What is even the point in getting excited anymore when we have Elite Dangerous...

What is even the point in getting excited anymore when we have Elite Dangerous, a No Man's Sky game actually worth playing, and Rebel Galaxy Outlaw when meanwhile this game is one of the most sickening pay to win games ever made and yet CIG shills will keep lapping it up like it's the second coming.

Yes Chris Roberts made Wing Commander but that was almost 30 years ago. What has he truly done since that was worth anything?

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There isn't. Why are you talking to Star Citizen believers? They're literally not worth speaking to. Anyone who still has any hope is a lost cause, completely delusional, and should be avoided, not sought out and argued with.

Yeah, I think when it was announced it was at a time when there was a serious drought of space sims but now, there are plenty of options available. Even consoles have been getting some decent space sims.

Post your face when youre finally smart enough to realize that the star citizen hate was started by major publishers because they know if this game succeeds the bar will be set so high they might actually have to do some fucking work.

Oh I'm sure this game will raise the bar. You know, if it ever actually gets released in v1.0 and isn't in an eternal alpha.

Which have decent depth on console? Never tried one of these style games but they seem intriguing. Eve Online seemed really cool on PC but I never got around to trying it.

Manticore Galaxy on Fire on Switch is pretty good, and you can get digital versions of Starlink that gives you all the ships and is cheaper than the physical versions (Not that you can find the toys anymore anyway). I don't know what's on PS4 and Xbone but I know Rebel Galaxy Outlaw is coming to PS4 and Switch.

>250 million dollars
post yfw you didn't fall for the scam

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how long has it been in development? im seeing conflicting reports

all three of those games are shit, though
I guess ED is slightly less shit than it was but it's still a boring grindfest
and NMS doesn't even qualify, it's minecraft
the only worthwhile "space sim" is starsector

I only bought the 40 dollar package that got me the game and the starter ship but that was way back in 2014. 5 years ago. Still feels bad, man.

>people are too young to even remember Yea Forumsederation

Hi Chris.

Those seem more like shooter based space games than sim after looking them up. Are there any that are just a slow slog finding your way through space?

Elite Dangerous

The only trannies that still spend money on this scam are retards already deeply invested in it out of fear it will get canceled once the money stream runs out. It doesnt even look impressive anymore. The graphics are mass effect andromeda tier and years behind sony first party graphics

>no man's sky
>comparable to star citizen and other space games
It's literally minecraft but with starships. However, there's nothing wrong with that

>game has been in development so long that its high end graphics have become dated

Elite Dangerous is a bit dull and Scam citizen is the dream space game. Shame it'll never come out. I just want an EVE like with non shit combat.

Is this movie any good?

It's pure kino. Don't listen to what normies and reddit say

>ID, not Iv

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>What is even the point in getting excited anymore when we have Elite Dangerous, a No Man's Sky game actually worth playing, and Rebel Galaxy Outlaw
Holy fuck dude. All the games you listed are failures and suck cock just like you.

Eh Jim carry was better.

muh sharkfag spam

There isn't any reason to get exited in the first place, tho what you listed wouldn't change a different option

honestly its pretty good at being minecraft in space, except its better cause it has shit to do with all the shit you mine, like sell it.
Minecraft ends once you got decent iron and start building megaprojects.

NMS needs trading overhaul and factorio like tech trees and buildings, the starts been already made.

There isnt
Hell even Star Conflict has a better open world mode than Star Citizen does, and that game's main focus originally was a spaceship War Thunder clone.

>Rebel Galaxy Outlaw
Epic Games
nope, won't play it until it comes out on any other downloader

I'm a sucker for spaceship interiors. That's the only reason I was once briefly looking forward to that game.
I really hope Elite gets allows me to walk around my ship someday.

to the people who backed it when it first came out.
you can sell your account on the blackmarket around 1k. all those limited time only cosmetics is like honey for those whales.

Hold on, do you mean to suggest SC may not be very good?

