Why is Australia full of pussies?
DayZ Banned in Australia for weed
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Because we don't have an R18+ rati- oh wait
The reality is that the ban won't do shit. You'll still be able to buy it online from other avenues or even have the game gifted to you or in some other cases import physical copies. There's another game that's technically still banned in Australia but you can still buy it on Steam. The Mortal Kombat ban did fuck all as well and customs agents do not give a shit if you bring in a copy of Mortal Kombat, it's when you bring in a large quantity like say 1000+ copies is when they give a shit since that's intent to distribute.
Plenty of video games get "banned" in Australia and the only thing it affects is local retailers from selling it. That's all it will do.
>Australia wasnt a laughing stock priir to the ban
I can't fucking believe I still have dayz in my library. Is it unironically good now?
We voted the boomers' party in
>trolley on a pole
I don't get it
>the zoomer party is better
Isn't it abandonware? Nobody was playing it anyway
Anglo genetics
It maintains 6k players through out the week, just came out officially on consoles too
As the person who made those posts, it's not relevant here, because this is just a case of the board's hard line against drugs in games which is what most games have gotten refused for over the years. Also the process has changed since then, but I'm not privy to the details of how it works now.
THere's a blanket ban on drug-use in games, it's why they had to change the names of stuff in Fallout 3.
Australia's videogame policy of the highest rating being 15+ has been a laughing stock for years
It's also not been the case for years. We've had an R18+ since halfway through the PS360 era.
Isn't that way that submissions work as detailed there, the exact way the ESRB rates games too?
it's the principle of it that's important, ceaseless moral faggotry by our government has to stop and it's worth protesting.
wouldn't have ruined the nbn
woudn't have subsidised fossil fuel
wouldn't have made brain drain worse
wouldn't have let the multi-nationals and uber wealthy pay no tax
doesn't want to destroy medicare
doesn't want to destroy the PBS
doesn't want to privatise the ABC and SBS
Like I get where you're coming from and I agree but the "bans" are just so laughable because they're hardly ever enforced and nobody ever cares. Like they slap the ban stamp on it and don't bother to monitor anything.
It is kinda weird that they finally put a 18+ rating but just refuses to use it. And it doesn't even really stop aussies from getting it, they can still buy it digitally, they just can't buy it in brick and motar stores right?
Boomers need to be banned from politics.
you mean full of children
Dude of all the retarded shit our government is doing right now this is probably the furthest from mattering.
Not enough.
>my party can do no wrong
>government treats us like children
You are still a child if your parent(s) never taught you about drugs
The irony is there isn't even a way to get the weed in game, it's a hot coffee situation
>woke up at 2 in the night
>two guys talking down at entrance to our apartment complex
>being 2deep5u about weed and how it's dude fine lmao
>one leaves and the other turns out to be the new guy who moved in upstairs
Should I tell the board on him or would they not care?
You're right so let's just keep voting in the party that did everything wrong instead
>You don't support the libs so you must approve everything labor does
labor are centrists, basically lib li\ght and support capitalism
labor are bad for:
>locking up brown people
>subsidizing private education
>not increasing taxes
And it didn't lead to any less banning, it just means games that would once have been ma are now r
It's a kart on something. A "carton" of something, most likely alcohol of sorts. That's as much as I can explain since I don't quite get what the fuck it's doing since I can't think of a brand of beer that rhymes with anything going on in that last picture.
>thinking politics is a simple process
No wonder the government treats you like children.
I never implied specifically dayz being banned is the most important thing to complain about in regards to the government, but I hope you realise it's possible to disagree and protest multiple things at once.
>Gun violence?
Completely fine.
>Sexual content?
Completely fine.
>Recreational drugs?
Problem is the location of the classification board offices is not public information, only some secondary office is.
Their society has still standards. Good on them.
>wouldn't have ruined the nbn
I don't give a fuck about politics and this still pisses me off that a bunch of retards were allowed any say on this. The majority voting probably didn't even know what it was. NBN is finally Soon for me at least, even though it said October last year.
Drugs should be banned. I believe all dealers should be publicly and painfully executed and all users publicly shamed before being given lengthy prison sentences.
But I can make a clear differentiation between media and reality.
>As the person who made those posts
>responds within 5 minutes
You're doing great, user! Keep making posts that actually explain things rather than shitposting!
It's still "Early Access" so I'd say it's vaporware too at this point.
retard boomer.
>has still
Dyslexic people need to be gassed.
Well it's funny because boomers will ban it from games and media, but will legalize "safe" injection clinics next to schools. Now that crime has worsened and kids are stepping on needles in playgrounds, they still refuse to move the clinic.
Nuke Melbourne.
No wonder the Aussies shitpost so much. They can't otherwise spend their time playing video games because they're all banned.
What's this 'we' shit? I haven't voted for the libs in my entire life
I'm here a lot. But I didn't expect to see someone other than me posting that.
Pretty based response.
How is this news? Australia has been banning and censoring games for retarded reasons since video games were merely theorized.
>being an irl janny
bet you'd do it for free too lmao cuck
What the fuck do you call it
I'm only 23
I don't know how the ESRB operates but I think the fee for them was significantly lower. With the Australian board the fee used to be $2500 for the application and $5000 for any appeal.
>browsing 4channel after the age of 22
My friend told me that Australia is basically a country where women got their way.
>politics is complicated!
>that's why I keep voting for the party which has been objectively terrible for the country for the last six years
Can't even buy some of the games either since it's almost a third of a weekly minimum wage paycheck for some basic entry casual jobs if you're like a young adult.
banning dayz in 2019 is like fighting a zombie apocalypse
Isn't that South Korea? They even managed to fucking ban porn
But the cost of getting an appeal for the ESRB is worth taking the hit for, considering America has ten times as many people in it
I'm not sure, he's Australian and just tells me about his country being dumb a lot.
The problem in the long run though is when companies decide they need to get around the Australian board, which typically means an excuse for censorship from NISA or Atlus because the idea of making separate versions for separate markets is alien to them.
Your friend is an idiot
I mean, it sure beats banning Tetris because of the second amendment.
Someone just needs to drive around tossing molotov cocktails out the window of their car at random.
>Reeeee the government isnt doing what in want
>we need to live in a authoritarian government where i decide for everyone
>i know what is best even though the majority thinks otherwise
This is what you sound like
It's funny how Australians live in a country where everything is deadly and the only inhabitable areas are within 10 miles of the coastline but instead of becoming tough and manly they're all pants-pissing pussies who think video games will turn them into demons.
People still play DayZ?
Just vote for One Nation.
>don't tell me the facts!
>my parents told me to vote liberal when I was 18 and that's good enough for me
Prohibition was a failure nigger.
That's the cause of all the problems though.
But they're the reason why the libs got voted back into power in the first place
I hear they are banning Defender and Ms. Pac-Man next.
>my truth are the real facts
Unironically kys
This is about Australia mate, all of those things are verboten here.
At this rate we'd be better off with no government ta all.
are you a loser with nothing better to do? if so then go ahead
Dude...soo deep. Kys
pretty sure its just the fact that someone lobbed a trolley on a pole
i don't think there's anything more to it
prohibition worked pretty well, actually. it reduced the prevalence of alcoholism, which was a serious issue.
Truth is generally fact, yes.
