Why do americans like this?

Why do americans like this?

Attached: jPE90.jpg (1349x763, 508K)

Other urls found in this thread:


In America during the 90s and early 00s, only children played games. Therefore they marketed games accordingly. This, of course, has changed due to the import of Europoor and hikki Jap culture to our nation.

a lot of sales comes from americans just walking into a store and looking at the game covers, the cover themselves need to convey as much information as possible about the game. something abstract and the consumer will think the game is boring. anyone who has already done their research online and knows what the game is about will look pass the awful stock game cover.

Attached: 1549766210877.jpg (883x1765, 433K)

Marketing/Focus Testing runs completely uncontested in America, which leads to a lot of product meddling and retardation that nobody, least of all Americans, actually fucking wants.

See: Fuse/Syndicate/Xcom: The Bureau, the entire trend of CG renders for covers, every single "X genre is dead! People want Y!" statement from corporate suits.

Everytime you post this I will post this in response

Attached: ICO sale.png (306x141, 6K)

Capitalism sucks the soul of of everything

Attached: burgersvsnips.png (800x544, 706K)

The one on the right looks the most badass.

>Japan doesn't practice capitalism
Why does Yea Forums have the most retarded userbase on 4channel?


>Why are retards retarded?

drawing bad
cg and bloom good

Attached: covers.png (822x738, 1.11M)

I don't know who was first responsible for "let's slap a shitty render on the box" but we're stuck with it, probably for good.

Why did you put an unrelated image to your post nigger?

American is better, has actual depth in the image.

Regional sales figures?

Is there anything dumber than an american?

Attached: 1482922843034.jpg (1062x746, 871K)

Well, you could look at it this way: now, there are two different covers instead of just the one. Nothing has, in fact, been lost.

A Yea Forumstard.

Americans don't have bad taste, American marketing does.

Every shred of data that's been released on cover-based focus testing in America (see the Bioshock Infinite statements) indicates that the locals, including the ones they specifically test, straight up do not fucking care unless it's wildly misrepresentative. Which is then thoroughly misrepresentated to some dipshit publisher as "this trend good!" which leads to these ugly covers that rightfully get made fun of.

I see that word hikki around a lot now, what’s it mean?

Whoever the fuck designed this image is the dumbest fucking person alive. Why would you repeat the labels twice each when you could just have one row be American and one row be original? What kind of a fucking idiot doesn't realize such a simple design flaw?

Shut the fuck up.



Attached: 1535568120883.jpg (116x162, 8K)

Attached: 231096-ju-on-the-grudge-wii-front-cover.jpg (800x1123, 111K)

Basically a smelly shut in, but that's probably oversimplifying it.

have to appeal to the lowest common denominator AKA Black Americans

Somehow for some fucking reason "not caring" means "it's good".
What a bizarre line of thinking.

Attached: black-xbox-front-cover.jpg (800x1105, 308K)

>Why do americans like this?
Because we did like this.

Attached: japan vs europe vs USA.png (1349x763, 1.23M)

Americans don't have the same aesthetic sense as other people. They aren't as cultured or educated.

Americans like the person more than others, thanks to hollywood

Attached: rambo_poster_img.jpg (452x678, 59K)

Attached: sotn.png (1600x803, 2.42M)

Literally me

the american one is kino.
the japanese it's too gay

That cover art was actually very poorly received when it was released, pretty much everyone thought it was retarded and misrepresentative. I remember even on xplay they made jokes about it.

He has a small wee-wee

Americans don't understand art. To them all media are either entertainment or political propaganda, or sometimes both.

Filthy yuropeons and their slightly more saturated colors

>0.00m Japan
Holy shit

It reminds me of this

Americans aren't at fault for how Japanese companies decide to allow their international divisions to operate

American cover is generic as fuck. the castle doesnt even look like that, its floating in the sky

>almost exclusively square glasses
Fuck me, I gotta change my glasses style.

Attached: 1565307064365.png (498x372, 357K)

>American pink Kirby is Japanese red Kirby
>American red Kirby is Japanese pink Kirby

Why do the bandages go under his horns? People call this a masterpiece?


It's borderline fabrication.

It's a bet 99.999% of responses these American audiences are giving are just "Who gives a shit" in regards to cover art, random designs, whatsoever. Followed by a "eh, that one I guess?" when prodded to chose the first cover they're given.

Because who the fuck buys games based on covers? Even the pretty ones, you just wait for gameplay if you're interested or from a friend recommending it or something. The focus testers take this wave of pure apathy and present it however the fuck they want to justify a paycheck.
And suits never call them out on this, despite legions of financially disastrous wow-clones, cod-clones, attempts to be a live-service now, it's the blind following the intentionally deceptive.

Now post a picture of a typical detroit neighborhood

I remember noticing this and being amazed.

Braindead burgers need to see explosions and mean, badass looking MCs on the cover or they lose interest. Anything too artsy like the jp cover is for pussies. Nobody plays games where you don't get to kill shit, that's gay.
Murica fuck yeah.

Just imagine the last picture with more trash, Chrysler 300s, grafitii, blacks and broken windows.

>its floating in the sky
The logo is covering it, idiot.

>In America during the 90s and early 00s, only children played console games.

wow the american one is way cooler kirby has a giant freakin sword

Makes me wonder if they gave a phone to both of them because they were going to do the switch up from the start.

Look at this nigger, imagine being so buttblasted from /pol/ after your failed raid that you have to try and shitpost on Yea Forums fucking Yea Forums

This. Fucking owls and roses and shit. Fucking gay.

If you're little Jimmy in an age where your only information about the game is cover art and MAYBE the synopsis on the back of the case, then you're probably more likely to pick up a game that has a kid in some viking helmet about to whip some ass with 2x4 compared to some artsy cover that doesn't really tell you anything about the game.

It's gothic, of course it's fucking gay.

lurk more

please just grow out your hair and find a different pair of glasses to wear incel

Fuck is that shit. Needs more explosions and bullets.

Japan is one of the most capitalist nations m8

You've never been to detroit eurotrash peasant

It's 2019. Why are you still bringing up this stale image

try boston frames if you have soft features or aviator frames if you have chiseled features. stay far away from designer brands like tom ford.


Because the American branches of video game companies are insanely fucking insecure.

Attached: BhxORbj.png (511x446, 80K)

I've never met a person who saw a boxart and thought "I'm going to make my purchase".

You accuse these people of race baiting and then do so yourself. Im sure its just ironic anyways, because its illegal to be sincere in todays culture

Nah, it's marketing firms that think this. The only people in America who makes those kinds of decisions are the ones who actually don't play, but their kids do

Meet more people neet incel shit

Ayo this lil muutboy seething

B-but the top one has GIRLS in it

are mutts this belligerent irl?

