Hope you're doing ok Yea Forums

Hope you're doing ok Yea Forums

love you

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thanks random user!

Don't forget to visit our other sub reddit Yea Forums
People over there are really nice!

Have a wonderful day!

feeling pretty poyo right now lads

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well I'm glad you're doing well


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I just want you to be happy.

Fuck off with this vapid feel good drivel.


Fake and gay


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Be op
>suffers daily
>still wishes everyone a good day

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Let's not kid ourselves, we are not doing ok. If we were we'd not be here.

I know that things suck but someday they won't suck that much. We're all gonna make it brah

Leave this board while you still can.

You too, pal.

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I'm already a retarded faggot what else can they possibly fucking do to me
if you're answer is "masturbate to x" well you're like a decade too late champ

I'm not doing okay but thanks OP.
Every night is so very hard.

I promise things will get better.

post programming socks?

I'm too old for things to get better, friend. All I can hope for now is the end.

No, those are for my boyfriend and/or a fat old balding man with a stuffed wallet

Thanks OP, I appreciate it

fuck off

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Well then I hope your end is painless and fruitful.

this is ur boyfriend pls post programming socks

Yeah, I think I'm fine.
Thanks OP.

r u tryin to trick me

y-you too!

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y would i do such a thing? after all i am your boyfriend who is named... richard. no. michael.

Thanks, user. I've moved past happiness or sadness and have entered some weird Buddhist tranquility where I don't feel anything any more.
It's not so bad.

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go back to bed richard michael I was about 2 post lewds on the Yea Forums before you caught me

user I hope somewhere in your zen meditative state you find happiness.

I am full of burning hate and regular acid reflux and I can find no means to calm it


Love everyone here except the janny who keeps deleting crash threads. Hope you find love one day and leave us the fuck alone.

Like I said, it's not so bad. I get to practice drawing without feeling bothered any more, and I made snickerdoodles for my birthday a couple days ago. They were pretty good.

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i'm not but i'm too cowardly to do anything about it so i am playing VIDEO GAMES instead

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wait no this isn't ur boyfriend i was just joking pls post the lewds to 4channel.

>love you
Stop saying that OP

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I'm starting a new job in 2 weeks. More money, better work environment, working with vidya. Yeah, it's save to say that I'm pretty stoked.

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Wuvs! Miss u!

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I'm happy for you user

Thanks user. I hope that things are going well for you as well.

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Likewise, user. So, you guys played any good vidya lately?

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I'm just waiting on things to get better.

I quite like RoR 2

Relationship with the gf has been going pretty well. Other than that, life is busy, and I don't have as much time for vidya as I used to, but I'm happy.

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Game-end yourself, fag.

I just wish I were dead


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Aw thanks OP

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I'm not. I wish I could die, but until I do I keep losing hours of sleep and it's very annoying.


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no.. noOOOO! ME NO LIKEY.. no no
LIKEY... BYDIA buddt... no u.. no no.. BAD PLACE BAD BAD MEANIE PLACE Yea Forums
GO BACK LEAVE AWAE bye bad peeble....

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Saying you love someone you never met is meaningless.

I've met all of you over and over again