You DID get to the top of the moonfire faire tower, right?

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Other urls found in this thread:


The only kamige porn of this game is loli porn.

i got like 5 jumps to the end and just got ressed to the top lmao


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Dragoons REPORT

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I just finished Post ARR. The end was so good, bros and so was ARR. What do I do now? Is it finally time to start Heavensward?

I also think I just fell in love with her as soon as I saw her without her mask. Do you think I have a chance, bros? Will she ever feel the same? :(

Attached: Yugiri.jpg (3840x2160, 614K)

She looks like she fucks Garlean troops.

>think I'm doing pretty well in e3s, feel like I have the fight decent optimize
>kill it and my parse is low green, almost grey
uninstalled immediately. I suck, and will never improve.

I got to the top last year.
I didn't bother this year because I noticed people were just BLU rezzing up to the top, so there's less appeal to doing it. At least last year you could only slightly cheat with Shukuchi jumping and Pinion mounts.

Read about what happened with the original voice actor.

Do you get anything or a vista for doing it?

I'm a Subfag anyways. That's weird though. Did they ever say why he did it?

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faggot the parse is the first step. now you can use your parse to make a comparative timeline to other parsers on FFLOGs to see exactly what the best players of your job are doing.

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Parses barely matter in progression because the top 30% of parses are running with their Titan weapon and full 470 gear. Don't beat yourself up over it.

i tried, got frustrated at the last stretch, then check that they dont give you anything for getting there so i give up

I'm finishing Heavensward post game and my god this is more final fantasy than the last final fantasy, it improves A LOT. I'm glad they are going to fix ARR next year so it can be more tolerable for people (it made me drop the game twice)

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I heard she likes to target virgin Garlean soldiers to "gather intelligence" if you catch my drift.

never got into xiv's endgame to actually use fflogs. does it have an "in-ilevel" parse as well as an overall one like warcraftlogs?

ARR doesn't actively broadcast nearby player's gear, so no. There's no reliable way to record a person's iLvl without possible shenanigans happen.

It took me a sec to realize that you were talking about ilevel relative filtering, or whatever it's referred to as. fflogs has no similar thing. However, the only differing factor between rotations would be a combination of your SKSP/SPSP and whether or not specific mechanics target you during the fight. If you want my advice, avoid orange parsers, and compare your timeline to people with purple parses. Maybe low 80s or high 70s is a good bet. See what they're doing at specific parts of the fight. Also, compare your Active% to people playing similar jobs. If there's a big disparity between your Active% it means your uptime is bad and you're peeling off the boss too much or just simply not attacking for some reason.

>set up queue, alt-tab to Netflix while waiting
>get booted from the game for 30min of inactivity before queue pops
Great system you got there SE.

Have they said anything about adding a new housing area or more wards to existing ones yet? The whole plot buying system they have in place right now is bullshit. You shouldn't have to camp a plot for hours waiting for a random timer while hoping you're the lucky one out of the horde of other players wanting to buy the plot. A fucking lottery system would be better than that shit.

Holy fuck her voice actors a nigger

>RNG is better than skill and dedication¨

I fucking suck getting on top of Kugane again though I've climbed it a few times before. NO way I am suffering this one. Forever casual.

Didn't both her EN and FR actors get killed?

I stopped playing

my guess is he had a history of abuse and either finally snapped and killed a kid and then everyone else to try to cover it up, or she finally said she was done with his shit (she told her sister she wanted to leave years prior) and he had. . .differing opinions

I hope they dont, houses being this rare and in demand is a good thing, it means the people playing since the start have something that people starting now can never ever get without hours of autism.

They'll add a new ward that requires you to complete 100 mentor roulettes from their timed release before you can apply to it.

Come on dude. Edgy Yea Forums hours are 9am-11pm EST time.

when's 5.1? i'm bored...

>Sitting at a sign clicking for hours
Sorry I'm not a no life faggot and actually like playing the game rather than clicking a sign for hours waiting for an RNG timer to run out.

