Im back with more information regarding monster hunter...

Im back with more information regarding monster hunter, more details came from the source since the game apparently is releasin within the next 6 months
Related mh announcement coming october 2nd (see bottom of this post)

> new mh is called monster hunter shin (in the west will be called mh s)

>signature mon is an eagle with egyptian vibes called syphorusa or something like that, dont quote me on the name

>game is more classic Oriented than World, however some qol stuff carries over like healing while moving and infinite whetstones

>new weapon type looks like gauntlets or iron knuckles

>styles and arts return

>game focuses more on portability, maps are smaller than World so you can get right to the fight, however maps are bigger and more dynamic than gen ult

>graphically not as good as World but more colorful and stylized, think of a pretier gen ult

Now, for this information, I was not sure to included it since I have not verified it, but I have heard that a new character for smash is the hunter, will look like pic Related.
What makes me unsure is that the source said this character is not part of the dlc pass, but since I am not Related to nintendo I dont know how smash works, this info just came along the posted above

Announcement october 2nd

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>nintendofags still this delusional

Why the fuck would capcom go back to the old school niche version of the games when World has been a massive success? If anything we're more likely to see a visually downgraded version of World on the Switch (seeing as how the Witcher 3 shows that things can just barely run on switch when certain things are sacrificed like graphical acuity and audio quality)

Attached: 1566068112856m.jpg (1024x775, 145K)

>leaking in Yea Forums

Literally nothing here becomes true, kys tranny

All the verified leaks for Iceborne have come from here.

god, who

the fuck


>releasing in the next 6 months
>releasing within 5 months of console iceborne and 2 months of the pc version
that's just stupid business practices even if it's a switch game

Yeah sure they’ll totally announce and tease a game despite the teams only working on Iceborne or whatever the new game will be that’ll release in like 2 years (that’s not portable)

Fuck off with your lies. Fake leaks aren't fun anymore.

Generations Ultimate released the exact same month as MHW on PC, so there is precedent. This is still fake as fuck, but not because of the proximity of release to other products.

I'll never really understand the people that try to differentiate MHW and the games before it as "Classic" style and "Modern" style or something when the overall amount of changes not only aren't really outside the scope of the series progression as is but also don't take anything "classic" out of the game in any meaningful way and even bring back lesser but more "classic" elements in a stronger light like the area being more important.
Also I'm pretty sure they wouldn't name a flagship Syphilis.

that was a port to the switch, XX had its initial release nearly a year before world

Stop console wars. More monster hunter games is a good thing faggot. Op is full of shit tho

It was still the the first release of the game in the west you idiot.

Yeah, I don't care. Monhun went to shit starting with 4 anyways.

>Unironically acting like a boomer.
Imagine just casually admitting you peaked in high school like that.

>styles and arts

Right into the trash can with all of it

>If you don't like the newest things you're a buzzword
Fuck off, faggot.

GenU is the hardest game to date, almost as hard as Frontier

That doesn't make styles or arts any less shit.

Absolutely delusional

Every single larp fag trys to same monster hunter S! Will come to the switch... such a uncreative made up name

>Old MH
Stop pushing this meme, selling 3-4 million units per game is not niche by any stretch of the word.

Only in Japan though. Having a game that actually requires some degree of skill to beat isn't even niche; it plain doesn't exist anymore. MH was the last franchise to do that.

So it's a handheld monhun?

>when World has been a massive success?
Japan has the final say on success.

Attached: World is a flop in Japan.jpg (1225x243, 117K)

>main mon is egyptian themed
>right after last handheld MH final mon was Egyptian themed

>arts and styles return
>director that added arts and styles has been working on Iceborne as director

The obvious westernization in World and further westernization in IB is a clear signal that the age of the japanese opinion is over.

Ichinose isn't working on Iceborne. Ichihara is.

Say that again when the fire rises from Capcom's HQ

Japanese sales have been dropping since Portable 3rd.
Nice attempt trying to say it's a flop though.


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Nigga you must be the retard because this is the seventh version of MHSwitch a delusional fag has tried to push with contradictory info.

Yea Forums probably gets more legit leaks than any other site, it just also gets more fake leaks so the real ones often get lost in the crowd.

There's a shitload of fake leaks so the real leak is probably in there somewhere.
Some are obvious bullshit.
OPs is semi plausible. But we won't find out until a year or so when they actually release/don't release a game on the Switch

This is false and untrue.

i'll be honest, NergigATnte is not even worth your time. is just a power up nerg, with a short slam move which turns out bullshit. i've wasted sleep ammo and bombs only to take down its horn and sometimes you wonder if its worth with that bullshit short slam it makes

Just roll to the right bro

Not really, Portable 3rd just sold a fuck ton. It's an anomalous case.
>P3rd - 4.840.930
>3U - 1.941.106
>4 - 3.897.628
>4U - 2.716.440
>X - 3.136.563
>XX - 2.135.369
>World - 2.961.940
Numbers are fairly stable after third gen, new games can be expected to sell around 3-4 million while expansions can be expected to sell around 2-3 million.

This. I have not taken a single hit using light bowgun or db if i just keep strafing and he misses his instant slams every time.

>announcing a new mainline MH game before Iceborne is even out
At least watch a 2 minute video explaining the fundamentals of marketing before making a fake leak, Nintengroid.

I think you need to learn how to read, user

>>styles and arts return
fake and gay
they wouldn't put this shit in again, it was a one off for generations

Capcom's yearly plan revealed they only had iceborne as a AAA "New game", if you will, product for the rest of their financial year. Prior to that, people were speculating RE3make might come out January/February 2020.

"Monster Hunter Shin" is a delusion you have conjured, for what purpose other than attention whoring on a Laotian taxidermy forum who knows.

I think styles are fun. An idea is to perhaps unlock it when you get HR break so you can't cheese your progress with valor and adept.

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I don't think this would really be considered an AAA title if it actually existed.

How about keep that gay shit out of monster hunter entirely?

don't use it then or perhaps you should just stick to world?

>don't use the gay gimmick that shaves literal minutes off the hunt
>everyone online abuses that shit anyway

but just dont use it bro!!
and yeah I'll stick to World, mantles are far less offensive than GUs shit and other fags using them online at least mostly just prevents them from carting

I mean we never got anything more about the ancient civilization which Ahtal ka was based on right? Could be tied in with that


Monster Hunter World was Japan's best selling game in 2018, it's doing pretty well