T. Uni student
Nigger, consumption of alcohol went UP during prohibition you stupid fuck
I can't i'm asian, it's only a matter of time before I become public enemy number one again. Thankfully Pauline has been distracted by Muslims and Burqa's so I can continue my life of taking it easy and welding doors.
>my truth
Read negro
no it didn't
i bet you think criminalizing theft increases theft too
So you're a facist. Gotcha.
>they're all pants-pissing pussies who think video games will turn them into demons
that's just the politicians though
they're all senile old boomer fucks who should just fucking cark it already
Reduced alcoholism but boosted organised crime significantly
>$89 AUD
user please, that's cheaper than the game is for the yanks at $60 USD, because their price doesn't include the 10% sales tax whereas ours does. You're paying $7 less thank the yanks are after conversion, and our minimum wage is significantly higher. Please stop making us look stupid.
I mean in video games you dense spastics. no shit it's illegal here, but to focus specifically on one thing is just silly.
Keep flipping the coin every 3 years cunts I'm sure you'll get a different result soon!
Australia is a shit country with even shittier people in habbiting it.
I believe the person behind those bans got overthrown after it came to light she was part of a cult
Are you missing the part where to get the complete game you actually have to get the SEASON PASS which costs MORE THAN THE GAME ITSELF?
aboriginal subhuman filth
as long as you aren't a chink you should be okay user
Go sniff petrol from a can.
We're not america you dense cunt
Yeah you sound dumb.
why bother, who fucking cares dude, waste of energy.
Yeah...i mean Australia is way worse.
shit we should probably just have half of the female population hooked on cocaine if the alternative is punishing criminals for not obeying laws
We as in the country collectively, ESL
>Jordies and his nuclear power video
He's better off acting insecure about Warhammer desu
austrailian gets a wish for something, uses it on something stupid.
Do you think it's not the same for Americans? Because it is.
Minimum wage is higher but you're losing about $200 of those wages after tax from an average 9-5 job for 5 days so your average wage of about $800 is really $600. Then you compound this with electricity, gas, other bills and petrol prices and you're left with fuck all and suddenly that game which to get the complete entirety of needs the SEASON PASS as well for a whopping combined $200 approximately in costs. The "game" may as well just be a paid demo.
I don't need a blog of your daily activities
how did a subhuman cunt like you even managed to get an internet connection?
>Have Australian Steam bro.
>He sends me money, I(USA) buy him games.
>He doesn't get dicked+gets all them "banned" games.
Sniffing petrol from a can, you dense cunt.
The EU is worse with censorship. Not by much but its pretty bad.
>The "game" may as well just be a paid demo.
Except the only things in DOA6's season pass are costumes and two characters from a roster of 28. I agree that KT's bullshit is overpriced (and I hate them in particular for their involvement in pulling this shit with Gust after acquiring them) but you're not making a strong argument by making shit up about the content on offer and KT's shit being overpriced isn't a matter of regional price gouging.
No but you should probably decriminalise certain things like marijuana and other drugs and have government control of the supply to actually weaken criminal elements from influencing politics and government politics in general and thereby reduce further burden on the health system as well.
actually what funny is about this is these people laughing at Australia doing this in the west are still OK to censor sexually uncomfortable things by making up the reasons to censor them and insisting both are different when actually in different political contexts, both violent things and sexual things can be equally the subjects to be censored. America is just a tolerated area toward violence, but that is a historically particular product conditioned by various premises only found in america. people should be aware of this stupid hypocritical anti-censorship movement.
Nah i'm like from somewhere else. I'm not stockpiling baby formula, i'm stockpiling cheese and video games.
Australia is a joke and no one will ever respect for you.
nah you don't need to the state having a financial incentive to hook citizens on drugs to generate revenue
lmao cope.
Dude that was just the LAUNCH game pricing, the image isn't even taking into account the other season passes. The pricing is still absurd now especially with the mountains of DLC and fighters locked behind DLC paywalls as well. Pretty sure the current DLC suite for DOA6 is in the thousands of dollars range now.
That only works for prostitution
No amount of softness on druggies will ever be successful
>Implying I pay sales tax
fucking lmao, aussies
It's either tax the product or continue with the indentured slave labour system of the current prison system.
>robot gunners
Merkel cucked that entire continent
no you can just kill drug dealers
It has been successful in other nations.
Yes, and? KT's DLC bullshit is retarded and overpriced, we are in agreement. But it's still not a matter of regional price gouging which I just said and you ignored. As far as prices of our goods go compared to other regions we're in a better place than we've ever been and on Steam in particular the currency change has turned out to be great for us in almost all cases, as opposed to ten years ago where Modern Warfare 2 came out and it cost $60 USD for America and $99 USD for Australia. And that was the standard for years with companies like 2k and Activision.
How has that ever worked? Most organizations will just find more people to deal drugs and take their place. You know why people deal drugs right? Because it's lucrative money and/or they're desperate enough to do it without taking the conseuqences into consideration. If you legalize and regulate the market you eliminate a HUGE reason for people to deal drugs in the first place.
>But it's still not a matter of regional price gouging which I just said and you ignored.
>As far as prices of our goods go compared to other regions we're in a better place than we've ever been and on Steam in particular the currency change has turned out to be great for us in almost all cases, as opposed to ten years ago where Modern Warfare 2 came out and it cost $60 USD for America and $99 USD for Australia. And that was the standard for years with companies like 2k and Activision.
It very much is, if you think regional price gouging doesn't exist in Australia then you are very ill informed and uneducated on the practice that goes on here in relation to pricing with digital goods.
speaking of successful countries, singapore beats and hangs drug dealers
Weed is illegal in my country, but I can go outside and buy a ton without any complication.
That costs a tremendous amount of resources in both manpower and funding. Better to just bankrupt the dealers and put them out of business and never have to deal with them again.
I would care but its an absolutely garbage game so I dont
or i can just kill all of your drug dealers
i'm not going to miss your opiate dealers, lad.
Literally a feminist cult, yes. This was not reported in the media.
nah replacing one drug dealer with another drug dealer is not welfare enhancing
Yeah I know but Singapore had no other alternative given their land size and available arable land and the situation was drastic at the time. This is a nation where the amount of goods changing at port is tremendously frequent and high.
not seeing your point.
Let me put it to you, is it better to line the pockets of corporations who spend nothing on infrastructure or education or to better line the pockets of government where the funding could be better spent in these areas?
Australia is white man "china"
oh golly how was this even a choice. i better line the pockets of the state, so it can do incredibly useful things like give itself generous compensation and invade foreign lands.
That's new Zealand
The point is places like the US, Aus, Canada, UK where you could for instance decriminalise marijuana would reduce the burden on police, hospitals, prisons and social security in these areas and at the same time reduce criminal elements from making a profit and the government could grow their own supply to use for both medical and recreational use since they have plenty of arable land to use for these crops. Singapore does not have this avenue available to them since it's practically importing most of its food and raw materials, there's very little room for raw material production.
his point is that singapore's drug problems is not the same as America or Australias, in fact it was more drastic than either country has ever seen, and their land per person space as well as their extremely important trade ports are far more limited. The need to keep those trade ports safer is very different.
It's not the state, it's all of government in general. Also stop electing corrupt officials if that's your problem.
The porn ban still applies, I think.
based kangaroos, fuck potheads
What’s that, ~12 real dollars?
Now I feel guilty about not watching any Kamen Rider like I've been meaning to.
