I doubt. It's probably some pachinko shit,.
The trademark ruled out pachinko
The next Silent Hill game isn't being developed by Konami. However, they are likely working more closely with the outsource teams than prior games. (And hopefully they're not giving the teams insane 1 year deadlines like they did with Climax and SH: Origins.)
best game on ps1 second only too digimon world
No thanks that franchise has long been dead much like Metal Gear.
The last Metal Gear game was released in 2018. The last Metal Gear remasters were in 2017. If that's dead, I'm a bag of hamsters in a man costume.
A new SH is in development, BTW.
No thanks all of those have been shit, metal gear died when 4 came out. Geez kinda like Silent Hill. Some franchises have to know when to stop.
does anyone even want any more silent hill at this point
let the poor bastard rest
Please don’t fucking tell me it’s another western sh. Konami is stupid but not THAT fucking stupid
Franchises can come back from the dead with 1 good reentry in the series
They tried Japanese Silent Hill multiple times, and it didn't work out. So of course it's being developed outside Japan. Hopefully it manages to be Shattered Memories-tier.
Oh they still exist. The problem is most of them are working on mobile games in Konami
>No thanks all of those have been shit, metal gear died when 4 came out. Geez kinda like Silent Hill.
How is that possible when Silent Hill: Shattered Memories and Silent Hill: Origins were better than their predecessors?
yeah it was called PT and the fucking axed it
Considering how Kojimbo was gonna turn it into a streambait walking sim, no, not really. I doubt anybody could really do Silent Hill right any more anyways.
They just can’t seem to get the small scale characters right any more, the pacing of the games after 2 were a little wonky, and after 4 all sense of atmosphere died.
I’d argue the gameplay has never been good, and really, I don’t even know what kind of gameplay I’d want to see in Silent Hill.... perhaps if they went the REmake route? But they’d never do that so there’s no point in even wishing for refined tank controls.
No it wasn’t. There’s plenty of more shit that can be done with the ip. Silent Hill is one of the most lore heavy games out there. People are still debating their interpretations till this day.
PT was just a tech demo. It's not Konami's fault the director of the game was meant to promote bailed on them.
It wasn’t axed because it would have been a bad game. It was axed because of kojima/Konami’s autism.
Will we finally get the Walter Sullivan circumcision storyline we needed?
>There’s plenty of more shit that can be done with the ip
Like what? Please. Explain to me your generic "dude spooky therapist town " Silent Hill game idea.
>If a game has an interpretative story then it has """lore""" which somehow justifies endless sequels
There’s a strong possibility it’s a remaster by Bluepoint
Please no.
> People are still debating their interpretations till this day
Reminds me of that horrible “Silent Hill 2 was actually all about feminism video series” that came out recently.
The series doesn't need a new fucking game.
What it needs is a fucking good re-release collection of SH1-SH4
But that won't ever happen because of the HD collection fuck up and Konami being the shitheads they are right now.
I'm all for people getting versions of the game through the PC version and for emulators. Fuck this company.
>People are still debating their interpretations till this day.
Exactly so why do we need fucking sequels?
I would be very very disappointed if that were the case. Wasn't a fan of the new Shadow of the Colossus remake and what they did to the atmosphere.
It's not going to be scary because you're an adult now
Now it'll just hit closer to home.
Aside from 1-4 what other japanese sh games were there?
Unironically cope
Because if done right it would be a good game? I never understood this argument of people not wanting more games in a classic series, the original games will never dissapear, they will always be there for you to play regardless.
Where's my 1408 videogame?
Five. This is five. Ignore the sirens. Even if you leave this room, you can never leave this room. Eight. This is eight. We have killed your friends. Every friend is now dead.
Has anyone checked if this forum poster is even legit?
You sound like a nigger.
>I never understood why we shouldn't endlessly sequelize everything
I fucking hate zoomers
I really liked Shattered Memories
>Because if done right it would be a good game?
And why would you want just an okay sequel when a better new IP could be created with that team and resources?
