Why are FFXIV fans incapable of listening to criticisms?

Why are FFXIV fans incapable of listening to criticisms?

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Those being?

Because WoW is dying.

They're insecure. Put too much money into the game.

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extreme sunk cost fallacy with some spending hundreds on the cashshop just race changing

That's pretty rich considering most WoW fanboys put way more money into their MMO, especially if they fell for the cash-shop or race change memes with those allied races

Unimaginative story, terrible translation, boring quests that just go on n on, one note characters or just don't have a personality at all, stiff boring animations. I could go on for forever. The game has a solid art direction and music. That's all the good I can say. FFXIV now makes enough money to give it mainline series quality. Give it pretty cutscenes, fully voiced scenes, better quest design, hire better writers, and PLEASE a better translator.

I’m glad I quit after a month that game has nothing going for it. The mediocre anime style cliche story is not one of them.
The hub type world is boring. The quest variety? There is no quest variety it’s just go here watch cutscene go there watch cutscene.
The classes especially the tank design is literally the same. You don’t feel like a gunbreaker or dark knight but feel like playing the same thing.
The classes there basically pretend to have stats, and that’s it. No talents no glyphs no nothing to build them up.
No set gear bonuses they make them more interesting nothing.

I am quite baffled how this game even got remotely popular I guess you have to be into final fantasy or have Stockholm Syndrome from investing so much time in the story and pretend it’s good.

>if he thinks XIV is shit he must be a WoW fanboy.

This is exactly what I'm talking about though.

because theyre weebs from gamefaqs who think Link and Cloud are the chads of vidya

>FFXIV now makes enough money to give it mainline series quality
SE will never give it proper funding. They siphon it to other shit like they did with XV and KH3, and now the FF7 remake and a stupid tv show.

>full voiced scenes
fuck no; do not bloat the game file size like that.

we faaaaaaaaaaall

Who fuckin cares everyone has a minimum of 2tb drives. Also, compression.

Why are you incapable of posting in the old thread instead of creating this one?
And what criticisms are you talking about? FFXIV fans, like all MMO fans, are just mindless retards. Expect nothing from them.

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It's not that XIV fags are incapable of listening to criticisms it's that every time someone decides to "Critique" something on this site it comes out like this fucking retard where instead of being a genuine critique on what is definitely a flawed title, it's just shitting on the game which very obviously was never meant to appeal to you. You can take about .2 seconds to look at FFXIV and know instantly that it's gonna have a weeb aesthetic, filled to the brim with cat girls, it's going to play very very very slowly (Especially early on), and it's going to have a typical Chosen One story. It's a japanese MMO. These are traits of just about every other japanese MMO.

If criticism about FFXIV were more than just lists of things you didn't like, and nonstop whining about how "It's clearly the worst MMO ever why is it so popular???" they might get received better.

So you're saying the game is immune to criticism because "it's a japanese mmo you should have expected this"?

>It's not criticism if I don't agree with it

>unimaginative story
but its universally acclaimed
>terrible translation
debatable, also its SE's problem and has been since what, FFT?
>boring quests
i agree, blame the retarded fanbase for liking dog shit like hildibrand while post moogle is discontinued


What's really sad is the difference in quality between FFXI and FFXIV cutscenes. Always the same fucking animations and musics.

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Don't forget shit character creation.

>but it's universally acclaimed

by who?
everyone thought it sucked until shb and NOW they like it, if more than 4/5ths of your story suck ass it's not exactly a good story

What? Heavensward was very liked, only ARR is the problem. I wish ffxiv was on switch so nintenshills won't cry for every XIV thread replacing your smash threads

>everyone thought it sucked until shb

Sure, if we ignore HW. And the Far East.

arr is longer than the expansions, and stormblood is agreed to be filler and mostly trash, heavensward is pretty typical jrpg story, dragons and an evil church, sure it's decent but it's not imaginative.

By WHOM. Doesn't surprise me that an illiterate moron would have such a terrible opinion about writing quality

There is nothing wrong with the translator. In fact, the translation is a lot better than you could ever hope for. The only criticism it receives is from idiot weebs who watch anime subbed, so they understand a few words like baka and neko-chan and nakadashi, so when they spot some parts which weren't translated word for word, and that's without taking context into question because of course they can't as they don't actually speak Japanese, they start REEEEEing at the top of their lungs that the translation is inaccurate. When in fact, they don't know shit about anything concerning translation.

Shit I didn't even like Heavensward. I had a hard time liking any of the characters. Like, I'm supposed to feel bad for them when shit happens and I don't.

Bullshit. People bitched to no end about Stormblood and now suddenly they act like that was good too.

>writing a formal reply on Yea Forums - videogames
ok autist

These are fair criticisms user, and I played like 4 hours today. The grind to get into Heavensward is real... and it’s all fetch quests.

No you drooling retards, it's not criticism if it's just you lambasting the thing for being exactly what it presents itself as. The same concept as when a Film Critic watches a literal child's movie and doesn't give it a score of 1, because it's not meant to be compared to Pulp Fiction, that's not what it ever presented itself as, and that's not what anyone going to the movie theater expects.