Akshuwaly the hate is organic AND a marketing ploy to keep the game at the forefront of people's minds so it doesnt drift away into obscurity.

Bought it on epic myself, but just fucking pirate it user, it's really good

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When it works it's really really fun

Problem is they keep breaking it every patch with more dumb crap, mostly the bugs are frustrating

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walking around spacehip and lounging would make it nice for long travels
VR with in world monitor makes it peak comfy.

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It kind of has tech trees with the latest update. The resource gathering stuff they added is fucking stupid though, could have easily been some cool space conveyor belt mining shit but no.

Real talk though, Star Citizen in its current state has way more actually engaging shit to do than Elite Dangerous, again in its current state. Even if SC is pretty janky and buggy. Exception to the rule is probably if you enjoy staring at supercruise for extended periods of time doing nothing.

I watched the reviews, it looks like a wing commander privateer clone, I'm going to get it for sure .Seriously, it is a wing commander privateer knockoff, I was surprised how much that game looks like wing commander privateer

even one of the cockpits it the exact setup of the starting ships cockpit in wing commandeer privateer


Sorry bro, that made me excited, I'm going to buy it on epic I guess

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>elite dangerous
>truck simulator in space with 0 real content

>still a glitchy, awful experience with 0 content other than procedural shit and an insignificant main story line

>Rebel Galaxy Outlaw
>MC is a dyke woman and doesn't fucking shut up
>somehow awful and low song choices and horrible story

>Star Citizen
>scam and if somehow it can release it will never EVER achieve what it intended to do

just play freelancer

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>Forest camo in the desert
Do americans really do this?

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Which is forest camo to you

>roberts promises to revolutionize pc gaming
honesty would have been a pretty big departure from the norm

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Second from left. Are you dumb?

>inb4 its ackchyually called woodland camo

Has there been enough updates to make this decent yet or do I still need to wait some more?


>a No Man's Sky game actually worth playing

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Given you posted a trailer for something not released yet I take it the answer is "It's not good yet but fingers crossed" then.

Fair enough

Fucking FOREST guys. What a retard.

>What has he truly done since that was worth anything?
Watch the video series: Sunk Cost Galaxy. You will learn a lot about that Chris Roberts.

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The funny part is that even if it comes out it will be boring trash like every ultra realistic game.

I know right? What kind of retard would wear jungle camo in a fucking desert.

>MC [...] doesn't fucking shut up
I hate that trend. In every western game these days you can't have a moment of silence for more than 5 seconds. There's always a character who opens his mouth to say some random quip.

>rebel galaxy outlaw
Was actually excited for this one until I heard it was coming out on Epic. Didn't even realize it already released. Guess I'll check back in another year then if I remember.

It's MOPP gear, camo isn't really important to nerve gas.

And how many nerve gas casualties did it prevent?

Hundreds of thousands of troops were exposed to sarin during the Gulf War, I assume they were in those suits a lot.

They actually fixed the game and add some content, it's not as bad as it used to be although I won't say the game is good, just "passable" at best.

but muh immersion

Not enough desert camo uniforms available. Back then US military wasn't prepared to send a lot of troops to middle east, they only stockpiled desert gear for couple divisions and rest were expected to go fight a nuclear war in Germany. When shit hit the fan in Kuwait they started to make a lot of those desert uniforms and flak jacket covers and cut all kinds of corners to get 'em done cheaply and fast so new desert uniforms essentially disassembled by default. Best part about that desert camo pattern is that it was designed work in quite specific environment of south western deserts of US and as camouflage it was too damn dark for environment where it was actually used, so it didn't make any difference at all for users.

They were in those suits a lot, but all exposure to nerve agents was caused by post war destruction of Iraqi stockpiles being done incompetently.

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You had $300m and you have less than 30$ left.

No finished game, no end date, you cant even provide a stable experience without endless latency or network issues because your engine is not god damn made for multiplayer.

Fuck, day 1 we knew. You took an engine which was made for graphics and you thought it was good for a space game? Fuck sakes how could anyone think this was going to work.

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