>Meet more people
so the number of people who don't care about boxart goes up while the number of people who do stays the same?


American Kirby is based.

You guys act like fucking idiots then when someone says you’re a fucking idiot you play the i was pretending to be retarded card lol it’s funny


All four of them have phones, actually, it's just super hard to tell.

No idea what my face type is, I have enough problems trying to get a decent haircut that looks right.

Left looks like some shit that a 40 year old man child would fawn over. Right looks like it would be for a 5 year old which is what this gay shit is for

Your face type is incel


>JP/EU: "what is this, some kind of Salvador Dali game?"
>US: "cool, an adventure game"

>implying niggers are people, let alone American people

who cares about covers its all about the spine


Well that's just rude.

Attached: 1565925771412.png (800x600, 431K)

how did you get all of these pictures of me?

Left looks like something out of a children's picture book you philistine.

Attached: whereswally1.jpg (500x500, 189K)

Attached: 1.png (2916x1844, 3.42M)


but even worse is when america adjusts the ages of lolis

Attached: __sayaka_saru_getchu_drawn_by_kyuu_pinpo__6592943586b49c2ef830d4ca3710c22b.png (400x600, 164K)

Attached: 2.png (2880x1800, 2.87M)


Attached: 4.png (2916x1844, 3.59M)

Attached: 1566085081041.jpg (720x405, 28K)

it used to be this way in the 80s but in our defense we couldnt just pull out our internet machines and google everything about the game instantly

Attached: 6.png (2916x1844, 3.15M)

At least the characters look correct.

Attached: Suikoden cover.jpg (940x470, 192K)

This. We have to embrace communism like Japan does it.

Fuck Trump

It's the opposite.

Not giving a you, but this is (you), double nigger.

Attached: 123soy.png (640x443, 130K)

they embraced it alright

Attached: inejiro-asanuma-assassination.jpg (900x540, 51K)

kys you fucking nigger

this. Japan had super matured and sophisticated market compared to the rest of the world. europe just accepted Japanese box art just because they knew it would not sell well anyway and did not have a budget.

Attached: Moon_-_Remix_RPG_Adventure.png (320x312, 206K)

Never would have even thought to pick up this game based on its cover 21 years ago, but my older brother's friend let him borrow it and it became one of my all-time favorite series.

look at all these retards you baited, excellent work user

americans are like orks. they cant live without violence and conflict.

lefties can't even fucking meme, im not reading that fucking wall of text you fucking nigger

>oh wow this minimalist painting means so much to me, I should look more into it and be tricked into a purchase
this doesn't work on more experienced Americans
>what's in the game? you get a sword and you help some girl and there's a windmill

it's pathetic that other countries celebrate their naivety

is actually a real castle

Attached: 7681239-11878316.jpg (1800x1200, 415K)


Attached: 1563512027653.jpg (280x180, 10K)

is it just me or has obsession over americans gotten worse over the past year or so

is there a meme being forced or something?

Vgchartz doesn't have any real sales numbers you retard.

Fukken saved

If you follow the reply chain, you can see who noticed their photo in there.

i get more pussy than you faggot

damn straight brother

So they took a photo of a real castle not from the game, cropped it onto a cover, and photoshopped the title on with a shitty emboss effect. Nice.

Attached: 236606-castlevania-symphony-of-the-night-limited-edition-playstation-front-cover.jpg (800x808, 225K)

kek, well played

go back to fucking reddit nigcel

yea, they did exactly that

Attached: mont.jpg (299x197, 18K)

Fucking a body pillow of a catgirl doesn't count, sweetie.

wait what the FUCK, i always thought tetris attack was with yoshis

no (you)s for the nignog

Not that guy, or an incel, but that sounds pretty hot actually

I’ve never seen a worse cover art change than this.

What, just like raw-fucking a pillow? I mean, I could understand if you installed a fleshlight. Personally, I'd microwave a cantaloupe, put it in a plastic baggie, wrap the baggie around my finger, rubber band it, and then shove that in the pillow. That shit is pretty dope.

the precise representation of how american macho ideology ruins his country. then somehow liberals say "accept diversity" even though they are still sticking these toxic machismo causes to make violent games and praising the story "to be a real man" of them, saying "incels are sexually immature so they hate us". that mind set is the problem, honey, for both white incels and lgbts. just liberate these toxic machismo from yourself.

>two ants running through an mc Escher painting
>a boy with a sword protecting a girl
At least the American cover tells you what the game is about.


Underrated Post here

>nigger spouting incel gets deleted
Truly, mods are doing their jobs for once.

Attached: 1560634948551.png (698x613, 598K)

>tfw can't find deleted posts or images anymore

Oh man, there must've been more reports than (you)'s. I am so glad I saved it. Can't wait to whip it out later.

Japan is the most capitalist country, allowing so many companies you exploit their employees.

Here's one.
I believe Yea Forums will prefer the style of the localized one on the left, but I will mention that aside from being a girl firing lightning, it has fuck all to do with the game compared to the right. The actual player character is a young woman wearing the same outfit as the girl on the right, with a ponytail. The dragons she has are small, and resemble the creatures on the right. The big one on the left is literally never seen.

Attached: alisia-dragoon-final-cover.jpg (1280x886, 441K)

it's fucking kirby with an angry expression nigger calm down

It'll get posted again. A mass-report deletion almost always guarantees it will be. Just be quicker next time.

this one is an actual disaster
Did they think it was yet another showelware title made for negative iq kids for the Wii or some shit?

Attached: 34235553.gif (250x250, 1.51M)

it's fucking hilarious just how triggered anons get by a picture, jesus

Attached: 1437171033177.jpg (596x600, 56K)

>I believe Yea Forums will prefer the style of the localized one on the left
Nigger, you retarded? The one on the left is complete shit.

What they do to the amazing Dark souls cover arts is a travesty.

Attached: 1383118502-dark-souls-ii-jp-ps3.jpg (777x916, 189K)

They're literally just red-colored SJW's. It's weird how people who hate each other are usually the exact same kinds of people.

Marketing always fascinates me, they just seem to claim that people will like this and nobody questions it.

Yea Forums has shit taste so it's a fair assumption.

why the fuck are you even here? fuck off newfag

Archive is dead, what was it?

No kidding

Attached: file.png (1280x720, 1.23M)

You think I don't know that, considering all the arguments I made in favor of the one on the right?
I'm just assuming this basically

capitalism gives people what they want, not what they need.

>Hurr they're the same!

Attached: 1555746275463.png (785x731, 279K)

Right is better. Left would kick its shit in though if the background image wasnt block by that ugly drawing

We don't, they just keep giving it to us.

