the point more if you tried. Fanservice isn't the problem, its pathetic dicks for brains who buy games for no other reason then shit up this board with their CG collections like they are legitimate excuses for games.
>trannies have to dance around their meme word now
poor trannies, how is the shitpost discord taking it?
reported for racism
you need shoot brain
>fat people with no friends
Fat people with no friends has always been 90% of Yea Forums.
The remaining 10% is hungry skellies wih no friends.
project harder, tranny
wish more of you committed suicide after Trump
The problem is that people like ACfag ruin it for everyone by posting extremely shit art and then going on a tirade about said art meaning the games in question were designed purely for fanservice and arts bad because of it.
>fanservice in games
Notice the word "games".
That's what changed, and that's why now it's an issue.
I meant the reddit kind of fat, sorry
Fire emblem three houses is a really great game and its gets fucking ruined from chronic masturbators insisting its a waifu focused game. It fucking BLOWS.
i like to see a boobs here sometimes. nothing bad in seeing girls interesting parts and all gays complaining can fuck off.
wait is gamer actually filtered now?
LMAO the mods conceded again
>mfw combined shitposting of few anons causes so much butthurt they have to filter it to avoid total anal anihilation
how do I knock up her brain?
project harder, tranny
you first, tranny
more like someone spammed their forced meme and people got tired of your shit, why do you think sóy got filtered too?
First, the jizzbrain posters are just the new flavor of shitposting for the month. They are only making those comments because they get reactions. Or think they get reactions; I actually see most people ignoring them, so I don't know why it's bothering you so much.
Second, Yea Forums only openly embraced "lewd posting" when it was in a topic on video games. Lewd topics were spammed to hell and ignored. But posting risque images while video game discussion was going on (or after it died) was fine, because it was just keeping the thread alive and nobody really gave a shit. Your problem is that you don't want to talk about Dangaronpa, or Resident Evil, or whatever else you are lewdposting about. You just want to post softcore porn, but haven't figured out where the /e/ and /h/ boards went. So just get fucked and go back to your deleted shithole.
This happens when the meme word is hard spammed, like baka desu senpai
Somehow you people spamed it so fast it got filtered a day after it's conception
project harder, tranny
Imagine making and spamming a meme so annoying and so fast that it gets filtered quicker than s o y.
filtering negative words that hurt my fefees is mods literally admitting to their thin skin.
Each and one of them is a victory
It's a meme.
/fit/ rejects probably got asked to post body in their circlejerk and decided to shit up other boards.
Chances are they'll fuck off once they get bored.
That's the power of discord kids with no life
project harder, tranny
you don't belong here if you get offended by a few CGs getting posted
You fuckers invited all the tumblrinas here by pretending to be just as retarded as they are.
It's your own damn fault, you stupid double nigger.
What does /fit/ have to do with anything?
Why would you default to /fit/ rather than Yea Forums, /pol/ or Yea Forums?
mods are faggots but spamming entire board with forced meme won't accomplish anything other than create Yea Forumstier raid
Wow, your goals in life must be slim to none extended then
What are you talking about? This board is still lewd af
/fit/ is the place that started the nofap/noporn cult threads
I miss when Yea Forums wasn't full of jizzminds
You miss something that never existed.
like your womanhood
dilate and cope
>Word was posted over 2000 times in 2 fucking days
>Surprised it got filtered
Whoever drew this has a lot of beef with a whole lot of things.
>purchase video games.
Imagine doing this.
That's some prime puffy cunny
Someone in one of the previous threads asked which artists do good creampies: I think Kanyapi does some amazing, copious, gooey creampies oozing out of very cute girls.
nice projection, also implying Yea Forums is for serious video game discussion and not shitposting - big yikes!
technically true but 50 "what are some games....(devolves into ERP or straight up porn dump)" threads are not much better
>devolves into ERP or straight up porn dump
this ain't /vg/ but you are not wrong on second part, that being said, spamming jizzcranium won't change anything, it will just make people spam even more porn to fuck with spammers, it's like trying to piss in to ocean of piss, nobody wins all it does, it creates more piss.
Tummies are for intellectuals.
project harder, tranny
That's because it has no reason, substance or relevancy when it's used. People who make an excuse for it are animals who have no self control.
