Coming off of Skyrim, what design changes need to be made to this one?
Coming off of Skyrim, what design changes need to be made to this one?
I'm ready to see Tolkien green fields again, and not dreary woods and snow. Besides that, I dunno. Better cities. Cave and dungeon variety. Maybe a character not so tied with some epic destiny and just a joe schmo. Hell, even TESO had you beings some important dude in the narrative.
The changes that would make nu-Bethesda games good would also make it bad for the normalfags who eat Todd's shit.
What a dilemma.
I think even normalfags would appreciate some larger cities
A world: thats built to explore, thats not dungeons copypasted everywhere, thats fun to move around in, and is fun to fight things in
Most decent rpg games can do like 2 of these at the most. A few good games can do 3. Not sure i can name a game in this genre that does all 4.
Dialogue without voiced protaginist
Being able to attack while jumping
Being able to attack underwater
Spells being more interesting than 3 damage types and a couple of statuses
Spells increasing in damage with your relevant skill
Combat not being wank
Children not looking like aliens
Not level scaling, or at least capping certain enemy types so bandits can't face off against a fucking demigod
shouldn't becoming arch-mage or the leader of the thieves guild actually mean something, and impact the environment around you? even if it's minor i'd like to see changes like that.
>Mana and magic removed
>Magic is now four abilities you choose from with cooldowns like in moba/hero shooters
>Games gimmick is a special upgradeable superweapon you start with because chosen hero plot
>It's the best weapon in the game and you're forced to use it to solve puzzles and progress the story
>Voiced main character using Fallout 4 dialogue system
>Horse autopilot system along roads to quest markers
>Speech skill removed
>Armor skill removed
>Pickpocket, lockpick, and stealth are all one skill now
>Smithing, alchemy, and enchanting are all one general crafting skill
>Enemies and quests give EXP, leveling awards skillpoints rather than training individual skills
>It has the Dark Messiah kick and physics combat system
Optional Old School mode where character creation severely gimps you in all things you aren't made for. No more master-of-all-trades superhero chars. There, you've just pleased both sides of the fanbase.
Actual rpg mechanics
Making decisions in major quests actually impact the world
Combat that is more than just spam attack and spam pots
Let me make a background for my character
None of these will happen, they will casually the game more and it will feel like a mobile game for braindead retards
I just can't believe there's like another 5 years before it actually comes out. Jesus fuck.
They should bring back factions that are actively against each other, whose disposition towards you changes depending on your affiliation
If the region is daggerfall/hammerfell this should be a given due to the political rivalries everywhere
I meant high rock, not daggerfall
I'm looking forward to getting mad when they reveal more information about starfield
Maybe we will get some at tonights show
Too early, next E3 is likely
>tonights show
What's tonight?
Gamescon or whatever it's called
About 13 more hours I think
Remove magic bar and have stamine and magic share the same one, no more numbers on skills, only letters.
Having factions affect other factions' disposition is useless unless it blocks membership or service. And there's no way they're going to let you not join everything and do everything in one playthrough.
That was actually one of the few things they fixed with Fallout 4 though.
After Skyrim I think its safe to assume that the RPG elements couldn't possibly get any more dumbed down, so maybe its time to start actually expanding on them since even the most braindead fucking normie is gonna expect more this time around. Heaving skill trees that aren't completely fucking worthless and boring without mods would be nice too. So is having melee combat that doesn't feel like dogshit. And dungeons that aren't all completely linear corridors. And an optional "hardcore" survival mode like in New Vegas built in the game right away without needing the modders to do it, or having to pay for it 5 years later or their gay paid mods store (fuck you).
More than anything though, I don't think they can get away with making the game in Gamebryo anymore. I doubt even elder scrolls hype is going to save them if they release another janky broken mess after Fallout 76. They already tried their damnedest to kill their own modding community over the last few years anyway so its probably time to stop trying to rely on them to fix their shit games.
i thought they confirmed they were using it for starfield and TES6
Bring back polearms and rapiers. Bring back spellmaking. Bring back levitate spells.
