>70gb for a csgo clone
jesus fucking christ what are they thinking?
70gb for a csgo clone
it's worth it
haha benis XDDD
>wanting to be a clone of the shitfest that is csgo
It has visuals probably 10 times better than CSGO, many more maps and weapons including the gadgets, as well as mechanics. Why are you surprised bout the size? Tbh the game is small in size for the amount of content it has
>csgo clone
You wish this game is pure kino
Why he holding the hammer like that? Did he knock the wall down? But the wall is explosiveliy collapsing inward? Is he about to die? Did someone plant a charge on the other side? There is no insulation though, is that concrete? Is he getting paid to demolition a house? Was that explosive charge a miscalculation? Will he get paid for an on the job injury? Why does that sledgehammer have a rag tied around it? Where is his rifle? Does he just charge into combat with a pistol and hammer? What kind of job is that?
Also, Tom Clancy is dead, why is his name attached to this? Did he write the story for this before he died? Like what Tolkien's son is doing? Is this like Rainbow 6 for the PS1?????!
Uncompressed Audio. It's a carry over from consoles. The more space it takes, the less a user will want to delete it and go through the process of downloading and installing it again. Also, using up so much space leaves less room for other games, hopefully making this your "main" game. Some argument could be made that consoles can't decompress audio fast enough, but it doesn't explain why they don't compress it for PC.
Is it worth getting into at this point?
Cosmetics in this game are so fucking bad
only the nations are relevant to the book but the whole game inst
Because Ubisoft holds power over his brand as long as they respect his brand guidelines
And then I never bought Rainbow 6 Siege.
It plays nothing like CSGO though.
its still pretty active but the game is getting seriously dumb. The characters released this season were completely uninspired, literally nobody plays them.
So seasons can now go from extremely stupid but useful concept, to completely useless. There's no inbetween now because all the mundane stuff was already added into the game.
it's still incredibly active but the most recent seasons have been a fucking mess
just wait for kino warfare
To illustrate further on this:
So basically every character has a unique loadout with an unique gadget. Normally launch characters had 2-3 primary weapon choices and 2 secondaries. post-launch ops had 2 primaries and 1 secondary.
The first post launch ops were a guy with an underbarrel shotgun (turning him into possibly the most versatile character in the game, he's useful in every situation) and a girl who places bear traps that immobilize enemies who step into them.
2nd DLC Ops were a guy with a shield over his rifle and a girl who throws sticky 360 cameras (in a game where intel is gold)
And there's been one guy who can turn invisible to cams and 1 girl who can become almost silent when moving. So for latest season, they added a new op who can do BOTH THOSE THINGS at the same time and who has a repeated (shitty) loadout so basically nobody uses her because she doesn't bring anything new to the table.
Then some other guy whos skill is seeing through smoke if he's standing still and being immune to flashes. But again his loadout is repeated and he has one of the shittiest primaries in the game.
So his skill is almost useless because his kit sinergises terribly with it.
New ops are going to be some guy who can YEET himself with a grappling hook (stupid) and i think a girl who places a fake shield that blows up if you shoot at it
operation para bellum will always be the best update, two perfectly balanced operators that look cool sound cool and have cool guns too.
it is but the other players will make you eat a lot of shit before you understand most mechanisms and avoid cheap deaths. Also buy the most expensive edition during a sale, you won't have to grind PvE for hundred of hours so you unlock the most important characters.
>still playing this garbage after 2016 with what they have turned the game into
>don’t have superior ssd and network setup
>still bothered by game size in 2019
Why even living user?
>still seething in 2019
>"hey guys, how about we give to the defense an operator with a 80 mag LMG, Acog scope, a secondary shotgun and a gadget that will make everybody pissed?"
Alibi is cool though, especially since she's an anti-whale character with her holograms that don't adapt to her new uniforms.
