I guess i'm not transitioning anymore

I guess i'm not transitioning anymore.

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Other urls found in this thread:


Wow trans people are capable of being shitheads just like normal people are, who could have guessed

We don't play that gay shit it's only ok for real women to grope us

A man is still a man. Man has his needs.

she cute


*molests you*

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Leave that gay tranny shit in white communities, the rest of us ain't interested.

this freak went into a manly autistic fit of rage after being beaten in a game of SFV

wanted to post
webm but cuckchan doesnt allow webms with audio


I bet he was poking everyone with his dick

Fuck off, candy ass roody poo

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FGC was created by whites. You nigs would still be shooting each other over $20 if whites hadn't stepped in and made e-sports mainstream

Plus you're an iNigger which automatically makes you a faggot.

then post it on /gif/ or /wsg/ and link it like a normal person

>thinks whites made e-sports mainstream

Please tell me theres a video

There's a reason black basketball stars randomly get aids out of nowhere

As a biological woman if you transition and still like women you're not a real woman.

I'd actually give it a pass if the headline said girl or woman but it says female. That completely contradicts the shit about gender and sex being different.

What did he do?

lol the fuck are you on about now dumb ass

You know what I haven't had in a while?
Big league chew

this is what anime profile picture people look like

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>would have turned into a chad face wise
>instead gets turned into a crossdresser who looks like a somewhat effeminate teenage boy
reminder to learn anatomy and all this trannification will look even worse, literally and figuratively


honestly imagine getting beat by her in a tournament then, in the elevator back to your hotel room, she gets in and starts molesting you


I hope doctors are able to find the medical cause of gender dysphoria and help those with an extremely rare condition and all the autogynephiles get outted as creeps using an oppressed and vulnerable group as fetish material.

>As a biological woman
As someone whose opinion matters, your opinion doesn't.

At least he put some effort in with that hair.

Imagine his footsie play.

Go back then you fucking retard. Webms on all but two boards have never had audio and no amount of faggotchan shitposting justifies that level of new.

of course

if you read it it's actually really funny
>his insurance already covers getting the fake vagina and work is giving him time off
>this gofundme is just for a "tracheal shave" ie cutting out your adam's apple
>that's what people are donating for

>person of in-group is a dick
>"man what a dick"
>person of out-group is a dick
>"man all (out-group)s are dicks!
I am constantly reminded that this board is made up mainly of children and children in adult's bodies

That kid is at least mid 20s by now. Wonder what he looks like now

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>that weird ass voice
I feel literal cringe every time. Bunch of freaks.


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>would have turned into a chad face wise
He made a good choice

Funny? I don't find it very funny that insurance covers for mentally ill people to mutilate themselves.

What the fuck are you even trying to say here?


there is lot of reasons to support transsexualism

men entering women's sports and crushing them

blowjobs from femboys

MtF going into women's bathrooms and making them uncomfortable.

and so the trannies turn on themselves

are you illiterate?

That's as medically ignorant as hoping people "cure cancer" or "find the cause/cure for autism"

Either you're being disingenuous just to shit on transitioning, which we both know is the case, or you're a complete retard whose opinion should be discarded (also the case but not because of medical knowledhe or lack thereof)

wow trannies are mentally ill? who knew

what bothers me is when some buff tall handsome guy in the before shot turns into a cute girl in the after shot. what a waste of good height and genetics.

most ugly guys would want to become a girl if they could, not because they identify as one, but because they just want to experience a better life.

he's saying that you hate Jews

gief players are always enjoyable to watch.

Go back to wherever you came from and don't forget to dilate

We literally did, quake and star craft invented e-sports

I've always wondered why people are so obsessed with helping trans people change their looks rather than try to fix the gender dysphoria. It would be much safer and better to just fix the mental illness than fuck up the body permanently and then 40% of them kill themselves anyway.

Learn english

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Easy times create bitch niggas.

the pics from 2017 look way better than the ones from 2019. do trannies really age that quickly?

Well yeah, your group is made up of failures. Why are you surprised when people point this out?

Go back to school, nigger

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>majority of trannies are black and brown

lol kys

There is nothing more pathetic on this earth than Asian betas.

Older people have more medical expenses so it kind of makes sense

They're still good look after transition so it's not really going to waste. Ugly people who think their life would be better as a girly will always be ugly. Even if they were born as a biological girl

>tfw physical labor worker
>no work insurance, only workers comp in the event of injury that puts me out for a period of time
>if I break a leg falling off the staging or some other stupid accident I'd be boned
>but these savages can not only get insurance to pay for cosmetic butchering, but can also e-big for extra
I want nothing more than this planet to fucking fall out of orbit straight into the fucking sun

trans women age the same up until mennopause then cis women age considerably worse.


Body is burning lifeforce trying to heal the axe wound they got.
VIT can only carry you so far, you'd need to run a CHA build to get away with not taking the VIT drain.

i have body dysmorphia and they don't tell me to cut my skin off and move it around they tell me i'm a fucking idiot and to not do that

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I've fucked worse but
>class of 2018
He's only 19 and not looking great already. Another six years to 25 won't be friendly.

>you will survive to see the 40% turn into 100%

feels good man


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Lmao Skylar is actually looking like a linebacker these days. Skylar can actually put 80% of Yea Forums into the ground

Trans people are exclusively shitheads and sociopaths who think the world owes them.