I haven't played it, could you give me a quick rundown on how faction disposition works there?
I know Starfield was confirmed to be in Gamebryo since that game is already well on its way in development. Don't know about TES6 though, they still haven't really announced anything about it to my knowledge.
Shhh you'll spook the deer
If we're lucky then Starfield will fucking bomb and force them to finally abandon gamebryo.
1. Make sure 90% of the game doesn't consist of generic fetch/dungeon clearing quests
2. Horses that aren't garbage.
3. A world that's actually interesting to explore.
>I don't think they can get away with making the game in Gamebryo anymore.
You naive fool.
It seems the release is going to be at least 5 years away.
Star Sector is still years away from release and they'll want to wait at least 2 after that before TES6.
I can tell you that if the Amazon Lord of the Rings tv show is successful then there will be an expansion inspired by it.
>After Skyrim I think its safe to assume that the RPG elements couldn't possibly get any more dumbed down
Did you play Fallout 4? They can get A LOT more dumbed down. And trust me, they will.
I'll wait a year after release until it gets patched to a playable state. Anyone who buys TES 6 day one is an idiot.
I expect the RPG elements to be dumbed down to such a degree that the term doesn't even apply anymore. Three skills, magic, combat, stealth. Bet on it.
But honestly, TES games are just a modding platform for sex mods, to me. So long as that still works, whatever.
The gameplay needs to be completely rehauled. Preferably something akin to Assassins' Creed. Free running on and climbing shit is a must, especially for certain builds.
just bring back acrobatics
Use a modern engine.
Using a 20 year old modded engine because they refuse to leave their comfort zone is pathetic.
make it more like the witcher 3
Please take stupid meme shit back to your circlejerk reddits, thanks.
whats up
>Hell, even TESO had you beings some important dude in the narrative.
How? The biggest bullshit twist is the fact that you're no one and that the whole main mission is a glorified escort mission.
I've not seen anything in Bethesda's output in the last twenty years that tells me they could write a new engine.
They could buy one, but the problem remains that a new engine means a new tool set, a new content pipeline, the loss of years of accumulated knowledge in the modding community (which would effectively kill it, while they're trying to monetize it), etc.
I think they'll continue to pay increasing interest on the technical debt of still using gamebryo, but walking away from it would be even worse for them. They don't have the talent on hand to make that kind of transition.
Can't they just like, ya know..have smart people working on the sidelines, overhauling the engine so it's actually optimized and ready for tes6 and future game development?
I remember them buying out id software specifically because they're code wizards, in fact I'm pretty sure they can be credited for the transition to their "creation" engine and the reason why skyrim was mostly relatively stable compared to oblivion and fallout 3. So while Bethesda sure as shit doesn't have the talent to write a new engine, they might actually own someone else who does.
If they're really going to stick to that pile of shit and just keep sinking more money in it forever until the end of time though, could they at least hire one fucking person who knows how to do 3d animations? I'm legitimately wondering at this point of its an inherent problem with the engine itself that every model is going to look completely awful and unnatural when they're doing movements or if they've really just had the same college dropout work on animations since oblivion and he's just be phoning it in ever since.
Just get unreal engine 4 already, fuck.
remove all types of crafting because they always cause some kind of exploit
If you're an average joe what would compel you to complete the main storyline? Morrowind had the balance right of you being a chosen one, without being railroaded into your destiny nor having it handed to you on a silver platter.