A canned Japanese SH game circa 2007. Another canned one circa 2013. There have been a LOT of canned SH games, DESU. The Japanese ones are more difficult to find info on due to the secretive nature of the Japanese games industry.
This is not the argument being made, though. People bemoan the death of SH and wish for a return of the series, but, should Konami greenlight one, they'll cry that if the game is bad (and they'll assume it'll be), it will retroactively devalue their childhood/adolescence.
If a reentry in a series is a good game then what’s the problem? Some of the best games ever made were sequels or reentries on an existing ip.
>I’d argue the gameplay has never been good
You don't know what gameplay means
Doesn't matter if he's legit. That particular programmer returned to Konami in 2017 and was promoted to a management position in their console games division. It's even mentioned in Konami's investor news feed on their site, although in a low key manner.
Shattered Memories is absolute kino. The biggest mistake Konami made was not porting it to PC. Imagine the game in VR, too.
If a series is finished then why fucking drag it out of the grave?
im not that other user but i believed that silent hill would be interesting with a character with multiple personality disorders. i believe that silent hill manifests itself uniquely for the persona its dealing with as a personal hell, and i wanted to see a silent hill game with multiple versions of the town in the same game, to represent different facets of precived sins.
tl;dr version, i wanted to see silent hills, or what i thought it would be, a multi town silent hill in one game
So zero games that came out or even left the alpha stage? Gotcha, next time don’t run your moronic mouth unless you can back it up.
Because i like silent hill games and would like to see more.
>People bemoan the death of SH
No, they bemoan how fucking awful the series was raped after Team Silent retired. Most everyone was satisfied after SH4 acted as an experimental epilogue for the series
In the case of SH, it has some nice lore and an interesting premise that can be explored in different ways. For the publisher, name recognition can help sales.
mite b cool
Day 1 buy. Deluxe version and I prepay for dlc.
>lore that can be explored
Yeah you missed the entire point of Silent Hill.
>Silent Hill is one of the most lore heavy games out there. People are still debating their interpretations till this day.
that's total bullshit, but you're still correct that there's plenty more that can be done with it. the reality is basically the opposite of what you say, Silent Hill is very simple and with very loose lore. it can be taken almost anywhere as long as it's good.
True. I mean they do exist, but good luck getting them back together and for modern-Konami to not somehow fuck it over.
This I personally disagree with. Beating a dead horse or oversaturating something? Certainly. But in, say, a hypothetical scenario where the (or a) team who can make it work truly gets on it AND enough time has passed that it'd be a welcome return? I still believe in it.
Then replay the Silent Hill games, and follow other projects from the people involved with Silent Hill. Widen your horizons you cretin. Play Siren 1 - 3. They're basically Silent Hill games and they were created by the Silent Hill creator
Are you illiterate? Konami tried repeatedly to make Silent Hill games in Japan, and it never worked out. This is why they're returning to outsourcing the series to a non-Japanese studio.
trash idea
>No, they bemoan how fucking awful the series was raped after Team Silent retired.
Nah, it's mostly fuckwits who think their idiotic fan theories trump the word of people who actually worked on the games.
See the sheer retardation that is the boiler theory for a good example of this.
I know that the exploration and combat are clunky as all shit, the argument could be made that it’s made to be that way as your character is just a regular person with no prior experience in both regards, but I think that’s debatable. Still, the lighting, atmosphere, art direction, story, puzzles... pretty much everything else more than makes up for some lackluster gameplay here and there. Like I said, it’d be nice to get a remake of the first 2 games with REmake style refinements to the movement and combat, but that’s not gonna happen any time soon.
>and follow other projects from the people involved with Silent Hill.
I don’t play mobile games
The exploration is great though
Siren isn't a mobile series.
I remember the movement aspect of it feeling pretty bad, but the actual act of exploring is nice.