I thought it was reported in the media? Like at least from other news outlets worldwide.
that's because instead of rating something R18+ and then having parents buy it for their 5 year old kids because they are dumb fucks, the board just refuses classification so the rating never gets used and da chidren is safe.
The whole system is corrupt.
who is talking about marijuana? i can't say i have deep concerns about the human cost of potheads in my country. stick a brick of it in your anus if that's what interests you. when i get 60k marijuana deaths per year, maybe i'll consider it a big problem.
How do you not see yourself as more sad and pathetic than even those stoner idiots?
You know we have functions in place to deal with corruption right? We just need the political will to do it, people going "durr the whole system is corrupt" isn't gonna fix anything.
Well RIP user, i can't help you there.
Blanket statements like this are retarded. What about medicinal drugs? Should everyone who takes a tiny bit of alcohol or marijuana be publicly humiliated and then locked up for 20 years?
Issues like this are always complex and responses/solutions to these issues should be nuanced.
Because the vast majority of drug related offences are marijuana related which in turn lead to an overcrowding of prisons causing a further burden on the system process as a whole. It's not about number of deaths but rather how much financial strain and other resources its costing as a whole in both short term and long term.
You think politicians actually follow the law at this point? They changed our constitution because they were at risk of losing their jobs.
The systems you talk about are run by the same people who are corrupt.
""""""""Medicinal""""""""" marijuana is a croak and it's just people who want to get high because they have """""""glaucoma"""""""
Are you a doctor? Do you have any kind of expertise on this matter at all? What's your stance on alcohol being legal?
Allowing prostitution has been successful in other nations yes
Anybody who thinks the same is true of drugs is retarded
Do it dude, if you don't you will end up regreting it when the presence of weedsters fucks you over
What about the successes in other countries for legalization
A lot of things get "reported" but only to a bare minimun so they can say they were
A good example is the kyoani fire where news coverage was limited because it contridicted anti gun naratives
australian shitposter cant stop shitposting
Hasn't happened except in the minds of deluded fools
And yet other countries have had success in decriminalising or even legalising certain other drugs. Marijuana of all the things should be safe to decriminalise and even legalize.
You don't want it, it's worse than my former cable.
Are you crying about making 800 dollars a week faggot. Learn to spend less on heroin you junkie bastard
The sabotage of the NBN really should have been cause for revolution, I consider everybody involved traitors to the nation
I'm confused how a serial arsonist contradicts poor gun control towards fire arms capable of fully automatic fire, but you're the expert on this clearly
They're making money off filling prisons in the states dude. That's why the war on drugs exists in the first place.
Is there honestly any way of fixing it?
Apparently some experts have suggested the only way to fix it is to tear it all up and start again
What exactly happened with NBN? I wasn't following it closely but it seems like it's been an issue for way longer than I thought it would take to get implemented.
I don't have a minimum wage job user, I actually earn far more than that but i'm aware of the plight of people who do. I don't think you are aware of how much everything costs in general around here if you think $600(after tax) is enough so you're not earning $800 at all.
So youd rather shekelberg and elon cuck take all your money faggot?at least 5 cents comes back to you on each dollar to the government. But if you slob the corporate nob then none of it is coming back to you ever again
Australia and new zelead sound like authoritarian nightmares. Like hell everytime I hear anything about the country its how something was banned or some wacky aussie did something dumb. I cant imagine living there. And im a Floridian.
It's a brit/aussie thing
Trollies in silly places, mostly in rivers
>"nanny" not found
what the fuck
Yes. I’m unironically a fascist.
Fight me pussy.
Those companies don't pay taxes so what's your point?
That's exactly my point you daft fuck. Why give money to jewberg who doesnt pay tax nor help anyone else with his money when the government at least give back a tiny fraction of what we give them. Id rather get a bit of benefit from my money than none at all.
based blind american
I don't see what that has to do with my point our politicians are paid for by mining companies where they just so happen to get high paying jobs when they stop being politicians.
Im not saying America is perfect why is it everytime someone criticizes someone elses country the instant response IS ALWAYS WITHOUT FAIL "well yer country has bad things to"
Eh. Beats America, where your kids get shot up every week.
Great Emu War game when
Yeah that's so much better than your wife getting drenched in acid and your kids raped for years lmao
Our politicians are pussies because they have to appeal to baby boomers who hate everything
Instead of having a one purpose future proofed network the LNP went in on the platform that it could do it cheaper and quicker than the ALP government. Except not only did they take even longer than claimed, it was also twice over budget and WORSE infrastructure and they put a guy in charge(Ziggy) who used to be in charge of Telstra at the time and did absolutely fuck all in developing infrastructure at the time with Telstra infrastructure and instead decided to use the money to invest into foreign telcos instead. He also claim that there's "no demand" for speeds higher than 25 Mbit/s.
At least I can own fire didgeridoos of any size without needin a bangwizzer licenses.
>still thinking the guns meme is real
It’s either seething because they can’t have guns or actual, real, unironic stupidity because they can’t understand statistics or even the concept of BiggerPictureTM
You are a stupid cunt.
What you see on paper and what the reality is are two different things. For instance the majority of the laws in Australia and NZ tend to favour the consumer than the corporation. For example you have a consumer guarantee in law for the products and services you pay for where a product is guaranteed to work for at least 5 years upon purchase date. If the product has a failure then you bring it back to the store upon which they will either fix or replace the product with the same type or similar product or give you a full refund, you don't get to choose which of these you want though since it's discretion of the retailer or manufacturer but in most cases they just replace or refund. Same applies to services where say you got an AC installed you would have a 5 year installer warranty guarantee AND a 5 year manufacturer warranty so no matter where the fault is you're entitled to a working product you pay for.
sorry i live in a nice place so i don't have to worry about being shot
I'm still waiting for the Kuuga BDs.
God DAMN I want to neck myself after reading this. I don't get why anyone votes for the Libs.
>Should everyone who takes a tiny bit of alcohol or marijuana be publicly humiliated and then locked up for 20 years?
Because their mommy did. Or they spend too much time engrossed in American politics and can only think about "owning the lefties"
Post a pic of yourself user
Because a large amount of our media push support for them.
wheely bin
I just want good internet.
because democracy is all about pandering to dumb retards so they vote for you then doing nothing while in power so nobody gets upset at you the next election
You forgot that they also wasted literally billions of dollars of NBN budget on consulting people to see if it could be done better.
>then doing nothing
Liberals aren't doing nothing though. They're actively making the country worse. Thankfully they've got Murdoch press around to tell everyone that it's not their fault
I'm glad the comment section was 90% calling him a retard.
I still enjoy his other content though
... people still PLAY dayz?
Don't you know it's labour's fault despite not being in power for 10 years.
Based, nobody should be playing that garbage
>27th Jul
Nice cherry picking bro you fucking insipid shitcunt.
DOA 6 was released on the 1st of March. The dollar was not even close to the current rate as it is now, it was actually even better and still cost as much. Current trading of the AUD yesterday was around 0.66 USD compared to the 0.77 USD it was in late Jan/Feb/March of that year because you know preorders are a thing. That add an extra approx $10 to the value of the cost and since market traders never trade at mid-market rates the dollar could be anywhere from 0.75 to 0.79 that day.
