>epic chinks try to get another indie game on their store
>dev says he doesn't like exclusive deals but would be open to have the game on their store
>epic declines
Epic chinks try to get another indie game on their store
Other urls found in this thread:
>twitter screencap thread
Epic can do whatever they want. How is it "not right" to not allow some one sell their trash in your store if they don't want to follow the rules you set up?
>Claim to be a store that operates at the benefit of developers
>But only if the developers refuse to sell anywhere else.
Epic store is market cancer.
wtf based tripfag
>dude please PLEASE sell your game in our store! big exclusivity china money deal
no thanks but i'd be happy to sell in your story along with others like a normal honest person
>fuck you gawilo ur game shit dont want u anyway bingbao!
the state of chinacucks
eat shit you strawmanning epic chink
Ride a rickshaw straight up your own asshole you filthy yellow nigger
Because the whole justification for this stupid "platform war" was
1. the better cut for developers
2. direct competition with Steam
3. the promise that it's only a temporary measure to build the EGS ecosystem.
Not selling the game makes no fucking sense if they were really motivated by those points.
it goes against the claim that they want to break a monopoly named steam above all else
>now a steam exclusive
>they already offered an exclusivity deal prior to refusal
Come on chinaman, you can do better
It's just steambabies who can't handle the heat of actual competition and are afraid that their daddy gayben loses his monopoly now that someone else plays by the market rules.
seethe harder. Maybe your impotent rage will finally stop epic. (it won't)
Epic will never beat steam, nor even affect it in the slightest. Tim must have realized this by now.
The question is now why is he continuing to push other games on fortnite children, potentially breaking his demon grasp on them.
This argument would have some sort of foundation if Epic actually offered something to bring me to it, though.
Your existence mystifies me.....
>4 piss eggs have been credited to your account
As usual, EGS asslickers show up and are the first ones in the thread to bring up Steam when it had absolutely nothing to do with the thread. Every time. Without fail.
You're such an epic lad
How does steam have a monopoly when you can get most of the games somewhere else? Not to mention that GabeN doesn't do exclusivity deals
why's that not right? They can go to steam and gog and whoever else. steam used to do the same exact shit before they gave up and made the only barrier to entry a $100 listing fee.
SEEEEEEETHING CHINKOID honk kong is going to be america's 51st state and theres nothing you pencil dicks can do
Please die in an industrial accident/traffic collision/architectural failure
>actual competition
>Whole strategy is to not compete by gatekeeping
Epic is too afraid to actually compete since they know if a game was sold in all stores they'll come up with the short end of sales.
not an argument
Fortnite is bleeding players continuously, so Tim is trying to makd EGS a real game store before the money well runs dry.
Its just a narrative being pushed loosely on the idea that a monopoly can be built on being the most successful one when in reality a monopoly is the establishment of anti-competitive measures.
FYI, Epic trying to force Steam down to 10% would ruin Valve in costs. That is anti-competitive measures in an attempt to establish a monopoly. HOWEVER, a monopoly is impossible to implement in the PC environment; so its just fruitless in the end.
based devs i was on the fence but ill be buying the game now
/smog inhalation/hepatitis from street shit/severe food poisoning/sucked into escalator/throwing yourself past the suicide net at your microchip factory
>buy my indie game, buy my indie game, buy my indie game, I'm a reverse shill, please by my game!
Get eaten by an industrial lathe
calm down Tim
Pretty sure you're the one seething there slants.
>If you don't take Epics deal and are transparent about why you did it you're shilling yourself!
I don't really want that shithole apart of my country, we're already trying to get rid of California.
>10% would ruin Valve
Source? Valve does generally fuck all and has so few people on board that I don't see 10% affecting them at all.
Dirty fucking slant, go kill your unborn son and fuck his corpse while cooking and eating it with raman noodles you disgusting splitscreen cunt
Those poor bastards
Any game that gets on Steam is some random trash
Only handpicked elite games get on EGS
>I'm not a shill, that's why I didn't blur out the names in the screenshot and left them up so you can see what game it is by looking at screenshot of the creator, are you going to buy my shitty indie flash game now?
Give some context Jew. Has Valve been predatory with the PC games market too?
>I'm not a shill, that's why I left the name of the game in the screenshot, so you can by my shitty flash game, but don't forget this does not make me a shill if anything I'm a reverse shill and that does not count!
Reverse shilling should be bannable offence
>reeee if you talk about a videogame on Yea Forums.org/v/ the vidya you're a fucking shill REEEE go play fornite!!
fuck your own face retard
He's trying to shill his shitty flash game he made because epic don't want his flash game, that's why he made this thread, to reverse shill
obsessed cope and have sex
>okay so...
>Claim to fight monopolies.
>Deny any game that doesn't make an exclusivity deal with you.
>offered an exclusivity deal
>didn't want it
>oh no no no my shitty thinly veiled pretend boycott epic thread has been debunked as the reverse shill thread and I cannot cope, please by my shitty flash game, I'm not a shill I just left the name of the game and creator in the image so you can buy it but I promise I'm not a shill, just look up our game and buy it!
