What's the 1 thing that would fix TF2?

What's the 1 thing that would fix TF2?

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Actually balancing the game and adding new weapons/maps/gamemodes/events and not just community made hats.

Unspaghettify the code

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The game gets worse with each new update, though

Remove Casual/Competitive and reinstate Quickplay or something similar with more options

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make the game stop running like shit

Reverse 100% of mym
Get a group of valve people (unlikely) or some trusted fans (presumably the people who did previous community updates) to make 2-3 or so updates a year.
There, game is as good as it's ever going to get in the current state of things.

Competitive is dead as fuck and worthless but Casual matchmaking was the best thing to happen for a long time.
Haven't played on a single shitty skial or firepowered server since that shit came out and good riddance.

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Kill all sniper mains

>Snowycoast under Thundermountain, Frontier, and Goldrush

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It's sad to think that before meet your match TF2 still had a soul. And yet it took way too long to fix it, TF2 did die a lot during that time.

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>kong king
who where?

Highpass belongs in the top half of KOTH maps

Removing the fucking hats.

Remove compfags

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I refuse to believe there's even 228 people playing.
Me and three friends were playing pubs the other night and we left ourselves in queue for competitive for an hour, because why not.
Never found a single fucking game. Four person party. Complete joke.

Remove cl_interp

>turn tf2 into overwatch copypasta goes here

Just a complete redo desu. I don't think there's a single menu or mechanic which isn't broken in this game.

remove hats

Remove casual and competitive, you're added into a game that hasn't started yet instead of at the end where you hear ALERT THE ENEMY'S CAPTURING OUR LAST CONTROL POINT and lose instantly aka fun!

>Casual matchmaking was the best thing to happen for a long time
please fucking kill yourself

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This. So much this!

You, sir, are a patrician and a scholar.

Edit: Thanks for the gold, kind stranger!

tf2 youtuber detected

Why, your favorite community Dustbowl server circlejerk die because of it?
It's ten times better than quickplay was, I pick a map, I get that map, I play the fucking game, no bullshit.
You have rose-tinted retinas if you think the old days of getting autoconnected into servers with watermark logos and unskippable ads was somehow better.

Valve servers were a thing before MYM, MYM made it so you couldn't connect to them immediately.
If you played before MYM you would know that you had normal valve servers before MYM.

Uncle Dane

Yes, and you didn't get connected to them half the time using quickplay. The server browser was the only half decent way to find a good game.
If the casual matchmaker took ages to find me a game I might agree but it takes like five seconds to give me a vanilla game of the map I want.

what maps

>give soldier's mobility to pyro
>give more "acting" tools to spy

Upward, Badwater, Gorge, or Lakeside usually

Nerf OP Spy

I know how to fix TF2:
>Only 6v6 games in matchmaking
>Turn off random crits
>No duplicate classes in matchmaking
>Heavy has to reload his minigun
>Everyone gets infinite ammo
>Only payload, koth and attack/defense as matchmaking modes
>Remove trading
>Add competitive rewards so more people play it
>Engineers turret upgrades automatically to lvl 2, but deals less damage
>Dispenser and tele removed
>Spy has infinite cloak and cannot instakill backstab anymore, his main damage is now his revolver
>Rocketjump gets dedicated button and doesn't do damage. It has a cooldown
>Stickyjump gets a dedicated button and doesn't do damage to yourself. It has a cooldown
>You get removed from game if you afk more than 30 secods
>Crouch jump gets removed
>Scout's doublejump gets removed
>Bonk! has a dedicated button with a cooldown
>Jarate has a dedicated button with a cooldown
>Jetpack has a dedicated button with a cooldown
>Every class has only one weapon, melee weapons have been turned into quick-melees which have their own dedicated button
>Air strafing gets removed
>B-hop gets removed
>Every 4-6 months a new class is introduced that completely breaks the meta for 1-12 months

Give it an actual dev team again and not just the skeleton and potted plant it currently has.

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>you can't join a match your friends are playing unless you join as a group
>you can't choose your teams
>sometimes you end up joining an empty server
>or a server where the enemy team has pretty much won
>you can't choose which server to join they just put you into a server with space
>have to wait to play maps sometimes if you want to play something different
The server browser was better than casual matchmaking

6 cosmetic slots.

Just make TF3

Recode the entire thing to be better suited for all the added stuff over the years, add 3 more classes, remove a big chunck of the cosmetics, reintroduce item sets

Over half of those things can happen with server browser anyway and your friend could literally just join your group and then join your game
Server browser still exists if you really want to go find a community server or something running a niche map.

>your friend could literally just join your group and then join your game
Not in the middle of the game.
And you can't play against your friend in a party unless you somehow get autobalanced out.
There was literally no reason to remove the ability to join valve pubs directly through the server browser to begin with.

Remove Pyro
Make random critical hits actually random instead of damage based

>give soldier's mobility to pyro

The only things I want are better optimization, more loadout presets, a fourth cosmetic slot, and for Valve servers to be back on the browser.
I'd gladly sacrifice all three of the latter for the first though, it doesn't even run bad for me and I rarely have major connection issues but it's still the programming equivalent of a grandma's yarn bag.

make the game paid again
revert back to 2011
continue as normal

>give the ability to turn off cosmetics
>fix and expand the tutorial mode
>fix Pyro's particles (again)
>stop certain items being unlocked through achievements and make them unlockable via contracts
>fix that bug where you can't select which map to play on next
>revert the Ambassador and Caber
>rework weapons like the Claidheamh Mor, Baby Face's Blaster, and Sun on a Stick
>give Spy more support items
>don't give Medic a new primary because a Medic is supposed to heal, not fire off a shitty syringe gun
>make the Backburner do minicrits
>and have 90 fov be the default for every player and game mode

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>don't give Medic a new primary because a Medic is supposed to heal, not fire off a shitty syringe gun
Nothing can beat the crossbow anyway

make TF3 but take out all the bloat like muh hats and keep the weapon selection to a few defaults that you can switch between

>stop certain items being unlocked through achievements and make them unlockable via contracts
Which ones

It's almost a shame how impossibly good the crossbow is. I barely even use the actual medigun when playing Medic anymore, the crossbow does almost everything it does better.

Dead Ringer, Force of Nature, Wrangler, Kritzkrieg, Ubersaw... Pretty much any weapon you'd see a more experienced player use or need. Cosmetics are fine as achievement items since they're not really necessary. Having weapons fully unlocked through completing certain conditions will let new players understand how to use that particular weapon more.

Pretty irrelevant since you can just buy these weapons with metal

if they only made more weapons for medic

Get rid of matchmaking. It's a load of horse shit.

The game runs like arse and looks shit now. They need to rebuild it from the ground up. It's not aging very well.

>make the Backburner do minicrits

>retards here complain about muh compfag boogeyman every change they get
>it was valve listening to retards like this dude that actually killed the game

heavy update

stop autobalancing me after I do all the work

1. Remove Engineer
2. Remove Direct Hit
3. Remove Natasha

>the algorithm chooses the best players instead of the ones that join later or the ones with very little points

shitter scout detected


Not sure why they didn't just make a standalone Competitive matchmaking mode like MVM instead of revamping pubs altogether. It would have been much easier for them and more focus could have gone to fixing it. I'm sure people may have actually played it instead of it just being forgotten and abandoned by Valve who now only can show up once a year/eon to try and patch up their new giant shitshow of a mode.

>make the backburner do mini crits
Amazed you didn't also list the phlog, you baby.

>user gets his wish
>they decide to save time and money by using unity
Be careful what you wish for.

Bringing the Party Van back. I miss MARIO_KART and harbl_hotel like a motherfucker.