I almost want them to cut the fat and just make a sequel with the original mindset refined. Hard/soft walls, info gathering, info/gadget denial but I'm convinced all the good things in this game are actually a fluke by ubi and any future installments will be terrible
I was there at launch. I feel like I liked the game better that way.
I wish I didn't boycott the game initially, I want to play an earlier build of the game before all the bullshit got added. Anyone who mains an operator other than one of the originals is gay.
Went really downhill after year one. For the most part in the first year you had operators that actually somewhat looked like operators. Years on later you have what? some james bond guy a fat tub of lard and gadgets that dont make sense in anyway.
>Anyone who mains an operator other than one of the originals is gay.
all the year one DLCs save for maybe blackbeard are perfectly fine additions
>parebellum the best
>a season with only defenders
>one of the worst maps in the rotation
not sure about that chief
Functionally, I suppose they're fine, but design-wise they started to stray from the authentic look of the CTUs in favour of making them anime characters.
design didn't go down the shitter until Ela showed up, everyone matched their respective themes even if they took some artistic liberties like with the BOPE and SAT operators
Narratively, it went down sooner than that. Read Jackal's bio and get back to me on that.
>CSGO Clone
Fuck off with your contrarian bullshit nigger, you just don't like mainstream games. The two aren't even comparable.
>hrgnn durr hur durf hrggnn*pfffttt*
>it's actually a story so it's bad
Don't get me wrong, there's bad ones, but Jackal is not one of them.
I find the expanded bios stupid but ultimately harmless in the grand scheme. Especially compared to all the gadgets that made it clear they ran outta ideas
>it's actually a story so it's bad
A cringy fanfic-like story, yeah. Next read Zofia's.
Who gives a fuck about that? Fucking dweeb
Because it affects their design going forward, which is getting stupider and stupider, you smoothbrained retard.
>Because it affects their design going forward
This has never happened
Ela is a FAS goblin
You're right, operators like Dokkaebi and Gridlock are every bit as believable and true to the original design of the game as Thatcher and Thermite
I havent really touched the game for months and the last operator I was willing to grind for credits for was Maverick. It's not really a bad game, but it gets dull after a while.
If there's one good thing about Jackal's bio is that's following a route that has been since the beginning, that a good chunk of the new operators are a bunch of loonies that go from antisocial to crazy scientist that goes toe to toe with the whitemasks and it shows how poor are the actual requirements to join Rainbow
Like 0.5% of my total disk space. What's the problem exactly?
Yeah what the fuck with Dokkaebi's bio, you could remove like half of it and it would be tolerable at best to read
But thatcher and rook are about the most all around useful characters at every level
She looked way better in her leaks, fuck Ubisoft for changing it
Rook is useful until you get into game where everybody is a tip top tier osu! player
>reusing weapons from now on because of """data limits""" for consoles
>still get weekly charms and skins nobody likes
>a leetle momento
>here's a forgive-me-not
God I hate hearing her so much
>reusing weapons
Not just reusing weapons, reusing the worst fucking weapons of the bunch. MPX? FMG-9? SMG-12? Jesus fucking Christ, I can't believe I wasted 30K renown on Warden. Such a useless, non-viable piece of shit
I'm more mad that ubishit replaced DOB tags with useless op skins.
well it has its ups and downs
I still think it's the best shooter on the market but it's extremely difficult for new players to get into because of the sheer amount of shit you have to learn just to be average.
some try to argue that the earlier years were better because the gadgets were less silly but this is wrong. some of the best ops ever added to the game are dlc (like mira) and we had to suffer through awful gamebreaking glitches in the early seasons and ranked was unplayable.
you'd get stuck on casual maps like house or favela which are a shooting gallery for attackers and a four minute timer so they can hold pixel angles all fucking day. no pick and ban either which has a huge impact on map balance overall. we've also had many QoL updates over the years that make the game much more enjoyable to play.
