What do you think of the new suit?
hate the exposed arms
Couldn’t care less since you only see it in cutscenes for brief moments. Otherwise it’s just another typical space marine green thingy
If at some stage his abs aren't exposed like the old cover art they are going for then fuck em
Overdesigned. Could keep some elements, but its an eyesore to look at.
Its a 10/10, dare i say better than the classic
Yeah he looks like master chef
its epic
The suit is fine, however the arm blade is fucking bad. Instead of brutally ripping and tearing demons with bare hands doomguy is now an anime faggot and blade reworks of original glory kills feel and look much weaker and less brutal.
Why would they think that a faggy ass teenage arm blade is more "badass" than bare knuckles aka the manliest form of weaponry? Too much cocaine I guess
Part of me doesn't like how it's somehow EVEN MORE overdesigned than the original Praetor suit.
The other part wants to see if they'll go full CUHRAYZEE with the game, which I would greatly enjoy
Not a fan of the transparent visor, but it's still the best design Doomguy has ever had.
Why zoomer?
Came to the thread just to comment this
Agreed. Anything more than four lines and two colors makes my brain angry. Why do devs never think of us gamers who can't stand seeing detailed shit?
He looks nothing like Master Chief, unless you're so dense and retarded you think armor + helmet = Master Chief.
>watches Star Wars A New Hope with friends
>see Boba Fett
Rember when master chief was the predator with huge arm muscles
>t. unironically thinks that sticking 30 model kits worth of greebling on something makes it look cooler automatically.
because his real biceps are smaller than armored biceps
Its so glory kills are faster
just make the animation faster
Overly designed like this nigger said
Also the exposed arms just dont fit with the "epikk futuristic" armor
exposed arms literally make no sense
Doomguy's been lifting, think of all the leg days he missed during those 3 million years of demonic stasis.
I agree with you that it sucks and you attack me. Are you just looking for a fight?
I wish he had comically large muscles.
A bit over designed for my tastes, ends up looking to much like a mad max outfit. Helmet still not as good as the original.
If game women can have 90% of their tits and asses exposed in their futuristc armor, Doomguy can have his biceps exposed.
>when the 2016 Doom came out, Yea Forums said that it was way too generic
>now Yea Forums is saying that it's way too overdesigned
why not have his dick exposed
that'd be extremely alarming to any demon in his path
just a green hulking suit of armor with a big dick standing turgid and proud
t. armlet who'll never have guns to show off to scientist bitches
I like exposed arms but hate that you can see his face
Sun's out guns out motherfucker
I need to take a break from Yea Forums, I've been swept up in the ironic shitposting and angsty jabs at other anons.
You assume the demons would be scared of that. They're all naked, they've seen it before.
Asking for realism in a game where you run around shooting literal demons from hell is retarded. Shut the fuck up.
I can't a game that's so blatantly retardedly unrealistic that a man in full armor has some skin exposed.
Then you weren't the target audience for a Doom game in the first place, dumb faggot. Doom was never realistic you stupid fucking zoomer, that's what makes it great in the first fucking place.
He was dressed fine in the previous game, why would they go back to something to stupid?
I legit like this more than the new one. the new one is okay but it's just too predator knock off for me.
The 2016 was boring and safe. Remember how many people made fun of it for being a Halo rip-off? Now they've gone back to a more classic style that's more distinct and doesn't look so goddamn generic. The Eternal armor is way better. Get over the exposed arms you pussies. Real men have muscles.
You say the new one is too Predator while lauding a design that looks far more Predator.
How was the 2016 game anything like Halo? Because it had some platforming?
But the trend is going towards not having female characters exposed.
He's talking about the suit design, bud
The suit we never see?
Whats up with the Chiefs new suit in Halo?
kek why
Meh, pretty overdesigned. I like that they show his face now though.
Doesn't really matter much since 99% of the game is in 1st-person.
Nice nod towards the original design.
i like it, reminds me of the fusion suit
i dont hate that the arms are exposed but it does look a little hope to be quite honest however i can see why people like the arms being exposed
>game women can have 90% of their tits and asses exposed in their futuristc armor
and that's a bad thing
I hate the gears of war looking boots
Because you'll get fucked pretty fast on Mars if you step out in the open with your exposed arms.