So what you think would have costed 137.17 after conversion would have actually costed about 155 approx give or take a few at the time during the months of January. So that $89 is the DISCOUNT price as well taken into account when the full game is actually $100 flat. So really if you want to compare it still costs significantly more for us in terms of USD.
Oh there's so much more I could write but really there's just not enough space.
The fact that this country even has a government ratings / censorship board just proves were a bunch of pussy faggot cunts.
>can only think about "owning the lefties"
It's pretty much this really.
Jordies forgets all too often that watching TV all day and reading newspapers doesn't make him an expert on ANYTHING.
Oooooh, you have a political science degree? Fuck off, not even worth the paper its printed on, it's a meme degree like gender studies that has no real world relevance.
But yet he thinks he's an expert on things like economics
Australia more like those fucking chink fucks did this
No actually it's the subhumans who idolize our british ancestry.
I can't believe how many aussies suck the dick of those nanny statist UK losers as if they're not objectively the worst western country on the planet
That was a case of Jordie operating on outdated information and glad people called him out on it. Not surprised though since that's also the same mentality most of the public have on nuclear power, it's stuck in the mentality that it's the same tech from the 70's.
What the fuck do the chinks have to do with government policies on VIDEO GAMES user? Fuck mate let your noggin get some oxygen or you're going to have an aneurysm.
Even if we're talking about 70's technology it's still 1000x safer than coal, and 100000x more efficient than solar or wind.
Who would have thought making the air practically unbreathable has caused more deaths than the literally 2 digit number of people killed in nuclear accidents since the beginning of recorded history?
Guy is a moron
atually bums me out that the libs are in power still, just selling the country off to foreign powers.
After years of fucking immigration these shrimp dick kimchi fucks are in the political parties
Drug use is a big no no in the fuckin CCP
And these fuckers are carving up this nation in their retarded CCP image
Kys zhang hope you all get gassed
Fucking insects
Makes me happy to see the youth being more right wing. Some of them take it too far with the edgy Nazism but if all cards were on the table I’d rather be a Nazi than wherever we’re headed now.
When labor stops trying to steal every civil right Australians have, and stop trying to import the entire 3rd world under the guise of "humanitarianism" and "refugees" is when I'll vote for them.
I'd rather live in a privatized country than Indonesia 2.0 any day of the week
The vast majority of Chinese never even get citizenship, so they can't vote.
Blame the brits, they keep coming over and trying to turn us into the 3rd world shithole they came from just with better weather
yeah, your DayZ ban has got nothing on this. I had to do a parent/teacher interview with a parent in full hijab, despite her son spending every lunchtime playing Insurgency in my lab and shouting offensive phrases as a joke. I should have told her.
The issue that most people have with nuclear energy when I talk to them is about disposal of nuclear waste. When I tell them that nuclear waste can actually be reprocessed back with the modern generators into another reactor thereby cutting down on the waste they act surprised that such a thing was even possible. There's a huge amount of lack of education on the subject for the general public out there.
you're thinking of the greens m8
>I'd rather live in a privatized country than Indonesia 2.0 any day of the week
That the extreme dangerous short term thinking that's going to send the country into the shitter more than anything else you complained about.
Holy shit you're literally retarded, the 27 july price is just a comparison point on the chart, it's not the current exchange rate which is displayed and dated on the left.
>So what you think would have costed 137.17 after conversion would have actually costed about 155 approx give or take a few at the time during the months of January.
So we're getting an even better deal since we're paying $130 for it?
>So that $89 is the DISCOUNT price as well taken into account when the full game is actually $100 flat.
Why are you talking about the discounted price of the main game when I'm talking about the season pass, and why are you pretending that the main game isn't also discounted for both regions?
>So really if you want to compare it still costs significantly more for us in terms of USD.
No, it doesn't, you have failed to understand anything shown to you and failed to present any evidence to support this.
What civil rights are they taking the libs haven't already taken? Or have you not noticed the steady increase of the powers of law enforcement to burrow deep into your asshole while at the same time making it so their highly invasive powers don't apply to politicians?
"Refugees welcome" is the definition of short term thinking.
Once we start letting in the first wave of undocumented pretend refugees the rest will hear about it and the next wave will be 10x bigger, than 100x, then Australia will resemble London.
Gay rights are not civil rights; Shorten may love fags, but he hates freedom. Gay rights are nothing but a distraction from the civil liberties that actually matter, like freedom of speech, which Labor stole.
Shhhh. We need those laws to go after those crook construction unions, don't you know that they're the literal devil?
Mate do you live in Australia at all and are you aware of the term "Australia tax" in regards to digital goods pricing? That's an instance of 1 singular game, we haven't even delved into the subject of other digital pricing goods like software that cost a significant amount more in Australia than anywhere else.
>fallout 76 player lives underneath the map
Click on this article, OP. It looks interesting.
it's what happens when you root for governments to regulate videogames
You think Australia is bad? Wait until the EU starts regulating lootboxes and every single videogame developer pulls out, leaving a huge black hole of missing games behind
As an Australian I can confirm our country is filled with fucking retards
>Gay rights are not civil rights; Shorten may love fags, but he hates freedom. Gay rights are nothing but a distraction from the civil liberties that actually matter, like freedom of speech, which Labor stole.
Who the fuck let the 60 year old Queensland Boomer on Yea Forums?
Guys I'm gonna get Dayz on PS4 and you cant stop me.
>Mate do you live in Australia at all and are you aware of the term "Australia tax" in regards to digital goods pricing?
Yes, I spent years bitching about it because we have a long history of being gouged on regional prices, particularly on Steam between 2008 and 2012 like I mentioned previously with Modern Warfare 2 as an example. Thankfully that rarely happens anymore.
>That's an instance of 1 singular game, we haven't even delved into the subject of other digital pricing goods like software that cost a significant amount more in Australia than anywhere else.
So basically you were completely wrong but now you want to focus on hypothetical other examples to deflect attention away from how fucking retarded you are. Yes there are still cases where we get screwed on pricing but we're in a better place now than we ever have historically been when it comes to digital regional pricing, and you just make everyone look stupid when you rant about shit like that DOA example where it's not even actually happening. I bet you can't even remember when N64 games cost $120 as the standard new release price.
>"Refugees welcome" is the definition of short term thinking.
>Once we start letting in the first wave of undocumented pretend refugees the rest will hear about it and the next wave will be 10x bigger, than 100x, then Australia will resemble London.
No the short term thinking is that you want to screw over everyone because an issue that was exaggerated to you by the LNP. You think that the LNP aren't letting in refugees? They're trading refugees to the US and the US are sending central american refugees here and then Abbot sent 6 refugees to a country in SEA somewhere in Cambodia/Laos for 1 billion dollars per refugee and only two got sent but he still paid the guy 6 billion dollars. Gotta stop those boats though huh?
Letting fags marry is just a distraction so they can say "we care about your civil liberties!" all the while making gun control stricter by the day and making it illegal not to use xirone's "correct" pronouns.
Letting fags marry is the most inconsequential useless "right" even conceived.
Let's be real here, labor and the libs both want to restrict your freedom of speech just as much as the other.
The vote came and went a while ago you're sitting here clutching to it, seemingly unaware that the Federal Government are being run by the Coalition. How are you this one-eyed to the fact that both the Liberal, National and the Labour party have been in lock-step trying to fuck not merely your right to speak out but your literal privacy?
But here you are screaming about Immigrants and Gays, admitting it's a distraction and wholesale falling for it anyway.