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A time machine that made me a high-schooler again.

the party Yea Forumsan is only on Friday's and the sever is always full

Time machine

What's the IP again?

i'm talking about nerfing rocket jumping and massively buffing flare jumping

Remove MVM, go back to 2012

idk check the archives


>there's unironic nu-Yea Forums zoomers in this thread that don't even remember a time where everyone was in community servers
>muh quickplay
jesus christ

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truly better times

>>rework weapons like the Claidheamh Mor
fuck off, it's fine.
i don't want you autists ruining weapons i actually like to use.

more trap characters

cap interp at 0.1 (default)
disallow anyone with a ping over 90 from joining casual matches unless forced via party
hard cap sniper & spy to 2 per team in casual

remove +15% damage or gtfo

it's fine.

maybe don't pull it out unless you're gonna charge at someone dumbass


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Nothing scrap it and refine it onto the newer source engine

>Viaduct that low

gay porn

Quickplay was a step into killing community servers with the restriction they put into place or else your server wouldn't appear in there, but it was actually usable unlike this matchmaking garbage.

Why not give Heavy both a Sandvich and a Shotgun at this point
He's clearly outclassed by most of the other classes except against pubscrubs
I really don't think he'd be that overpowered by that change.

only if pyro gets a fourth slot for jetpack/gas

>powerhouse is not in the list

Fine, why not. Pyro's shit, too.

Remove that shitty matchmaking and stupid comp format in casual.
Maps last two rounds and then the map restarts with a fucking 60s wait time and half the players left. This sucks so much.

Kill yourself
Now we have "waiting for player to connect" half the fucking "match".
And yes, the fact it's a "match" is also the problem.
You don't even have time to get on with the other players, team mates or ennemy team, since you get to see them for 5 minutes at most and nobody pays attention to who is who.
Before that shit update, you could hop on a valve server of the map you want, play on that full server for as many rounds as you want. Get your game against that top guy of the ennemy team. Taunt after kills and laugh about it, wreck each others faces for half an hour while dominating all the rest of the team, and then leave when you had enough.

>Not in the middle of the game.
It actually works sometimes. I'm not exactly sure how.

Unironically remove pyro.
Think back on how many times a player who has never used a mouse and keyboard got a kill on you because the flamwthrower is braindead friendly. Think how many times some drooling moron did about a hundred damage to you from across the map with the scorch shot. The pyro serves only one purpose as a class and that is to ruin fun while rewarding terrible players.
And before you say that he counters spy: spy has been underpowered since when players learned how to turn around and spycheck.
Remove pyro. Nothing of value will be lost.

yeah bro community servers were so good and not circlejerks with ads, garbage mods and paid premium

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That's right, they weren't.

I swear you fucking zoomers can't stop outing yourself as severely underage.

Source 2.

Speaking of Gas, what if the afterburn effect inflicted upon its use was double the afterburn damage but for a cut in duration instead? Afterburn is so easy to nullify these days that it might as well get most of its damage out in a few seconds than just linger for a slow burn

>Give Engineer a good aoe backpack that replaces dispenser
>Give Engineer teleporter replacements as two speed pads, two jump pads, however you combine them
The yeehaw will not be televised.
>New flame thrower
>Thin, long hitscan line like a lightning gun

>I never played tf2 before valve servers were even a thing

More accessibility to new players and on that note revamping the default settings to make starting off easy for new players.

Unironically remove soldier.
Think back on how many times a player who has never used a mouse and keyboard got a kill on you because the rocket launcher is braindead friendly. Think how many times some drooling moron did about a hundred damage to you from across the map with the cow mangler. The soldier serves only one purpose as a class and that is to ruin fun while rewarding terrible players.
And before you say that he counters engineer: engineer has been underpowered since when players learned how to use ubercharge.
Remove soldier. Nothing of value will be lost.

They weren't, faggot. If you actually bothered looking for good servers you'd know this. Fuck, there's even some servers (i.e. redsun) that continue to be God-tier to this day.
Besides, it was fun to watch the antics that came from bad servers like Jiggly's Funhouse.

what did valve mean by this?

Remove random crits because they're more likely to benefit players that are already stomping

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You are lying. 90% of them were 32 player instant respawn shit with donator advantages.

>long range flamerwafa
make it have no after burn then it would be good
i spy a Quake ref

>Chokebowl is no.4

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Just because your 5-year old brain couldn't stop clicking the in-caps SKIAL.COM shit doesn't mean that was all there was, fucking retard.

>implying servers with regular players and good communities didn't exist

Just because you played on the obvious cancer riddled servers doesn't mean that looking for more than three seconds offered much more than that

>imagine being so shit that you've got a problem with one of the weakest classes in the game

i always thought it should boost flames in some way and be easier to chain

>+Doused enemies receive max damage from all flame particles regardless of range or consecutive hits.
>+100% faster meter gain when damaging doused enemies.
>+Doused enemies count as wet.

Revert the ambassador please for the love of God

I don't want to join a clique just to play a fucking video game I paid for. There is a reason literally every multiplayer game is steering the fuck away from community servers.

Unironically remove medic.
Think back on how many times a player who has never used a mouse and keyboard got a kill on you because the class surgically attached to his asshole is braindead friendly to use. Think how many times a pussy medic kept some drooling moron invulnerable so he can do about a hundred damage to you from across the map with the machina. The medic serves only one purpose as a class and that is to ruin fun while rewarding terrible players.
And before you say that he counters everyone but gets countered by everyone: the average player has been underpowered since when players decided they’d rather play TDM than the objective.
Remove medic. Nothing of value will be lost.

>Jiggly's Funhouse
what happened to it

To this day I still don't understand the hate Skial gets here.
Yes they had 32 player instant respawn servers but they also had 24 player normal servers without any gimmicks or donator perks that affected the gameplay.

>use le quickplay meme
>wait a few minutes gotta find ALL the maps
>queued into shitty custom tank gamemode

Good for you to be born after 2002, but some of us like the community aspect of games we play. Try Overwatch, it's more your speed.

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I like to imagine people who make posts like this are the same people who were spamming "TF2 is for casuals!" back when it first was popular and have been continuously posting in a rubber room with a laptop.
Imagine fighting something that has proven to be immortal for this long. I mean I know these are likely new posters who are young, older people don't really shitpost, but the image is too funny to me.

only if spy gets reverted back to 100% speed and interp gets capped
good lord it's fucking annoying to take 102 hitscan damage without any buildup or means to prevent it

>but some of us like the community aspect of games we play
Then go outside faggot. Stop polluting video games with your existence.


lmao fuck off

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You need to fuck off.

The map is so bad it wraps around to being good again. Or maybe its only kind of bad but is so different from other maps in design its refreshing after playing the other maps. Or maybe its just bad. I don't know anymore.

>replace matchmaking with quickplay, but add in an option for official valve servers or community servers or both

>give official support for some fan-made gamemodes maybe

>new weapons/weapon re-works or something i dunno

>polluting video games... with fun communities to hang out and play with and meet people
Never mind, just play gacha games or something to entertain your soft brain

add a black women hero

>press find game on the matchmaker
>finds a game in ten seconds
How are you retards struggling to make it work?

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holy shit based

unironically agreed, female classes are one of the oldest suggestions and would still be pretty fun

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I'll keep playing TF2 because I don't have to deal with community servers on it anymore.

It's a relic from the past, I can understand the love and hate.

You the Jew York user from that one thread during the Crate Depression?

quickplay was a mistake and should have never been made

seething soldier main

The tragedy is that the competitive community is still the loudest group of faggots. The more recent balance changes were done specifically for their warped formats. Remember the ambassador nerf? Purely for competitive.

