Do you still play me user?

Do you still play me user?

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never did

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No ,only the kino single player is worth playing .

i did for a while a couple of months back. i even got to level 73. there’s just nothing to do except hunting and stranger missions. and the lack of free aim servers also keeps me away from the brain dead pvp side of things.

i’ll probably hop back in when the summer update drops, but what i really want is leave aimbot city. NOW.

I play it for a few days after each update

I don't even have the game

>still 1½ year until pc port

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No, I keep getting disconnected if I play more than 10 minutes and even if the game worked I wouldn't play it because it's shit and has no content.
I duped 20k and I have nothing to spend it on either.

Only when my gf asks... she likes to do 1 or 2 stranger missions then grief me for 20 minutes after she gets bored. I hate every minute of it...

I played it for like an hour or two when it first dropped then never touched it again because it was a pile of shit, and I don't plan on touching it again, especially now that Rockstar is using their usual kike tactics of locking content in that mode that could easily be put into the single player. I wanted the LeMat so bad and then I find out they put it in as an exclusive for that trash multiplayer.

Next time you're having sex just pull out and start plowing her asshole with no warning for 20 minutes.

>No, I keep getting disconnected if I play more than 10 minutes
Common rockstar problem for the last five year or so. Never been fixed from their end.
Easy fix for you though: Move house and ISP.

Played it for quite a while when it came out of Beta. Did some challenges, duped some fish, made it to about rank 70.
Haven't touched it in months now. Will probably start playing once the class roles or whatever they call it come in to play.

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Got just under $15000 of legitimately earned money, over 420 gold. This game is a second job, but I can't stop playing. I refuse to break my daily challenge streak.

This. I got real good at the twitch flick up thing, and I have a chance as any to win a 'ride-by-and-shoot-from-my-horse off'. But that really doesn't do it for me.

>I refuse to break my daily challenge streak.
how many days are you on?
I only made it to 48 when I simply forgot one day. Felt like a weight off my shoulders.

79 days.
At least the players are significantly less cunty than GTA Online.

Played for almost 250 hours between SP and RDRO, now I've been waiting for the Summer update. I'm planning a second playthrough by the end of this year only to stay forever in chapter 2

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>At least the players are significantly less cunty than GTA Online.
Well, they absolutely were at launch. But all the zoomers moved on after week 2 or so; and they have absolutely no reason to come back.

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I cannot wait to get gun storage and a bigger satchel. I just hope we can choose multiple classes, rather than just be solely a trader or a bounty hunter.

Any recent news?

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I like how in RDO, people's characters alI have a lot more character than they do in GTAO. The little things like what horses they have, what they've named them. It's not like GTAO where every second prick has the joker makeup on, is covered in tattoos in the same three supercars.

>paid onlnie
I've beaten the single player yesterday. I liked the story but the game is trash.

Somewhat true, but perhaps you haven't played enough RDO in the past months. There is a plethora of faggots in all pink/baby blue outfits with the flamboyant feather hat that stick out like a sore thumb.
I take a lot of pleasure in pulling together lore friendly and NPC looking outfits, but in an online environment there will always be people who just want to stand out as best they can. And if that's looking like a complete meme, that's what they'll do.

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Hell no. I dropped the single player in spite of the cool story because it was miserable to play. Why would I partake in a mode solely focused on the dogshit gameplay?

Maybe it has to do a lot about your region. I'm in Oceania and see a lot of Chinese players. They love their gold weapons but will more often than not be dressed modestly.

>tfw the general for this shit died 2 months ago

Have you seen the content/inhabitants of the average /vg/? This just means there are too little literal autists playing the game.

Me neither. I swear I’m the only one who thought RD1 sucked

dead thread

theres literally nothing to do in this game