>All Aussie Adventures had a third season last year
>muh guns
Fuck off yankee doodle.
>Yes, I spent years bitching about it because we have a long history of being gouged on regional prices, particularly on Steam between 2008 and 2012 like I mentioned previously with Modern Warfare 2 as an example. Thankfully that rarely happens anymore.
When Modern Warfare 2 was released our dollar was almost on a 1:1 parity with the USD at the time which is why the gouging was worse and we didn't have regional pricing then. I know because Shogun 2 was $100 USD on the Aus Steam store despite being $60 USD in the US at that time too.
>So basically you were completely wrong but now you want to focus on hypothetical other examples to deflect attention away from how fucking retarded you are. Yes there are still cases where we get screwed on pricing but we're in a better place now than we ever have historically been when it comes to digital regional pricing, and you just make everyone look stupid when you rant about shit like that DOA example where it's not even actually happening. I bet you can't even remember when N64 games cost $120 as the standard new release price.
No i'm not wrong at all here and i'll go back it up with past financial data if I have to with regards to petrol and energy cost prices in relation at the time. We're not in a better place as it's still just as bad considering digital goods aren't getting cheaper, they've only increased especially as the markups are more than they should be even after currency conversions. Cost of living expenses has gone up significantly that we're still far worse off as we have LESS money to spend with than usual now.
It came out of EA like six months ago
His one on the JSF was retarded as well.
Child abuse/violence against children, Drug use in video games is prohibited if it contains any of these its automatically refused classification. The drug use one is too broad and vague that's its fucking retarded. Say legal narcotics like Codeine, Oxycodone, Morphine is banned.
Funny enough they allow this shit in movies OY VEY
>he literally and unironically fell for murdoch propaganda
its like i'm really reading the facebook comments section of the brisbane times
leave and take your american talking points with you
what a fucking idiot. Shorten isn't even the leader of the party anymore.
What a loser boomer cuck - kys
those are a lot of unproven assumptions that are completely based on literally nothing
If you can't secure your computer, you don't deserve privacy.
That's my stance on the issue.
People too dumb to use a VPN and Linux are willing victims.
It's like driving without a seatbelt then complaining when you get your next snapped
Pussy detected
Enjoy getting raped by a wild abbo
Actually... that'll probably never happen because you're a rich poof who's obviously never had to defend themselves or do anything scary
>Immigrants and Gays
It's almost like genetics is the most important issue a nation can face, you little left wing prog anglo shithead.
I mean, you cannot even stop yourself, you act like the far left conception of LBGT deserves rights. You cannot even speak of liberties if you aren't even willing to speak out against that.
You know, it really is fascinating that a dipshit like you can only name the only non-Jewish person media mogul. I wonder who made sure that was the only one you know. Fucking anglos.
a fuckton of people on australias ratings board are like 60 year old Boomers who still think of Videogames as being literal toys for children
Letting fags marry was an issue of constitutional right that was based on the high court decision that it found that there was no argument or clause in the constitution that forbid same sex marriage. It was nothing but an amendment to a law that for all intents and purposes already exists under Australia law based on defacto relationships and civil unions. The only difference is that by recognizing legal same sex marriages it significantly cuts down on bureacratic issues in case of splitting of assets and other legalities given by rights in marriages except now they don't have to wait 6+ months to sort shit out. Allowing the marriages to be recognized eliminated a shitload of fucking legal issues that used to clog up social services and courts.
now THIS is a desperate strawman
Based Aussies, as if weed is actually the real reason, they just don't want shit games in their country. Others should take note.
>When Modern Warfare 2 was released our dollar was almost on a 1:1 parity with the USD at the time which is why the gouging was worse and we didn't have regional pricing then. I know because Shogun 2 was $100 USD on the Aus Steam store despite being $60 USD in the US at that time too.
Yes, but when the dollar fell the practice still remained for years, and a lot of old games like that only had their prices updated with the changeover to AUD.
>No i'm not wrong at all here
Except you just were completely demonstrated to be wrong about claiming that DOA6 was regional price gouging.
>i'll go back it up with past financial data if I have to with regards to petrol and energy cost prices in relation at the time. We're not in a better place as it's still just as bad considering digital goods aren't getting cheaper, they've only increased especially as the markups are more than they should be even after currency conversions.
You fucking dumb nigger, we're in a far better position, game prices have gone down from the $120 standard they used to be while everything else has gone up over the years, how the fuck do you use petrol as an example without realising this? 20 years ago petrol hadn't hit a dollar to the litre yet and games were $120 a pop, now petrol's $1.40 a litre and games are $90-$100 a pop and you think it's worse? Going from getting regional price fixing working out to $120 AUD after conversion ten years ago is worse than now where it's $100 instead? You are literally fucking retarded and so am I for wasting my time trying to explain this to you.
It's not actually banned from Steam as of yet, its only banned from being sold in local retail stores.
Why would I need a gun to defend myself from an abo hopped up on texta fumes and armed with a stick, you silly bugger?
The ratings board doesn't set the classification rules. They just enforce them.
>as of yet
It won't be, they're abusing some loophole to separate the PC version which has been around for ages from this new rating which was for the console release.
The people on the board determine how it's enforced, the point of the board rules is that it's all about the opinion of the board members as to whether it's suitable for people to experience, so obviously a 60 year old conservative Christian woman is going to be more upset about seeing sex in a video game than a 20 year old guy, and only one of those is going to argue that it's too much for the public to bare and must be refused.
as with every other game that's banned in X country, if you've already bought it it'll still be in your library.
it just wont show up on the store, on search or be purchasable from an Australian IP address.
not that it matters anyway, like 90% of Yea Forums either already have DayZ Standalone or refunded it when it hit v1.0 full release like a year ago.
That's not what's going on here, the game is still available and for sale on Steam.
australia isnt in europe you stupid american
Holy fuck it really is someone LARPing as a Queensland voter.
If they could figure out how to fuck you with laws on that I can guarantee they would. I'm talking about how they made it so police can force companies that run encrypted messaging services to let them read encrypted messages, while simultaneously making it so the only people in the country this can't be done to are politicians.
if you were capable of doing anything challenging you wouldn't be poor. living in a place without niggers is a very low bar that you and yours somehow couldn't reach. should have invested your gun money in books.
>Yes, but when the dollar fell the practice still remained for years, and a lot of old games like that only had their prices updated with the changeover to AUD.
Yeah and guess what? That shit is still going on today albeit it's been less as time goes on.
>Except you just were completely demonstrated to be wrong about claiming that DOA6 was regional price gouging.
Lol no I haven't. I've proved the the price different is significantly higher and the purchasing power is actually weaker in relation to the time.
>You fucking dumb nigger, we're in a far better position, game prices have gone down from the $120 standard they used to be while everything else has gone up over the years, how the fuck do you use petrol as an example without realising this?
PHYSICAL GAMES ARE STILL $120 you fucking muppet.
>20 years ago petrol hadn't hit a dollar to the litre yet and games were $120 a pop, now petrol's $1.40 a litre and games are $90-$100 a pop and you think it's worse? Going from getting regional price fixing working out to $120 AUD after conversion ten years ago is worse than now where it's $100 instead? You are literally fucking retarded and so am I for wasting my time trying to explain this to you.