If Valve stopped trying to force competitive.. anything really, maybe we could get some more ridiculous maps, more cheesy weapons and more fun.

The reality is that after the heavy update, Valve is more than likely done with TF2 and I just really hope they allow an auxiliary team to come in to mess with the game. Literally anyone is better than Valve because at least they'd have a vision for the game.

Also I want more MvM content.

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You never had to "deal" with community servers. If you were an anti-social faggot you could always play on some shitty standard server for babies. Hell, you could just straight up turn off the chat if you were that bothered. You're actually advocating removing features for no reason except your own weird-ass misanthropy.

Update to Source 2.

>Remember the ambassador nerf? Purely for competitive.

>use causal
>press find game
>it finds a game within seconds

>harvest at first
>doublecross over sawmill
Shit tier

>You never had to "deal" with community servers.
You did.
>If you were an anti-social faggot you could always play on some shitty standard server for babies.
There was no such fucking thing. They all had some bullshit on them that made them different from the game as it was.
>Hell, you could just straight up turn off the chat if you were that bothered.
It's not about the chat you stupid fuck.

Right? Competitive didnt like spies being able to do anything, probably in highlander so they nerfed the amby so teams wouldnt effectively have 2 snipers.

Maybe they’re trying to find a match of Hydro
i really miss that map

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>Remember the ambassador nerf? Purely for competitive.
It was a dumb weapon no matter the mode.
>drop below 103 hp at any point in time
>spy can uncloak and click your head to kill you from any range

every class has a role on doublecross
there is no reason to not be scout or soldier on sawmill

Again, the fact that you lack basic understanding of search functions doesn't mean there weren't.
>It's not about the chat you stupid fuck.
Sorry, but then what? You're whining about community servers like they murdered your parents and were a "clique" which wouldn't even matter and was easily ignored if you really wanted to.

I mean that thinking that the Ambassador was nerfed for competitive is fucking laughable. It was to counteract the fifteen xxAgent47xx and their green chapeau from taking potshots from spawn with the DR up for 30 minutes.

>Weapon bad for rewarding skill
Here, I got some spare (you)'s so you can have that one.

>got it once on the party van
>immediately autist spams FUCKING CHANGE IT THIS MAP SUCKS!! in chat
>didn't even complete the first capture before the admin changes it

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Remove spy and pyro
Nerf solder and demo mobility in similar way they nerfed the scout speedgun
Nerf(/Alter) sniper so it's more "even" in terms of playerskill and performance, add scope sway/inaccuracy after moving, possibly rework the charge system to be related to accuracy.
Kill OP
Nerf heavy movement and (close)damage, add more health.


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>Sorry, but then what?
It's explained in the original post you actual retard. I'm glad TF2 doesn't cater to subhumans like you anymore.

You think you do, but you don't. I sometimes think that it won't be that bad, but then it is.

oh I should add shit wasn't even getting rtv-ed

Sorry but the highlander crowd bitched and moaned. We think its laughable now but back then they did.

>hitscan without falloff or spread

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>play on warioware map

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Let's go back to your original post, then.
>yeah bro community servers were so good and not circlejerks with ads, garbage mods and paid premium

You didn't explain shit, all you did was list a whole bunch of garbage that proved that
>you couldn't search the server browser because you were retarded
>you hate any sort of social interaction even though you could turn it off
>zoomer level appreciation of what you think games were like rather than what they were actually like

What were your personal preferences for a server, user? I can probably name those that were around back in the day that you could've picked.

I mean, they might've done, but casuals cried out too. The DR/Amby combination was really retarded in pubs.

Nice circular reasoning

Change ALL the weapons from hitscan to projectile based

Did you never play on community servers back then? Unless you had a specific one in mind you had to dredge through a sea of shit.

>remove casual and comp
>dude just add more options
i hope you understand how retarded you are

No user it was the compfags. Compfags ruined the whole game. Every change valve did was the compfag's fault. Fuck the compfags wahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

>Expecting to play non-meme maps on partyvan

Look at this pleb.

All the time, my man. I'm still in contact with some of the people from back then. Did you know the "Favorites" tab existed? I had like 30 servers on there.

How did you even play the game then

Did you know that you couldn't find good servers without going through bad ones?

No, I didn't know that. I just filtered for tags that I wanted, and you obviously avoided the branded ones. You're making this sound like you were forced to play on shitty servers, but that was never ever the case.

Compfags bitched about the Amby pushing Spy into Sniper's niche.

Pubfags bitched about the DR being able to be spammed by picking up Engineer building gibs for a nigh-instant refill multiple times within the span of like, 2 seconds.

Yet instead of using a scalpel, Valve took a sledgehammer to the both of them. They could have changed the Amby to only having a 2x crit multiplier or only having damage fall-off on crit headshots, but instead they hamfisted both a range and damage fall-off nerf on it. And with the DR, they could have simply made it so that it couldn't pick up building gibs for cloak charge anymore, but instead they made it so that it can't get cloak charge from metal sources -at all.-

>how dare I have to sort out things I could judge within a minute of playing

Yep, and they were both changes for the better. Amby still works fine in close range, DR does what it needs to do without being a retarded get out of jail free card. Time to play a real spy, chapeauman.

Or you can just not do any of that shit and play the game without having to deal with shit servers ever?

Why do you think community servers died? It's because no one liked dealing with them.

more classes

ok this is epic
have a free (You)

Community servers weren't dying before Valve made the entire game infrastructure a massive hassle to get to them, you absolute dumbfuck.

This might surprise you, but community servers, even if they have a good bunch of regulars, always slowly leak players. Which means that you need a steady flow of newcomers to keep them going. Those that enter the server at random and decided they liked it are by far the biggest part of that.

Ah yes, let me just change to the even more retarded IW/Spycicle/Diamondback combo. Free crits on backstabs, plus 10 seconds of afterburn immunity - and the ability to get the knife back faster by picking up metal!

Or hell, just go Kunai and have more effective HP than an overhealed Heavy using the Fists of Steel.


Do you have anything besides shitty bait and buzzwords?

Ah, a whataboutism. Come back when you have actual arguments rather than pointing out that there's other weapons with garbage design out there, too. I know that. Spycicle shouldn't exist.

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>community servers were totally good until big bad valve killed them
I'm sure that's the reason and not because dealing with that system was a pain in the ass.


back to r/politics with you, commie scum.

Sure, that's sort of true - the server browser itself was horribly outdated and needed an upgrade. Nuking the entire community for it was a mistake, though. Just give privileges to servers that have proven to be good or something, update the UI and infrastructure around it.

Why do you seem to hate community servers on principle

Oh man, now he goes into full semantics mode because he can't formulate a proper argument. Sad!

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Because it's new bait and it gets people to reply

You're both idiots for arguing about a video game.

I hate them because they were shit.

Nuke Valve HQ, nuke again for good measure.

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Not reddit.

Why do you think Yea Forums isn't a place for arguing about video games?

>casual gamemodes like tf2ware or smash fortress somehow got more attention

>the format that's always bitching about OP snipers
>doesn't like one of Sniper's best counters
what did he mean by this

>he thinks spy counters sniper in HL

>He thinks pre-nerf Ambassador doesn't counter sniper
>He thinks HL players whined about Spy actually being able to delete Snipers and break the eternal, constantly-appearing Sniper stalemates with reasonably degrees of consistency
unintelligent post

He absolutely didn't. What the hell makes you think an Ambassador Spy does anything in HL against a Sniper who's constantly overhealed and where teams communicate?

ban all compfags

Even an overhealed sniper would go down to 2 amby headshots, fool. And nailing even a single headshot would cause a big enough distraction to initiate a push because now instead of aiming down the choke the sniper is focused on keeping himself alive.

a time machine to 2008

Good thing there were 1000 other community servers to chose from then you retard

>he doesn't remember the time community servers banned people with bronze or no badges
>he calls others zoomers

Mate, if you never played HL, that's fine, just stop embarrassing yourself. Amby Spies in HL never stood around taking random potshots, it was a countermeasure against roamers. Why exactly do you think he would ever have the time to take two headshots? Playing against statues?