COPE and seeth tranny, nobody cares if egs doesn't want your shitty flash game unless exclusive it would still die to horrible sale as its a shit game, now go hand yourself with rope made from gabens food scraps, sub human shill
>Literally the whole topic is about his game
>Suddenly its reverse shilling because its not epic exclusive even though Epic shills would've spammed this game if it had been but now the'ye mad that people are interested in it for not being exclusive
They do tons behind the scenes, maintaining their server and cloud infrastructure isn't cheap, and that's all in house as far as i know. They have developers working on games, they have developers working on linux and proton, they have engineers working on products like the index and future hardware. They even have people who will go out to studios supporting linux and help with that.
Personally i'm hoping they'll help reach that tipping point where linux becomes a real option for gaming, it's not quite there with the lack of DRM/AC support, but it's getting there.
>oh no no no, he knows I left the name of the game in the image deliberately so that people who see my reverse shill thread will know name of the game and buy it, I'm such a good shill, I'll pretend I'm retarded as well now that'll show em?!
Yeah, it's pretty clear monopolistic behaviour. If you're not with ONLY us, then we don't want you at all.
Every little bit of info is just more and more proof that Epic is a bunch of slimy fucks. It used to just be a matter of preference, but it's getting to the point where you're outright making the wrong decision by throwing your hat in with them. They're showing themselves as willing to do some very bad shit. If they got ANY foothold into the marketplace, forget "breaking steam's monopoly", they will do their best to create a monopoly and fuck you over for it.
>i just don't understand why the consumers don't like us
>what's so wrong about bribing developers to use our awful storefront exclusively rather than fostering good will and letting things happen naturally
KYS reverse shill, nobody wants your flash game not even on steam or egs, let that sink in, take your shitty indie game to kongreate and have sex with your son like you always do after a successful reverse shill thread
keep up the seeth epic tranny, tell me how awful talking about videogames is. quick this is the part where you call me a nazi
>tim's in the replies running damage control
>Epic shills are this fucking pissed
Looks like you're selling this game better yourself
how do they have so much money to throw at exclusives, but not enough to code a wider selection for their storefront? this guy is slimy as fuck
China sending its retarded citizens to v so they can promote their shitty game store. I can't wait until China gets nuked
holy shit the state of cucksweeny
How mad is Epic that some literal who indie dev outed their scummy ways?
i think they must from r/gamingcirclejerk. these faggots will suck timmy's dick to death just to own the gamers epic style xD!!!.
I will say, throwing money out to hire a dozen new coders generally works out poorly.
When china dies, Dota dies too based steamtard.
It's Tim's money, capitalism is a thing steam tranny, go ahead and post more screenshots about literal who Indies, in the meantime the faggot got blacklisted by epic and the game will flop hard on steam lmao
Nice projecting r/f*epic subhuman go suck more gayben dick and get by writing weenie the pooh.
But what if I don't care about Dota?
Since Epic shills are getting so pissed about this I should expect that people should make as many concurrent threads about this news as much as possible as payback for all of autism that they've plagued us so.
lol seething chink
>Tiananmen square massacre
Feels good to purge some falseflagging steamchinkdrones
if they can't even add new entries to a store, maybe they hired people who can't do the job in the first place.
because Epic and it's defense force always claim moral superiority and this proves that Epic is morally bankrupt
Dota means Valve nowadays, it's their only game, cope.
>Again with that one
>Even though the article states that steam doesn't moderate the twitch chat.
>Ride a rickshaw straight up your own asshole you filthy yellow nigger
Fuck my sides
>Valve loses Dota
>It was their only game, they now have no games
>Is forced to make their own games again until they can find a new cashcow
I don't see the problem here, sounds like a win for me
based valve fleecing chink bugmen. keep coping chang, dont let anyone see your gutter oil tears
i play plenty of games on steam, im thinking that dota is irrelevant to its existence
Valve is moderating the ti channel you subhuman faggot, Tiananmen square shit is allowed globally on twitch. Steamchinkdrone it's time to kys.
seeething epic chink
>Dota dies too
Why do you say that like it's a bad thing?
a lose for steam (Dota has like 800k user and is the most played game on steam) and win for Tim :)
Your post makes 0 sense drone, looks like your drone brain got damaged
Why steam chink drone? Valve isn't very chinese, is it?
So why does Gaben not care at all? Epic is literally hounding their steam lists to see which games to snipe but Valve doesn't do anything.
>getting btfo
The actual state of valvechinkdrones, embarrassing.
>Uniroincally Seething this hard.
I'm sorry you can't come up with better excuses to shit on Steam and Valve and that shitting on Epic is both incredibly easy and way more valid.
user I don't care if steam's winning or TIm's winning. I care if I'm winning, and Steam losing a money-producing cash-cow and being forced to make their own games again sounds like a win for me.
daily reminder that Taiwan is the only true china and hong kong is a free and independant state
Because the true fun doesn't start until next year around February when the first devs and publishers come crawling back.
Games can't possibly be making more money by being sold exclusively on a platform nobody uses
>Poor man's little nightmares
LMAO, what a bunch of retards, should've accepted the deal because nobody will but that trash
>Valve is not Chinese
It's time to kys drone you live in a world filled with steam delusion, he invests in china its even worse and works with perfect world a company that works with the CN government
>No arguments
And another win
Kinda based
It's valve after all
Valve doesn't give a fuck about any of the other launchers. They're true competition has always been piracy.