Quake 3 > Doom 3 > Eternal > OG Doomguy > Nuum > Shit > Quake Champions skins
>OG Doomguy not number one
>3rd person cutscenes
it's trash
>Quake champion skins aren't good
The only one they royally, and I mean royally, fucked up was Doom 3's skin.
Like others have said: Over-designed, and hate the exposed arms.
I also hate the transparent visor. You shouldn't be able to see Doomguy's face with his helmet on.
Not on a guy that will literally skullfuck them they haven't. We've all seen huge boners in porn. It's a lot different from seeing a huge boner on a guy that just kicked down your front door.
This is the kind of ridiculous shit I love
Bitch please
>actually complaining about exposed arms and that you can see Doomguy's face
I still don't know how the fuck people deny Doomslayer is Doomguy with that fucking face. Like just look at it!
literally everyone in the entire universe except doomguy, jesus know your lore
Why did they do this? Their art director should be fired or possibly executed.
2016 was Doom 3 right? I remember when everyone on Yea Forums was making fun of that for being so dark. flashlight simulator, haha.
This something only closeted gay people say.
>man wouldn't it be funny if doom guy was shirtless, haha
Uhhh no. Doom 3 came out in like 2004 or 2005 or something.
It was spooky but balls slow and very un-doom like.
I don't like the face showing. I prefer it just blank with no facial details. Doom guy is the suit, not the face.
cuz power ups are video gamey
but power ups actually look like something in the games universe not this mario crap
I don’t see the problem
Another potentially good game ruined because the have to release it on the Sw*tch
>>'Three years ago you assaulted a superior officer for ordering his soldiers to fire upon civilians. You were transferred to Mars. With no action for 50 million miles, your day consists of suckin' dust and watchin' restricted flicks in the rec room'
>make a demon betray hell and make him armor
>Hayden makes speech about experiments for the good of mankind
>look down at a dead scientist
>smash the comm panel
>make a backup of VEGA
>treat collectibles with care
Genuinely hate that the face is showing. The face itself is okay. It's bland and unexpressive, but just the fact that there is a face itself is a fucking travesty. Previously, he was basically the avatar of rage, adding a human face to that just doesn't click.
I think the shape of the original helmet is a bit weird and doesn't translate to high definition very well.
I take it you never played Arcade Mode in the previous game.
>nu-guy is a white male
Dropped. This is 2019. White people aren't allowed in video games anymore.
I don't like being able to see his face but at the same time I think it's neat that the face looks like OG Doomguy
OG skin looks like cheap 90s bootleg action figure. Kinda charming but still awkward as fuck.
Supposedly Quake 3 skin that looks like cheap soulless 2000s action figure. Absolute dogshit.
>Another potentially good game ruined because the have to release it on consoles
FTFY consoleturd
What about how THPS3 design?
>doom 3
you don't even have a helmet in that fucking game and there are sections of levels make you go outside on mars, retarded as hell
That explains a lot of things
lol manlet
Helmet should be gray.
Greeble is too evenly spread.
Same for metal pimples, they should've been concentrated in one-two areas.
Chestplate should be less segmented.
Too many asymmetry in small details on arms and shoulders. Should've went for two completely different pauldrons but same gloves or vice versa.
Protrusion on the chestplate is too wobbly.
Brown, grey and metallic blend together.
Need bigger bulge and tighter pants in the ass area.
Secrets are placeholders.
1-UP is retarded, yeah.
The rest is fine. Nothing wrong with being arcadey.
Also, implying 2016 wasn't full bing bing wahoo already.
>perform 100000000000 death from above glory kills
i'd be ok if the whole forearm was just exposed to show he don't gives a shit, it's now just questionable why he got no protection around the elbows while the forearms is just protected
>no deathmatch multiplayer
but why
literally all they had to do was take 2016's multiplayer and not make it feel like Halo
>what is Quake champions
Yea Forums circa 2016
>lmao look at that dude's armor he looks like a knock off master chief
Yea Forums 2019
>Exposed biceps look dumb, old armor was best!
Fucking hipsters i swear
>retarded hero/class abilities
i'd rather fucking not but thanks
Only issue I have with this suit is that the previous one was probably airtight and could double as a spacesuit, allowing to roam the vacuum of space freely.
Exposed arms forbids use in vacuum, which seems like a major flaw in suits designed to be used in hazardous/unknown conditions.
Doom 3 guy had the best armor.
Punching demons BARE FISTED felt like a true doom guy