Is Skyrim Special Edition worth bothering with? I have the original and fancy playing again...

Is Skyrim Special Edition worth bothering with? I have the original and fancy playing again. Is there any benefit to the special edition, are mods the same etc?

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It fixes some bugs, some resolution issues. For example I can go borderless fullscreen on the SE but not on the usual one.

Other than that, it has less mods cause they had to be remade, but by now it probably has all the actually good mods, only the crap ones nobody wants that were made in like 2012 are still not on the SE.

>are mods the same etc
If you're only interested in boring normie mods, then yes. But the good mods (loverslab, jap kink shit) are only for standard edition

It’s the same game with field of vision blur effects basically

You can't be more wrong. People continued making mods for LE without porting them to SE thanks to constant bethesda update fuckery.

The vampire bullshit is fixed in SE there's no longer attacks in major cities like whiterun and you have to start dawnguard for smaller towns to get attacked

It's a scam. Only reason it exists was to draw people into the creation club in the hopes of creating a modding monopoly for Bethesda in the future.

It fixes things like resolution and a lot of bugs from the previous game and is a whole lot more stable. You can have plenty of mods with the game being pretty stable and if you miss a mod, you can port it with relative ease.
It's an overall more stable game and comes with all the DLC's included.
Pic unrelated

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It's more stable out of the box. That's about it. The original is better in every other way. With the various SKSE stability mods, it's as if not more stable than SSE. The original has better graphics because of a more advanced ENB and parallax. It also has 3 times as many mods, including Requiem.

If you're just going to play it without a bunch of mods, play SSE, if you want to heavily mod the game, play the original.

Of course you should also buy Skyrim for all your friends that way they can enjoy the very immersive world

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are there titty physics mods for SE?

literally the only reason to play the original is if you want degenerate gamer mods


It's the definitive version cope

It looks better out of the box and it's 64-bit so it has better performance and is more stable

>Is Skyrim Special Edition worth bothering with?
i only play it because i got it for free for already owning oldrim, which i still use way more than SE.

Nope. Shit like Requiem can't be played properly on SE and those who think the fan ports work fully as intended don't know the mod well enough to know it's broken. That mod is the main reason people play the original instead of the remaster. There's nothing like it for SE and you have to use 500 different gameplay mods to get a similar experience.

Play Special Edition if you enjoy the game updating and breaking SKSE and every mod that depends on it because it now has 2 new differently shaped animal dildos for you to pay 10 bucks for to use in-game.

only bought skyrim SE on sale after all this time to play enderal or w/e; found out its not officially supported on SE edition so things will be gay.
dont even want to play vanilla so im shit outta luck

vanilla is like 5 dollars on g2a

This shit is so blatantly on purpose to fuck with SKSE devs too, there's absolutely no logical reason why the EXE needs to be updated and memory offsets switched around just to update their storefront.

Cool thanks, original it is then.

But more importantly, do the sex mods work in VR?

VR is SE so I doubt it


Skyrim Together is in open alpha/beta or whatever and only for SE afaik. It works but it's busted as fuck and you can expect a lot of crashes. Only get it if you have someone else to play it with.

has less mods but vanilla out of the box it looks prettier, runs better and crashes less.

Just play ESO at that point.

>being too retarded to set it to only update on launch, then launch it through Mod Organizer instead of Steam

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>just play the shitty WoW clone with a vague Elder Scrolls aesthetic
I'd rather rope myself.

Get a Rift S and play Skyrim VR.

As opposed to playing a buggy ass singleplayer game in co-op.

How about you play Skyrim LE for the sex mods and Skyrim SE for actually playing Skyrim?

There's nothing interesting in Skyrim. Oblivion is for actual serious play through, Skyrim is for fucking around because the guilds and side quests suck.

No real antialiasing means the game is a blurry mess.