Yes, an incredibly common occurence. I've played on goofy-ass Yea Forums servers that banned people for bodyshotting too, didn't mean it happened all the time.

90% of the time when you have a game that's been going nowhere for the last dozen minutes or so it's because there are too many engineers and heavies in play.
TF2 would be fixed by putting class limits on engineer because otherwise he turns the defense/last point/etc. into an impenetrable porcupine that takes 30 minutes to crack.

what a fucking pleb opinon. stalemates are the best thing in the game. fuck your 2 min stomps.

t. only plays on 32 man turbine servers

i played regular turbine on rockerblast and its the best map in th game i agree.

>best map
kill yourself



Headshots now do 124 dmg

I played this game back in 2013 and want to get back into it. I think I used to play in a community server which rotates maps and game modes, also it had a lot of regulars.
Now it seems most ppl play on matchmaking but 6vs6 sounds boring. I want big battles going on, not some competitive bullshit. What are some decent community servers in existence? It seems there's only skial

>Scout main can't handle being threatened by snipers despite already being the strongest class in the game
why are scout players so entitled?

we don't need more classes

Tf2? More like F2p! This game is garbage and the only saving grace is nostalgia, being years older than Fortnite. If it came out today much like the prepubescent twinks who browse this board, everyone would hate it.

New class

Just have somebody on your team literally graze him you ingrate

nice strawman

actually the furry pound is still up and running, one of the best serves on TF2

>New class
what would they be?

It’s beyond saving.

what aare you talking about, nobody plays 6v6, matchmaking is literally just quickplay with a coat of paint.

Community servers have been dead for years

It still hurts...

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>Sniper main relies on quickscopes like in other FPS games despite being a hitscan class who has no problem missing shots
Why are sniper mains so entitled?

You're unironically right and only tards say otherwise

If you think about it, it's actually pretty fucking stupid that weapons take up inventory space in the first place.

If you don't have a backpack expander, you can't even hold all possible weapons.

A shit load of problems with TF2 would be fixed if the three defense classes all got a rework.

Biggest problem is with Engineer turtling. Heavy is also obnoxious though thankfully he's not a very popular class. Demo isn't too bad but sticky camping could seriously do with being addressed.

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Bimonthly, just be patient.

>How dare the defense classes be good at defending

Only one that needs a rework is Heavy, his miniguns all play the same.

Heavy is impossible to rework.
He has a very clearly-defined role in the game: "be a sentry gun that can walk."
Heavy is very good at this job, within the confines that this job places him in.
He doesn't really need a buff, he is quite strong within his intended sphere of influence.
He doesn't really need a nerf, either, since his weaknesses are extensive and well-documented.
There's not exactly a big gaping hole in his class design like there is for Pyro or Spy.
It's just that the role given to him by Valve is boring as shit and fairly braindead.
"Fixing" Heavy would require deleting him from the game and starting over entirely from scratch.

>If you don't have a backpack expander, you can't even hold all possible weapons.
did you even count the number of weapons
Not including cosmetics, I checked the backpack and I had all weapons and they took up 4 pages.
Even f2ps have 6 pages of space

Ah still shouldn't take up all that space

Other user here, wait what, when I started playing in the f2p update I believe we had 50 spots only did they raise that over the years?

this, last time i saw a heavy rework suggestion it was from somebody that admitted up-front they hated heavy, didn't like playing as heavy, mained the three offense classes and thought heavy being slower than other classes was unacceptable but couldn't really give a reason why beyond "slow is bad" being self-evident. also he wanted the stock minigun to be a mid-range rifle that would only exacerbate heavy's low accuracy and intense sitting-duck syndrome

my mistake, only people who actually bought something will get 6 pages
I actually agree with you guys, they should at least give 6 pages for f2ps

Thinking about it, I could swear it went to 2 pages when you bought something back then. This 6 pages thing sounds new to me.
But I can't remember it's been like 7 or 8 years by now.

Anti-content fags like you are why games die

32 player servers replacing 24 player servers

the absolute chaos

I still can't believe there aren't 32 player servers when there were at least 20 of them full at all hours 4 years ago

nothing beats payload or dustbowl with 32 players the chaos was so fun

time travel back to 2014

That shit is cancer when no one plays objective

Valve can't even balance the current content and you want them to add new classes? Fucking lmao

Search me, then again, I still have the proof of purchase

>fix default settings, fov 90, adding damage numbers, interp, QoL stuff
>fix the tutorial and make one for all classes
>give contracts for all unlockable weapons, which upon completing give you an untradable version of said weapon, like the jungle inferno pyro contracts
>change the 5cp timer from 10 minutes to 5 minutes
>add player destruction as an official gamemode, you could easily take the old arena maps and use them for it
>spy buffs, give him the ability to walk at spy speed while disguised, maybe allow him to mimic class actions, I don't know he needs alot of stuff

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I mean, comparing moving around as Soldier or Scout vs moving around as Heavy. As a Soldier you can have fun traversing the map by rocket jumping everywhere. Scout's got his movement speed and double jumps. Both can exploit these movement options to bypass defensive lines, choke points, etc. Plus they're just fun. Moving around the map is fun. What's Heavy got going for him? Waddling from here to there either slowly as shit, or even more slowly as shit. He's too slow to do any kind of flanking against an opponent with any reasonable modicum of skill, he's doomed to hang back and wait for the offense classes to clear the way. Just to be clear, if you managed to flank the opponent as a Heavy it's not because you were good, it's because they were bad. Just "being" the Heavy is substantially less engaging than being Scout/Soldier/Demoman.


it's impossible not to play the objective though, you can't camp in 32 player unless you're sniping, you join the mass of players at the front

No more random crits
Instead, guaranteed crits on every weapon



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just load up cp_orange_x3

IIRC Quickplay didn't let you choose specific maps to play on, only the choice between Valve servers and community ones. If they added it back, let you choose maps, and maybe had more options like "random crits enabled" or "weapon spread disabled" then it'd be far better than the retarded dump queue casual is now
Plus no meaningless rank shit

There was an option to only connect to official servers.

>TF2 Classic
>not Pre-Fortress 2

Attached: tf2old.jpg (1280x720, 130K)

i'm not playing as heavy to blast around the map or even desire to, i want to be a human wall that has to be in the right place at the right time and will be severely punished if i get it in my thick skull that i'm ackchually an offense-class. my engagement for it comes from the above, if i do well i'm in the right place at the right time and can aim at a moderate level and i'm the absolute backbone of a push-group by soaking up enemy attention and gunfire

>openly acknowledged by anyone who has played them long enough that shooters are most fun when aggressive play is rewarded
>but instead we need to reinforce game mechanics that fly in the face of this for no reason other than something as autistic as "pre-defined class roles"
Heavy's role in the game is pretty vague really. He's defined as the "heavy weapons expert" and for some reason this defaults to just using miniguns. There's no reason why he can't have an alternative weapon that encourages him to have a more aggressive playstyle in the game, that should have been what his secondary weapon is for, but because of valve's shitty balancing that just defaulted to "self-heal item slot".

>all those awful and intrusive mechanics
that was hard to watch and I'm glad this thing will attract zero community attention

>for no reason other than something as autistic as "pre-defined class roles"
Just say you want to play Quake.

