How do you find your games CD key/Activation code if you are a pirate? arrgh

How do you find your games CD key/Activation code if you are a pirate? arrgh

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read the NFO

gonna be honest idk what that is
the couple of other times I have pirated games it's been pretty straightforward

based retard

just help me

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fucking dumb weeb

I think I am smart enough to find a .nfo file, but I don't see one anywehre

Nobody help this person.

Don't you just have to replace the files in the installed game's directory with the files that came with the installer?

>double click nfo
>error: unrecognized system configuration

What do?

someone mentioned I had to put the crack file into the directory. I wasn't sure where that was, but there was an empty folder that said uplaydownload so I figured I had to move it there and it seemed to do something because when I tried to start it before doing that it opened uplay and didn't do anything

open it in notepad? how do you function day to day?

fucking retard

Well I obviously can't give any specific advice, just try to find the instructions. Weren't there any where you got the files? Or an explanatory text file that came with it?

>this thread

Attached: bf5.jpg (281x350, 15K)

>there was an empty folder that said uplaydownload so I figured I had to move it there and it seemed to do something because when I tried to start it before doing that it opened uplay and didn't do anything.
Holy shit user.

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maybe I should just run down what I did, pic related.

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it seemed like a reasonable assumption at the time

What you need to do is take all the files from the individual folders and put them in one big folder.

I can't tell if you are pulling my leg