Are there any statements in legal binding that save their asses from an individual dying while waiting weeks of time for a house, since you must select purchase nonstop and most ensure the 90% chance some relocates to the plot you've spent hours at.

Why would a game company be responsible for someone else's idiocy?

Any actual good XIV streamers without the zoomer orbiters?

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Because Blizzard has been sued in the past for it. The game design is inherently negligent. It must require that someone enters deprivation for a moderate to severe length of time in order to obtain a house. They're just following the crumb path left by SE. There's no ways around this other than not participating.

I guess you can be sued for anything but not like it's going to go anywhere. That said, this is completely optional unimportant content. You still have access to housing without a plot, you can get an apartment, as well as a FC room, which is also the same size and parameters as an apartment.

Nope, I just checked and it seems bullshit. The voice actress for the french version is Marie Zidi.

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Would I get in trouble if I walked to a random open plot with people waiting and say "sorry guys, relocating...."and just dip when they dip?
I could say to the GM later I changed my mind.

>he doesn't own an empty house solely to relocate whenever he has the gil
fucking newfags

You may get 1 person to give up, but no one will even pay any attention until you actually buy it.

I think your house not materializing on the plot would throw a kink into your plan. If I were waiting for a plot I wouldn't care if someone said that until the plot was taken over.

1 person's day ruined is already a success for.me ;)

Dang what else can I do? I have a large so I'm definitely not gonna relocate. Make a new character send some gil and use that as my relocating bot?

>Duty starts
>Make a mental note of anyone using obnoxious greeting macros/any other text macros
>Don't commend them no matter how well they did

Attached: file.png (800x450, 218K)

There is no reward for this, right?

Also: Should I get a room in my FCs house? What happens if I leave the FC?
Should I just get a flat?

>Leveling tank in alliance roulette
>Establish dominance by pulling the boss first
>Other 2 tanks fight for aggro
>Turn off tank stance and let them have it
>Now get to do nothing unless there's an add phase


Yo o/

That's at least short enough that the person probably typed it so it's fine

Get an apartment first, they are literally the same except you don't lose your apartment if you change FCs.
And you will probably have a closer teleport to the MB.

Realistically you will want both so you have a discreet place to bang your tater thots.

You get a whole zone dedicated to working with her in Stormblood where you get closer to her and she opens up to you. She's definitely affectionate for the WoL

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what is an "obnoxious" greeting, fag? It's a social game.

yes, last year

Multi line macros are fucking obnoxious and i WILL report your ass for spamming

I'm a tank main but DRG looks like it get's really fun post 50.
But god is leveling it up crushing my soul.
I got the pissiest tank just now and it soured my entire mood for the game rn.
God forbid I pull a an extra mob cause the tank is going one by one and refusing to use aoe's but oh no they get pissy in chat because I'm going to fast.
It's not gonna kill you to pull big man, I'm sorry I made you and the healer actually do your job rather than twiddle your thumbs.

It's pretty amusing that some people were actually struggling with the tower.

>pressing a single button to fish for commends is socializing

"Fuck off", the thing I am saying to you now for being a nitpicky bastard, is considered socializing

gunner class when

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>greeting someone is fishing for commendations
take a shower, stinky, and then go outside for a bit


2nd tier:

3rd tier:

The datamine only had names with nothing to show about orders, and it's been correct so far.

>own a FC room
>and an apartment
>and got a small house in Shirogane
>but urge for decorating makes me want to try and upgrade to a medium if possible
I just got shit set up and decorated how I like but I still want more.

Stupei. Go back to your shitty SMTnigger threads

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can you link to a datamine?

Anything that feel like a canned pre recorded message.
It IS a social game, if you want to say something type it don't bind "Hi Everyone o/" and "Good Run! GG TYFP".
Actually chat if you care or just be silent if you're not in the mood, macros come across to me as as "I don't care enough to actually say anything but I want to pretend I'm nice".