If you're willing to stick with it and put in the grind then sure pick it up. it's the best game on the market once you get to the high ranks and play in a stack with actual strats. just don't be surprised if you get your ass handed to you for the first 500 hours or so. also be careful which OPs you spend your renown on, some are essential while some are extremely situational.
I don't know who was in charge of designing warden and nokk but they should be fired. they're both fucking awful what were they thinking? not slightly underpowered just straight up bad.
Well, I do. Glad she's going to be featured in Quarantine
Siege is fucking terrible since S3. Probably going to uninstall if the beaner season is the same disappointing shit we've had since last year
>can't make new guns
>here's a gay biker skin for bandit though
i don't know any maps but top frag most games solely due to gunskill so i guess it isn't too bad. it would take months to learn shit if you don't have someone to teach you though if i wanted to climb ranked
This is what we wanted. A full game based of a mode that was kinda okay, at best. Not a sequel with a tightened-up and improved engine. Just do what Valve does and keep adding duct-tape patches for the next decade and a half
They're not bad, they're just extremely situational.
Heres my favorite R6 Operator
there is no reason to use warden when you have a generic gadget that can do his fucking job better. I mean honestly what is the point of using warden when we already have so many OPs that can deny plants with significantly less effort? meanwhile nokk is just a 2 speed ash with shittier guns. being invisible to cameras? who cares? everybody sound whores in this game and the "lone guy flanking from the other side of the map" strat rarely works to begin with.
>playing multiplayer trash
No thanks, I’ll stick with GR Wildlands for now.
Shame they didn’t make a single player mode for Siege, I doubt it would of topped the GOAT tho
>Shame they didn’t make a single player mode for Siege
Reason why I didn't play it for the first 2 years. I'm still mad that Patriots got cancelled for it
>"lone guy flanking from the other side of the map" strat rarely works to begin with
I hate that shit so much. Sound is a legit strategy and good, but it's OP as fuck, I would say unrealistically so. It should not travel that fucking well even when I'm crouched and slow walking
>DLC maps are forgettable cesspool mazes
>rip Hereford
>DLC Operators are shitty overwatch characters with gimmick gadgets
>Forced female operators
>realistic tactical aesthetic ruined by year one
>Appeals to normalfags and COD kiddies
>you can get banned for talking shit
>developers are woke faggots
>rip hereford
old hereford was a steaming pile of shit, I'm glad it's gone
>DLC maps are forgettable cesspool mazes
Fuck Villa, fuck Outback, fuck Favela, Fortress is kind of okay, it's growing on me
Villa is one of the most well balanced maps in the game right now. Get some taste.
I guess someone doesn’t like having fun
>also nu-Hereford looks like shit
Villa and Outback are the best and least confusing one honestly. I don’t know how the fuck you prefer Fortress?
>least confusing
Yeah fucking right.
Oh yeah it's so much fun playing on a map with ONE stairway that ONE attacker can hold an angle on to win the game. Kill yourself.
Also fuck Coast, that map is gay, too
Ya its worth still highly played. Just be aware that some DLC ops are straight better then comparative ops. Also the game isnt exactly known for being well managed on bugs and balance. For example even after all these years using a shield feels like playing the lottery. Man if I had a win for everytime I was shot through my shield I would be rich as hell. Even if you hate shields I dont think fighting as one or against one should feel like playing the lottery.
Shields shouldn't be in the game at all.
Fun fact in the beta you could aim down sights while holding the shield up still. How does that make you feel?
>csgo clone
Its main "competition" has been CSGO for a long time. I dont think its a real comparison if anything its closer to swat and thats a stretch. Still its what people like to call 5v5 FPSs now.
>strat rarely works to begin with
You'd be surprised
It's way way worse. Fucking peaking simulator with dota skills.
Vegas is consolized trash. Fun but trash. Rogue Spear will always be the best. 98 doesn't count since you can just port that entire campaign to RS.
villa is a good map, not the best, but no where near a bad one.
cringe barcodes