>rusecruise fags shitpost about a new MGSV being shown at Gamescom
>instead a new Sillent Hill will be shown
>we will now have to deal with "Sillent Hill is actually MGS" bullshit for anothe year
silent hill......BOOK OF MEMORIES 2
> They tried Japanese Silent Hill multiple times, and it didn't work out
Just fucking how? The only Japanese Silent Hill entries are 1 to 4 and they were literally the best ones, both quality and commercial wise
>Then replay the Silent Hill games
I have been for 16 years
>and follow other projects from the people involved with Silent Hill
Such as? The only good ones were gravity rush
>Widen your horizons you cretin
Just because I play and enjoy silent hill games doesn’t mean I don’t play other games in the same genre and others
>Play Siren 1 - 3.
I have and they’re decent at best.
>They're basically Silent Hill games
They aren’t
Only if John Cusac lends his likeness and voice to the game.
Then move on with your life. Play new games.
The projects kept falling apart during development. Again, this is why Konami have given up on trying to make a Silent Hill game in Japan, and are going back to what actually worked -- outsourcing it.
Also, no. SH2 was a catastrophic failure when it first released and almost killed the series. By SH4, the series was crumbling because each new SH game sold so much worse than its predecessor.
>few years
Yeah. Okay retard
>Play Siren 1 - 3. They're basically Silent Hill games
A finished franchise isn't obligated to continue just because you want it to.
So is this a REmake of SH?
>Don't want new entries in a series you like
Holy fuck you're retarded. Another shitty entry in a series that already has mediocre to shit entries isn't going to hurt anyone.
A franchise isn't obligated to end just because you want it to.
Dunno why anyone would want anything related to V unless it was just redeveloped from ground up closer to its original vision. You’d need to
>bring back the darker and taboo elements that had Journos panties in a bunch
>give us the fucking Chico boss
>have actual BB become the demon he was supposed to be
>give us some actual bosses
>finish Africa
>finish the fucking game
I think it’d be a little to much work.
>SH2 was a catastrophic failure when it first released and almost killed the series
Are you retarded? it's the best selling entry by a large margin
>i know you are but what am i
Oh so you're just underage.
Why do people think Kojimbo would have made a bad SH? They had Junji Itou, some team silent guys and del Toro all involved. It probably wouldn't have been like 1 or 3 but I could see a new different take style like 2 or 4 easily.
I am so fucking sick of these kinds of horror games at this poijt
This is literally the mindset of the average consumer. Just look at how they all gobble up the endless capshit movie sequels.
>Why do people think Kojimbo would have made a bad SH
Because he clearly had no idea what he was doing based on interviews, and his style doesn't jive with Silent Hill at all. Kojima doesn't fucking work when he's limited by someone else's vision
How about a 1488 game
Could a SH/RE crossover ever work?
There's a reason Konami almost turned Silent Hill 3 into a rail shooter in an attempt to save the series.
But the concept trailer was great and the that corridor sequence with the massive slug woman was fantastic.
>he had no idea what he wanted
He did though. He was talking about parallel dimensions and they were going, partially, for a Tomie aesthetic.
Nobody is saying they personally deserve anything, they’re simply stating they would like to see another good Silent Hill game. Why does this anger you so much?
how the fuck that ever "save" anything?
Why are asians so obsessed with useless shit like pachinkos, rail shooters, etc...
>But the concept trailer was great
>He did though. He was talking about parallel dimensions
He was talking about how the game would make players shit their pants, and PT was fucking jumpscare youtuber bait.
Sounds like you don't understand Silent Hill at all.
Umbrella creates a VR simulation of a town destroyed by a coal fire and a cult
It's simple. Japanese audiences hated Silent Hill 2. It was seen as not being a "real" Silent Hill game. Its fanbase is largely weebs.
>how the fuck that ever "save" anything?
horror games don't sell that well, also japanese audiences are extremely hard please
don't give me hope, user.
The concept trailer was fucking trash specifically because it was so goddamn noisy. In fact everything released about Silent Hills was nothing but OOGA BOOGA haunted house shit
I was willing to forgive a lot personally if I would have seen some hint of combat in that concept trailer, but nope, more haunted house bullshit. I understand why they tried it though. Amnesia was still pretty hot at the time and those sorts of horror games were still blowing up.
Still, nothing is more immersion breaking then facing a situation you feel like you’d be able to fight and would irl, but being forced to run away because the game won’t let you.