If only Tim had realized that fifteen years ago, he probably wouldn't have run crying to consoles.
steam is separate from steam china, whereas epic is 40% chinese owned
As opposed to Tim who works with Tencent the chinkiest of the chink ,has them on their board of directors and has them own more than 40% ,while Valve remains a private company.
Epic to me is superior purely because it's actually a free launcher. I didn't buy any games, nor plan to, but I can play their free games with friends who also didn't spend any money on it. Unlike Steam, where I can't even fucking friend my friends that haven't spent at least 5$ or whatever.
What's the fucking point of free games on Steam if you can't actually utilize Steam for free.
Look, if Valve is Chinese when they invest in China, are they not also French when they invest in France?
>Or tencent (public chink company owned by Africans) is pumping money into epic without having any power at all
>Tim gives 0 shits about china at all (facts)
>Gayben on the other side invests in china literally throws money Infront of them
>Begs for steam china
>Perfect world a government company enslaves them
There is only one Chinese shill here and it's pretty obvious
>installing a chinese botnet for humblebundle scraps
wew so this is the epic userbase
Holy fuck. He is basically camping in their asses
>And another win
Are you fucking 12? who writes this shit?
From your article
>The stream may not be moderated by Valve directly, but by its Chinese partner, Perfect World, with whom Valve is working to bring Steam to the country.
>So far, though, there doesn’t seem to be any official word of Perfect World’s involvement in monitoring the chat. At this point, it’s also not clear if the removal of this phrase is deliberate political censorship, or just moderation of the sheer number of users spamming the same phrases.
>they explained that at this point in time it's not something they can do
>at this point in time
People are being retards about this. They will obviously open a submission option later.
Haha this and your discord friends' posts is the dumbest thing I've read today.
just admit that you don't want to pay money for games faggot
tencent is literally a 48% share holder. the other 52? timbo bimbo. its literally cuck sweeny and his chinese masters. but keep coping chinkazoid
Why are Steam drones so cringe?
Reddit has been shilling this shit so hard that I don't believe anything the dev says.
>Or tencent (public chink company owned by Africans) is pumping money into epic without having any power at all
all companies run in china are beholden to the chinese gov't above all
Why haven't you been banned yet
>Tim doesn't give a shit about china
>Works with FUCKING TENCENT and has them own ALMOST 50% of Epic
>As opposed to Valve who works in collaboration with Perfect world
You literally cannot be this delusional or think people are going to play along.
>Valve lets some who-tier Chinese company handle their business in China
>this is somehow equivalent to Epic having more than 40% of their company owned by the biggest most moneygrubbing Chinese company in gaming
I looked up the trailer for Darq and uh, yeah, steam drones, you can keep this one.
>Chunkiest chink
Kys and stop spreading lies, tencent is literally one of the more anti chink companies in china, perfect world on the other side is owned by them
>Starting in March 2018, the Chinese government put a freeze on the approval of new games, including all Tencent products. Tencent suffered a stock plunge that wiped out more than $135 billion off its market value. Many have interpreted this as the Chinese government sending Tencent and others the message: “You think you are big Well, we the Party are bigger.”
They are not investing they are literally selling their properties/rights to china
>Comparing France and china at all
France doesn't have communist companies like perfect world.
>The Dota 2 International stream is deleting mentions of Tiananmen Square
Actually it's just steam, there's a bunch of EGS """"""""exclusives"""""""""" that are also on the windows store
>trying to explain this to people that just shitpost
It's a waste of time man
>tencent is literally one of the more anti chink company
all chinese industries are functionally owned by the chinese government, there is no antichink you dumb bug
Forcing programmers to work even longer is just cheaper
Most people who actually know about Tencent aren't retarded enough to take the word of shitposter at face value.
exclusives on any platform are cancer
Why does Yea Forums suddenly care about "tumblr art game that looks like shit and I wouldn't buy it" games like Ooblets anyway? Lashing out like this is usually driven by... fear. A fear of what? That Steam won't be the premier place for PC games?
Or, is it more likely that you won't be able to "punish" the game by not buying it or leaving negative reviews until you get your way?
If you've ever read I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream, Yea Forums reminds me of the AI who loves to torture and abuse the ones he thinks he has control over, but is instantly worried that he'll lose his play things forever.
Ooblets > DARQ
epic is shook
they don't want people do be able to directly compare the sales of a game from valve vs epic store
Reminder that this is what Tim Sweenie and Epic are supporting.
I, for one, welcome our new Chinese overlords. The west is declining. The days of the megacorp is here, and I am on the side of Tencent, not Google.
>Can not read
>Pol jpeg 1234
Learn to read
And 40% is not even near 50% brainlet, means Tim owns 60%, 20 more than tencent
See brainlet
Not officially, that's the reason why the government hates tencent
Subhuman can you read ? Or why are you ignoring everything ? You can literally buy tencent shares, enough shares gives power over the company, there is a reason why Nasper owns 30+% of tencent
With all the negative press Epic has been accumulating its not a surprise that people are now praising games choosing not to go Epic Exclusive.
i'm not sure you understand how percentages work if you think tim isn't the master controlling tencent by your own figures.
epic is based as fuck and destroying valve my sides
>negative press
>on a certain anime circlejerk board
I remember when the only thing Chinese bots did was farm gold in wow.