20 years ago petrol wasn't a dollar a litre yet? You really want to fight me on this one nigga, it was actually DOLLAR AND A HALF and that's just an estimated median which means the price could actually be significantly higher based on the day of the fucking week. You clearly don't know shit. Because the $100 now is WORSE WHEN THE MONEY IS WORTH LESS THAN BEFORE. IT STILL COSTS THE SAME SHIT IF NOT MORE IN CERTAIN CASES. You're a fucking simpleton who goes "DURR HURR HUNDRED IS LESS THAN ONE HUNDRED AND TWENTY THEREFORE I'M RIGHT DURRRRR" and not realise that the hundred dollars now was worth at least hundred fifty or so back then.
No, they follow the law. They don't just get to arbitrary hand out ratings on a whim. That's not an option for them. Parliament has decided on a series of very specific guidelines they have to follow. Even if you were right you're still a fucking retard because almost none of the ratings board members are "60 year old boomers". Most are in their 30s and 40s with a few in their 20s and a few in their 50s.
>PHYSICAL GAMES ARE STILL $120 you fucking muppet.
I just checked EB and literally one game was $110 which was some F1 shit and everything else was $100 or less, you lying sack of shit. I'm not going to bother with anything else you said.
Should just have banned it for being utter garbage.
>They don't just get to arbitrary hand out ratings on a whim.
t. Duterte
>USA pays 10% more for a shit game LMAO
Nice try faggot. There are PS4 games being sold for $149.95 but go on keep backpedalling harder than a fucking circus clown. Love how you got blown out on your "fact" about petrol prices too. Like I said I can back my shit up with real use of data sources instead of cherry picking mid-market currency rates to misrepresent an argument like a fucking economics pleb.
>the hundred dollars now was worth at least hundred fifty or so back then
Does this guy think inflation works backwards?
>There are PS4 games being sold for $149.95
Except those are special editions you disingenuous cunt.
Yeah? And? What's your point?
The Classification Board has no power to change the classification rules nor is it an option for them to just not enforce them. If you have a problem with the rules then take it up with parliament. They are the ones that set them.
No need to make up lies user. That F1 game you referenced is the special edition. I remember PS3 games being $110-$120 in the day too.
It's actually correct when you take into account a few factors like the reserve rate and exchange rate of the time compared to as of current.
To do some absolutely off-topic aussie bitching for a second
>people always shitpost American as having bad healthcare that will charge you $60k plus tip for a broken ankle
>I got charged $1000 for a fucking 5 minute ambulance ride that was called without my consent (because I was fucking unconscious) by the SA Ambulance service
Every time I remember it I'm tempted to go firebomb the administrative offices for the ambulance service. 10% fucking flat tax on everything but they can't pay for fucking ambulances, what an absolute fucking joke of a country.
Well they did cut hundreds of millions from hospital funding not too long ago so that money's gotta come from somewhere
holy shit, have you ever left your house buddy? the shit you see in movies isnt real
Nah, I looked it up and the abulance fee's been like that for ages. It's so they can jew you into buying an 'ambulance membership', literally rob you and then ask for money to not rob you again.
>ambulance membership
Because all Ambulances are private so you get gouged on the cost. It's shit I know but just get some basic ambulance cover fomr a health insurance provider(seems like you're paying again I know) and you will save in the long run. Doesn't help that a shitload of hospital funding got cut as well but at least you didn't(shouldn't anyway) have to pay anything for your hospital stay.
That's state government crap. Federal government gives you free healthcare. State government should be giving free ambulance cover as that's their department but most of them don't.
Depends really.
What the fuck kinda hospital did they take you to? I had to take one down to the public hospital two months ago and I never got charged for anything
the fuck? i've needed an ambulance a few times here in QLD and I just strolled right out of the hospital once I was treated, didnt pay a cent
>Death Stranding Special Edition
>FIFA 20 Champions Edition
>Spider-Man Special Edition
>Star Wars Deluxe Edition
>Anthem Legion of Dawn edition
>Days Gone Special Edition
>Control Limited Edition
>F1 Legends Edition
>Blops 4 Specialist Edition
>DMC5 Deluxe Edition
>Super Villains Deluxe Edition
>Day One Edition
You realise you just proved me right, don't you? All the shit over $100 is some kind of special edition and not a normal release. That's exactly what I said. Someone please tell me this guy is making as little sense to them as he is to me.
The drugs themselves aren't the problem, the scumbag dealers who push them out are absolute degenerates who ruin good neighbourhoods more often than not.
So what are the libs gonna do when coal runs out?
This is retarded, I can literally walk to the store down the street and buy all the weed I want right now
If no one bought them the dealers wouldn't exist.
consolefags btfo
based aussies tbqh with you family, fuck chinks and fuck console peasants
Sell everything to China.
I sleep
No actually I proved you wrong by your own criteria given of which you wrote and I quote "I just checked EB and literally one game was $110 which was some F1 shit and everything else was $100 or less"
That F1 shit that you quoted was the special edition, by your own criteria since you used the "F1 shit" which was a special edition that qualifies by your own argument for the other special editions. Keep backpedalling though user.
Because I didn't realise the F1 game was a special edition, and I didn't expect you to be retarded enough to pretend special editions were part of your argument for standard game prices despite them obviously not being relevant.
It's definitely ironic
Public hospital, South Aus
You pay for ambulance membership on your powerbill in QLD. I used to like in QLD too, but when I moved to SA apparently it's different and an 'optional' fee to not get robbed a thousand dollarydoos
>I can't believe how many aussies suck the dick of those nanny statist UK losers
who does this?
Australia is garbage
Holy fucking based
Because a grand majority of the media is owned by Murdoch.
And Murdoch wants the libs in
That'll be $87 (plus tip) sir.
t. Achmed al britanni
And where did the desire to buy them originate? It doesn't spring up out of nowhere.
So it's my own fault that you can't even investigate your own sources of information and present an argument correctly? And yet when I use your own sources of information based on the criteria you presented you feign ignorance? You just keep on backpedalling every time you get proven wrong on your claims. First you got blown out by petrol prices, now you're blown out on game prices you quoted.
Just buy your games from ozgameshop.com
I've used it multiple times and never had any issues. The only thing is it takes 1-2 weeks to arrive.
Non new releases are way cheaper too.
It does actually. Stupid people love short term reward over long term investment.
Who should I buy hardware from?
They're shit now. They used to be a lot cheaper back in the day. Now they are little better than your average local retailer, barring EB.
I used it for years but after a point their prices just went up and up until they were either the same as or more expensive than buying locally so I stopped bothering with them. The three week shipping minimum is pretty shit too especially since they got rid of free shipping after a while.
its a UK gameshop.
True, happened after brexit vote. Still better than pretty much everything else.
Reminder the strongest and most common connection between mass killings across the globe is not Islam or the far right, but mind-altering drugs. From the Moat beheading to Anders to Nice to the Japanese disabled stabber.
>need government approval to mod your car
>No right to free speech & hate speech laws
>laser jammers and detectors banned
>draconian gun laws
>Need a license for fucking air rifles
>Need a fucking license for paintball guns
>Need a license for crossbows
>Airsoft is banned
>LASER pointers over 1mw are banned (effectively banning the vast majority)
>YO YO WATERBALLS are banned
>Novelty toy lighters are banned
>Smokeless tobacco is banned
>Toys containing beads are banned
>Need a helmet to ride a fucking bicycle
>Plain packaging on cigarettes
>Absurdly high taxation on alcohol and cigarettes
>Ecigarettes are banned
>Many violent games and movies banned or censored even after the R18+ certificate was introduced
You know you can get ambo cover for like $50 a year, right?