Also, the enemy design wasn’t looking to promising at all with all of them just coming across as spooky looking humans. 1-4 had some god tier designs for the monsters, and even 4 had some solid reasons for throwing in spooky human enemies.
>Please make Silent Hills for us, Kojima.
>*a year later*
>So how's it going?
>Well, you see, I need to fly to Iceland and then to Normandy.
>For research.
>Silent Hill is set in America, though.
>Have I ever been wrong about anything?
>Okay, I guess you can have our money to go fly to Iceland to research your Silent Hill game set in America.
>I'll also need money to take my celebrity friends out for drinks.
>Wait a minute...
>*a few months later*
>And I think we should announce Dea-- I mean, Silent Hills BEFORE we get the lead actor's signature on the document. I don't see how this could possibly derail negotiations and fuck you over.
>Well, you are Hideo Kojima whom we trust and respect, so I guess it's okay.
I'm going to fucking scream if it turns out Kojima never left Konami and this is just the most genius marketing strategy of all time and that Death Stranding is actually literally just Silent Hills.
>But the concept trailer was great
Typical zoomer post really. The game is called Silent Hill, and judging the game on the series it's based on, no, it was not a great concept trailer. In fact it was the opposite of great. It was literally the Borely Haunted Mansion segment in SH3, but it would have been the entire game with nonsensical multiple dimension shit. If Kojima wants to make a haunted house prallel dimension shit, then more power to him, but he can't call it Silent Hill and not expect to be made fun of.
I lost faith in PT when the spooky jumpscare lady had a fucking insanely loud music stinger when she jumpscared you. Silent Hill never pulled shit like that
is silent hills the most lovecraft game?
That’s why it was called Silent Hills and not Silent Hill
>Wasn't a fan of the new Shadow of the Colossus remake and what they did to the atmosphere.
You retards are the worst.
Nope. I remember one of the scariest fucking moments I had in 2 was getting stuck in that well and thinking I had fucked up a puzzle. My last save wasn’t for a while and I’m claustrophobic in real life so I genuinely began to panic and just started hitting the walls not knowing one would break. That, the Pyramid Head chase that never took you out of the gameplay, the ost, and the subtle sounds you’d hear off screen, and the genuinely disturbing enemy designs and animations(especially in 4), that’s the kind of thing that made SH so scary.
So no.
>modern konami
I won't give them a dime.
>this news hits 3 months before “death stranding” is released
I apologize were right all along
Silent hill = dead
Fatal frame (owned by nintendo) = dead forever
Siren = dead
Clock tower = lol
Dino crisis = >Capcom
Alone In The Dark = in the trash can
Resident evil = alive
horror games are truly dead.. at least keiichiro gave us Gravity Rush, god bless him.
That's basically Evil Within
Lovecraft was big on the fear of the unknown and those themes are shared by a lot of other horrors, not to mention the nips love his work so I wouldn’t be surprised if they did take some inspiration here and there, though I don’t think it was much in the case of SH vs something like Saya no Uta.
Following this logic 4 isn't a Silent Hill game either. It's stupid to tie a conceptual horror game to such specific rules, you're limiting scope. 4 and 2 were good because they didn't follow the formula of past games and it let them do something new. The reason new silent hill games keep failing is specifically because of this; trying to recapture a concept with different teams instead of doing something which instills similar feelings through new experiences.
>Fatal frame (owned by nintendo) = dead forever
Meh it'll be fine. They've already said that it'll continue and they wouldn't have added it to fucking Smash Brothers if it wasn't getting a port
>Dino crisis = >Capcom
It'll be back. Capcom is on the rise and they need something new to make now that all of their top dogs have super recent games
No, it's stupid to constantly shoehorn and retcon new elements into a closed narrative for the sake of endless sequels
That logic doesn’t apply at all, and 4 wasn’t supposed to be a SH game and in a lot of ways, it isn’t. It’s good in its own regard, but it isn’t a very good SH game.