Now there back talking us.
>government hates tencent
And allows them to exist?
This, who cares if its not on Epic. You fags are always bitching about it, nobody uses it anyway.
"at this point in time" is just retarded worker bee fluff language. People in these kinds of employments will tack on the phrase to any sentence in order to (in their minds) sound more professional.
>we cannot refund you at this time
translation: we're never refunding you, get fucked idiot
>sir i'm going to have to ask you to calm down at this time
translation: please shut the fuck up
>it doesn't look like you're eligible for that offer at this time
translation: HAHAHA get FUCKED
>Pol jpeg 1234
>Talking shit about Tencent is /pol/
A bonafide shill no doubt
>I play games but I care more about things that aren’t actually games
Fuck off
>Having more than
Why are you even lying ?
Why are you not using your brain at all when you read something ?
That is literally wrong user, really embarrassing. You should read your sources carefully next time
They say they want to compete with steam yet they deny a game that clearly meets their quality standards simply because the devs refused to go exclusive
"Tencent owns at least 40% of Epic" doesn't mean they own EXACTLY 40% of their stock. Last I checked the actual number is somewhere around 48.4% of Epic Games stock, not just 40%. So your claim that Sweeney owns 20% more than Tencent of Epic is false.
>In putting together the calendar for the first 12 months of Epic Games store releases, we’ve had early discussions with many hundreds of developers to explore the possibility. We can’t accommodate all of them yes, so we prioritize by those criteria.
I hope you're trolling and don't really think every other poster is some secret spy shill getting paid pennies on the dollar to viral advertise. If you're not trolling, dive off the top board into an empty pool
>Multi billion company that generates billions
>Let's close them down, who needs billions of taxes at all
How old are you ?
SamSho guys also mentioned the whole sales guarantee shit, so it's not surprisng the extent they're going through to get games.
>Another 48% sub 80iq drone
Why are you lying ? Open your source read it again and than kill yourself, because your reading skills are under elementary school lvl there is no hope more for you :)
Shopping cart in 2081 confirmed!
>on a certain anime circlejerk board
have you not been on the internet? i certainly hope you don't think Yea Forums is the only source of egs hate
>Accuse CEO of thoughtcrime
>Replaced by CEO approved by Winnie The Pooh
>Ain't nothing changed but the weather
Do people actually believe this or is it just le ebin bait?
Sweeney is the Masuda of Epic
it's time user. stop putting it off.
>Chink government hates tencent
Thanks for approving my point and no an new CEO is not that powerful im public companies like tencent, it's more like a director of the board ;)
Its part of the usual spam the autist spammed in threads. Too bad the Archive is dead so I can't post how many times he's spammed it.
>on the internet
Ask me if I fucking care what online August at thinks.
The worst part is that it's a shitty fucking edit of this image, and the people reposting is are apparently too retarded to figure out that this is the original and not the obvious edited version they keep posting.
The picture China doesn't want you to see
Wait what happened to fireden? I think even Yea Forums and /vg/ got hit.
Thank you user
Then the board of directors will be forced to vote as government want, or they're going to lose the license. In China you have to be on good terms with the central government.
>be a chad
>ask an 8/10 girl if she wants to be exclusive
>she says no, but would like to have an open relationship
>say no
where's the issue?
It's not my problem when somebody changed the 40% to >40% ( looks like a valve drone subhuman)
"In June 2012, Tencent made a minority investment in Epic Games, purchasing approximately 48.4 percent of outstanding shares of Epic stock, equating to 40 percent of total Epic capital inclusive of both stock and employee stock options," Sweeney said in an emailed statement. "As part of the investment, two Tencent representatives joined Epic's board of directors, in addition to the three directors and two observers appointed by Epic. We're thrilled to have a world-leading partner in Tencent, who gives Epic unique access to the Chinese market as we head into the next chapter of our 21-year history as a leading independent developer."
There is no hope for you anymore sub 80iq drone Kill yourself before it's too late.
EGS doesn't want to be a store, they just want to get brownie points with developers so they use unreal engine.
But they can't that's the reason why they replaced the CEO (to gain some power)
From what I hear, some brazilian hue hue got into a CP spamming spree somewhere here in Yea Forums and even though fireden does delete CP in quick response like they should, it still caught attention of feds.
Admin then panic deletes some of the archives to cover his ass.
>it's just august
>opinions from those who are vocal about vg news changes every summer.
opinions against egs is constant from those who have been paying attention since the beginning
i'm guessing Gaben ran his own numbers and came to the conclusion that Epic will run out of money before it can do any real harm
"Don't interrupt your enemies when they're making a mistake"
Lol he stopped replying. The chinkshit got BTFO.
This, I don't want to buy an Xbox just for Forza, bring that shit to playstation already!
Options don't offer any control. They aren't normal stocks. They "expire" and you either lose or make money depending on if you "bet" company stock would go up or down in value.