Post the Dragon Quest being changed to Dragon Warrior one

Japan's cover of The Guardian Legend

Attached: TheGuardianLegend_(JP).jpg (837x1000, 128K)

EU's cover art

Attached: TheguardianlegendEU.jpg (765x1017, 268K)

I've never understood the "x genre is dead".
Don't they look around? Square Enix has made final fantasy games for the last 30 years. Sure, some differences between the games, but still. Nintendo bases their entire company on old concepts.
People don't always want "brand new genre", but rather an improvement over the last generation of games in the same genre

Its a tradition at this point and looks cool

Left looks like they put a bunch of bionicles floating around

The non meme answer is that they add 3d models so people don't mistake it for a cover of another thing and also to highlights graphics.

t. worked at ad agencies

Attached: japanvsusa.png (844x715, 765K)

I legitimately forgot the cover on the right was what we got in the states. I solely associate the game with the cover on the left.

And of course the american version which is like the movie cover on the left for some reason

Attached: creature-tgl.jpg (700x493, 61K)

Because american marketers are retarded. Some times they're retarded like a fox, and things work out for the better, but usually they pump out bland "eye-catching" garbage.

rememeber the weird covers of the megaman games? the fuck was about that

>"this time he's fighting for his life"
>first movie in franchise
never understood this. are they saying that in terms of Stallone the actor himself?

maybe they hired the same artist?

That EU one is pretty dope, though.

I'd never guess it's the same game

day one editions have the nip cover as the reversable. sorry you were late

also reversable, along with kill la kill

I don't think it even is.

90% of bad things come from America.* Its happens when you have such a large gap between the poor/rich, moden/traditional and smart/dumb people.

*just look at gun violence, every form of porn, 2 party oligarchy, news/tv controlled by your political parties, cost of education/medical care, infantile world view etc.

Attached: 1215516170200.jpg (885x993, 99K)

It's the same game.

You can buy soiled panties at a mall vending machine in Japan.
Is that not capitalism?

Bloody hell.
And why the 2?

That was a long time ago, user. Pretty sure that isn't a thing anymore.

The one on the right has titties and bruce campbell so it's objectively better

Mobile Light Force 1 is an unrelated game known in Japan as Gunbird. It even uses the exact same cover art as MLF2.

Attached: mobile-light-force-slus-01525.jpg (1453x1476, 647K)

Both are shit

They probably just bought an image and didn't realize it was a movie cover. It doesn't matter anyway, the face has nothing to do with the game, only the planet surface underneath it. The other two covers represent the main character, a transforming robotic woman called The Guardian, hence the title. Personally I prefer the JP cover art, although both the EU and JP art properly represent what the game is.

Similar case to the V Rally series. In Murica it's known as Need for Speed V Rally, however the sequel V Rally 2 specifically for Dreamcast is branded Test Drive V Rally 2. What the fuck is wrong with the US audience I don't know.

>a fright simulator

The better question is why are europoors so obsessed?

Why don't we just use clipart?

Attached: 1400565769786.jpg (710x500, 193K)

Attached: 1400573542936.png (736x498, 442K)

I follow a guy who spends his time reviewing onaholes and cheap white underwear that is meant to smell like gym shorts is still a real thing

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Attached: 1400565374299.png (755x579, 1007K)

Attached: 1400569095104.jpg (1200x413, 211K)

are you bored

Of course Poles had to put hussars there, but still I prefer the polish cover. It's more dynamic.

Attached: c3.jpg (1200x850, 361K)


Attached: 1400566295572.jpg (806x963, 258K)

>Did they think it was yet another showelware title made for negative iq kids for the Wii or some shit?
Well, it is, but it still doesn't justify changing the cover

because american games have no soul

Look at an IQ map sometime, retard. And the American covers are better.

poles and cossacks have some history with eachother, so it's understandable they'd want to highlight that

> Tits and guns

Attached: E6D85B7E-83C1-48A3-83C6-8A8820E13429.jpg (600x690, 78K)

This is the Polish cover art for Civ V BNW

Attached: 1567477_0_i1064.jpg (400x554, 52K)

I've never seen Detroit either, Yurotard. Our lives don't revolve around the shitholes you see in movies like you think.

I mean from clear marketing standpoint it might sense for polish publishers to highlight polish aspects of the game if only they can.

Link the guy

Attached: acOiFKPIc9cJIixiqQ-A0tcSJYhRLjsDXaZcYqzo-00.jpg (2656x606, 355K)

Attached: 7-vaginas-joe.png (1042x797, 318K)

I thought I clicked on /gd/ for a second

I ain't mad at either of these


>doesn't post his dick size

Attached: 1361225195388.jpg (552x510, 92K)

Americans are 44% nigger, what do you expect.

well I like them

What are the chances of being fucked in the ass by customs if i import one of these?
Asking for a friend.

I think at this point it had become a tradition that German C&C had cyborgs instead of humans.

>artsy walking sim
>cool viking adventure

why did europe make it GREEN haha

I think it’s a play on “fighting for your country”

>believing intelligence stems from IQ
Typical braindead american.

Attached: 1506885595541.png (675x827, 28K)

USA is a third world country

No, IQ reflects intelligence.

Attached: 1508729826113.jpg (600x600, 57K)

>No, IQ reflects intelligence.
That's one way of admitting you're a literal idiot.

There are plenty of autists with a high IQ that make a never ending series of bad life decisions because, like you, they're immensely stupid.

Depends on where you live, and how lucky/unlucky you are at customs.

nice fucking avatar usage!

sounds like dumb american bullshit,
I had a ps2 in 2000 and I stayed away from this game cause of the shitty cover and only got it it after Sotc

You're retarded. That's what I have to say about that.

>HDI meme
That was intentionally made to make the usa not look like a third world country. In the past there was a more expansive index that put the usa the same place as Brazil. Americans didn't like that idea and pushed the HDI meme

Attached: 3rd world country.png (1278x1152, 1.73M)

Even your lord and savior Trump says it's a shithole you stupid muts. Throw in Baltimore, Camden New Jersey, Socal, etc.

The US is still in the "high" category even on the inequality-adjusted HDI. There are plenty of way shittier countries on there. Lumping them all together as "third world" doesn't make any sense.

>lord and savior Trump
What? When did I say anything about Trump? I've never been to Camden either and I live in NJ. We're not forced to go on field trips to these places, you fucking idiot.

Burgers hate anything artsy

There's still a huge difference between the US and actual first world countries like Western European countries and Singapore. US looks more like Brazil than any Western EU country. I guess that would make the US a second world country aka a developing country

Americans are less cultured than euros and asians. Their educational system only teaches mindless obedience to the state and their corporate overlords as a worker drone.

You moron these changes were made by japs based on what they thought the market would want. Same reason that one game released in the States as Super Mario Bros 2.

Have you ever actually been to the US outside of a major city?