I play heavy a lot and this is all correct. He's a flawed class that can pale in comparison with other classes and you can't do impressive rollouts or trickshots like other classes. But every once in a while you get one of those games where nothing beats the feel of everybody on the other team trying to stop the payload you're sitting on while you mow them down like the babies they are.

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>if i do well i'm in the right place at the right time and can aim at a moderate level and i'm the absolute backbone of a push-group by soaking up enemy attention and gunfire
Demoman does the same job but his gun is more fun to use

I would be surprised if you were older than 18

demoman does the same job but hoopdedoopdooopdoop no i have more fun with heavy, heavy is generally more flexible in a given situation because of the inherent delay behind the sticky-launcher and the grenade-launcher being a projectile weapon

>Heavy's role in the game is pretty vague really
Not if you give even a cursory examination of his HP pool, movement mechanics, and weapon type.

no he doesn't

Cry some more.

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heavy is the only class with a reliable midrange hitscan weapon, to balance that out he has spin up time and slow speed

that's the role of the heavy, reliable damage at mid to close range

Heavy sure as hell isn't as flexible because his gun has a tiny ass effective range and needs to be revved up for like 2 seconds before it does its' full damage, whereas a Demo can shit out damage immediately and into ranges that Heavy can't contest
>but the M1-M2 delay of the stickybomb launcher
Not a problem against long-range targets
>but the pipes are projectiles
not a problem if you can aim


Attached: heavypin.png (500x483, 113K)

>getting upset at visible landmines and the equivalent of a pyro airblast x5
Are you so zoomer that you forgor every class has nades?

I want to play a version of TF2 that caters to the gameplay which causes people to pour thousands of hours into this game. No one plays for that long because they just love sitting their ass down on an objective for hours on end.

Yes he does, if you can aim your shots after 8 stickies and 4 pills everything on the enemy team should be dead or at least wounded enough to be easy pickings for your teammates.

not enough ammo or hp to deal with 12 players

If you're trying to take on all 12 of the enemy players by yourself you're not going to win regardless. As the backbone of the push your job is to vomit damage into the enemy team so they are forced to deal with you to stay alive, thus making them easy prey for your flanking classes who are waiting on the wings. Demoman is excellent at doing this for the low low price of nontrivial aiming skills.

>his gun has a tiny ass effective range
it's the same effective range as a pill launcher in average use
>and needs to be revved up for like 2 seconds
why aren't you already revved up when you know there are enemies coming shortly or you're already surrounded by them?
>Not a problem against long-range targets
on what planet are they going to sit still long enough that you can snipe with stickies?
>not a problem if you can aim
on what planet are you aiming well enough to hit every pipe beyond short-range?

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you can do it as an overhealed heavy

In other words
>he's slow and has a large health pool
That's pretty open to interpretation.

He's clearly a delusional 6v6er, no point in arguing with him.


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So you want to play Quake.

More hats

Slow, has a large health-pool, the minigun is an excellent "assault" weapon because of its range, sheer DPS and large amount of ammo, is a prime target for "defensive offensive" pushes with an ubercharge because of his weapon and ability to survive even after the ubercharge wears off. Heavy and Engineer are most emblematic of "defense" in their role.

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>the server browser itself was horribly outdated and needed an upgrade
What could you possibly add, besides being able to directly filter by cvar instead of tags?

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Add a cupholder

Generally more user-friendly UI for it

the problem is that Valve is trying to push all this shit into an existing game rather than making a new title and implementing the changes there. Remember how CSS added achievements before they made CSGO? Now imagine if they kept updating CSS and put competitive matchmaking and skins into it, the community would be in an uproar

It's been perfect ever since they made it so that you didn't need to use it to play the game.

There already is a retard proof version of the server browser, you have to intentionally turn it off the first time you open it.

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Achievements already do exactly that, not sure what your problem with them is. I think contracts are a lot shittier, they're bullshit goalposts like "get five kills without dying" or "kill ten people on the objective".

nothing the game is what the commuinty wants it to be. Personally i can't enjoy it like i used to. too many screaming kids and brazillians.

Whataboutism refers to separate issues as a diversion.
He spoke specifically of Spy loadouts and spy loadouts only.

We were talking about the Ambassador and Dead Ringer. Other spy weapons are absolutely a whataboutism, especially since I agree that many of them are awful design. Insert yourself badly somewhere else, please.

based af, 90% of community servers were dogshit

I mean I guess so if all 12 players are pyros or something. I can tell you that whenever I go playing as Heavy in a pub, nothing makes you more quickly aware of your own mortality than trying to push the offensive line one your own.

>On what planet are enemies standing still for long enough to hit with stickies from long range
the planet where you have enough brain cells to rub together to predict their movement, this isn't hard user
>on what planet are you aiming pipes well enough to land them consistently
this also isn't that hard, user

dude just like aim lmao

You're slow and more importantly you are forced to basically stand still whenever you want to shoot your gun. This is the dominant factor behind his role as a class.

If the enemy team fights you one at a time without killing the medic, standing far away, or attacking you from behind.

Literally yes, git fucking good, the game is 12 fucking years old. I don't expect people to bullseye Scouts from range with pipes but this fiction about Demoman projectiles being impractical to land from a distance is stupid.

>but this fiction about Demoman projectiles being impractical to land from a distance is stupid.
"Long-range" implies a pretty fair distance and your odds of hitting a pipe farther away than a room are rather low unless they're not paying attention or standing still. They're absolutely impractical to land from a goodly distance, they're projectiles that obey physics.

only snipers can kill a healed heavy by standing far away

It didn't need fixing in the first place. Just change it back to the way it was.

Or a soldier by spamming you to death from outside the minigun's range
Or a demoman casually raining down stickies from the same distance
Or an engineer with the Wrangler
As the heavy, you are a big fat sitting duck whenever your gun is revved up. Either you have friendly soldiers/scouts keeping ranged spam off your back or you die.

Except you said you can take on the team of 12 as an overhealed heavy. An enemy sniper is still a part of the team.

>Or a soldier by spamming you to death from outside the minigun's range
>Or a demoman casually raining down stickies from the same distance
the heavy outdamages both at long range especially with tomislav and the soldiers and demos cant even get past the healing like that

This. It's ok if you can outrun your hitbox because valve, I liked it so fuck everyone else. And fuck compfags because I need a boogeyman too.

he'll still get to kill several people before the sniper charges up his shot

What, is the entire team just going to run into the heavy's face and die?

if they're on his screen he's going to shoot them and they'll die, how is this so hard for you to understand?

>the heavy's minigun outdamages explosive classes at long range
>stand on one of the 2fort balconies with the brass beast like a tard
>soldier takes a potshot
>it lands, does 80 damage
>minigun was firing, soldier takes 10 damage in return
>"Yes, I definitely won this exchange" -- Heavy

Unironically this.

>that one player who used hacks to eliminate the damage falloff and spread of Heavy's machine gun

Change it back to how it was first released.

You're a goddamned retard. 520 hu/s is not fast enough to break the game. Demoknights charge at 750, soldiers rocket jump at speeds that can exceed 1000 and no-one complains because they're still completely killable, you just need to get good.

we're up to just making shit up now? lmao compfags

*Makes you an easy target for your team to rape*

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Gonna have to cheat and give 2 that would fix it instantly.

1). You HAVE to pay 20 bucks to play with people. One time thing. Will mitigate most hacks.

2). Revert back to most of the weapons old stats and make weapons fun again (MWFA). You may only use stock in comp

That is literally how you fix every single thing ever. It will still have a few problems but nothing like it has now

sniper counters heavy? no way...