Silent Hill is a grab-bag of horror influences. Jacob's Ladder, Session 9, The Cell, Event Horizon, Alice (1988), a bit of Twin Peaks, and just random movies the developers watched. Even random non-horror stuff like Kindergarden Cop. Plus the artwork of Francis Bacon.
>but it isn’t a very good SH game.
Obviously it is. It's experimental, but that's the point.
>Dino crisis
>It'll be back
It’s a good Silent Hill game in the way RE1 or Rule of Rose would be, that’s to say, either would be a completely different game with the name of Silent Hill which is defeating the point of having it be a Silent Hill game in the first place. Silent Hill had a formula it was refining by 3, then they threw that out. 4 was a good game that was able to stand on its own, but it sort of has its own identity outside of Silent Hill.
PT would have been a walking some spooky house simulator so it wouldn’t even be able to fall back on being a good game.
I am fucking sick of that rumor. It was ALWAYS a Silent Hill game, just not mainline. For fucks sake, Walter was mentioned in SH2.
Also, it's too bad Wayforward's DS project never got greenlit. Nor that one next gen game we never got.
Actually, there's a chance Capcom are secretly working on a new Dino Crisis.
Into the trash oit goes
Guess who will be at gamescom as well as Konami ;^)
Doesn't anyone remember Silent Hill: Downpour? I don't care what you guys say, playing as the Boogeyman was an amazing moment, even if it was a bad ending.
please stop this shit
That was actually a novel trick the game had, even moreso when you realize it's not Murphy's Silent Hill, it's Anne's.
Which the DLC would have had you play as. Which then got repurposed into a comic.
>bland and washed out looking
But that's the remaster.
Downpour is overall a very decent game with some fantastic aesthetics and relatively decent gameplay. That recent game A Sinking City strongly reminds me of it. Same deal with The Evil Within 2.
The problem with the game was that Konami kept pushing developers to release because they wanted to keep budgets down.
Downpour had some wonderful atmosphere ruined by some AWFUL enemy design, an annoying police chase gimmick, and some generally bad coding. I remember getting Murphy stuck on bizarre objects like you would in a 3d ps1 game.
It did have one of the best endings in the series though.
bro.. not happening.
Homo demon
>playing as the Boogeyman was an amazing moment
Why? Because you can do nothing and get a different ending? Otherwise it's just a boring section where you slowly walk towards your target and slowly hit it with your weapon.
Kojima doesn't work at all, he's never made a good game.
>Zone of the enders
>boiler theory
The hell is the boiler theory? I can't find anything on it.
I dropped Downpour around that the time that white creature showed up, the one that would scuttle around on the ceiling of the cave and would even drop through a hole in the roof of a shack to harass you. It was the first part of the game that actually put me on edge, but then when it nearly attacked me, it started walking backwards with its animation looking like it was doing jazz hands before jumping back through the roof. It was so comical and the perfect punctuation to the boring disappointment that the game was up until then, and I can't imagine anyone actually wanting to play that mess any further.
The worst part is you aren't even joking. You're 100% serious. I'm genuinely glad I'm not mentally ill like you.
The idea that Alessa wasn't set on fire on purpose. That the boiler exploded and accidentally caused the fire that burned her. It was a stupid theory contradicted by literally every piece of Konami documentation about the incident, and both SH1 and SH3, but when SH: Origins came along, people were straw clutching for lore mistakes that would "prove" that Origins had "ruined the lore".
Twin Perfect were huge fans of the boiler theory, as you'd expect. They're responsibly for popularizing a lot of stupids hit.
4 was a Silent Hill game from inception. The producer literally said the game started out as a Silent Hill game. So no, the logic doesn't apply. The game is also about Silent Hill, because guess what - Silent Hill is about the cult.
>literally every piece of Konami documentation about the incident, and both SH1 and SH3
Post some. I don't know anything about the boiler theory, but Origins literally has Dahlia sneaking around the house as if she set it on fire herself. Why do that if the whole point of the ritual was to impregnate her with God. If she burns to a crisp, no God for you.