Ol' mate here is literally whining about the most basic of MMO Tropes and the most basic of Japanese game tropes. Like he expected this to be a sub in for Diablo or something.

This is opinion, not actual criticism.

>listen to my opinion!! i don't like thing!! LISTEN TO ME!!

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You are cucked by Kojishit, and you don't even realize it.

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surprise, criticism is entirely opinion, one mans trash is another mans treasure and all that

>Shit I didn't even like Heavensward. I had a hard time liking any of the characters. Like, I'm supposed to feel bad for them when shit happens and I don't.
are you a skipfag or something? what are some games whose story you like?

You realize the EN Translation and JP Translations are both written at around the same time right ? Like there are scenes that were written first in EN and then in JP and vice versa ? The entire point of the localization team is to make it **not** be a 1:1 Translation lol.

>Housing system is very annoying to compete in for a proper house
>Eureka somehow still needs people and is even more timegated than Anima and Zodiac
>Endgame combat feels barren
>ARR story is shit to go through thanks to the Titan arc and 2.1-2.55 quests
>Beast tribes feel worthless outside Ixal, Moogle and Namazu

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I can't go back to Xenoblade 2 story after FFXIV

As someone who has been shitting up WoW threads with FFXIV posts I will say the game is stale. Only 2 expansions had good story the consistent thing in is the music. Honestly the game doesn't deserve Soken in the slightest because that man could be working in any company he desired, thank god they give him the freedom he has right now. The game keeps growing yet it keeps getting stale, where as WoW suffers issues by trying to shake shit up without interrupting their stale streamlined endgame experience, FFXIV suffers the opposite in which they do nothing to improve their streamlined endgame experience. They're both regional mirrors of each other and are content on proving more of the same till the game bleeds out and gets put into maintenance mode.

I feel sorry for Classic fags because they think they'll recreate their early MMO days but they wont and I feel sorry for my fellow FFXI fags who think they could succeed there too. MMOs as they current stand need to die and let something else be reborn from the ashes. And yes all my shitposts were based on real FFXIV forum posts and Yea Forums posts.

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These are genuine criticisms that are genuinely problems with XIV Specifically and not a symptom of MMO Game Design.

>he prefers big flaming homo Haurchefant
I bet you play a cat

>>ARR story is shit to go through thanks to the Titan arc and 2.1-2.55 quests

ARR story really really needs condensing. Then again, they DO sell story skips sol there's no incentive to do so.

you need to read up and understand the 1.x lore to fully appreciate arr. its like starting in the second game of a series and complaining the story is bad because you dont know about the first.
also too much shit is given about fetch quests. firstly, its and mmo and secondly, you start as a fresh adventurer in arr. you cant expect to be given important shit to do without building on the world/lore and gradually escalating the stakes

Except they've already said they're going to do just that. Aiming for sometime around 5.3 after they finish the NG+ system

Outside of the White Raven arc that led up to the events of ARR its not really something to care about. We went from this adventurer that was just good and helped an organization that helped others with our same gift to "You are the chosen one" when Yoshida took over. If I remember correctly the original story wasn't going to have that focus at all.

I liked ARR and Post ARR more then Stormblood, not even kidding it made me lose all enthusiasm I had for this game.

Problem with Stormblood was everything happened to other characters and you were just kinda there.

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Fuck off. I'd force everyone back to the days of zero voices at all in video games if I could. It's a fucking useless and often poorly done aspect and one of the largest money sinks in development, and that's before we even get into filesizes, compression, download times, retaining the same actor across a fucking decade of development on demand.

Just no. Still feel bad for Yugiri though

>Housing system is very annoying to compete in for a proper house
>Endgame combat feels barren
yes, combat in general feels shitty, espcially for certain classes at low level (brd, blm)
>ARR story is shit to go through thanks to the Titan arc and 2.1-2.55 quests
see >Beast tribes feel worthless outside Ixal, Moogle and Namazu
agreed, beast tribes are in the exact same situations as levequests

like you said the white raven and dalamud arc is extremely important. even the subtitle A Realm Reborn hints at what the story was going to be - city states rebuilding after a semi-post-apocalyptic event

That top right post isn't wrong. WoWfugees keep bitching that it's not WoW but they refuse to go the fuck back to WoW and i'm getting sick of hearing people bitch about it in shout.
I can think of a million little things i'd like to change about XIV but it's all shit Yoshida's already handwaved as "server rimitations prees understandu" so there's not really anything my bitching will accomplish, meanwhile everybody else is all MOGSCHEEVOS STORY2LONG WHY I GOTTA WATCH CUTSCENES BOOOORING MORE RAIDS RAIDS MYTHIC RAIDS?

Honestly after dealing with FFXIV since Palamecia into Excalibur and then into ARR to ShB this game is just mediocre to me. The wonderment of ARR and Heavensward died when SB and ShB proved to be more of the same with no true growth to the game. The way they designed stats and the constant removal of CC has further created a small area of freedom in regards to content design and gearing progression. You can't add anything to gear itself or stats themselves without completely uprooting the Game's design because any changes would drastically change how you treat past encounters as well. The game is forever locked into minigame territory where the best you can hope for is Gold Saucer stuff because anything new to endgame will just screw up their treadmill. Yoshida has ignored his own advice and has gotten to complacent with his game design using server limitations as an excuse to everything even when certain changes are literally boolean changes. The game has truly become a glorified Single Player with a tacked on multiplayer where the presentation excels in the raids.