Yes I did a roadtrip

Post the European Mario RPG boxart, or the original dragon Quest or final Fantasy IV

Well I've been to Switzerland and I didn't really notice a difference. It's 0 crimes against me in either place.

>never came out in Europe

Attached: IMG_5242.jpg (1279x519, 95K)

Left should get rid of the shit in the foreground and just show the background instead.

Attached: IMG_5243.jpg (1189x766, 97K)

Europe never got these classic games. While we were busy withhe golden age of games you fags were busy playing the Great Giana Sisters on your Cuckmadore Computer

Attached: IMG_5244.jpg (1524x564, 89K)

Attached: IMG_5245.jpg (1468x485, 90K)

that's not a castle

The first two Paper Marios are way better than this trash.

old post but you're dumb and that's ok cause rambo is sick

75-98% white depending on country
56% white counting arabs and jews, projected to be minority majority in 20 years

The Thousand Years of Backtracking is a 6/10 at best you fucking zoomer
Get some taste faggot

>thousand years of backtracking
Nice hivemind meme. TTYD is the better of the two, by the way.

2 are false advertising.
US one is right on the point.
Playing as a retarded young boy with a wodden sword protecting some autistic bitch.

It's not just about crime you know. Just because you don't see any problems in your area, doesn't mean they don't exist.
Healthcare is pretty much non existant in the US, quality of education is terrible, 80% of people live from paycheck to paycheck, there is a big gun problem with huge murder rates in the country, the distribution of wealth is very unfair etc...

And every time you post it you will be laughed at.

Seethe harder mutts

Attached: detroit-michigan-abandoned-building.jpg (645x363, 237K)


American one shows Kirby's actual mental mindset.

In the Japanese one Kirby pretends to be cute, although Kirby is a monster and a psychopath.

It's all true.

Left would be better if it got rid of the MC in the front.
As is, right is superior.

You don't live here, cunt. Media horseshit does not reflect my life.

The german version looks fucking awesome. Ironically the censorship improved it.

It’s even worse than that if you gauge the chart by natives like for the other two, even if you count non-white Hispanics.

Dumbass, a soldier normally fights for corporate interests. Now Rambo is fighting to stay alive cause they wouldn't give him a shower and a hot meal.

Attached: EBoUVxKUIAAK-L6.png (1200x673, 1.27M)

Attached: eu grudge.png (338x283, 108K)

And you were a child at the time. 95% of adult gaming for Americans were simulators.

This picture has given me years of laughs.

What hive mind? I'm the one who started calling it that here and there's a reason why other people repeat what I say, because it's true

Attached: delet this runner.png (732x330, 443K)


Meanwhile in Europe
You cunts give the seppos shit but it took the combined force of 800 million Europeans and 25 countries to equal America

Attached: IMG_5246.jpg (1536x1152, 286K)

>Healthcare is pretty much non existant in the US
90% of Americans have health insurance, and our health care is frequently rated the very best in the world even if some people can't afford it.
>quality of education is terrible
No, white students frequently score in the top 5-10 worldwide. Blacks and Hispanics bring down the average significantly.
>80% of people live from paycheck to paycheck
Only because most of them have shittons of credit card debt due to buying luxuries.
>there is a big gun problem with huge murder rates in the country
Almost all of which is black crime. White states have the same murder rates as Europe.
>the distribution of wealth is very unfair
Who cares? You could redistribute a trillion dollars of the 0.001%'s wealth to the other 99.999% and it would only cut everyone a $3000 paycheck.

No it isn't true. I would've noticed it by now after my 5th playthrough if it existed.

How is your reading comprehension this bad, moron?

>pay check
Learn to spell properly before posting here ESL nigger

nah cringe is not knowing a word that's been used colloquially for more than a decade

Huh? What are you even saying?

he was very famous at the time for Rocky, which was about a boxer. just in case you really wanted to know.

Stay seething mutt

Attached: 1565239034205.jpg (795x608, 104K)


America can literally buy Europe

Attached: IMG_5247.jpg (1153x1028, 177K)

Attached: 8ad[1].jpg (720x576, 421K)

Fucking Euros and Leafs.

>GDP = wealth

I just hated it whenever a game with a beautiful hand drawn cover art got turned into a horrible 3d render with the localization.

Canada is the best country in the world
My family in Europe ask me to send them Canadian dollars because the wage there is only $500 a month LMAOOO, their apartment is tiny too, the living room is literally the size of my dining room which I never even use. I have a whole room that I don't use that's bigger than their main room
I'm glad I'm a Canadian and not a European

The RS can actually buy literally everything.
And after EO 13818 got applied, POTUS can actually buy literally everything.

America can't even buy Greenland

What? A crowd of old ladies? Is this what Americans consider threatening?

Ico is actually the other way around
The game came out in Canada first, then Japan and then Europe
I don't know what an RS, EO or POTUS is but you Euro homos need to fuck off nobody cares about your irrelevent Muslim shithole

Just because they're the same species as you doesn't mean they're not threatening to human populations

It has the same homicide rate as the US and yet the Europaradise of Denmark still wants to keep it. The US must not be so bad after all, eh?

EO = executive order
POTUS = President of the United States
If you do not even know these, you definitely won't know RS.
RS is who owns almost all the central banks including FED.

>our health care is frequently rated the very best in the world even if some people can't afford it
>very best
>some people can't afford it
LOL nice way to contradict yourself mutt
>Blacks and Hispanics bring down the average significantly.
That's 50% of the country, usa is not a white country.
>b-b-but they don't count
Yes they do, they're all americans
>Only because most of them have shittons of credit card debt due to buying luxuries.
Extreme consumerism is an american feature. You don't see that in Europe
>White states have the same murder rates as Europe.
Yeah no I don't see daily mass shootings here.
>Who cares? You could redistribute a trillion dollars of the 0.001%'s wealth to the other 99.999% and it would only cut everyone a $3000 paycheck
As expected, amerimutts can't do math

Attached: 1564909920640.png (400x400, 38K)

yes, the FED is privately owned and has nothing to do with government.
Isnt that weird?

Americans have significantly lower IQ and shallower degenerate culture.

I wasn't specifically talking about Ico, I was talking in a very general sense.
SOTN is my biggest example and I guess most of the Final Fantasy games also fit this as well.

Well I'm Canadian I don't care about foreigners only Anglos
Besides all you had to say was president America is the only country that matters with a president Canada and Australia have a queen and Japan as an emperor

>import of Europoor culture
How's that spirit animal of yours doing, chief?

Pretend all you want but you'll never be white

>Australia has a Queen
She's a fucking figure head more than anything else.