>the soldiers and demos cant even get past the healing like that
>oh no the heavy is too unkillable with his healing, if only there is some way to kill the medic, which is a weaker target and whose death will cut off the heavy's healing

>Scout applies mad milk
>Now every time a rocket or bullet lands the enemy heals
>Heavy is now a free medium health pack
>Loses the DPS race

Is it really not possible to give him a decent weapon which he can fire without restricting his movement so that he fits into the "run and gun" nature of the game better? He's still going to have the lowest movement speed in the game so he's still going to be "the heavy".

Ikr? It’s like he’s part of your team and will kill you before you kill anyone else...

yeah the second fastest class in the game is going to be killed by slow ass projectiles from afar

*part of their team

This has to be bait. No actual heavy player would ever try arguing that trying to chip damage soldiers and demos to death with stray bullets is smart when they start shooting at you with pills and rockets from outside your minigun's effective range.

too bad, my team's sniper already killed him

Remove Sniper
replace him with Demoknight as its own class

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You should realize that the moment they use the compfag card you're replying to bait.

no actual soldier player would try to chip damage a heavy from long range either

even revved up a heavy can fucking dodge that shit with ease

but im not the one who brought this retarded argument up in the first place

>"fix TF2"
>when its playercount hasnt budged in a decade

After seeing what Valve did to CS and Dota, you should pray they continue to ignore this game. Even they are likely aware of how bad they are at designing anything ever since all the talent retired.

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In your dreams maybe

>overhealed heavy can take on the entire team of 12
>sniper can kill him easily though
>no need the other sniper already killed him so it doesn't count :^)
Can you please leave with your bait, it's very clear you are just being a fucking retard

>redditors want snipers removed
>redditors want demoknight
It all makes sense now.

Spewing the "heavy bad" rhetoric is the easiest way to out yourself as a retarded 6v6er.

>no actual soldier player would try to chip damage a heavy from long range either
Did you forget the cow mangler exists?

Sorry but just thought of 1 more thing. Won't really fix but i would love to see

3). Have PRESTIGE levels like overwatch for your casual level badge thing. Every level up you get, you have either get a gun paint thing, regular already opened crate (with heavily fixed dropped rates of course) or like misc item crate for paints and nametags. You CAN get unusuals in free crates but the chances would be hella HELLA small.

Random drops will still be a thing too.

There you go those 3 things imo will bring back a lot of people and make this game probably has popular as it use to be if not more.

Removing sniper

Well yeah they like when things get cucked.

>Remove sniper
t. heavy mains

>he's right, not like we could risk a close range pick to kill the medic while the others kill the heavy
>or the scout ambushing the medic from behind while we distract him
>or the spy backstabbing the medic and/or heavy
>no we must face him mano o mano even though it's a 2v1 because the idiot doesn't get the concept of "being able to take on the enemy team"

>Lazarus that low

>sniper needs to keep ruining tf2
T. Sniper main

>redditors want guaranteed crits like sniper
>redditors want to remove random crits

I'm not the one linking images directly from there, try again sweaty.

>3). Have PRESTIGE levels like overwatch for your casual level badge thing. Every level up you get, you have either get a gun paint thing, regular already opened crate (with heavily fixed dropped rates of course) or like misc item crate for paints and nametags. You CAN get unusuals in free crates but the chances would be hella HELLA small.

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>not like we could risk a close range pick to kill the medic while the others kill the heavy
>the scout ambushing the medic from behind while we distract him
check how much damage the minigun does from close range
>b-but the spy will backstab him
i am laughing my ass of right now
>arguing that the heavy is weak even though he needs the entire team to coordinate a takedown

>Nooo I want my heavy/medic/pyro/demo ball of death and functionally infinite HP to have an uncontested path forward onto the point why are you shooting meeee

Thinking about going to a Quickplay and blasting IM AN ALABAMA NIGGER AND I WANNA BE FREE

Will I get banned?

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where my weeabootique niggas at

What the hell is this?

Attached: What.png (718x316, 23K)

Nah. You’ll get a bunch of angry 12 year olds crying at you though

Regular updates.

Demoknight is fun

Move the goal-posts, ref.

Based retard hahaposter proving me right.

Revert it except slap increased damage intake on it.

>At long range
Heavy has the most accuracy and damage mid-range. Long is piss-poor


Its dead, get it over it.

TF2 died after MvM. Mercenary Park/Jungle Inferno was trying to do CPR on a cold corpse undergoing rigor mortis.

If its dead why do I still get matches immediately? I can pick any map I want and this happens, even Hydro or Doomsday.

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Only a redditard hates Reddit links.

Increase caber damage so it kills light classes in one hit

TF2 is dead brother. It has gone to retirement home to meet old classics like Quake 3, UT2004 and Tribes 2. Only a small but vocal die-hard elitists keep it going, but the rest of the world has moved on.

Removing competetive.

>a small group of enemies is the entire team
Holy shit you are so fucking stupid that I assume you never actually played heavy and just think he's impossible to kill because you think running into a revved up heavy is a good idea.
It's very obvious that you think there are no such thing as back attacks, which heavies are very vulnerable to, and think a soldier and demo distracting you.
You keep saying that an overhealed heavy can take on the entire team, but when people tell you that the sniper can kill him off easily, you say that another sniper will kill him, which means your assumption is invalid because you need the help of another sniper.
And that's not counting the fact that the sniper can take aim and kill the medic instead with a quickscope, which is actually the better choice, because without the medic, the team doesn't have healing.
You complain about compfags, but I don't think you even know about pub play and how dependent the heavy is on his team and the other team, in fact, his performance is heavily dependent on them to begin with.
You are either playing the "I was pretending to be retarded" card or actually retarded. In any case, you wasted everyone's time here being a fucking retard who doesn't know how to play tf2.

>implying a sniper will counter that at all
>n-no actually one class should counter 4 players working together

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Name a current game as good as TF2

Add a Vanilla option for matchmaking

No cosmetics
no stranges
no tags or anyshit

>every weapon that changes stats is unlocked from the start
>make spy disguising more believable
>deflect hitbox is just as big as the flametrower hitbox and doesn't minicrit


It’s on the player to make disgusting believable

friendly fire

>Heavy has to reload his minigun
>Everyone gets infinite ammo
I fucking died

just let him airblast ground to fly

>give ability to turn off cosmetics
cope poorfag
>fix Pyro's particles (again)
Particles my dick that shit never needed fixing the thing that needs fixing is pyros op airblast that can launch players into orbit
>stop certain items being unlocked through achievements and make them unlockable via contracts

disguises dont matter because regardless of how convincing they are good players will always spycheck no matter what

you're right, time to get back to trannywatch

The mangler doesn't magically make it a good idea to poke at a Heavy from a mile away forever until either he gets bored or he's stupid enough to actually die from it

You dont run around disguised when players are looking for something to do. You wait until the enemy team is busy with something way more important than spychecking. You appear busy or like you have an excuse to be hanging back, then you stab them.

>disguise as something that isnt obviously a spy (no sniper, scout or pyro)
>pretend to aim at your own team, strafe or act like you're positioning yourself
>dont face or look at the enemy at all until their back is turned and they are actively fighting something

It's incredibly easy to get backstabs in a hectic environment if you do this.

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part of the reason why friendly fire needs to be a thing

Cant be fixed until the hitbox are fixed which is never. Its like the Dfury: either strong as fuck and broken or puny and shitty after the nerf

>implying valve gives a fuck

Based and hatpilled.

There really isn't any, but that doesn't mean the masses are going back to playing them.

They are playing whatever is FOTM/FOTY. Get it over. PC/Console Gayming is the new Hollywood. It is all about marketing and satisfying investment groups by making most causal and bland experience towards LCD.

