What games on good on this thing?
Should I get a real one or is mednafen equal to real hardware?
What games on good on this thing?
Best ports of the classic Sonic trilogy.
1. nights into dreams, burning rangers, fighting vipers, magic knight rayearth, mr. bones, megaman 8 anniversary, all the panzer dragoon games, saturn bomberman, three dirty dwarves, and a bunch of japan shmups if you like those, which i do.
2. that depends on how much disposable income you've got my friend. saturn's and saturn games aren't unreasonable in terms of price on things like ebay i'd say, but they're outside of my budget at the moment. mednafen is very good, and i'd say you can stick with it for now.
Death Crimson
>It is considered one of the worst games for the system
Is it bad like how Evergrace is """"bad""""?
Thanks bros, I'll check them out. I'll be sticking with mednafen because NEET, but is it worth getting one of those retrobit Saturn controllers?
How come the Saturn was never as popular as other consoles?
catfighting and dick-waving between sega of japan and sega of america, tom kalinske leaving, the retarded 'saturn day' thing of just having it in stores of the blue, pissing off certain retailers and them ending up not carrying the saturn.
As a Sega fan it's sad what a fucking comedy of errors they have been as a company.
This, and the Saturn had really goofy hardware.
Saturn day?
It has more good games than the snes, a console that seems to have a lot of popularity among the emulating community so I would guess you could just look up a list in 5 mins and find what you like
Get a real one cuz its fucking cool.
Get a pseudosaturn cart (either flash yourself or buy on Ebay) and burn whatever you want onto cds.
bad price
not as many games as playstation (that people cared about)
bad performance in the games it did have
Play Powerslave ya dumb bitch.
what are you smoking?
holy shit this webm is awesome
mednafen is "good enough"
more importantly IT'S FREE
Saturn is THE most expensive system to buy games for (excluding Neo Geo)
Nothing but fucking Japanese arcade ports. ZERO variety. At least N64 had SOME variety. Saturn was LITERALLY NOTHING BUT JAPANESE ARCADE PORTS.
Shmups and fighting games
you are goofy
Severely lacking
...Fuck, guess I better just go and kill myself now.