>LOL nice way to contradict yourself mutt
Didn't contradict anything. It's not my fault that some people would rather die than go into debt.
>That's 50% of the country, usa is not a white country.
Sure, but you can easily avoid that 50%. If you're a white person in a white area, all those horrible statistics you hear about never actually affect you in practice.
>Yes they do, they're all americans
Many (~20 million) are illegals actually
>Extreme consumerism is an american feature. You don't see that in Europe
Tell that to Greece
>Yeah no I don't see daily mass shootings here.
They don't happen here either. Only 23 people a year die from mass shootings since the 1970s.
>As expected, amerimutts can't do math
Not white Americans.

>Air Force general gets demoted to 3 star
I never understood why they changed that of all things.

You don't care about who literally owns you and enslaved you through debt?

>Not white Americans.
White Americans are the worst, they are the ones that are fueling the Nations retardation with their spending money on garbage.

I'm of one ethnicity, but that's irrelevant. The topic here is quality of life, right?

Okay hope you have your bulletproof backpack and AR-14 ready for elementary school tomorrow

Attached: b3b74198f7233a0b022daaf9d1b58edd.jpg (649x365, 43K)

>People trying to start an America vs Europe argument based on shithole ghettos that they BOTH have.

This thread is about boxarts you niggers. Don't let the heebs keep you both pitted together fighting over the shit they cursed you both with.

>dropping 120 burgerbux on a bullet "resistant" backpack.
I'd rather let my kid die.

>edgy kirby
ahahaha, fucking americans

To be fair nobody really understands what Suda is trying to make.

That’s why she has the power to fire the entire parliament? That’s more power than any European leader


There’s about 50 million Anglos in America, that’s about 50 million more than anywhere else in europe besides England which makes America whiter than every country in Europe

Sure, the USA is the only place in the world that has invented the concept of currency. This US phenomenon doesn't mean anything at all.

Thankfully extremely few Americans live in such a dangerous environment.

>fear generates sales
t. Moorish rapebaby

Guy who never had a PS2 here. Here's my two cents.
>two stick figures running across what appears to be a desolate desert with some vague structures
No idea what this could possibly be about. No interest whatsoever. Looks boring as fuck.
>guy with horny helmet waving around a stick presumably to fight something and rescue that bitch in the background
Now we're talking. I'd at least do some research at this point to find out more.


Not so much these days, Muhammad.

>europoors SEETHING

Wow indeed

Attached: 104645470-DGz4YT1VwAEF4ZT.jpg (443x598, 54K)


>the mutts are waking up
Here come a whole bunch more idiots with there retarded arguements

What's wrong with that image to you? Some schools still host rifle teams

Can't we just agree that marketing specialist come up with different covers for different people ?
The real problem are the *man standing with weapon in hand* covers which frankly I'm tired of.

Bullshit. I work third shift hours, and post with you people on the regular. Real Yuro hours are no less cancerous or retarded

fucking american market always needing that BIG CHARACTER shot on every fucking cover

Descendants of people of the British Isles, yes.
Those are as white as your neighbor Miguel.

nobody is shitposting on the eastcoast at 6am on a sunday fucking morning user, yuropeens shitpost just as much as a country 100 times their size, its pretty amazing isnt it?

I’m not Filipino I’m Hungarian

You'll get your turn soon enough holmes

Check Nordic countries, sweetie.

Do you really she gives a shit about Australian politics? If she did, she wouldn't have let this country get to the sorry state it is in. It's the reason why we have a Governor General.

The US isn't like 34 fucking people with a claim to significant portion of the seas.

Ah, my mistake. I hear "Abdul" is more popular there nowadays.

>didn't get broken by that shitfest
Suda is such a good guy

I was a hardcore NTSC games/hardware import nigger back then but if I'm being honest the only one of those I was really glad to be able to play in the UK at the time was FFVI

Chrono, Mario RPG and Earthbound are mad overrated, usually by Americans

Attached: IMG_0285.jpg (3648x2736, 2.54M)

I'm so sorry to hear that

Don't worry, America will change that. It just needs a little colonization.

>50 million anglos (mixed) in usa
What are the other 300 million?

Marketing fucks with everything.

In Asia, a lot of American movies (esp. in the 80s) got chopped down up because audiences there loved action and nothing else. They'd even tinker with the plot slightly through dubbing.

All nations alter products to suit regional tastes, not just America.

actually obsessed leftypol retard
bye bye :)

Attached: literal children.png (380x513, 20K)

You mutts should visit /int/ sometime so I can laugh at you more

Attached: 1556611991102.jpg (1000x519, 104K)

It's still Mohammed, place 51
Right next to Kjel

Is this half life 2

Ok? Feel free to piss off to fucking Greenland.

stay seething

whatever shithole nation you crawled out of

Attached: terry pulls the trigger.jpg (990x682, 49K)

Nice argument, considering I actually would consider moving there if others did.

>Nice argument
Against fucking what?
You want to go to fucking Greenland, go to fucking Greenland.

You were acting as if you got me or something, retard.

No this is the land of the """"free""""

Remember to tip your jewish overlords, amerimutts. Otherwise you will get shot

Attached: 1557648261566.jpg (1236x1158, 199K)

The America one is actually closer to the in game art style

Northerners don't actually consider Southerners to be Americans deep down, this doesn't affect our views of ourselves.

>amerimutts are waking up and shitting up the thread
Time for your wagey cagey mutt job, you fucking tools

Attached: 1566121297612.png (1418x1112, 623K)

>fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck Baltimoooooreeee!

Now do it with newborn names

To this point, America is split up much more than just on the surface level
It's the kike politicians more than anything, I doubt that even a lot of the christian fundamentalists in the south would relate more to the jews in office than to people from other states

You mean the one on the right needs improved. Washed out, low contrast colors makes it visually busy. I couldn't figure out what the hawk was for fifteen seconds because the eyes are naturally drawn to an empty spot between the hawk and the electricity monster thanks to the subdued shading.

Meanwhile, the one of the left is baby's first complimentary colors, but it works. The main character is red-orange in front of a green dragon whose red-orange flame illuminates the sky behind it. The bottom of the picture has orange orcs wearing dull blue helmets in front of equally blue rocks, and in the background there are blue men and hawks all conveniently placed within the orange created by dragon's flame, the mountain on the right side turned orange to heighten the contrast. When I look at the localized version, I can immediately see and understand all of the things in the image the artist wants me to see. When I look at the original, I have to take a few seconds to scan the page like I'm doing a word search puzzle to understand what's going on. It's boxart for a videogame I shouldn't have to waste effort trying to look at it.

I was awake all night, fuck you

>cage was designed to protect them
>retards look too deep into it

>western America isn't America
>now Southern America isn't America
so what is it

dont forget to give your firstborn to Israel

Attached: 1508598154489.png (743x798, 488K)

Anyone in the Northeast or Great Lakes regions

Yes goy all in our uhm i mean in your interest ofcourse, now go back in your cage like the slave you are

i hope she never does step in because just look at the sorry fucking state of her own nation, australia has its problems but its still paradise compared to bongistan

At least we can play DayZ and watch hentai with A/B-cup girls

But all of those are names given at birth.
I don't get what you want me to do?
The most popular names given in the current year?