Dumbass slant.
something being not technically wrong doesn't mean it's not a cuntfaced shitstomping thing to do
They never did though, current CEO/chairman and Tencent founder is a loyal member of party
>Ma was quoted as saying "Lots of people think they can speak out and that they can be irresponsible. I think that's wrong […] We are a great supporter of the government in terms of the information security. We try to have a better management and control of the Internet”
Holy shit based Epic dabbin on indie hipsters. I might just download it if they keep buttflustering these sois
>>"Don't interrupt your enemies when they're making a mistake"
Because Tencent has 0% chance of ever posing a serious threat to steam.
based vanilla wow dev
>ESOs do not include any dividend or voting rights.
Epic does not operate for consumers or devs, they operate only for themselves and are using their Fortnite-bux to try and strongarm their way into the market. The store is bare minimum for a reason, it's not the point.
Also, you guys need to update your chinkfilters just in case they start learning (unlikely). Throw in a Hong Kong Protests 2019 every now and then.
There's literally a limited number of games they can add to the store in a certain period thanks to how ramshackle the infrastructure of the EGS launcher is. Of course they try to mask this as curation like a Resident Evil game would mask the loading screen by door opening animations.
Gotta love how the Epic shill always goes into a mental breakdown everytime in these threads.
How is that "not right"? Why are steamdrones such irrational soiboys?
>For services rendered on behalf of the CCP, your social credit score has increased by 5, and an extra dog has been allotted to your weekly food supply. China will grow larger
The Epic Store not having a shopping cart is just a meme right?
Delete this thread now. Chink insectoids are our friends!
Epic has no forums LMAO and that's unironically why shitty indie devs pick EGS over steam
How retarded can you be? I think you are on the pinnacle but still.
No thats actually true, when they had their first sale if you bought too many games quickly you get your account flagged as fraudulent.
>Not having a feature a storefront on a fucking Geocities site would have had almost 20 years ago
Why are people even comparing this shitshow to Steam? It doesn't even compare to Geocities sites apparently.
Also, payment options apparently get locked out if you use them on multiple accounts.
I truly hate the both of you for having those image files saved to your machine and deeming them worthy of being posted here, or anywhere else. That is assuming you aren't just one fag arguing with himself.
Dev is a cool dude.
Got a out base from me.
>hey man we're willing to pay you to sell your game exclusively on our store
>nah i promised people i would sell it on steam but i wouldn't mind selling on yours too simultaneously
>on second thought fuck off nigger we didn't want it anyway
what did tim "sour grapes" sweeney mean by this?
Unironically this. Is it unethical? Sure, but it's Epic's store, and they can refuse to sell whatever they want. It's literally their right.
>Only handpicked elite games get on EGS
Yeah, like "Press X to Jason" or Redditlands 3 right?
They can yeah, but that doesn't mean they aren't faggots for doing it.
just like its our right to call them out on being hypocritical liars
>When china dies, Dota dies too based steamtard.
You convinced me, let's nuke China.
>Redditlands cost too much for a time exclusive, it only last for 6 months
Why is 2kgames such a Jew?
of course they have a right to, it just means they're lying
Epic specifically said they're open to non-exclusive deals
To make your shit allegory similar to this situation you wouldn't have to date the girl but rather make her a whore or advertise her services.
But she would want to get involved with as many ad sites as posible instead of a exclusivity contract with your sorry ass.
>be a chad
goddamn it sweeny, this isn't where you post your fantasies
Maybe is more the fact that Epic is running out of money to pay for big exclusive contracts to AAA games. Or that 2k wallet is still butthurt about Randy's last Bada$$ game
I'd imagine they're pretty mad, given all the shitposting in here.
>all these PEOPLE think they can argue with bugs
there's not a level deep enough that they won't go down to in order to keep the argument going and in the end after you see how dumb they are and stop trying, they'll think they won.
Anything that idiot Randy gets involved in is probably either a scam or is going to go tits up soon after he gets involved. The guy has the business acumen of a toddler.
You sound jealous that you're not as BAD ASS as he is, user.
>they're open to non-exclusive deals*
*If it's part of a giveaway promo or moves at least 500k units
>Tim is so fucking autistic that he would rather force devs to make their games exclusive to EGS then have good relationships with developers
Holy fuck he's a complete fucking retard
Why isn't this faggot perma-banned yet? You get banned for less and he should had been perma-banned for a while now with the amount of platform war he does everyday.
that fake mount and blade looks dope, whats it called
Bans don't matter when you're either using a VPN or you can get up and reset the router. Hell, you don't even need to get up to do that anymore, you can just reset it by accessing the router from your computer.
That's because the retard making DARQ actually think his game is a masterpiece and that's why he thinks Steams sales will bring more money than the deal Epic offered. I suspect that turned out to be a bad idea for him.
chinks own epic and gookmoot
Just because it's somebody's right to do something doesn't mean I have to like that they can do it.
his point is solid, if youre a one and done, epic sounds great, if youre planning on making more games kicking your fans in the dick is retarded
You seem mad Tim.
>muh China
It's not china trying to shut down our imageboards. I'd rather pay China than US.
Being exposed in more than one store probably can give you more benefits than the exclusivity deal, specially considering that they would probably not give It as much money as other exclusives
Nope he's actually a really humble guy.
