Game 1 features likeable characters

>game 1 features likeable characters
>sequel no longer has them

Attached: trifecta del ocho.jpg (480x360, 28K)

Why are you brownass shitskins even on this site?

Attached: 8BA0A4A8-AE51-42D1-9825-832D832A397F.jpg (976x651, 84K)

because your president didn't build that wall like he promised

because kike puppet trump is a bigger threat to the white race than us

>believing what trump promised to do

Why so mad, amerilard?
Are you intimidated by a bunch of bilingualfags?

>The cracker is still coping

We'll make sure to show your white women what a real dick looks like, sissy clit. >:)


not even mexican like the gabachos living in the US, those are pussified mexicans

Talk about the actual topic of the thread or eat shit

because your mom let me use your computer after fucking her

>games doujinishi doesnt stay true to source material

I hate this rerun

Attached: el-chavo-del-8(1).jpg (450x193, 33K)

any characters like the girl from the left

Fuck you, pendejo. We taking over this thread.

doña florinda doesn't waste any time

is not like every doujinshi is loyal to source material

que cuentan?


que tal tu noche?

Estoy buscando jalarmela con un user atraves del Discord

por que no con porno?