No, I mean the one on the left has fuck all to do with the game apart from the lightning shooting from her finger, thus making it a poorer cover in the same vein as the Megaman 2 cover. The colors aren't actually that light, their scan just makes it look that way.
Regardless, I was actually assuming that Yea Forums would like left better simply because I've seen a huge trend towards hating anything in an anime artstyle recently.

Attached: alisia-dragoon-box-art.png (810x563, 904K)

You want to "colonize" greenland, best of luck to you. Have at it. What are you waiting for?

I could only find a top 10 of the last year

>At least we can play DayZ
not really sure why you would want to but okay
>watch hentai with A/B-cup girls
well the australian government has pretty much admitted it is powerless to stop VPNs so yeah we can do that too
also >watching hentai without a wanking license
oi thats illegal m8 report to the metro police station immediately

I actually work my own hours doing 3D modeling and texturing, but keep projecting, retarded NEET living off of autismbux.

America doesn't own it. And I'm not just gonna move to an Eskimo shithole if no other Americans bother moving there.

Too bad vgchartz is the only fucking source that's widely available.

That looks so much better. As for anime artstyles, I think Americans just like the scantily clad medieval/caveman look more.

Attached: xena.jpg (618x412, 70K)

The right one has bad composition to it.
It may be iconic for a fantasy book cover, but it's still bad.

>That’s more power than any European leader
every president in europe has that right...

>american version
>shows the true story hidden behind the scenes, a story of love and passion and doing the right thing

>european version
>lol bridges and windmills and shit xD

Thank Christ.

>>cage was designed to protect them
>>retards look too deep into it

Attached: 1563690995997.png (467x458, 431K)

Who said I'm a neet? I'm going to an university

Even worse. You're being completely cucked and you don't know it.

The medieval fantasy woman on the right side one probably was made because of that, yeah. However, the in-game character is totally unchanged so it creates a weird discrepancy.
Idk, I'm pretty sure nothing about Alisia Dragoon is iconic given how forgotten it was until years later when people realized it's actually a pretty damn good game.

That's right. It's an eskimo shithole. That's why it's got all of 34 fucking people in it. Because nobody wants to be there, and for all your posturing, not even your dumb ass wants that.

A couple dozen people, and 300 fucking million, there's a few orders of magnitude in between.

That's just paying for day care

Lol whatever you say. I'm not going to listen to someone who wastes his life doing nothing in his moms basement

It's got some trees growing near the southern tip. With a little global warming and a lack of Eskimos, it could be comfy. But I guess you're right, it will remain a shilhole for the foreseeable future.

>paying for university

>EU = Europe
Here we go again

Why is Europe like this?

Attached: 8CD7C544-C56F-4881-BD20-1E91AF6BA6B7.jpg (420x417, 51K)

>it could be comfy
And it isn't. That's why it's got jack fucking shit for population, and that's why it's it's a miniscule fucking investment for a claim to a significant portion of the world seas.

Now, if you weren't such a touchy little cunt, and used your brain for anything beyond cooking up defensive bullshit, you might have seen what I was getting at and we'd have been done with this half a fucking hour ago without argument.

Attached: 1521902709816.jpg (1917x638, 368K)

Lol, fuck off buddy. If America did happen to purchase Greenland, you bet your ass some people would be moving there. I get a little conciliatory and you start acting like a jackass. Kill yourself, cunt.

I don't understand, I would only need the sixth setting.

Conciliatory? It's a fucking glacier. A shithole is a fucking compliment. It doesn't even have anything to shit on it. It's a goddamn wasteland.

>He responds to one of the replies and mentions an ear onahole where the very back of it is meant to resemble fucking the brain
Jesus christ, Japan.

> we get the American MGS covers now instead of the cool Yoji Shinkawa covers

Not true. That's only the interior, formed during a glacial period and naturally colder than the coasts because of its elevation and the reflectivity of ice. Not all of Greenland is that inhospitable.

Executives are walleyes.

Yeah, that's only what, 95% of it? Cut that 5 down to 1 if you count the sea. Nobody cares about the fucking tip with people on it. Crimes there don't affect fucking Denmark, and it has fuckall people, costing them nothing. It doesn't take a genius to see why Denmark doesn't mind spending $14 a month for a huge chunk of the arctic sea. You are not that stupid. You're just being a defensive, whiny little bitch.

What, you took my original post seriously? It was a joke playing on the Euroshit stereotype of America as an ultra dangerous place where one can expect to be murdered.

and Nintendo wonders why Europe flocked to Sega/Playstation/PC over them

do they practice on other students?

By saying it's "only" as bad as a fucking hellhole where suicide's the leading cause of death? Right. Sure, mate. Place makes penal colonies look positively fucking chipper.

cope rent free la creatura uhh... fat

Attached: 77hxb01t04i11.jpg (1200x665, 222K)

Why the fuck does the official SEGA twitter account follow him?

Attached: opera_Ip7xlI97nM.png (504x178, 12K)

Attached: Judgment-Box_03-05-19.jpg (600x337, 53K)

Our homicide rate is only as high as it is because our inner cities have rates many times higher than anywhere a respectable American actually lives. Those Eskimos live in a more dangerous place than a typical (meaning not a ghetto piece of shit) American does.

I don't think its about Americans but instead about testing audiences being mouth breathing retards who should never be listened to.

Left: boomer
Right: zoomer

>No guns in any cover in muh amuhrica (SMT:SJ), it may cause shootings and planes crashing with buildings

its an homage to the works of Giorgio de Chirico you uncultured swine

So, is this another one of your "jokes", or are you actually going to eat your words when I serve them this time?

Nobody cares about Greenland, because nobody cares about fucking Greenland. It's just a blip on the map. Could have a 100% murder rate and it wouldn't change a thing. That you have to compare yourself to that not to fall short doesn't paint a pretty picture.

Ever heard of a joke, you autistic fucking idiot?

>M.C. Esher

It's a Girgio de Chirico inspired image, you pheasan

Yeah, I think I remember something about them supposedly being funny. Guess my memory's not what it used to be, if you can call that defensive horseshit one.

Japs are even better than the original

Attached: 1559104919404.jpg (1518x1903, 513K)

>mc Escher
American education at its finest


They don't want to do steady business in their own corner, they want spectacular next big thing and will burn shitloads of resources to not get it because that's not something you design

USA cover doesn't even look like Ico, but Tony Sopranos son in a costume. Also, why did they saturate the fuck out of the euro covers sky? Jap cover looks so much better its not even funny, but I guess it's not that eye catching.