>really humble guy
Not really, I've read his posts during the development, he legitimately was going on about how this game will be a masterpiece.
If you think that there's not going to be any chaffing between the new bourgeoisie in China and the ruling party then you're delusional.
China as a whole has been creative bankrupt since Mao mindwashing
It's a cancer country
Doesn't sound like it form the blog post. Oh well whatever, That was before, this is now. Him knowing the game won't sell that much on steam but still didn't want to betray his fans on steam gets him respect in my book. And a purchase.
I mean even in your link he's highlighting in BOLD that his game was top 50 wishlisted on steam right at the start of the article. That's not something a really humble guy would do is it.
I've seen some decent chink fanstuff. Anything commercial and I totally agree.
>I didn't accept the epic exclusivity deal and no one has bought my game, please buy it.
Fanstuff might aswell cost you a trip to reducational camp because you deviate from the hive mind
To me its more like highlighting that many people on steam wanted his game.
But thats just stating fact, not to mention it lines up with people saying that Epic just poaches Steams top 100 wishlisted for exclusivity deals which is pretty much confirmed, another scummy asshat thing on top of their other decisions.
Is there any game that is both on steam and epic?
>humble guy
Lmao, this is the guy who in every single interview mentions that he rejected a dozen of publishing deals because he believes his game is so awesome.
Why did they allow Cyberpunk to be on Epic then? It will be also on 2 other platforms
Mostly shit that everyone and their mother already has like Subnautica, Limbo and Hyper Light Drifter.
Because they don't have the balls to tell big names companies like CD Projekt to suck their dick or fuck off
Big dick CDPR dabbing on Epic.
Thats more of a matter of face to make them seem more legit and more of an option to give the impression of being part of the big store front crowd
only older games that have been on Steam for a while
>Buying on anything other than gog
>buying cdpr games on anything other than gog
How's that not-Firefall thing doing, Mark?
I just stumbled on this (fuck you, you go back, /r/ue4 comes up in google when I'm troubleshooting shit)
epic didn't pay this guy. he tells them. they say they did, it's your banks fault. he proves to them his bank didn't do shit, "oh then I guess we'll look into it"
but the real doozy. he gets an email saying someone logged into his account. he panics thinking hes been hacked. turns out an epic employee just decided to log into his account and make some changes to his page. because apparently that's cool with epic. don't contact the person and tell them they need to change something, no, just lookup their account deets and let yourself in.
you're right
we also however can point at the hypocrisy and laugh
so what's the problem, shill?
based underage steam drone
Because Cyberpunk is the biggest upcoming release and they can't afford to turn them down after they refused an exclusivity deal.
>considering how long they have been in the space Epic is def coming on strong. it's got a ways to go to be the best platform but its come a long way. I gotta be honest when epic came along I was of the school of thought of fuk epic we dont need a new platform, but they honestly push development of games in a super positive way. For that reason I am actually pulling for epic and hope they can grow and add all the features we need and dont have yet.
I can't even, what?
>its come a long way
Seriously asking, has anything changed other than the number of exclusives?
Steam's had too much dominance to actively be challenged at this point, people aren't going to abandon Steam with however many games are in their library for another launcher.
They doubled their features. Sure they went from one feature to two, but that's doubling it. 100% increase.
Because it would be suicide for Epic's PR if they told AAA devs that they can't launch their games on EGS at all if they refuse to sign the exclusivity deal. That's why they have more leverage with indies whose fears that they may not sell enough copies to make up for the development costs they can exploit by offering to cover them. AAA devs don't need that safety net, and the only AAA devs who have taken that exclusivity deal in exchange for money are doing it solely out of greed rather than need.
>he gets an email saying someone logged into his account. he panics thinking hes been hacked. turns out an epic employee just decided to log into his account and make some changes to his page. because apparently that's cool with epic. don't contact the person and tell them they need to change something, no, just lookup their account deets and let yourself in
Okay WHAT thats just fucked up.
Maybe he is underage? Is their money any different from adult money? Why wouldn't he support the launcher that lets him use point cards or whatever alternative works for him?
More features are Coming Soon™
How do you break a monopoly by refusing to sell games on your store?
Honestly I was so annoyed by everyone making false accusations about Epic when this whole shitshow started months ago that I now can't bring myself to care what they do since you faggots have a tendency to lie about it. The Boy Who Cried Wolf principle in action.
>Ya they should pay the developer to put his shitty game on epic AND steam with no benefit to epic themselves!!!!
man steamdrones are really low iq
Its the same situation as liberal sjws and their mass hysteria about trump. Except trump is epic in this case and sjws are 'based' alt righters from Yea Forums.
Might want to reread the OP again there champ.
>where's my money
>we gave you the money already don't you remember
>no you didn't
>yes we did
>no you didn't here's proof
>oh sorry here's your money, there's been a mistake :^)
can't believe a gigantic corporation pulls this shit
Yes I read the email. It said epic was willing to pay them in exchange for 1 year exclusivity. Why the fuck should they pay him (or put his game in their store) if it doesnt benefit them?
China will grow larger.