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Wow you pressed a button, this truly is a splendid social interaction, I'm glad we had such a fascinating conversation

I say that but I don't macro stuff. :(

Exactly this, it's extremely condescending to everyone else
>hey guys I can't be bothered to actually talk to you but need attention anyway

Yes, I pushed several buttons to communicate with you. What is your point? You really locked in your basement so long you think people have a "hello" macro

Are we ever going to get crafted versions of the 4 Lords (Well, 3 of them) from SB weapons? Someone told me craftable warring triads got added in SB and that they come an expansion later but I didn't remember that.

>type h
>press tab twice, enter twice
>party-member gets mad on Yea Forums i didn't type out "Hello!" manually

Zurvan doesn't even have crafted weapons yet

Again, if you have something to say, say it, otherwise shut the fuck up. You're not socializing by pressing one key then ignoring everyone the entire dungeon. Good strawman btw

I was about to look like a bullshitting retard but here you go friend.

Attached: boss leak.png (497x347, 62K)

Thanks for that. I was hoping to see actual data mined stuff, that appears only to be the stuff from first eden. Guess we'll see how accurate this is in 5.2

I usually can tell the difference, like if they stop for a moment or just keep running to the exit immediately or if I'm chatting with others and they are stark quite the entire run.

DRG is trash at 50, zzzzz at 60, it's fun at 70 and it's fucking baller at 80. Absolute dogshit how MNK and SAM get their full AOE rotation at 50 and DRG has 1 ability at 50, 1 ability at 60, 2 abilities at 70, 3 at 80.

People thought it'd be Ishgard due to the reconstruction but Yoshida said something to the tune of "It'd be neat to do Amaurot or Crystarium apartments"

>Yoshida, while not a priori excluding possible openings to Housing at The Crystarium or at Amaurot, recalled that the priority at the moment is on Ishgard, so we will proceed as previously stated.

Then again reading that makes it sound like Ishgard is going to get housing. What'd be kinda cool is if Ishgard had housing but not apartments and Crystarium or Amaurot get apartments. Also sorry yeah it's italian link I couldn't find an ENG one

Not him but DRG gets playable at 60 since you get another relatively low CD OGCD

I just hate that shit when I ask a question or if I ask to pull more or I just say something and it's complete silence. Then they'll say Thanks for the party! ^^ good job everyone!

No fuck you.

>Man, sales are waaaay way down senpai
>What-u should-a we do desu?
>The korean scum, cursed be their clan, have made many a MMO dattebayo
>In ebelli game-oo, they have-o rittle rori animaru girls and srutty rooking women
>hai hai....
>Deverop me, bunny girls onegaishimasu
>Wakanda Senpai
>*sudokus self*

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Have they found his body yet?

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Fuck, I'd love an apartment in Amaurot.


A giant fucking structure is the boss, that's crazy
Pretty much confirms Ultimeica will show up.

At this rate anything beyond a basic 123 and a buff or 2 will make me feel a little better until I climb to the top.
The lack of aoe is especially whack, for sure.
Doing a 123 during a large pull makes me feel like an ass even if I'm doing optimal damage.

what the fuck is apocalypse supposed to be

What's the best guess at least tribes this time around?
And are there any obvious sites for PotD? I'm guessing some Ronkan ruins.

No, it really doesn't confirm that at all.

>Wakanda Senpai

Attached: 1444392462074.gif (177x150, 1.74M)

>the gf used by Ultimecia
>the ability used by Ultimecia
>in the FF8 raid

Yeah just like Sephiroth was gonna show up in Omega after Exdeath and Kefka.

only cvnka is good

Yeah geirskogul is cool but after Nastrond got introduced Geirskogul feels weak as shit (paltry ass 270 potency). Nastrond gives you a nice climax and Lance Mastery makes for a meaty two-hit-combo on side and rear or rear and side forward and back and then forward and back and then go forward and back. It all comes together and feels satisfactory and full at 80. I'm set on my switch to SAM and the promise buffs will reinforce that but I brought DRG to 80 so I can do non extremes with it.

