Fuck Duty.
Fuck Duty
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Ah yes, the ANTIFA of the Zone.
Fuck you too.
freedom is actually based
Okay Fagdom.
Fuck bloodsuckers
i declare it illegal to post any bloodsucker porn in this thread
>hold the line at military warehouses against all sorts of shit coming from the brain scorcher
>meanwhile Duty has trouble against a couple of dogs outside Bar
Ah yes, the authoritarian military LARPers of the Zone.
Fuck both Freedom and Duty
weed bro
loners where you at
having sex with bloodsuckers in agroprom
I like Freedom too but I don't want to get shot at by the entirety of Duty whenever I have to go to the Barkeep
So where does Freedom get their weapons? Who is supplying them, and why?
>picture of a wolf
why is freedom so retarded
Despite the name, freedom are a bunch of useless hippy faggots
Independent is the only way to go, or hang out with the science bros and they'll hook you up with research chemicals and experimental shooters all the while respecting your liberty
They survive off looting the bodies of duty assholes who try to raid them
Freedom has better aim than duty so there's always a surplus of ammo
Duty uses slavshit though, along with basically everyone else in the game. Which makes sense, because the game is in Ukraine.
Freedom is the only faction to use NATO shit. Do they have western benefactors?
No place on earth is safe from Americas FREEEEEEEEEEEDOOOOOM
The zone will be free whether the muties like it or not
This, Duty talks a lot but they're dogshit compared to everyone else.
They can't even stand up to some edgy slav in a trench coat woth a sawed-off on them.
If given the chance they'd be wiped by the likes of Monolith were Freedom not holding the line near the Brain Scorcher.
Clear Sky and Mercs use NATO
>going on a nice stroll through the underground mines in Red Forest
>come up to the surface and see this
What do
ECOLOGIST STRONG!!! How do you all feel getting murked by an egghead in a melon suit?
Clear Sky is the best science faction, I don't care what you faggots say
They can actually defend themselves
Shoot to kill.
>going for a stroll in Misery
>hear gunshots
>come across two dead Freedom bodies, one dead Duty, and two alive Duty walking away
>walked away with five guns to sell back into Freedom's armoury and a restock of ammunition
Reminder that we're getting some new STALKER 2 stuff on Gamescom.
Mercenaries were supposed to be NATO/US Army.
Kino Limansk
>Shows a wolf
Lmao stupid russians
>Doesn't even exist anymore
Boring game made by Russians in denial
How can anyone unironically side with freedom? A faction of
>dude weed brah fuck authority
ah yes the pretty linear shooting section,the highlight of any STALKER game
I mean, the alternative is
>Lets just destroy the zone because we fascism. No we don't care if it contains scientific secrets that are so advanced they appear to be magic, just blow it all up because muh authority boner
Because they actually get shit done whereas Duty sits around LARPing.
ANTIFA are authoritarian left wing of the "progressive" variety.
Freedom are bona fide anarchists.
I'm not hoping for anything untill I see some gameplay.
>Why yes, I do side with Duty on every playthrough, how could you tell?
You post Reddit memes
Never cared for the redesigned Monolith patch myself.
>Tripfag calling anyone reddit
Don't forget to suck monothot's cocks
You guys can't use the proper braincells in your skull to correctly shoot at humans
But the ecologists are allied with duty, not freedom.
Duty supports studying the zone because that's the best way to find a way to contain it.
Get rekt reddit
my dad works for GSC and i hacked in his comp,got a leaked pic of the new mutants
just don't tell anyone
Ecologists are allied with the mercs, and the player chooses who provides them protection after the mercs turn against them.
Tripfags should be offed
It's mercy killing, really
>literally the military's bitch
>sent into suicide missions they don't want to waste men on
Yeah so chad.
Why are you giving him (You)s?
Just filter him and move on. I'm doing my part, do yours.
Wasn't that CBOБOДA originally?
What did I miss?
Wish we could report them
Why does it say BOAR when it's obviously a dog?
Duty sets a camp around their bunker by default though.
So what are some none misery meme mods?
>same autistic tripfag posting the same pictures in every single STALKER thread and taking their trip off to make the same posts for months now
>mods do nothing
Stay seething anglocuck
Do I need any mods to play this game or can i play vanilla with out any real problems?
>Not storming NPP
>Not dying for your ideas
How can other factions EVEN compete?
Vanilla is completely fine. Ignore autists.
Always play games vanilla first.
Anyone who ever complains about a game being unplayable without mods is actually just bad at games and is looking for an excuse.
cyka blet
Strength in unity
Any new mods worth playing these days?
I'm burnt out on CoCk.
>Literally dying faction that can't replace losses
Just wait for the anomaly update
We´ll just use brainwashed experts that thought there was anything in the center.
Here's your S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2
CoC is all you'll ever need