Yes, because it's a really high IQ move to reject a game from your store solely because the guy won't make it exclusive to said store. Due to the sheer mess Steam's system discovery system is, chances are that the game would still sell better on Epic even without being an exclusive, so there's literally no excuse for Epic to reject the game solely because they can't have exclusive rights to distribute the game.
>there's literally no excuse for Epic to reject the game
Except there is. They are trying to make a curated store and a shitty indie game that has 100 reviews on steam isn't really that beneficial to the store when they could get something like gta or other AAA games instead.
they added cloud saves, not important at all compared to the steam purging "crossplay integration for all games" that will come soon
>Gaben liked the post
To be fair, "bags and bagsamone" would be defined as a super valuable contribution to me.
Hit me up China.
>Sell your game only on our store heres some money.
>No, I'll sell my game on the stores I promised I was going to
>If you're going to be like that we don't wan't your game on our store.
So glad Tim kept his word for that Multi-store future just like when he kept his word when he said that Exclusivity deals like Metro Exodus wouldn't happen again!
Why is China causing so much drama lately and getting away with it? Chinese Virtual YouTuber drama, Epic Games, tampering the global economy, when will their comeuppance occur?
the worst part is that a lot of steam faggots are literally trannies seething about epic, tim is literally the trump of video gaming
Nice bubble you have there China. It would be sad if someone popped it.
If the villagers don't believe the child after the fifth time he lied and subsequently gets eaten: boy who cried wolf.
If the villagers can see the damn wolf, admit the wolf is there, and still let the kid get eaten: That's manslaughter by apathy.
Did you miss the part where they were offering him an exclusivity deal?
>hurr durr promise owow
stfu you literal child this is two businesses competing for a share in a billion dollar industry.
>deals like Metro Exodus wouldn't happen again!
he said he would stop when gayben stops with his 30% bullshit, but gaben ignored him so stop seething
So why did they want the game in the first place anyway?
lol funny you should say that as US has finally entered the recession it was long overdue for
>make business with a proven liar
That's the chink-way I guess.
So you accept that Timmy Tencent can lie, break promises and cheat and thats alright with you. Well than don't get mad when people rightfully call him a liar, a cheat, a dog and a general asshat.
He said that shit after he went back on his word to stop doing it, then getting Anno 1800 a week later.
It had a high interest on steam so exclusivity might have brought some people over. If its multiplat then its quite useless to have it.
hurr trump broke his pwomise. uhh my 5 year old brain cant think ahh. stfu children.
lol somehow 30% equals 8%
tim sure looks like the liar here
>timmy boy can't get friends
Not even surprised tbqhwy
>"I want your game"
>"You can have it, but I've already promised it to Steam and GOG so they're getting it too"
>"I don't want your game anymore"
Good thing that piratebay never bans anyone from their platform lol! :^)
Uh-oh the Epic shill is having his brain aneurysm again.
>hurr trump broke his pwomise. uhh my 5 year old brain cant think ahh. stfu children.
The worst part about Epic is that shitposters keep using it as an excuse to act retarded.
Youre a fuckin moron arent you
>an epic employee just decided to log into his account
This is extremely bad if true. Not only can your account have important and/or private information stored that should be, well, private (email, billing info, etc.) but if people within the company can look up your user and pass that's a gigantic security breach because many people use the same user and/or pass on multiple websites.
And this is what happens once Chang has to go off-script.
so where did he lie ?
see and kys
according to steam drones, gaben is just ignoring tim for the luls, well tim is ignoring steam drone seething for the luls too ;)
>profit is equal to revenue
You sure look like a retard here.
I'm really hoping epic employees just have some kind of admin access to other accounts because passwords should not be exposed in any readable format to anyone.
Too bad retardation isn't a bannable offense.
>a gigantic security breach
nothing new for epic. i remember when ue4 first went free I joined their forums and like a month later get an email stating they had a security breach and everyone s info was stolen
it's probably a superkey (or master key whatever) that allows him to log in any account with his own credentials, which is much easier than having to look up a user's details. and still shady as fuck.
Stop posting this faggot
SeeDo you Chinese only like Tim because he looks tasty to you?
source ? uhmm
>says they stop doing it
>does it a week later anyway
>in Changs mind that is perfectly normal behavior
Not surprised in the slightest.
>i love monopolies
lol sure bud every game sale costs them 22% of that 30% sure bud so plausible
no he did not you fucking huge faggot now kill yourself why are you lying on an anime image board ??????
I really like it when the headline and the article are the same
Imagine if they said why he regrets it instead
Good on the dev for turning down exclusivity if they didn't need it. A lot of small devs can be given a pass for the chinabux since it provides a capital pool they wouldn't otherwise have.
can you read the source you fucking faggot, kill yourself subhuman
Retard. They obviously did think the game was worthy to be on their store since they offered exclusivity money to the dev for it. You're acting like the guy wasn't asked to put the game on EGS at all, when the whole point here is that he was, rejected the exclusivity deal but still wanted it to release on EGS alongside the Steam release. It was only after he rejected the exclusivity deal that Epic decided to 180 and not want the game anymore.
Get some reading comprehension next time, you retard.
no man its a good thing cuz I wouldn't like to see you not be able to post
Is DARQdev getting praise for not taking the offer, or is all the discussion about EGS?