I would
>Remove all of the weapon balancing except for the dead ringer fuck that weapon so much.
>Introduce a new set of cosmetics that are even better than unusuals and can only be unlocked via contracts and yes they can be traded.
>add two more new classes like the commando that got scrapped and a new class called the shielder
>add a secondary action slot so that if you would like to carry both a spellbook and a canteen you can

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Unironically, Overfail is going to hit the retirement home soon as Overfail League burns out (I give it another season or two of life)

Hey faggots, wanna see something really autistic
knightcomp, lmao

I wonder if overwatch will 100% die before tf2

It already exists, it is called Overwatch....

They are not better if they are free.
Classes are for faggots tf2 is too small and quick for some faggot tier shields. You have uber for that.

Kill casual/competitive and put the emphasis back on the server browser to breathe life back into community servers. Casual mode is a disaster. Every game is a steamroll or a stalemate, as soon as one team is losing half their players quit (because it takes 10 seconds to hop into a different game, so why not?), the map vote doesn't even work half the time, and the skill gap between players is absolutely insane. Competitive mode theoretically doesn't have these problems but it's fucking dead. I have no rank and queued for 90 minutes and couldn't get into a qualifying game.

God you can tell the sword nerf made this garbage. No one fucking combos pipes into swords, they only take out swords for charges.

Nah, TF2 is already dead. Overwatch will simply have a short life.

Value hasn't done anything since MvM. Inferno Jungle is completely uninspired and a lazy attempt by Valve to find more ways to grind for more hats.


Remove random crits.
Seriously, it's been like 4 years since they removed random damage spread.

Random damage spread was actually a massive problem.


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This. But lower soldiers health by 25
Then it's fixed.

>Knight comp
>Medics and Soldiers
>no crazy tide turner flips and turns
What is the fucking point

I'd like this. Only unlocks comp needs is boston basher, gunboats, and kritskrieg, everything else can be as gimmicky as it wants to be to make pubs the brainless fun they were meant to be.

>t. zoomer who hasn't gotten acclimated to mid 2000s game design yet

What weapons have apparently been ruined by balance changes, then?

Lemme at the fukn code, I'll fix it.

More MvM updates

>Revert back to most of the weapons old stats and make weapons fun again (MWFA). You may only use stock in comp

Most weapons old stats are garbage. Especially everything in the uber update.

yeah, and it was horrific
the best strategy was to just run around leaving grenades in the enemy's base since most of the weapons barely did damage

good post

I'm sad about the death of community pubs but I like that I can hit two buttons and be in a match in less than a minute rather than having to sift through the server browser for a server that's actually playing the game without any allcrits instantrespawn randomizer brony bullshit.

Check the jungle inferno update.
Litterally every weapon in that update, no joke, has been ruined.
They didn't even fix the bison.

>takes more time to respawn than it does to leave a game, and requeue into a different game

the respawn times, why are they 10 times the TTK?

Because spawn is right next to the point. And instantly respawning makes it impossible to push the point. If you want to have spawn further back from the point and spend more time walking that's fine. But it's better to have health and shit closer to the point for red.

Seriously how is this a question. Go play on instant respawn and try to push last on payload.

Wow, it's more enjoyable.

I understand nerfing the dead ringer but nerfing the ambassador sucks. Also we need a heavy update and some new maps

The only people who dislike random crits are literal spergs too autistic to understand the purpose of adding extra chaos to the battle

I hate random crits if the enemy gets them and not me

>flame change
>bonk slowdown
Good for competitive, but it needs a buff that will only really have an effect in casual to make up for it
>crit-a-cola mark for death
>PBPP change
They made it OP as hell in the JI update, but the later changes are good.
>Flying Guillotine
This weapon was just bad in concept. Giving Scout a mid-to-long range 90 damage attack is dumb.
I bet this is why you're seething
Good change. The easy triple jump was too good.
>Cow Mangler now mini-crits instead of crits
>Mantreads buff
>Righteous Bison reversion
I know the hitboxes aren't the same, but it's better than before
>Claidheamh Mor reversion
>GRU nerf
Thank fuck this was way too good the downside was negligible before
>FOS nerf
Understandable. An overhealed Heavy before would have had an effective 750 max health while these were active.
>eviction notice
I feel like they could have went a different angle, but w/e
>Rescue Ranger costs metal
How it always should have been
>Crusader's Crossbow uber nerf
Needs more of a nerf DESU
>Vita-Saw change
Pretty damn good
>Razorback change
Good for comp
>DDS change
Not broken OP anymore. Now counters flare Pyros. Nice.
>BASE Jumper nerf
>Dead Ringer
Thank fucking god.
Yeah this shouldn't have been nerfed. Diamondback should have.
>Reserve Shooter nerf
They need to separate the RS so that they can balance it differently for Soldier and Pyro
>Panic Attack
Questionable change

You were saying?

That's subjective but R6:Siege and Apex if we're still talking class-based games with regular content that aren't Quake offshoots.

>NO you don't understand!
>Valve HAS to make it like Overwatch if they want to survive!
>TF2 is only in the top 15 most played Steam games at all times, it's LITERALLY dying!
>muh YouTube e-celeb said everything had to be comp because anything but scout scout soldier demo medic literally isn't fun!
>also there's no comp boogeyman, we're just influencing Valve's balance changes stop being paranoid

Wow no it's not lol


This. If you're in the top 25% of the scoreboard or appeared in the killfeed more than 5 times in the last 5 minutes you should be immune to autobalance.

Flame change was bugged as fuck lol, it actually made pyro worse.

haha it is bro

You are dumb and you are bad wrong.

How does what I said and your strawman relate at all?
Did you try not crying about muh compfags for once?

Ah yes, I too am an idiot who thinks that is a good idea that in a class-based shooter where every class has different strengths and weaknesses that there is a random chance that all of the classes can basically just one-shot the enemy and completely negate whichever classes were being played.

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Haha no it's not

I miss the community of the old servers but I appreciate that if I actually wanna play the game I can get put in a server where that's happening literally a second after the game boots up.

So you want to remove sniper and spy?

And Blue Moon fixed it. Ta-da.


update to source 2

Skial and furry pound were fine.

>there is a random chance that
>random chance
Is your reading comprehension really that shit?

>complaining about W+M1
The telltale sign of a shitter

>And Blue Moon fixed it. Ta-da.
Not jungle inferno Tard-da

No way too long to explain how all those were wrong and their reasoning was based around comp shit.
Like the basejumper lmao.

Only decent change is mantreads I'll concede.

Rofl yup

Do you really think everything in life is 100% guaranteed?

Give spy two revolvers that have 3 rounds on each revolver and 50 ammo with 150 health and no cloak meter.

Give sniper a m1 carbine that has high recoil and 4 rounds of bullets and 20 ammo and only minicrits on headshots.

Found the Furpyro

Dohohoho I will end you

Teehee you won't


make the game better

>Not jungle inferno Tard-da
Your earlier post implies that you want it changed back to pre-JI. Why would you want that over post-BM?

And it took me about three minutes to write up that post. Don't act as though you've got anything better with your time to do.

I'm not even going to bother responding after this. You're trying to compare real-life to a programmable video game. You're either dumb or trolling. Either way, I pity you.

>Random crits are unfair :(
>I need my cartoony shooty game to be less chaotic otherwise I get mad
Fuck you faggot, random crits are still a good counter measure for stalemates and make it so you actually have to be more on your toes before you decide to tank a bunch of enemy damage just because you have a medi beam up your ass.

Give people servers without random crits
you know, how it used to be before they killed everyone's ability to play the game how they wanted?

