Meet god

>Meet god
>Just sits there and say "well all up to you"
Fuck you

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That's literally what God does though

That's the fucking point

Did you turn off the AI?

This, if God was Omnipotent, he'd fix all the problems in the world. So either he's not all powerful, incompetent, or malevolent.

problems are subjective

No he wouldn't.

Why would he do that? A good father does not fix every problem his children creates for themselves.

Well humans wanted free will and freedom. He respects that.

No. And I say this as a Christian. The reason I love Him so much is that He DOES give us free will. What would be if you were controlled user?

What a cool guy.

Naw you don't really need to. The only time there is an issue is against bosses where the AI needs a few rounds in before they understand how to handle the fight. Overall they are pretty smart honestly.

>This, if God was Omnipotent, he'd fix all the problems in the world.
If He didn't intend to give us free will he would. Nice bait. 3/10, not even Christian.

How do I know I'm not being controlled?

>Damage control for the invisible sky magician.
Stop making excuses for something that can't be all merciful, all knowing and all powerful and allowing a world this shitty.

You have to press the X button to display the stats menu. If you can't, that means the other guy has to do it.

The point of the world is to judge people. Stopping them from doing bad isn't how you judge someone in the same way as a muzzled dog isn't a good boy. If bad things were allowed to happen in heaven maybe you'd have a point.

A world this imperfect...

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Other than initial dumb, blind luck of where you're born and to what social class/ethnicity, the world only gives you what you put into it. If it's shitty for you, then you made bad choices in it. If you followed God's teachings, you probably would have unironically made less bad choices and known more people.

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>other than these extremely important factors on how your life will be

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>Yea Forums has unironic christcucks now
Wow, this place has really gone to shit after the elections, hasn't it?

Yea Forums is and always will be a Christian image board.

Cool fucking Dragon Quest thread.

You can't control them and you never will. But like learning how to be good at roguelikes and RPGs in general, you can learn good habits and wisdom that will reduce the shittyness of your playthrough.

You can die and restart in those while keeping previous play-through wisdom though.

Or, 4th option, he doesn't want to mess with human creation anymore after what happened several thousand years ago. Funny thing about people, they go kinda nuts when they realize there is a creator and they just met him

Shit, if I could new game+ my life, I'd probably be able to pick up on my crushes hints and have had a completely different life.

Okay, this is Epic-curus

>born with cancer
>born with mental/physical handicaps
>someone born in a starving village in africa
>someone born in the middle east and being in the middle of war
>someone born in North Korea being indoctrinated
>someone catching a deadly illness
>all can be solved by thinking positive and playing like a rogue like my dude! :^) oh btw anyone that has died before being baptized is going to hell, whoopsie! They didn't know that's a problem? Haha well while they're suffering they will!

Why do people assume that God is somehow evil because he doesn't help Humanity? If anything he's being Smart.

Replace God with uh, Aliens, yeah. Aliens create contact with humanity, Humanity asks for new technology, and the aliens refuse it, on the logic that humanity will destroy itself by turning it into a weapon. They're not wrong either, they've made a weapon out of religion, gunpowder, steel, gold, money, nuclear fission, the works.
So yeah, God fixing your problems would only create new ones.

Thats why all animals instinctually care for their young. Forc8ng the world to be equal in all measures for everyone is an utopia.

Most of that is just bad luck and doesn't really alter the fact that following good habits and wisdom will make whatever bad roll you had much better than if you didn't have that prior knowledge and good life choices. But keep memeing about
>muh kids born with cancer
as though that really means anything to learning.


>Most of that is just bad luck
You are most likely to be born in those life than not.

What do you think churches are?
>B-b-b-buh I found a liar in muh church
Possible, but probably the lower end of the distribution, especially relative to outside of church groups.

Okay? Assuming that's true, still quite irrelevant to any point here. Bad luck is just bad luck. Like I said earlier, you can't really control that.

You lie
/rlg/ has been nicer and more honest than most churches
Real churches end up being used as fronts or are run by people who didn't even read the bible enough to know God hardened Pharaohs heart and wanted to kill Moses for being a whiny bitch in Exodus do know there's things called policies that can improve lots of people's lives right?
>Child dies of homelessness
"Nothing to be done about it"

>>Child dies of homelessness
>"Nothing to be done about it"
Er, what happened to orphanages in this scenario?

Does japan have a singular all powerful god? The way I heard it there are all kinds of small and big gods for various things.

Who said the child was an orphan? Families can go homeless and in doing so the child can die from it as well. And there are other ways it can happen to. Thinking our social structure is fine as is doesn't really solve anything and honestly makes things worse.

The "omnipotent vs. omnibenevolent" argument crumbles when you realise that you are already in your personal heaven. Everyone else including those that you perceive suffering are mere projections to keep the illusion grounded and, if they exist at all which is also arguable, their own experience is one that is better for them.

>Who said the child was an orphan?
No one. Orphanages will take in children who are truly homeless. If the parents are still alive, then the child can be found and taken back to the parents.

But I would like to point out that both the positives and the negatives of this are enacted by human free will from all parties, including the child. Not really sure what you're asking from this scenario. Even if we make a stretch to include a truly uncontrollable bad event happening that nobody could have prevented, was nobodies fault, and just absolutely fucks over this family, the family still has options from their groups and families around them to help support them. ALL enacted by human free will.

>Thinking our social structure is fine as is doesn't really solve anything and honestly makes things worse.
This is starting to stretch very outside the scope of the original conversation, and in fact feels very tangential

>you can just learn it away my dude life is so easy and fun, it's totally not anyone's fault besides yours that you got a bad roll and couldn't think your way out of it
Yeah, I forgot people think limbs back on and food into their mouths.

No but DQ uses a lot of Western mythologies all over the franchise and the main religion is usually blatant Catholic Christianity expy, only missing the Jesus namedrop.

Except the whole "born good/bad luck" is completely about societal structure. Like with king/queens and peasants. To just shrug and say that's just the way the world works is a pretty stupid idea. The best way to live is forced a world where the difference between good/bad luck is smaller and smaller.

What makes you think you are not controlled by him? How would you know?

this really triggered the christcucks

I used the words "reduce shittyness", not "fix it completely". If you lose an arm, well, shit happens. But being a one-armed man with wisdom and one-armed man without wisdom? I think the choice is pretty evident in that one.

>Except the whole "born good/bad luck" is completely about societal structure.
Not really? You could also just be born a fish. That would be bad luck and suck for you to get eaten by a shark. There's also health diseases and of course time period, etc.
>To just shrug and say that's just the way the world works is a pretty stupid idea.
That's not really what I'm saying though, and I think you misunderstood the point of me saying that being born in a social class was luck. It is, and there's nothing you can do about being born into that class, but we can certainly make changes in society and work to make it better. That's another aspect of free will.
>The best way to live is forced a world where the difference between good/bad luck is smaller and smaller.
Sure. I can absolutely agree with that.