When I did DRG for pre SB content I'd end up just moving my doom spike to #1 and just spam #1 nonstop, switch it back and go to normal for a boss then do it again. Makes me horrified to imagine DRG for any dungeon pre 40 where you have NO AOE.

>Pandemona is a very specific ff8 creature
>Griever is a very specific ff8 creature
>Lunatic pandora is a very specific ff8 building
>Apocalypse in ff8 "is impossible to draw apocalypse before the final battle [with Ultimeica]", it is used by Ultimeica

>FF7 boss show up in an FF5 and FF6 raid
user do you have the brain damage?

Whatever you say bud. Enjoy being disappointed.

Nu Mou and Dwarves were confirmed, weren't they? And PotD would definitely be Ronkan shit. Maybe in that hole Y'shthola and Ran'jit fell down.

There was no FF7 content in Omega you mouth breather.

And yet there were plenty of people saying Sephiroth was going to be in as well due to using Dissidia models and popular final bosses.

I want the Amaroutines to be one of the beast tribes
And I want the DD to be exploring fucked up Amaurot

He's referring to people thinking that Alphascape would be an FF7 tier (with Deltascape having been an FF5 tier and Sigmascape an FF6 tier) before Blufever leaked its contents.

I don't recall seeing anything notating the other tiers. All we had was the first tier via the white-font banners that appeared during their intro CS since 5.0.


I get that, it's just completely unrelated to this.
Nobody cares about what people who didn't have any idea what Alphascape would contain thought would happen. The point of this is that, if this leak is true, then it's goddamn fucking Ultimecia in the final tier. And there's basically no way around that. Saying "nuh uh, doesn't mean anything" is buttfuck retarded.

I just want to see how horrible the WoL fucks up summoning the other Primals, fucking Titan on a trolley was great.

Amaurot as the deepest dungeon is actually a brilliant idea. I wouldn't want them to shoot the load of the screaming beneath the earth for it but descending into some subterranean ruins of the undivided world and the deeper you go the more fucked up things are and more tainted by the sound would be cool.

I can't even begin to predict the primal forms given how what the fuck Titan was. Ramuh was lightning so I am imagining some fucking Zeus swole guy jumping up into the clouds beating the shit out of you with lightning javelins. Hell just thinking Ramuh and I thought of ranjit for some reason so if I was the WoL youtu.be/myFzfd8I3dA?t=7 would be the Ramuh summon.
But with a lot more lightning bolts.

Pre 40 DRG is hellish but still better than low lvl BLM.
So many awkward situations where sometimes I'd have Fire 3 but not Blizz 3 or I wouldn't have firestarter. Or I would have Fire 3 and Freeze but no third AF/UI so I don't get the smooth transition from each.
At least DRG is consistent.
I'm glad it's at 50 and DRG will soon be too.

Not him but heavy disagree, BLM is a bit comfy standing still and mashing spells but spammy melee is the antithesis of fun

>start up the game
>don't play it
>get kicked so that someone who actually wants to play can get in

Great system indeed

Is this post satire? LMAO

>WoL tries to think about Ifrit
>for some fucking reason a stray thought about Suzaku slips into the mixture
>this comes out

Attached: WoFF_Ifreeta.png (257x333, 28K)

I can see what you mean but it's mostly the mid lvl dungeons that bugged me.
I would start my rotation and realize oh that doesn't work here in this specific instance I know have to do a less engaging version of what I could be doing.
At really low levels it's not that big an issue and once you get over that hump it's a lot more comfortable. BLM so far is my fav dps of them all despite that.

I feared a much more terrifying scenario where he thinks of Ifrit, how there was a lalafell next to him and boom a giant lalafell fire elemental.

Of course I did.