I do after being robbed yeah, but I easily pay $50 in taxes already, cuntnugget
>happened after brexit vote
No, it happened long before then. I'm talking like 10 years ago they were a good source for cheap games. They haven't been the go to for a long time now.
>Need a helmet to ride a fucking bicycle
>Plain packaging on cigarettes
>Absurdly high taxation on alcohol and cigarettes
There is nothing wrong with these.
>not just paying the $80/year ambulance cover that comes with your power bill
>>Toys containing beads are banned
Inflatable toys. As in you can't have an inflatable pool tube that has beads floating around inside the part that gets blown into, so they don't then get blown out through that hole and inhaled / swallowed. Which is a perfectly reasonable restriction because why the fuck would this be a thing to begin with?
It has nothing to do with non-inflatable toys despite your attempt at misrepresenting it.
This was the first thing I clicked on so I bet the rest is equally stupid.
So what's the go to now?
>comes with power bill
Not in SA
Fuck this state
Take some responsibility mate.
Nobody. Even UK expats begin to shit on the motherland once they get their AU citizenship.
you could apply that to any other aspect of health insurance
why do you allow people to opt out of ambulance coverage if they are already compelled to pay for other risk pooling?
Yes there is dumbfuck. Most developed countries so not mandate helmets on bikes for a reason. If I wish to take a risk, it's my own decision as an adult. Furthermore, people who smoke save money because they die earlier.
Your mentality is why your nation is such a massive nanny state. Enjoy.
>Take some responsibility for something that you didn't even know was different in the state you mvoed to after living in a reasonable state your whole life
Go choke on a 12-gague, nigger.
>Andrew Bolt
The guy is a fuckwit who talks tough but then has a big sook and cry when he's found to be in breach of certain laws, you're a fucking media personality you should know what these laws are. He has no concept of respect and tact and likes to play the victim while criticising others for doing so like a big hypocrite. Guy had the nerve to call Gough Whitlam a communist on the day of his funeral because you know he visited China one time and met with Chairman Mao. He loves to argue that everything is free speech but then cries when his platform and is attacked on those same principles of the free speech he so loves to tout because as i've said before he's a massive hypocrite.
Not really, like all places they'll only walk over you if you let them.
As fucked as it is, there are some good ISPs that make internet pretty serviceable for normal usage.
based bro
unless you are going to clean your own brains off of the pavement i wouldn't go around with the personal choice on helmets lad
What's the effect of weed in Dayz?
Its not a ban it just doesnt meet outdated classification system that the regulatory bodies refuse to update
I remember buying State of Emergency off the shelf in EB Games when I was like 10.
I never found a replacement reliable retailer of cheap new releases. At least, not something that compared to what it used to be like. I suspect there was some sort of crackdown with the distributors to enforce regional pricing or at least to narrow the gap a bit. I do remember many years back one of the online stores brought in a price increase for importers and they said the reason why was because Take Two had contacted them and said they would cut them off if they didn't do it.
>Yes there is dumbfuck. Most developed countries so not mandate helmets on bikes for a reason. If I wish to take a risk, it's my own decision as an adult.
Sure, you can still make that decision if you like but you just have to pay a fine to do so. Helmets on bikes are a good reason because it's the difference between a fucking concussion and your brain matter splattering all over the fucking road. At least you'll live longer to post more retarded views if you wore a helmet.
>Furthermore, people who smoke save money because they die earlier.
They don't fucking die instantly, they fucking die slowly and take up hospital beds and time of doctors and nurses while doing so and exhaust the health care system.
>87 dollaridoos is bad
Fuck off it's nearly 900 dollars in WA
That's the thing, I am pretty sure the game doesn't even have any lol.
>Most developed countries so not mandate helmets on bikes for a reason
They actually do.
you can't stop talking about how cool you are and how much weed you smoke to everyone within earshot
how the fuck are you aussies post on Yea Forums?
i thought all major ISPs in australia blocked Yea Forums
>900 dollars in WA
I know that feel dude, I had to pay that much as well. And that's why I got myself some ambulance cover for myself with Medibank. Dunno if someone else has a better deal now though I should probably look around again.
Lol no.
No that was just idiots on Telstra DNS and mobile posters. Anyone on other ISP's and on home networks were fine.
>The guy is a fuckwit who talks tough but then has a big sook and cry when he's found to be in breach of certain laws, you're a fucking media personality you should know what these laws are.
Dude, Andrew Bolt is a dick but even the left wing ABC's Media Watch has defended him on this sort of stuff and they are all about shitting on Murdoch's press. It's wrongthink bullshit and nothing more.
Tough shit. They signed up for the job.
Mongoloid. I am aware that helmets can save lives, but as an adult it's my OWN decision whether or not to wear one. Most nations understand this, while yours doesn't.
>they don't fucking die instantly
Yet they still save money because they die earlier. Living to 90 is extremely costly in medical costs, and diseases like Alzheimer's and dementia cost far more than cancers from smoking.
If you truly wanted to save money on healthcare, you'd push for legalization of euthanasia. That way if I get lung cancer or a stroke, I can apply for an exit.
Nations like Denmark and the Netherlands who live and breath biking don't mandate it.
>it's my inalienable right to traumatize emergency workers
I can get mandating helmets for children, but adults should weigh the risks and choose accordingly. Hell, I would be in favor of incentives to get people to wear helmets.
Optus blocked shit to. Sucks if I want to samefag my video game thread on mobile because Yea Forums doesn't reply.
Because our government parties are full of baby boomer moralfags.
>the hitting that age where you get the penalty for not having private cover
Ban cars that can go above 100km an hour because speeding kills many. Ban human driven cars once self-driving ones become accessible to the public.
Ban motorcycles because they're just too dangerous.
Mandate that everyone who goes outside has to wear a helmet and padded clothing. After all, we don't want people slipping or tripping and breaking their skulls on the pavement.
Your nanny mentality could be taken to the extreme. Thank fucking god I don't live in your padded room of a nation. Not even Canada is this bad.
i would just harvest your organs and sell them to the chinese
>Mongoloid. I am aware that helmets can save lives, but as an adult it's my OWN decision whether or not to wear one. Most nations understand this, while yours doesn't.
Yet you understand that it saves lives and refuse to take simple measures to save your own life. I think the real mongoloid here is you. It's a simple matter of putting a cheap insulated covering around your head that in the case you don't die you aren't taking up ambulance and hospital time recovering long term from a head injury that could have easily been avoided.
>Yet they still save money because they die earlier. Living to 90 is extremely costly in medical costs, and diseases like Alzheimer's and dementia cost far more than cancers from smoking.
Fuck no dude, those machines they get hooked up on to breathe are limited in availability and expensive. Alzheimer's and Dementia medicines are nowhere close to the cost of the shit it takes to keep lung cancer patients alive from smoking.
>If you truly wanted to save money on healthcare, you'd push for legalization of euthanasia. That way if I get lung cancer or a stroke, I can apply for an exit.
This I agree on not only because it relieves burden on the health care system but also any way to end prolonged terminal suffering should be available to the person suffering.
Oh yeah I forgot about Optus too.
>Hell, I would be in favor of incentives to get people to wear helmets.