Does resident evil count has horror game? The recent remake was okay but far from horror
>caramel was right all along
Just search 'missing memo silent hill 1'
Since fucking when Yea Forums likes Policenauts and Snatcher for fuck sake
Because Origins was made from a story framework that wasn't decided by Climax LA, which was shut down after too much fucking around and the game was transferred to UK, who took the pre-made script and much of the pre-made scenarios and had to make a game out of that.
This lead to massive inconsistencies that Climax UK couldn't change, even after they were discovered.
>missing memo silent hill 1
Can't find anything. I did browse through a list of all SH1 memos, and found this one, so I guess now I know why it's called "boiler theory".
Fire broke out in town.
6 homes destroyed.
Charred body
Of Alessa Gillespie (7)
Found in aftermath.
Cause of fire currently under
Investigations show source
As basement of Gillespie home.
Blaze now believed caused by
Malfunction of antiquated
>Post some.
"That was the young woman burned by her mother as a sacrifice to God... Alessa Gillespie."
That's the most blatant one. There are also various Konami guides that explicitly state the SUN WORSHIPPING CULT set Alessa on fire as part of their ritual to leave her in immense agony to bring about the birth of their god.
The only major issue caused by Climax LA's cutscenes and assets was Kaufmann. They managed to massage pretty much everything else.
Heck, they even covered their ass in the opening sequence. You encounter what appears to be Silent Hill's famous fog, but it turns out to be smoke from the burning house. This allowed them to solve the Otherworld problem a bit. The otherworld doesn't manifest until several hours after the ritual.
The location of the ritual was a minor detail that didn't contract the games themselves, and the fact the fire was intentional is the only sane conclusion. Boiler theory is sheer autism. Hell, they even asked SH1's director on twitter, and he said it was intentional as far as he could remember.
The essence of the boiler theory is that the world's most blatant cover-up was not in fact a cover-up.
The newspaper article says that Alessa's body was found, and that the cause of the fire was believed to be a boiler explosion. I mean, HER BODY WAS NOT FOUND, DUDES. IT WAS REMOVED BECAUSE SHE WASN'T DEAD. That right there is the glaring problem that proves beyond a shadow of a doubt the entire newspaper article is a load of horseshit.
SH: Origins featured a clearly doctored police report about the fire, and this fits perfectly with canon. The fire was a conspiracy. The ritual was not meant to get out of control, but her burning was on purpose. They'd tried the ritual on heaps of girls before and they all died.
>best selling game in the franchise
>10/10 across the board
Japan having shit taste is a scientific fact.
They can go fuck themselves.
>>best selling game in the franchise
Does anyone have any sales figures that back this up?
Its a pachinko.
Not it isn't. Why would the non-Japanese game company Konami are outsourcing the new Silent Hill to be making a Pachinko machine? And why would they fire a VIDEOGAME trademark for it?
That's the one. People think it was a cover up for no reason honestly (and no, Origins doesn't count). Vid explains it well
Twin Perfect are completely retarded and literally everyone involved in the Silent Hill series disagrees with them on this point.
When in doubt, Climax are right, Twin Perfect are wrong.
It sold around seven million units across ps2 xbox and pc on release
I don’t even want new silent hill or anything from konami.
They spent the last 15 years shitting out mgs and sh and literally nothing else, why anyone fives a flying flip about that ded company is beyond me.
Reminder that you're disagreeing with Konami here.
>Q: What was the cause of the fire that broke out seven years ago?
>A: A ritual that Dahlia performed using Alessa.
>Dahlia originally thought that Alessa would follow in her own footsteps as a
spiritualistic medium for the cult, but realized that the ritual would be far
more likely to succeed if she used her as the surrogate mother to bring about
the descent of the cult's god. And so seven years ago, Dahlia performed the
technique to bring about the descent of the cult's god using Alessa in the cellar
of her own house. Although it seems the cult has a place they use for rituals,
>Dahlia was confident that she would be able to summon the malevolent deity if
Alessa was the surrogate mother; therefore, as it was not necessary to choose a
location, she impulsively carried out the ritual in her own basement. The ritual
process involved a great deal of fire, which consequently escalated into a
conflagration. Incidentally, there is information in the game about "six houses
that burned down in the business district," but the actual site of the fire can't
be located on the business district map. It seems the houses were completely
torn down during those seven years.