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I had like 2 or 3 good community servers I used to go to, but literally everything else was
>admin with a pony avatar spamming garbled nightcore/earrape
>if you mute him you get banned and need to appeal your ban by making a free account on the xXx_Faggots_Incorporated_xXx forums
>random crits are disabled
>no more than 1 Engie, Sniper, and Spy is allowed per team, and those slots are reserved for shitters who buy a premium account on the forums
>admin and his friends all have eye rape custom unusual effects
>mod turns on noclip and starts le slapping everyone into the skybox once his team starts losing
>32 player limit
>no respawn timer, so you don't get to spectate and all 32 players are always active, breaking the game
>le invincible friendlies
>have to watch a lmaobox ad at the start of every round
>sprays are locked to donators only

And my favorite
>join server with like 5 people hoping to build the numbers up and get a proper game going
>"um, can you PLEASE leave??"

There's nothing wrong with stalemates you dumb fuck. Pick one, Yea Forums.



Clearly theorizing hasn't brought the random crit debate any further. Why not just disable random crits (and perhaps adjusting certain weapons affected by that change accordingly) for one to two months and see how it impacts the game?

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What stops people for making servers with all the things they want?

Second one.
Both teams are dogshit and you stalemate.

>Fixing" Heavy would require deleting him from the game and starting over entirely from scratch.
Nah, just give him a sidegrade that changes his utility, ala the Banners, Gunslinger, or Demoknight weapons

Heavy gets a lot of flack from people who don't understand positioning, he's very useful as is, but could have access to more tools beyond "do you want to be slightly tougher or slightly faster".

How about join a no crit server and come back?

>There's nothing wrong with 15 minute long grind fests
Oh piss of you autist, see this is what I mean. Most normal people do not see that as fun. It would also get extremely stale if you could reliably tank damage because one of the things random crits do is make you paranoid about literally every shot the enemy makes. Which is fun. You never know if the pyro is going to randomly wm1 with crits or if that prefired rocket around the corner is glowing.

Makes things more interesting

half of that shit never happened

Everyone knows that heavy is useful.
Most people just don't think he's very fun to play as or to play against.

Jungle inferno fixed heavy more with the banana than anything the pyro got.

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me chad me frag

How about you polish my cock instead of getting rid of 11 year old mechanics?

I'm someone else, so I'm not even arguing about random crits, but now I feel obligated to point out how you're wrong about "random crits breaking up stalemates". Random crits actually favor defensive teams because of how the system works. A Soldier, for example, that's been alive in the past 20 seconds fighting back the offensive team, will have built up a higher random crit chance than the offensive Soldier. It's hard enough to push a choke that's heavily guarded, it's even harder when you factor random crits into the equation. Think about that medic who's at 99% uber and gets taken out by a crocket's splash damage that wasn't even intended to hit the Medic. Random crits shut down pushes more than they help them.

I think there are some misunderstandings. MyM and the laziness of your average player makes nocrit (and most custom server types for that matter) not an option. The people that should actually be trying nocrit never will.

Good point. How come random crits haven't changed in all this time and yet most of the rest of the game has? Seems like it's time to take a look at them.

Both are crusty and need to be removed.

A Random crit on blue means a 20 second respawn for red. A random crit on red will mean 4-6 respawn.

Random crits effect defense more than anything.

reminder to schadenfreude every heavy that throws a banana to heal you

>How come random crits haven't changed in all this time and yet most of the rest of the game has?

See this is why you should actually do some research because they did change. And the new system was a massive improvement.

>Good outside of nostalgia

Eat my banan beach

>How come random crits haven't changed in all this time and yet most of the rest of the game has?
For the same reason damage fallout stayed for so long until it was suddenly removed.

Nothing at this point...With the crate fuckery I feel we're on the actual home stretch to tf2's decline...Not immediate mind you more of an actual steadier decline than before. Even if they bring then new heavy update odds are it's just going to be a minigun that really does jackshit, another fucking lunchbox item, and maybe better GRU's.

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>damage fallout stayed for so long until it was suddenly removed

Is this bait or are there unironic dane tards that don't know what they're talking about. Do you mean falloff? Which is still in the game and is a core concept?

Uncle Dane killed TF2

When were random crits changed after March 2008? If they weren't that's still 11 years you know.

you mean random damage spread?
that shit was removed for the better, having a pipe sometimes do 90 as opposed to 100 was fucking stupid.

He obviously meant damage spread, stop being facetious.

fuck I meant to say damage spread

But having a pipe sometimes do 300 instead of 100 isn't stupid right

as opposed to a pipe sometimes doing 300? retard

i'm not the guy defending crits.

Dumb illiterate posting a graph on google search results

Yes actually.
Dealing 90 damage meant it took 3 hits to kill a soldier a huge chunk of time. Which meant soldier could turn around and shoot demo twice before demo gets his third pipe off.

It was a massive balance issue that needed to be fixed in some way.

Random crits are unironically balanced because they typically occur on the second hit when you usually kill someone.

That isn't stupid because it breaks stalemates simple

Because that's all the change they needed.

>biggest proponent of random crit removal makes well-structured videos with good production value
>biggest opponent of random crit removal makes blogpost videos where they repeat the same point and ignore arguments of the opposition

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Because you randomly deal less or more damage 100% of the time.
Guaranteeing a kill with a crit is one thing. Rolling a dice for the lack of ability to fail to kill is anothrr.

It effectively was like having crits happen all the time.

>biggest proponent of random crit removal makes well-structured videos with good production value

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if having crits happen all the time is bad, then why is having crits happen some of the time good?

>moving the goalposts

Because some eceleb made a video about the issue so I need to be contrarian

Because random crits are good, always crits are bad.

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1) Unfucking the matchmaking systems and the main menu.
This is subjective since different people like the different queues over the years. I enjoyed Quick Play personally.

2) Better Training mode and better default settings.
The game doesn’t look very pretty, the lightwarp, mat_picmip, mat_phong all got fucked with iirc making the game run smoother on toasters. The default FoV and interp feels bad.

3) Cosmetics being seen is optional.
If they made a whitelist consisting of cosmetics that fit the original artstyle that would also be appreciated.

4) Weapon balance changes.
This is subjective and everyone has their two cents. The simpler sidegrades imo didn’t need such whacky and superfluous bonuses, they were fine. Instead of tuning a weapon they often scrapped the entire concept while replacing it with something worse off.

5) Weapon gibs providing ammo was cool and it’s something the game is missing idk. I remember once using my last rocket to propel a gib towards me for ammo, it felt really satisfying

6) More community maps, but there’s already plenty. The game is in a good spot

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Because people like random crits and contrarians have to hate them.

didn't we have this thread a couple of days ago and why are the top replies basically the same?

>thinks stalemates happen because the teams are evenly matched
They happen because one team start spamming sentry guns precisely because they are losing and lack the means to push back.

If they didn't have that option and were forced to lose everyone would be able able to move onto games where the teams were actually balanced.

It's the same few people who are left playing TF2.

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99% of kills i get with a random crit gets a bind from the chat

Attached: Screenshot_4.png (1075x97, 5K)

And if someone would have said the same thing about random damage spread just before it got removed in the Gun Mettle Update?

And posting lenny binds means everyone posts their lenny binds.

>biggest opponent of random crit removal makes blogpost videos where they repeat the same point and ignore arguments of the opposition

Someone did and that's why it got removed. A lot of people were playing on no damage spread servers, so valve removed it so people would play on their servers.

probably this faggot

What is this gay shit

I'm amazed that a Heavy main would be pro-random crits. Especially considering that the mechanic effectively negates one of the only advantages to the class - high maximum health.

This. Everyone underestimates Heavy until he gets some momentum going and deletes an entire push without even trying