There is, it's called "don't be a dumb cunt and protect your head or we're going to fine you". The incentive is you get to live AND save some money.
>people dumping trolleys a brit/aussie thing
you're a retard
It's not that bad unless you're like a literal 50+ boomer dude. Even in my 30's it's not that much.
bcuz they gay
Forget the Chinese, sell them to Clive Palmer. I'm sure he could do with a nice meal and he'll pay anything to stick it to the Chinese.
That's not what "abandonware" means, doofus.
Ive never heard of anyone being fined for not wearing a helmet on a push bike and I see dozens riding around without them in the city every day.
I thought you meant motorcycles btw, in which case helmets should be mandatory unless you actually want to die in which case go ahead.
What is the difference between labor and liberal?
t. 27 and still can't tell.
Based Quentin poster.
They pander to different groups of the population. Thats about it.
>Go choke on a 12-gague, nigger.
You're an adult, ignorance isn't an excuse to not have basic life shit sorted.
>Thinking someone was seriously advocating for no helmets on a fucking motorcycle
Jesus christ what an idiot.
Go to /o/, they argue about it all the time.
>Yet you understand that it saves lives and refuse to take simple measures to save your own life. I think the real mongoloid here is you. It's a simple matter of putting a cheap insulated covering around your head that in the case you don't die you aren't taking up ambulance and hospital time recovering long term from a head injury that could have easily been avoided.
Because I'm an adult. If I wish to undertake an action that puts me and only myself at harm, I should be allowed to do so. "Muh healthcare" costs are bullshit. Why aren't you pushing for euthanasia to be legal? It would save a lot in terms of health costs. Your logic could be taken to ban virtually anything that poses a danger.
All you've convinced me is why universal healthcare is a shitty idea. It leads to a massive loss of negative liberties over faulty logic.
>Fuck no dude, those machines they get hooked up on to breathe are limited in availability and expensive. Alzheimer's and Dementia medicines are nowhere close to the cost of the shit it takes to keep lung cancer patients alive from smoking.
Oh look. You greatly underestimate how much medical expenses you rack up if you live to 90. Alzheimer's is the most costly disease to treat by far, look it up.
Motorycle helmets or bicycle helmets?
Labor panders to unions while liberals pander to employers in regards to economic policy. Apart from that there's no difference.
Labor are Diet Greens and Liberal are One Nation Lite.
libs are a collective corporate enterprise designed to sell off institutions and infrastructure built using taxpayer money to private interest for pennies
labor don't own the media so are an unsustainable government body
In a nutshell Labor is Centre Left and Liberal is Centre Right. USUALLY that is how it is in a basic nutshell though in recent case Shorten was actually more Right leaning and Turnbull was actually more Left leaning. There's a few different factions within the parties themselves as well that are either more left/central/right.
It gets even more confusing when you realise that the left leaning/wing party might employ what is considered actions that a right leaning/wing party might have done in power like when Paul Keating deregulated banks.
national drunk activity
What on earth gave you the idea labor doesn't privatise public assets?
Nobody I know who lives in Australia, or most countries, follows the law at all.
At this point laws only exist so old out-of-touch retards have an income, most are willfully unenforced and judges get to do whatever they want.
The only time laws work is when there's a gun right behind them, and eventually Australia is going to cross some line and cause some bogan to just obliterate every single level of government since none of them have any protection and live in shitty dinky houses in the burbs.
What has Labor privatised?
More likely english is not his first language and he used the sentence structure of his mother tongue like Yoda, you monolingual anglo cuck.
>You know, it really is fascinating that a dipshit like you can only name the only non-Jewish person media mogul
Because he's the one that owns most of the biggest Australian newspapers and Sky News, retard
>Because I'm an adult. If I wish to undertake an action that puts me and only myself at harm, I should be allowed to do so.
Problem is you're not actually harming just yourself, you can cause psychological harm to others if you fucking splatter your brain matter all over the road because you didn't want to wear a damn helmet. Your actions have an effect on others, it's not limited to just you. You splatter yourself over the road and you have to get a whole bunch of people out to cordon off the scene, investigate the accident, clean the accident site, notify next of kin and etc. There's a whole system of people you just pulled out because of your shitty decisions.
>"Muh healthcare" costs are bullshit. Why aren't you pushing for euthanasia to be legal? It would save a lot in terms of health costs. Your logic could be taken to ban virtually anything that poses a danger.
I fucking agreed with you on euthanasia to be legal.
>Oh look. You greatly underestimate how much medical expenses you rack up if you live to 90. Alzheimer's is the most costly disease to treat by far, look it up.
You realise that article is taking into account TAX REVENUE of tobacco right as in both the sale AND growing of tobacco? Nobody fucking taxes Alzheimer's sufferers so of course they would seem more costly because they're not generating tax revenue for having Alzheimer's.
Well that's bloody retarded.
Australia undivided
>It gets even more confusing when you realise that the left leaning/wing party might employ what is considered actions that a right leaning/wing party might have done in power like when Paul Keating deregulated banks.
Because Keating was an economic fucking genius. That's all he cared about.
Thinking in terms of absolute "left-wing" or "right-wing" is stupid and is poison to democracy.
what are your thoughts on my throwing my shit on your road?
>The internet
Just off the top of my head Optus, Qantas and the Commonwealth Bank were all privatised by labor. They've done lots of privatization over the years. Especially on the state levels. The notion they don't support privatization is just complete crap. They were also responsible for a lot of deregulation. They are not the democratic socialists they claim to be.
Our governments full of pussies
Oh I agree he was a genius, probably our best Treasurer and one of the most cunning and clever politician we ever had. I was just using it as an example that just goes to show that both the major parties in Australia will sometimes have an overlap in policies despite being considered "left or right" so to speak because for the most part they're generally quite centrist with slight leans left or right. Generally but not always.
The problem is you're still trying to fit them into their little boxes. What matters is the policies of the party at the moment. But no one bothers to look up the policies of any given party, because they just go
>oh well Party X is left wing and I'm left wing so I'll vote for them!
private prisons only have like 8% of the prison population, but statist retards always go on about it
people committing crimes get gun and drug possession charges in state prosecutions, because those are easy to prove. there's no argument over proving intend for these offenses. it's not because of private prisons.
You're right that the policies of the party at the moment are important and that's usually by the quality of the individuals in charge or in power but i'm only using the left/right descriptors based on their historical origins. That user said he had no idea on how to tell the difference between the two so I just wanted to give a basic rundown of the parties in general and the platforms and origins.
You against public healthcare in general or what? What the fuck is an ambulance ride any different?
>You know we have functions in place to deal with corruption right?
We haven't had that since 1996 when the populace collectively bent over and spread their cheeks.
No it's still a buggy, shitty mess and melee combat still feels like you're hitting the zombies with thin bamboo canes
>Optus, Qantas and the Commonwealth Bank were all privatised by labor
Shit why weren't they huge fuckups like Telstra was?
Keating privatised them because they were all failing, yes.
Yes always notify las enforcement of drug activity. I just found out last night that my long time friend, who has a young child mind you, has been using marijuana. It’s illegal here and I plan on submitting an anonymous tip on him to law enforcement tomorrow morning.
>he thinks privatising the ABC is a bad thing
At this point the ABC are just as much Liberal shills as all the commercial stations. Privatising it would just mean they could be more honest about it