>Make a stat system so I can make a god damn build thats fun in end game. Take some notes from Dragon's Dogma rpg elements, making the game feel rewarding but not brain dead easy, bring back some of the Morrowind stuff
>More than 8 VAs for every character
>Make magic good, revive magic spell crafting, better scaling etc
>Better combat, take elements from combat mods like lockon, tk dodge etc
>increase the weapon/armor variety, light,mid,heavy, add spears and halberds that have legitimate advantages besides hitting faster and a bit better;i.e. better movesets,range, effective against certain armor
>Better written characters qnd followers; Byrnjolf is still a chad
>Better explanation tools, climbing, grappling hooks, etc; skyrim had a lot of climbing but is braindead in achieving its exploration
>Better horse, flying mounts maybe
Lots of shit to improve on and they have a lot of games to take inspo from, but its Todd they'll just sell it as Skyrim High Rock Edition
It'll be Hammerfell, not High Rock, so they can have a Redguard "woke" game.
I wouldn't mind a Hammerfell game I just hope they don't butcher the area's lore.
>revive magic spell crafting
Goddamn I want this so bad, the system in DF was great. Plus it'll actually give you something to spend your vast hordes of gold on.
Adding a bit more, some stuff I would like to see but is more experimental
>Combat skills, profiency in a certain weapon will give you certain stat boosts, unique moves
>Magic procs: kind of like BLM fire phase, you have a random chance of doing a better spell
>Magic variety: instead of each spell being a variation on how much damage you want to do, make them have some cool effects: fire obviously leads to an explosion capping out at meteors/nukes, ice stacks can freeze opponents solid leading for follow ups with physical dmg, geo spells replace fus ro dahs sending rocks at opponents causing concussions, lightning chains opponents, can lead to magnetism n stiff; ultimate goal of this system is to give player choice between what spells are better for each scenario and if you wanna roleplay as a lightning god or something
>Maybe a character not so tied with some epic destiny
well yeah that's pretty much been given since arena. You're a very special dude who was taken captive.
I say it every time you autists ask
Leveling and character system of Morrowind
Quests and world design of Oblivion
Combat of Skyrim with dodging reasons to dodge and increased difficulty
>Combat of Skyrim
Certain decisions you make in the main plot favor one faction over the others in an unforgivable way.
bring back the mouse swipe directional attacks
holy shit why you are so meaan
Well it's either Skyrim Oblivion or Morrowind out of the three Skyrim is by far the best that's why I suggested dodging be added as well and make it more difficult
How generous of you.
>Magic is just 3 spells,fire, lightning and ice upgraded with perks that really just equates to 9 different types of spells
>Levels caps at 150, enemies all scale alongside you
>Mana and magic removed
>Magic is now abilities you choose from with cooldowns like in moba/hero shooters
>Games gimmick is a special upgradeable superweapon you start with because chosen hero plot
>It's the worst weapon in the game and you're forced to use it to solve puzzles and progress the story
>You can also never remove it from your character and have to switch from it to other weapons
>Weapons have been downgraded, you now have 3 weapons that are heavily geared towards certain classes
>Sword is for fighters, mace are for fighters who use magic, dagger is for mages.
>Voiced main character using a linear dialogue system
>No horse, you have to rent one or take a wagon which is instantaneous fast travel
>Fast travel is on a very, very long lockdown(irl days) that has to be bought with store Septimsâ„¢
>Speech skill removed
>Armor skills removed
>Weapon skills removed
>Magic skills removed
>Racial perks removed
>Standing stones removed
>Disease based boons are purely quest based and will never show up again
>there is only 4 towns, the rest are retconned
>Landscapes look straight out of MMO's
>Pickpocket, lockpick, and stealth are all one skill now
Smithing, alchemy and enchanting is no longer a skill but farmville-like time based, only thing stopping you from crafting the best gear is of course materials and time(read:can be bought off with store bought Septimsâ„¢)
>Enemies and quests give EXP, leveling awards levels rather than training individual skills or giving any points
>It has horrible bugs day one that brick your system, pretty frequently appearing, it's not removed until a year in and any mentioning of it is hushed away
You see far to few nightmares ahead of us friend.