>someone moves a topper from another sign onto the shotgun case
>takes a picture and posts it online
>people actually believe this is real
jfc you people are retarded

Mate, I don't know what to tell you. Escher was an MC. 100% legit nigga.


Attached: 1562701551353.jpg (640x908, 110K)

Alisia Dragoons US art is objectively better, though. The JP version has so little contrast, you can't even make out anything at first glance.

the PS4 icon and load screen is the left image without the protag in the way, he's IN the image with everyone else, so why butcher it like that?
especially when the MC is customizable

That's just because it's a shit quality scan of the cover. Read the reply chain, the actual thing isn't that light and the US version isn't that saturated.

Except for it not being relevant to the game.

Reminder that this was made by Paradox.
Not the same Paradox who make all those map simulators like CK and EU and HOI, but I still thought it an amusing coincidence.

unironically higher testosterone

There are abandoned buildings everywhere

murican education everyone

>Meaning anything

Attached: bull.png (500x397, 134K)

the western cover makes it look like some PS2 hack-n-slash shovelware

Fucking Russia bots spreading this bullshit to divide an conquer.

looks better

>Left: Hey, I'm Sparkster! I'm Konami's Sonic the Hedgehog! Nice to meet you!
>Right: You better play my game right now or I will kick your ass, fag!

Attached: rocketknight.jpg (1024x648, 133K)

>gee I wonder who the bad guy is?

why are you posting fake shit mannnn whats your problem?

IQ is garbage:

Only time I can recall we got the best art

Attached: DeadRising.jpg (1920x1200, 759K)

He's wrong anyway, IQ just measure your distance to middle class, doesn't reflect intelligence

You're the brainlet for believing that IQ isn't a scam from psychologist.

Thats rqight!!! Prweech it brather!! ME THINK IQ GARBAGE TWO!

Attached: 1525104447273.jpg (675x745, 48K)

>the lore behind this cover art
literally kino

do you even know what "first world" actually means you fucking retard? no wonder you love those socialist rapefugies-ridden shitholes

IQ(g) tests are the least meaningless single number you can theoretically put on intelligence. If you've a problem with IQ, it's not with the measurement itself, but the idea of measuring intelligence.

Speak softly and carry a big stick.

Yeah, once you see some of this shit you can never unsee it. That is if you're talking about the stuff like the Natalie / Jeff nametags, the copy pasted stores, etc.

>and looks cool
Are you four?

yo dude your fucking garbage at baiting throw in the towel dumb nigger moneky everyone is just replying to make fun of you and your not in on the joke its your fault for wasting time trying to bait people as a hobby dulling your brain

Realizing zombie brad is there was another big one

What is "g"?

no one buys its based on the cover but it's about drawing attention you mong. Similar to how you're not gonna run to the store after a commercial, it's not about convincing you to buy outright it's about getting your attention and building familiarity

Castle Shiggy is amazing I just downloaded the third game on Wii hope its good. I'd rather have the box with characters from the game of course but I'd definitely pay whatever EDF Charlies Angels shit is going on in the other one.

Short for general intelligence, dipshit.
>criticizing IQ for its validity
Well congratulations, you just dismissed the entirety of psychology, economics, virtually every other soft science and a couple hard ones if you have any intent of being consistent.

Why don't you read, instead of asking me to jump through hoops for you without saying a thing yourself? I know this shit, you don't. You don't even know what general intelligence is, which is what IQ measures.
You're going to keep dumping links, you're not going to propose an alternative measurement. You're not going to, because there isn't one. There is never going to be one. That's what theoretically best means. You can't outperform an ideal. The subtests are gonna change, in time, g isn't.

>Japanese title: Shiryô no Harawat (entrails of the dead)
>jp poster actually says "Captain Supermarket"
What the fuck is this

>Europe is one nation
>America did everything alone
Good one. Are you a Cancuck by any chance?

Attached: 6a4e8c171391696c510bd7c8a9dd646f082ee5b1b0279c78841a247a71516bdc.jpg (471x388, 94K)

Reminder that the Founding Fathers didn't consider anyone non-Anglo to be white. Big Benny Franklin even called Swedes swarthy.

Attached: 1476562993447.jpg (882x731, 124K)

>Well congratulations, you just dismissed the entirety of psychology
Psychology is garbage yes

Economist relying on IQ are stupid, that's why they don't all do that.

>You don't even know what general intelligence is
You don't get it, the "g" factor is a fucking meme, that's why I said "what is "g"?" Because it's fucking nothing.

That must true, user. I know this because you said it.


It is true


Why are you against psychology and IQ, user? Are you non-white?


Attached: 1557268232207.png (468x412, 122K)

>that pic
any they wonder why they have more shooting than all other countries combined

Attached: (you).jpg (221x250, 5K)

There you go.

>Why are you against psychology and IQ
Because it's stupid.

>Are you non-white
I'm from Switzerland but irrelevant


A hack who wasn't able to prove the contruct validity of IQ, the outcomes prediction is built into the test:

>Now let me provide the argument about IQ test experience-dependency:

>Premise 1: IQ tests are experience-dependent.
>Premise 2: IQ tests are experience-dependent because some classes are more exposed to the knowledge and structure of the test by way of being born into a certain social class.
>Premise 3: If IQ tests are experience-dependent because some social classes are more exposed to the knowledge and structure of the test along with whatever else comes with the membership of that social class then the tests test distance from the middle class and its knowledge structure.
>Conclusion 1: IQ tests test distance from the middle class and its knowledge structure (P1, P2, P3).
Premise 4: If IQ tests test distance from the middle class and its knowledge structure, then how an individual scores on a test is a function of that individual’s cultural/social distance from the middle class.
>Conclusion 2: How an individual scores on a test is a function of that individual’s cultural/social distance from the middle class since the items on the test are more likely to be found in the middle class (i.e., they are experience-dependent) and so, one who is of a lower class will necessarily score lower due to not being exposed to the items on the test (C1, P4)
>Conclusion 3: IQ tests test distance from the middle class and its knowledge structure, thus, IQ scores are middle-class scores (C1, C2).
Someone please tell me this is a joke.


>A hack
Yeah, best ask "notpoliticallycorrect.me".

After all these years, I finally realized it is a leather chair/couch she is hiding behind and not some kind of copper warp pipe.

Attached: ico versions.jpg (1797x763, 324K)

"Notpoliticallycorrect.me" directly responded to Gwern claims, and Gwern wasn't able to go further than "Well there is nothing better than IQ test so propose a alternative or you shut up about IQ flaws".

Attached: fifacover.jpg (2024x500, 204K)

Why are you so concerned with some drama between two random-ass bloggers? Not like any of them does any research, and with circular reasoning like this why would anyone even bother responding to them? They're idiots. In IQ or whatever other measure you'd prefer. Complete fucking kooks.

