Buy or pass?
Well Yea Forums? What’s the verdict on this?
It's fine.
Pick it up or don't.
Best fromsoft combat ever. It's a must have.
Full price buy. Not only is it the best and most polished game of 2019 but it’s also the most refreshing and needed game of the newer generations that are full of useless gimmicks and shallow gameplay. This game flips the trend upside down and goes back to the roots of gaming where fun is derived from you and the controller. Nothing else.
Buy it and play it yourself while forming your own opinion on it you fucking pushover, if you don't like it then refund it
dark souls with stealth
I pirated it but I felt bad about doing so because it was very good
As an action game, the combat is pretty shallow. It's also very short. The "stealth" part about this game is a misnomer, it's fucking hot garbage. It's not bad though. Get it when it's on sale.
its essentially a sword rhythm game with stealth in between, pretty fun until you inevitably get frustrated and come back
The camera ruined this game for me stopped after beating the first boss just brutal
>unironically thinking the stealth is a focus of this game instead of another tool like prosthetics
You haven’t played the game or didn’t even get good at it
I was just warning OP that the stealth in this game is garbage, in case he was a tenchufag or whatnot.
>You haven’t played the game or didn’t even get good at it
I've completed it, shill.
How is Stealth not the focus when you die in 2 hits and kill anyone in 1 if you get them from the back? How is it not the focus if every single level can be stealthed through, even many bosses can be taken down a bar from stealth?
There are tons of abilities to emphasize that, lots and lots of items to get around stealthing and the whole grappling hook to quickly get away if you've been found. Stealth is half of the god damn game.
Oh yea, tripfag. Figures. Kill yourself.
ur a fucking brainlet, nearly every mobs section of this game incorporates stealth, being vital in parts like the snake or giant fish. prosthetics are good but only help for the 2 actual focuses of the game, stealth and combat.
So yeah OP these are the detractors. You make the decision.
high roading about someone asking for opinions on an opinion board ;O
didn't school just start, bitch?
All attacks can be reflected as long as it doesn't show those red warnings , don't forget that and you will have fun
It's fun but don't expect any good replay value outside of your first playthrough
You can still deflect attacks that are for mikiri counters if you time them right
>everyone who criticizes my game is a detractor
Damn, shilling this hard I see?
Maybe you should look up what detractor means
Stop coping, tripnigger (shill).
I hope you piss your pants in your sleep tonight.
You will end up replaying Sekiro more than once for the different endings and to discover more about the world and more. In fact due to the fact that it’s a much more story driven game with fleshed our characters and themes you will actually have more incentive to do this. Not to mention unlocking more skills. I’m on NG+6 already and still loving it since enemies keep getting harder.
Yeah you are right, reflect all, counter stabs after you get mikiri counter, there you go now you are a master of this game
Also reflect =/= block
With a good reflect you damage your opponent's posture and keeps yours, a block stops you from getting damage but you lose posture
>hey let's take the most annoying mechanic from Souls, parrying, and let's base our entire game around it!
Buy. 4mil others agree
The thing is it’s not just deflecting that will make you a master, but positioning and combining your attacks with prosthetics and combat arts to maximize your damage and rhythm. You only truly master the game after your second or third playthrough. That’s when you start feeling confident enough to just start speedrunning through bosses.
The only good AAA game of 2019. If you’re not brain dead and don’t get panic attacks when the game doesn’t lead you to the next cutscene with a waypoint, you’re going to enjoy it.
>implying the combat is as shitty as Souls
Please stop hanging on to the coattails of Sekiro, Soulsbronies. Sekichads want nothing to do with you.
Its way easier now with a bigger window, it's the complete opposite of Bloodborne where you need to evade everything
>shills for a game too hard instead of just sayings "its a solid game"
>is objectively wrong about the focuses of the game
>"fuck these detractors, they're just being contrarians"
OP the game is pretty good, buy it
also genichiro is a bitch
Pirate and buy at $20-30 imo. It's another From game.
The parry windows are massive though. With some enemies like the centipede sen un, you just mash L1 in one place and win.
>still upset about the definition of words
you should pirate, if ure a console fag, try to interchange.
single player game, but worth it.
Why do black people like to bait?
give it back jamal
I like how you said “but” as if single player is a detractor.
Probably because it's guaranteed (You)s
I'll pass on it, to barren for me. Doesn't seem exceptional in any regard.
Why would you want a you?
Are you telling me you don't get a dopamine rush from seeing the (You)s roll in? Are you even human?
The only game for PC I gave a fuck along with Yakuza Zero in 2019.
It's not actually him doing it anymore, trolls just caught on and want them yous
Ok thanks lads ill download it sounds fun
noice, now you will be a masochistic