Well maybe it's because you were all horny teenaged underaged posters that leeched off this site purely for it instead of realizing it was just for the laughs. Now you people feel threaten when it's taken away because you thought it was part of the site.
truly off the goop
project harder, tranny
yeah, It reminds me of when /r9k/ some time ago tried to push back against the massive influx of trannies and their orbiters with hahaposting only to make things even worse.
Still, I think filtering a word only gives those posters more ammo and validation to keep going
Spamming shit to run something off a board never works unless you have or get the mods on your side.
The last time it was truly successful was when Yea Forums ran off the tumblrites making star wars shipping threads, and even then it was because they uncovered a legit corrupt mod.
Could you scream "I'm an underaged newfag" any louder ?
You think you know how this place works cause your here for what, 1, 2 years ?
Your part of the fucking problem kid
That's every fire emblem game ever.
It's because Yea Forums is full of homosexuals now.
you are angry
petty excuse, chubby chaser
>gives validation
pretty much, just autists sadisfied with whatever their mission was for the day, more power to the i guess, sad state of life but hey as long as they are happy
Was he a big guy?
Oh honey.
If that was true, don't you think we'd have exactly the same amoung of lewd threads, but with male video game characters instead?
Good, fuck Fag Emblem
dilate and cope
oh tranny
Notice how the gay threads never have this meme spammed in them, so you're right for the most part
Gay posting peaked years ago dude.
Fuck off.
>Was he a big guy?
Quite the reverse. I think it was Swaglord who put his foot down and banned the threads despite the babysitting mod's efforts.
Notice how there's maybe one gay thread a month as opposed to 2 fucking waifu pornposting threads every 4 hours
project harder, tranny
That makes me believe the spammers are /fit/ rejects hypothesis
Additionally they all get almost immediately deleted anyway, as opposed to other lewd threads that are up for days.
Hell, even this exact thread is still up, for absolutely no reason.
>one gay thread a month
first day on the board?
>straights out-number fags
whodathunkit, huh tranny?
So what did he do that caused Yea Forums's uproar? Didn't like Nolan's masterpiece?
stop calling random niggers trannies
soon it's gonna be like nigger and we'll be calling all the niggers trannies and it won't make any sense
you fucking nigger
>waifufags spam countless porn threads on an hourly basis
>"why don't people shit on the threads that are about as common as deep sea threads as much as they do on us?"
Can you gamers decide if the people you're seething about are SJWs or /pol/ yet?
>thinking you can affect the market in any meaningful way by bitching about it on Yea Forums
this board hates phone games to begin with so this argument is just retarded on every level
unironically this
ever thought of the logic behind posting porn for other men? its bisexual FAGGOTS that get their dicks hard at the idea of getting YOUR dick hard
you first, tranny
>i fap 10 times a day lmao why am i depressed
I am starting to agree with extremist feminists wanting men to get their balls cut off.
>the days when Yea Forums openly embraced lewd posting
so 1 year ago when gookmoot wanted adds on Yea Forums and everyone started posting porn ironically? posting fanservice drivel was never a core part of the board identity until gacha games reared its ugly head.
>gay thread a month
Cute that you actually believe that but the point still stands, especially with how persistent you fags are with this meme
>ever thought of the logic behind posting porn for other men? its bisexual FAGGOTS that get their dicks hard at the idea of getting YOUR dick hard
>When you try to be so straight you accidentally become a hermit monk
>SJWs or /pol/ yet?
neither, nu-Yea Forums posters who are mainly self-hating trannies crying because the board didnt change with their state of their penis
It's not a great game though, the gameplay is mediocre as fuck.
>posting fanservice drivel was never a core part of the board identity
untrue and retarded
You realize it's just ACfag, right? If anyone is complaining about "porn threads" or "pornposting", it's 100% ACfag.
you already ruined Yea Forums
They don't get deleted until it goes off into 3dpd posting, you could make a male lewd thread and be fine
But trannies still have the prostate.
How can one man be so autistic, reality really is stranger than fiction
>half the front page is "PLAY ___ 'S GAME POST YOUR WAIFU SEXY VIDYA GAME GIRLS POST VIDYA TITS POST VIDYA ASS" threads on a daily basis
>"looks there's a gay thread why don't you treat it the same as us?"
Yeah, the point still stands.
history revisionism
emphasis on "drivel". fanservice can be a good icing on a product but when the product is nothing but icing it fucking blows unless youre an oblivious toddler.