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>SAM will remain shit.

Feels good.

God I want a lala husband.

I kinda wish the original concept of "parrying tank" from FF11 lived on. RNG tears would've been delicious.

Top right is absolutely right. Once I stopped raiding I found that I was missing so much content and started having so much fun. Fuck relics though, you shouldnt be required korean mmo grinding to gain an advantage in raiding or whatever

would it truly be so hard to add some items that actually have unique effects?
wouldn't it be fucking awesome to find a sword or whatever weapon you use, and it has an ability that lowers the cooldown of one of your skills when you crit or something, just anything to change up the gameplay, an item like this would be used even if it was weaker than a pure statstick just because it's more fun and interesting.

item level based mmos seriously disappoint me, there's nothing more boring

Which jrpgs do you like?

>dat feel when got Complete
Guess I'll just stick to free trial until I get some classes to 30.

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>subscription ran out mid e2s
Oh well. Really sucks that they won't let me renew the sub while I still have time left. I need to wait till it's gone first.

>everyone complains about ARR slog
>I thought it was a genuinely charming game even then, only brought down by Minfilia (and even she had her good parts)
>thought patch series was all good too
Then again I loved Stormblood just as much as HW.

Relics basically aren't worth it raid-wise until the very end of the tier, and usually about a month or two after the final raid tier anyway. If you haven't cleared in two fucking months then I doubt a relic weapon is going to help that situation, it's just fflogs wanking at that point.

It's more about the process of going through it being padded out rather than the story itself.

I get it, but I still thought it was a fun romp, padding and all.
I honestly can't wait for NG+ to play through it all again.

lost odyssey
eternal sonata
blue dragon
tales of games
FF3-6 and FF13
legend of mana
chrono trigger

probably more i dont remember

The JP "translation"? I think you mean the Original Version. If you have some sources about both versions being written at the same time, I'm interested. But I think you are full of shit or you don't know what a localization is.

And my comment was precisely about the shitty localization we have (compared to the french and german ones) because of koji.

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keep in mind free trial is kind of a bad representation of the game because it's also the dullest part of arr story. every single expansion is better in that department.

How am I supposed to settle on a job? I have almost every job up to around 40-50 but none of them at 60 yet. I reached the 2.x filler and I've been procrastinating by trying to find a job to main instead of pushing forward to the good stuff.

Most of the classes do not play at 50 like they are at 80 so you are just wasting your time "finding a job"

In this game? Yes because they would have to balance around that which would fuck up their previous content drastically. Leaving 2 items as Endgame gear choices makes it so much easier to balance.

It's a really bad game.

ffxiv fanboys need an enemy so they try to pretend wow players hate them, in reality wow players don't give a single shit about them or their game.

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This image is ironic considering the person who made it was clearly thinking about it.

I like you user. I feel the same way about a lot of things that the industry has decided to be the "norm" that's causing some serious design stagnation and those bloated dev costs are generating the predatory business practices that the ecelebs keep one-noting about.

My criticisms of the game is the gear is very boring stat-wise, some gameplay altering pieces would at least spice things up when you're locked into 2 years of playing a main the same way with no adjustments. And I'm tired of trial style raids, yea trash doesn't really mean anything and people are still ass blasted about Faust and such, still it's world building and immersion. Although heaven forbid SE let the profits FFXIV generates be given back to the game, I dealt with this in FFXI when WotG was announced.

WoWfags are the ones obsessed with FFXIV, not the other way around.

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>which would fuck up their previous content drastically
But older content always becomes roullette shit that nobody enjoys anyway so who cares

I think he means like the current problems we're having where you have to do shit like cast Lustrate on an NPC for a job quest, except now you can't gain Aetherflow out of combat. There was even some dude who grinded PotD hard enough to replace Hot Shot with Air Anchor and then couldn't finish his level 40ish MCH quest because you had to cast Hot Shot on 3 enemies (also which used to be a GCD, now is a quest that takes a minute and a half longer to complete because its on a 30 second CD)

Agree with parts of story. HW and Shad are good though.
Disagree with translation
Agree with quest bloat (5.1 and 5.3 are fixing that partially), disagree with general quest quality. I can't think of any other MMO that does better.
Agree with some of characters, disagree with others. FFXIV has some decent villains and side characters at the very least.

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Someone post it

>5.1 and 5.3 are fixing that partially
I'm just starting the game now. Are they planning on streamlining the early game finally, and is it worth hanging on until they do?

Just finished heavensward, fucking loved it. About to start Stormblood but I'm reading that one is hated, why?
Wait one year, they are going to fix ARR

That's the problem with this game nobody does old content synced while people rush to 80. Then they complain about content drought.

Adding to this for me it would be fantastic if they removed being able to unsync and solo old trials and raids which would give shitters more incentive to do old content but we can't do that because people wouldn't be able to farm ponies. right?