>"No Man's Sky is totally worth playing now!"
"No Man's Sky is totally worth playing now!"
Guess I'll check it out.
Good choice
full me once shame on you full me twice you cant full me again - Gorge Butch
thanks for telling me, i'll give it a try
I love the 20fps I get in VR.
It added more shit to people who were already playing the game. Very design of NMS means you won't really get someone into it who expects something different. It's still a "collect shit to craft shit so you can collect more shit efficiently" kind of deal.
It is tho faggot lol
Literally plebbit
a bit more polished but still a fucking turd
>thanks for donating to our burning man camp!
black rock city is the most degenerate gathering of people in the world, it only makes sense NMS devs steal your money every year to go
You literally only have to buy it once, retard.
Don't care
they shill this shit every year around this time and they increase their sales on this half baked game every year. then they run off to rave in the desert with your shekels
why is no mans sky such a huge success? it has over 100k reviews so it must have sold millions of times. while you are butthurt the devs are rolling in money
>have to buy it
let me pirate and decide if I like it. if I do, I'll buy it
They literally lied about the core content of the game to get preorders. They're a cancer upon the industry, a conglomerate of nu-males who think they can get away with backhanded business practices, and they all need a good flogging to remind them how pathetic they actually are.
i heard there will be a playable 747 in next year's patch
thanks for the heads up i'll check it out!
Sean Murray went on talk shows and lied about what you could do in it, and nobody at Hello Games had the balls to stop him
this is the only game in VR that makes my retinas burn after 15-30 minutes of playing, the VR is awful and buggy.
I think this face is an effect of severe autism. Those people don't know how real people express happiness so they just try to imitate what they've seen antropomorphic animals doing in cartoons they've watched in their childhood
How is the update? Truly. I gave NMS a god a while ago post-shitfest and it still felt like I was just baby sitting meters.
rememeber when this game went gold and it was a "do whatever you want its an art game"
It's good overall but it made the game a glitchy and buggy mess, my freighter disappeared for no reason
I’m still not having fun. How do I enjoy this game?
It's in a much better place than when it launched, however the base game is still the same.
Pointless unfun repetitive grinding
you don't. the very core of the game is boring as shit. you can throw all the base building and cool rovers you want, you are still hopping from star system to star system, mining the exact same shit so you can get enough fuel to hop to the next star system to do it all again.
It's still gonna take years for this game to actually have enough content and maybe even something that can be considered an actual story.
It will be worth playing after they get rid of the unskippable tutorial and focus on bug fixing rather then pretending like they've made a new game when they finally roll out an update. I've been playing for a day already experienced 3 crashes and been cucked by the game and lost my inventory twice.
Cool update. Doesn't fix the fact that the main gameplay loop is boring grind shit, but cool update regardless.
That's not to mention the fact that there's a fucking placeholder in the capital ship transfer menu. Not a big deal, but its sloppy and shows no care
Implying that all open-world games aren't essentially boring if you're not into collecthaons.
"Bu-bu Skyrim/Fallout/whatever has a main quest!" Like anybody gives a fuck. Nobody plays that game for the story/quests. It's either orc waifus or lolishit.
I don't see why people hold the main loop's grind against NMS.
Because those games aren't basing their whole game off material gathering. They are a lot more story and quest based, in NMS you have to go make your own fun. Even then, you have to worry about finding materials just to leave the damn planet you are on
why do people take wide mouth photos?
can't even remap keys anymore...
>start on planet
>find ship
>laser stuff
>use stuff to upgrade ship
Even now its boring as shit, exploration has taken a back burner to it being minecraft in space with more grinding and less fun.
how many of the people in this photo have changed genders since this photo was taken?
So... It's Minecraft?
>bugs, bugs everywhere
>they restricted the Base Terrain edit limit to a smaller amount because it causes save corruption if you dig too far into the planet, forcing players to ground level or above ground, the base terrain actually resets when you travel far enough to different galaxies
>annoying quests markers/incomplete quests if you finish them before instructed to
>Upload all discoveries button doesn't work
>If you claim a broken ship, or the first ship with your preorder DLC you ship disappears
>the AutoTranslator technologies don't even work, yes even the S-class one
>a fear grimace is a submissive, non-threatening gesture
Literally the opposite of the truth
>get hyped, download new update
>game runs 20fps worse than it used to
>changing graphics settings literally does nothing
What the fuck, what black magic makes this happen, fuck this hack game
Theres so much time padding in this game it makes me sick. What should take 5 minutes takes 15 because it has to be 100 miles away instead of just over there
Get in your ship and fly for 2 seconds you absolutely lazy nigger.
>They are a lot more story and quest based,
And, as I've mentioned, people tend to give very few fucks about the story/quests, preferring instead to take screenshots of their big titties orc waifu follower or their loli harem.
In fact, I think this is why there are so many Yea Forumstards bashing NMS. They can't mod it with planets filled by nothing but cat loli traps.
Modability is key to a game's longevity, though, that's always been the case.
I had fun with friends, put in like 13 or 14 hours yesterday.
Can't wait to continue later today
the grind sucks though
>the AutoTranslator technologies don't even work
god damnit I had a feeling it did absolutely nothing, good thing I only bought the shittiest one.
Also how the fuck does that Practice language skill thing work? Nobody online has any clue
>how the fuck does that Practice language skill thing work
It doesn't.
can't say I'm surprised
they also added an Upload all systems button and it doesn't work lmao
Upload all has been in for a bit.
It's fun but HOLY FUCK these devs are cursed. They introduced so many fucking bugs and now I don't even own my base anymore. I play for 1 day and encounter a bug that halts my autism progress, so I quit for 1-2 days until they fix it, play again when they fix it, and now I encounter the base bug so I have to wait until they fix it again before I can play.
Still fucking overpriced, lower it to like $10 otherwise I will pirate
>didn't play the game back on release
>tried it recently
>it's just tedious material gathering and crafting ad nauseam
I don't care if they improved the story or added new shit to it with this Beyond thing, the bottom premise of the game is material gathering and crafting and it's done in such a way that makes it a joyless venture.
>probably has entire folders of onions wojak ragefaces saved on his computer
>cares more about "plebbit" than video games
nu/v/ sucks
>"don't complain, they'll fix it"
>2 days since a patch and the game still runs fucking awful
epic game
I wanted to like NMS but the combination of blurry graphics and no proper ultrawide support made it frustrating to play. Last time I tried to play was the previous big update and it didn't seem like either of those issues had been addressed.
I bought a cheap key because Im only using my rift for JAV VR porn lately and I have to say that piloting throught space in VR is comfy as fuck.
They seem like trustworthy people.
>buy ships and trade
>build bases
>search for interesting planets, fauna, fossils and monsters
>loot enemy ships and do bounties
What’s wrong with that? It’s not a life defining experience and it’s not worth 60$ but it’s an alright game. Especially if you are bored with triple A stuff.
i pirated it and had fun for 10~ playing coop with a friend who also pirated it, then it got stale quickly and soon i forgot i had it installed kek
>What’s wrong with that?
It's not fun.
>Especially if you are bored with triple A stuff
I play open-source roguelikes. No Man's Buy is not gonna satisfy me.
only 4 less than what you're actual eyes can actually see so that's perfectly fine actually
>friend makes a base on new planet
>I join his game
>he glitches out while on the anomaly space station and has to restart
>base becomes mine on his save
>his base still shows up as his own on my save
what a shitfest lmao