What's the actual citation for that?
The entire series only sold 8.4 million by 2012.
SH1/2/3/4 collectively sold 5.3 million by 2006. By contrast, Resident Evil 2 sold 4.96 million.
SH has always suffered from poor sales.
it's gonna be shit and you know it
Kill yourself.
They're linking directly to Konami's sales reports, so deal with it.
they're just sources for what he's trying to say
you seem obsessed with reddit
>It was seen as not being a "real" Silent Hill game
>literally the second game in the series
Is one of the things that made the first Silent Hill spooky the PS1 graphics?
Clock tower had new game in 2016 but yes the expression lol captures franchise well.
I honestly feel like any silent hill game at this point is just gonna be a lazy rehash of 2.
>At least the sales of Silent Hill 2 was really not good start in Japan. It was often insulted on the Internet because it was not a legitimate sequel to the previous one and its direction of creature design was really different from the previous Silent Hill's.
>Masahiro Ito
This but unironically
If they're going to make a new Silent Hill game, I just hope they repeat the same mistakes they made in the past.
Meant to say:
>DON'T repeat the same mistakes they made in the past
That book is about as official as the website they had for Silent Hill 4 that had an incredible amount of misleading information not in the actual game - sure, it's by Konami, but if your argument is that everything with a Konami logo stamped on it is true information, then you're an idiot.
Why the fuck would they start a ritual with so much fire in a wooden fucking house as to consume 6 other houses?
Alessa is literally confirmed to have spiritual powers before being impregnated with the demon, and her burning was the reason why she damned the town to a living nightmare. It's foolish at this stage to believe she was purposefully burned.
That's not an argument sweetheart.
That book is also literally the only proof anyone has that the ritual was carried out in the basement instead of upstairs, so... good luck discrediting it.
Leave it alone. Just let things I love stay dead. Please.
>Why the fuck would they start a ritual with so much fire in a wooden fucking house as to consume 6 other houses?
Arrogance. "Alessa was the surrogate mother; therefore, as it was not necessary to choose a
location, she impulsively carried out the ritual in her own basement."
So appealing to the western chads instead of autistic Japanese “fans” was a good thing?
>It's foolish at this stage to believe she was purposefully burned.
This is what denial looks like, and the root reason why the Silent Hill fanbase was so easily duped by those Twin Perfect morons.
At no point in the game is there clear evidence that Dahlia carried out a ritual that involved burning Alessa alive. Just think about within the context of the game - they spritually impregnate her with the seed of the demon god. Why the fuck are they burning her afterwards? It was burning Alessa that ruined their plan the birth the demon god. At the end of the game, how much fire was needed to birth the demon god? The Flauros breaks Alessa's protective spell and almost on the spot god is born.
>inb4 SH3 memo where Harry says Dahlia burned her
SH3 also falsely has a book that teaches a lie of what happened during SH1. It's not proof, it's just an assumption by Harry.
>inb4 Dahlia says it
Yes, the woman who is speaking in riddles is telling you the truth and you should take it at face value. Congrats, you're a brainlet.
>Why the fuck are they burning her afterwards?
Because suffering is essential for the ritual. That IS the ritual. They worship a SUN GOD.
should've just taken her to the beach without any sunblock
Oh because being impregnated with a demon god wasn't at all painful? The demon god inside her didn't give her any troubles? Just look at how Heather reels in pain episodically to see why you're wrong.
>It was burning Alessa that ruined their plan the birth the demon god.
The plan was ruined, or more precisely it was stalled, when Alessa split her soul. Also Alessa wasn't supposed to be completely burned.
Was that movie actually good?
The god was conceived through fire. The fire also served the critical purpose of placing the mother in essentially unending torment with the notion that the god would be born compassionate as a result.
I thought it was pretty good. Not so much scary as unsettling. Soundtrack is good, too.
>Silent Hill is about the cult
Silent Hill 2 and Shattered Memories are the best written games in the series and have nothing to do with the cult.