Bad guys always win, nigga.
Seeing how little Chang (you) can't do it I'm not surprised that you think it says something different that what it really does. But keep on going, gotta bump up that social score somehow.
Tims stradegy is to steal as many exclusives from Steam as possible to try force the consumer to use their client. A client so lacking in basic features, it is shocking to me that it hasn't been addressed more promptly yet. Tim claims it is "too much resources right now" to create a basic shopping cart, and features like preloading your games you buy. Amazing.
I just realized fireden is fucking dead.
So you can't call out all these retards who keep on spamming the same old bait anymore as effectively.
>it's probably a superkey (or master key whatever) that allows him to log in any account with his own credentials
I dunno if that's better or worse, having a massive public-facing backdoor like that is a disaster waiting to happen because those credentials could get leaked any time.
Two seats on the board
its about steam pre order controversy not about epic exclusive deals at all, why are you guys literally lying ? (every guy who pre ordered metro on steam got their keys)
Explains how the steamtards flock into here that hard. They know they can repeat all the old shit again with no opposition. Just wait until they throw in the disproven spy.shit again.
What wrong I thought you said you were alright with Tim being a Liar. Denying it doesn't make it true.What wrong with calling a Liar a Liar and Tim Sweeney a Dog.
>throwing buzzwords
kill yourself steamchinkdrone and suck more perfect world dick subhuman, next time read your own sources before you get btfo by an epicchad
>It's not china trying to shut down our imageboards.
Because our imageboards aren't hosted there, the fuck could they do?
China doesn't even get image boards, they're all shut down before they got to live.
Obvious glowing bugman.
>still pretends (hopefully) to not be able to read
>now starts moving the goalpost like a good little insect
Like I said, keep it up Chang, your score won't improve by itself.
Just use a different one
Epic must be a pretty progressive store, seeing as it hires mentally deficient people to promote it.
>continues to lie
>anime gif
you guys are really ill
> it’s just the timing of where that came together and what was important to their business—we decided to do it together, we both knew there was the potential for the thing that happened in terms of communication. I think it felt way worse and was bigger than we thought, and in real-time, we spent time talking … ‘we will never do this again in this way.’
its about the timing, not about buying exclusives
Go learn primary English chang or you will keep looking retarded.
>supporting epic in any way
are you mentally ill
>moving the goal post
its your fucking source you subhuman, what went wrong with you ? embarrassing creature, how does it feel to lie and getting exposed steamchinkdrone ?
*I want your game as long as its epic exlcusive as then it will bring people over from steam and be much more valuable than a fucking multiplat
HOLY SHIT steamdrones are 50 iq gorilla niggers
>It's totally not Deep SIlver's fault for us giving them the offer guys, like, they took the exclusivity deal.
>Chang still keeps on going
Guess the illiteracy really is genuine, seeing how you keep on failing with basic English once forced to go off script. Better be careful, mistakes this obvious can backfire on your score-
>giving a fucking shit
Holy hell, can we please stop crying over having another store? Boohoo, Epic is doing what they want on their own store! What a fucking tragedy!
Dumbest Generation strikes again.
So you are admitting that epic is more interested in hurting steam than selling games. Why the fuck, as a consumer, should I be behind this? Eat my dick, fuckwad.
>Dumbest Generation strikes again.
With you at the helm it would seem.
Yes i'm behind it as epic is bringing console exclusives to pc and steam are just sitting on their ass. Epic deserve to win the store war.
>breaking a monopoly is anti-consumer
>getting btfo
okay steam drone calm down, you won by shorten the time of your suicide :), but really lying on an anime imge board.... its embarrassing, at the end not tim is the liar no its you, that is the worst part ( for you).
>anay gmae hurr durr i is weeeb gurrr
>giving people less options, while claiming otherwise is pro consumer
>tim is literally the trump of video gaming
So he hates video games?
also, their prices are all the same. how is that changing anything?
no he hates gaymer
>we believe in a multi-store future
Pick one Zhang
>Defeat a "monopoly" by engaging in monopoly tactics
This creepy wanker is giving out free video games!
Please define "monopoly". Then explain using said definition how Steam is a monopoly.
>Chang still keeps on going
>still tries to write anything comprehensible in his "English"
Keep it up Chang, tough learn for the next time to not go off-script once proven to be a (very bad) liar, better just move to the next thread and try it again.
Nigger he meant more than 1 big store for PC. Right now steam has like 95% of the market share so FUCK them.
Watching the thread and how you post, I can see how you are invested into this. But if you really want to roleplay as an Epicshill (unless you really are one, which would be sad) you need to work on your linguistic and cognitive skills. Keep fishing for (you)s.
>Epic shills : Steam is a Monopoly
>Also Epic Shills : Epic deserves to overthrow Steam and become the defacto Store for all games, A Monopoly if you will.
Why did nobody comment when the Skatebird devs said this exact same thing happened to them?
it's GOG too, the Windows store versions are there because of Xbox trying to do the cross-platform meme
I am merely smarter than the average 19 year old Yea Forums poster. I can see the big picture while you children squabble over little details.
>linguistic and cognitive skills
Honestly I'm repulsed about everything that related to video games nowadays. Why can't we return back to better and simpler time?