>implying real women are any different

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>also gimme patreon money for my pills lol

user you didn't even make an argument though, you just got upset and spouted emotional garbage

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Nah, trannies go bad by age 30, regular women go bad by 35.
White guys seem to think otherwise, but no one cares about your opinions.

look closer at his facial structure and consider the fact that he has been on pre-puberty or early puberty blockers
in your mind, also attempt to deconstruct their face so you can see them as not smiling, smiling makes your face look more feminine which is why you shouldn't smile (t. greeks)
he would've had an average or above average jaw and jawline
he would have had really strong orbits, he has clearly visible orbits even as a kid and even more so as a teenager, even the browridge itself is bulging out
despite hormone shenanigans his (back)jaw went form a fairly straight sideline to looking convace in the middle due to expansion of his lower jaw, so he would've probably been a very wide jawed man
his nose would be slightly thiccer because of extra cartilage growth but I'm not good at nose anatomy so I can't say much else

>blaming a random trans because your boss is a cunt who won't pay for good insurance and repubs and moderate dems are cunts that won't implement single-payer
Good little retard. Keep sucking that corpo dick and hating your fellow peasants.

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sounds like you fucked up with your choices. maybe consider making better ones.

Gender dysphoria is when a tranny knows that he's pretending to be something he's not and thus he's unstable because of the cognitive dissonance

don't worry I think the politicians need to be dragged into the streets by their hair and gutted as well

It depends on the women. Just the other day I attended to a 41 years old female customer in my job and I would have given my left nut for a night with her.

You do realize you can hate politicians AND trannies, correct?
More than enough hate to go around.

Every started shouting something and I can't make it out.


transbians really are the worst.

very upset fetishist that his fantasies of being a woman are exposed. you are the equivalent of a furry walking around in full suit and buttplug

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career politicians definitely deserve the chopping block before some lunatic in drag that's for sure


>You do realize you can hate politicians AND trannies, correct?
Wait what? i can!!?!?!?!?!?!

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Why not get rid of them at the same time?
2 birds 1 stone.
Or in this case 1 bullet.

It's a percentage thing. If 50% of women are attractive at 25 and 2% of women are attractive at 45 I'm not saying attractive cougars don't exist they're just extremely rare. Odds are high that your hypothetical girlfriend/wife will turn into an uggo in under ten years.

>I hate the elite!
>but I also hate the marginalized!
Well aren't you just the specialest snowflake
You should join a libertarian group to be among the other psuedo-intellectual misanthropes

>youtube includes a small sub-bar saying this channel is funded by russia
okay, why can't we see the western backers on other channels then

Calm down, tranny.

Sorry, I'm not white so this doesn't work on me.
Just know that you kinda fucked up by antagonizing the only race willing to put up with you in civilized society.
Here's hoping the collapse happens soon so I get to enjoy the pleasure of shooting you.

skylar been getting blacked big time

Guilty is an asshole, watch some of the competition videos. He acts like a complete fuckbag.


>He lifts the black dude up off the ground by grabbing his ass

>speaker says "she is a strong woman"

>there's no such thing as gender dysphoria because transvestites are a thing
Sorry, you're trying to argue that you're not a medically ignorant dipshit, aren't you?
You're doing the opposite.

I'm so fucking sick of Yea Forums being obsessed with trannies yet i cannot leave because it's much worse everywhere else
Fuck trannies
Fuck tranny chasers
Fuck /pol/tards and most importantly fuck niggers

All kinds of disabilities, if you're capable of functioning with them, at least, develop bizarre communities about keeping people in the mix.

You see it from deaf faggots, they actually protest shit like cochlear implants for kids because they won't get to be a part of the deaf "community". They don't think what is wrong with them is a disability, because they're trying to hide away from the basic fact that they're crippled. This push for redefining terms to just mean "different", removing them from medical literature where they're listed as "illnesses", it's all a push for these people to try and pretend they're "normal".

Trannies literally attack lonely children online to try and get them into the cult, and when you're in a cult, it's very hard to leave because all your "friends" are still inside.

>you're an idiotic misanthrope
>I don't care I'm not white
lol wat

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Shaming from trannies only works on white people.
Usually white women, but also white dudes.
Again, here's hoping that collapse happens real soon.

i bet she ploughed ltg later he seems like he'd be into trannies



>removing them from medical literature
Oops! You're a gullible retard that gets his news from Yea Forums!
GD was not removed from the ISD-11. It was moved from one chapter to another because it is a condition (like ASD or ADHD or low IQ) that can be managed, as opposed to an illness that can be cured.

Stop getting news from /pol/ and Yea Forums

>you will never be molested by a cute trap gamer girl and a tournament

Why even live?

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It only works on lefties, because lefties hate themselves.

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I remember those /r9k/ tranny cultists that got some spic to blow his brains out.
It's sad, but any underageb& faggots don't belong here anyways, and anyone over the age of 16 should be well aware of the fact that trannies are part of a death cult.

Nigger what
No one expects you to change because you were called out as a dumb cunt you dumb cunt

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nice group statement, bigot

do you think your chart carries any weight
there are no sources, and "female sexual attractiveness" doesn't even mean anything
you are retarded for saving that image

For people who don't get what the chart means, it means all races and groups feel more comfortable around people of their own race except white liberals.

Globohomo vs Nigger.

I'm so glad humanity will NEVER escape this fucking planet

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99% sure those two things were never connected

yes, someone who
>has willfully deformed their bodies in pursuit of a sexual fetish
>is also a demented pervert
has serious issues controlling themselves, you're right

pushing cum out of your ass doesn't count as an abortion i'm pretty sure

How bad do you have to be to lose a match to LTG? I mean I know she won the set but still. Also why is LTG so chill in literally every setting outside of his stream/videos? And that one time with Viscant.

> Uses a tranny "oof"