Would be nice if they came up with new bosses instead of hybrid versions of old lame primals. Even for ex stuff in later patches I'm not sure what they will have after Hades in 5.1 there's nothing to draw off of in shb

>"Ifrit used to charge at me like a wall of death...."
>First shard's version of Ifrit now involves a blend of Ifrit and one of these

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How do you tell what amount of damage would result in a non grey parse on trannylogs?

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By looking at the rankings for a given fight where it does the percentile threshold breakdowns for you for that current week?

>Oh shit, restoring Aether to the Empty caused some weird , imprisoned things to break free!
>Containment Bay: Whatthefuckever is now available
Jenova:BIRTH, Jenova:SYNTHESIS, Bizarro Trials

Here's your remix for Eden-Shiva

You'll enjoy your glorified Trials content with as little production values as possible. Same for the folks expecting the new alliance to not be anything more than another series of laneways between circular boss arenas while recycling as many assets as possible from another title to save a buck.

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I don't recall, usually the 24 man has gear comparable to what exactly? In this case right now 470 is savage, so 460 for 24 man?

Yep. Same iLvl as non-upgrade tome armor.

So what ranged physical dps should I take to 80? I have all of them at 70 already.

>three threads up

BRD. MCH and DNC are cucked

Reporting for duty

>we didn't get this set for any of the ivalice raids
So many sets we could've gotten and instead we got color-swaps.

well which one is the least shit? I'm not asking what I should main here, I got like four classes at 80 already.

Yup, also tried Kugane tower for the first time (WHICH WAS HELLA EASY COMPARED TO MOONFIRE FAIRE TOWER) Got that done in under 1hour compared to the 10 total hours it took to practice the Moonfire Faire tower. My attempts became more successful when I realized that they base you're foothold on the circle hitbox at your feet, not your character model.

Damn do I feel achieved.

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haven't logged in since finishing the msq, does the moonfire faire have any worthy rewards?

No, but after a month and a half of playing SHB every day I'm pretty burnt. I barely have motivation to continue with my static, but I'd feel bad leaving after just joining.

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if you have an active sub just do it and get the glamours so you don't have to wait a year just to pay for them

SE is allergic to any set with proper flowing cloth, and even some of the sets they did add were mockeries of the originals

Kino dungeon, finally some good fucking food

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need 2 or 3 more to match the volume of WoW and smash threads

But that's my job

Cute character

>didn't clear E1S
>didn't even get to the top of the tower
I'll just go play classic and try again in 5.2...

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tyvm, I tried Viera, but was very disappointed when there was no claws or toe claws like in FTTA.

So I went back to Au'Ra, just wan them to separate face and horn options.

Nonetheless, this game way fucking better than WoW. Not just mind-numbing raiding. Leveling up my ninja to 64 right now for that special Yuigiri dialogue for the MSQ.

Attached: 2019-08-15 (46).png (1360x768, 1.48M)

I don't recognize that weapon. Where is it from?

post her feet

Not cute anymore.
Take your clothes off again.

It's the lvl 60 tomestone katana, Hellfire one I think.
okay lemme see if I got a screenshot
ayy lmao, no worries, I got some with no clothes if you desire...

Attached: 2019-08-15 (18).png (1360x768, 1.09M)

Ooh baby now we're getting good

I got plenty of sweet screenshots, some not allowed on Yea Forums, so if you want me to, give we somewhere to drop them and I'll drop them all.

Attached: 2019-08-15 (4).png (1360x768, 1.06M)

Imgur works, do you have discord?

I had a two green leaf paladins do this shit in syrcus tower. Turned off tank stance during amon and laughed behind the ice while they both got killed

Just finished heavensward, fucking loved it. About to start Stormblood but I'm reading that one is hated, why?

Because it isn't LE KINO and just tries to tell a different story.

Akantorz#5790 is my tag on discord, send me a message and I'll start dropping images, gimme a moment though, in PoTD atm.

All clear here.

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