How do we stop the alt-right from co-opting our favorite games for their evil ends?


Attached: 1161041540417.png (1050x967, 836K)

Attached: ico versions 2.jpg (839x429, 109K)

fuck off antifa faggot

Attached: Rune game.jpg (1595x1069, 591K)

And again, in what way is the reasoning from "notpoliticallycorrect.me" wrong?
His claims are sound, many sources support his points, check this when you can:

>Why are you so concerned with some drama between two random-ass bloggers
If popularity is what matter to be credible, then the mainstream media is for you, I consider every blog worthy of consideration if they source their claims, both blogs shouldn't be dismissed, in this case, Gwern is just wrong, not because he's a blogger.

>gymnastic mental: the blog post
>The Japanese are notoriously ethnocentric and respect America

Attached: ike-nwalaa-810x608.jpg (810x608, 94K)

Suuuuuuuuuuure haha

Capitalism allowed for video games like this to exist in the first place.

For one, he doesn't know what a fucking premise is. And he's begging the question.

>If you're a white person in a white area
Even then you have to live in not poor white area.

American culture doesn't have an obsession with cute and harmless things. American culture seems to prefer an aesthetic that shows the mental state of the characters involved.
Something that's happy and smiling must not be going through much. There must be no challenge.

See, since Americans aren't insectoid collectivists or prone to fascism we can actually expect emotion to be congruent with a situation.

Aggression also doesn't frighten us.

If it was the reverse you fags would be saying America is censoring it because you can’t see 2B’s hot body nearly as well and it looks like some stronk woman empowerment.

>he doesn't know what a fucking premise
And he included a question often asked by pro IQ people on his claims.

why kirby is so angry god fucking damn

The 3D covers are always way better for Dragon Quest, like in the case of XI. They only make them look the same in Japan every time because if they change anything about DQ japan will riot

>Canada is the best country in the world
>subservient to the queen of a "different" nation
Britain can still legally revoke all your rights and take over Canada.

Actually thanks to this thread I found out that I can switch covers. I like the JP one more. Fits the game more.

this shit can't be real

I only now realize that kirby on the american cover is just a recolor of red kirby on the japanese cover

A 4channeler

>It has the same homicide rate as the US
Greenland doesn't even have 100,000 people to do per capita

american capitatards are even more deranged than regular ones, and marketing as a career is a magnet for the top tier lunatics

>US looks more like Brazil than any Western EU country
you havent been to germany or france

>actual first world countries like Western European countries
Stopped reading there

THIS. As a kid back in the good old days of game rentals before the internet, game covers were important. If I was a kid in the time Ico got released I would have probably been attracted more to the American cover of some dude with a viking helmet ready to kick some ass with a 2x4 over some artsy fartsy bullshit.

American Kirby’s resolute look is cute.
JP Kirby has a soulless stare.

Funny because I remember being a kid and being very enticed by the european ICO cover. when it was republished later that cover art stuck out in my mind and I ended up buying it and loving it. If I had seen some dork in a helmet I probably would've thought it was dumb

Attached: usa.jpg (1200x800, 155K)

I love how everyone keeps whining about American covers and not that Ico is overatted, artsy shit.

A premise is an assumption, not a fact. An assumption, like a turd, comes straight out your ass. It's not a place to introduce information. When you introduce information, you have a statement, and a fucking source supporting it, because no one wants to see what comes out your back-end. And information does not come out of your ass. A premise is an assumption you make to see where it leads you, so you can make a fucking argument, like Euclids proof of prime numbers being infinite. You NEVER call a fact a premise. And an argument from an unsound premise isn't an argument worth refuting. That's why you source your fucking facts, and don't call them a fucking premise.

Premise 1 is the fucking conclusion. That's begging the question. If I start off assuming bananas taste good, then bananas taste good. We'd already arrived there before we even made an argument.
Premise 2 is just fucking stupid, because IQ test historically have gone through great pains eliminating any testing of knowledge, and anyone arguing for IQ tests is going to be just as eager to ridicule century-old tests quizzing you on fucking geography. Secondly, why doesn't matter. It has no bearing on the "argument" whatsoever.
Premise 3 isn't a fucking premise. It's repeating 2 and then, while I wouldn't call it an argument, it expands on it as if it is trying to be one.
C1 is just premise fucking 1.
P4 is C1. Saying it's not a premise would be a fucking compliment, it's simply nothing. What the fuck is it doing there?
C2 is just fucking P1 again, and so is C3.

It doesn't even fucking resemble an argument. If you think even for a second that looks like proper form then read Euclid's proof, pick up an introductory pamphlet on elementary logic, research methodology, hire a handler, or get any fucking sort of help.


Blame marketing faggotry. Nobody likes this shit. Go look at DaS3 fire fades cover compared to the JP one. It all comes down to retarded ideas that cover art needs to be a certain way in order to sell to us retardedAmericans. Go look at Nier Automatas cover as well.

>A premise is an assumption, not a fact
Except that his premise is justified, which is what he claim.

>It's not a place to introduce information
He doesn't introduce he interpret it, interpretation is extremely important.
>When you introduce information, you have a statement, and a fucking source supporting it,
He did before the premise

>Premise 1 is the fucking conclusion
You should reread the premise.

>Premise 2 is just fucking stupid
You're wrong, IQ test are heavily biased, read his sources again.

Attached: soltice.jpg (800x1144, 379K)

>>When you introduce information, you have a statement, and a fucking source supporting it,

He post 4 sources to support his claims before the premise, speedreading lead nowhere.

Attached: solsticejp.jpg (800x1148, 267K)

>speedreading lead nowhere.
haha i read this in a caveman's voice :)

>My family in Europe ask me to send them Canadian dollars because the wage there is only $500 a month LMAOOO
your family must find some real jobs then, i live in london and get 1200/month for being kitchen porter, which is literally just a fancy name for "human dishwasher"

Blame suits overthinking everything with a touch of ego mixed in. The original cover would of caught much more attention in a store than that generic trash cover that screams shovelware.

Is that in Pounds or USD?


>had the advantage of not being destroyed by war since it wasn't fought on your own soil
>still manage to destroy your empire within just a few generations

I've been coming to this shithole since 06 and this is the first time hearing this word.



it's the redditspeak for shut-in

The entire world besides Japan is pretty much destroyed.
And the UK gave up its global empire so that Germany wouldn’t get a few miles of land.

how the classic example hasn't appeared in the thread yet?

Attached: Megaman JP-USA-EUR.jpg (1571x653, 368K)


can americans name a single sculptor/painter from the 20th century?

Attached: HES GONNA SAY THE LINE.jpg (1000x1000, 151K)