>4 towns
too confusing for modern players, just have "the city" as one zone, and "the wilderness" as the other
The city can be huge and sprawling, with nearly twenty five inhabitants
twenty five?? damn they'd be spoiling the shit out of us with this one
Oh, Bethesda is considered a 'starter' company in career terms. No one sticks around long enough to be really experienced.
Whoah now, that's too taxing for our engine. 18 is our limit but we'll probably settle for 12, with 3 intractable npcs including shop owners.
Of course we can't forget the happy khajit shop, where if you have coin khajit has waresâ„¢ amiright fellow TESites?
YEAH, wooo!
just rip off mordhaus combat system and add magic
>mordhaus combat system
just saw on youtube, I'd be into it, but the combat system has to accommodate magic and stealth too
Whoever told you that was full of shit. Bethesda's got exceptionally low turnover by industry standards. For example, as it relates to the question of the guy you replied to, the lead artist, lead graphics programmer, and lead animator of Fallout 4 all date back to Morrowind.
>lead animator of Fallout 4 all date back to Morrowind
I can tell
The problem with the engine is, and really this is like a lot of engines, that it's like a ball of yarn.
Now the gamebryo engine is a very ugly ball of yarn, now add thew creation engine over that and you can start to see why actually fixing age old problems start to be a very, very big problem.Because sure you can cut off some outside threads and it'll still be a functioning yarnball and sure you can add some more yarn to it and it'll be a prettier yarnball. But the moment you want to make it more round or add more robust yarn into the ball itself you have to go deep, deep within. And if you don't know this yarnball in and out and if you mess up well then the whole thing falls appart, coupled with this hot mess it's basically impossible to actually know the thing in and out.
an actual rpg and not a an arcade shooter with bows instead of guns
It's because todd is really just hiring people that are his friends. He's a walking nepotism loot box handing out positions to his old team and school friends.
Pete hines doesn't know what the fuck he's doing but he's there.
That doesn't sound right, Bethesda's team is really small by AAA standards. Witcher 3's dev team more than tripled the size of Skyrim's. Most of the people working in the main branch under Todd have been with the studio for many years through multiple releases.
If anything the problem is that nobody has the balls to fire the people who suck. Or I guess they never felt the need to because their games have been increasingly successful until 76. Hopefully that game will light a fire under their asses and prompt some long overdue personnel changes.
My expectations
>Voiced protagonist
>Dialogue system from Fallout 4
>Only 1 faction to side with again
>Most skills removed, now it's just 3, Magic, Agility, Strength
>Awfully long intro and tutorial
>Can't go outside the area where a quest takes place until you completed it
Fix the fucking stealth system so I can crawl, hop, and jump place to place and climb. THEY OWN DISHONORED AND THIEF FFS. WHY CANT THEY JUST RIP THE MECHANIC FROM THEM?
>Can't go outside the area where a quest takes place until you completed it
I hadn't even considered that one. It's a horrible idea, so they'll probably do it.
Being an actual RPG and not some casual shit would be nice
nerf stealth and make melee combat interesting
it should take place in space and let you build a ship and shoot lasers and shit
>2. Horses that aren't garbage.
Enhanced horse dlc for just 15 dollars
Also modding fidelity will take a nosedive and be exclusive to the creation club with lawyer enforced takedowns of unsolicited modding.
Why does everyone have so little faith in bethesda and why would fallout affect elder scrolls in any way?
>Why does everyone have so little faith in bethesda
The last fifteen years.
It's not GameBryo, it's Bethesda, they're just that shitty. Be glad they're not making it on a new engine they're unfamiliar with, or the Bethesda jank will be even worse.
What Bethesda needs to do is hire some people who aren't incompetent.
Corporate culture at Bethesda (and Zenimax) is absolute cancer. Everything they do is and will be affected by that.
Hammerfell is just desert reskin Skyrim, there's nothing interesting there
Stats, their removal killed any hope of unique characters. There is no point in starting as a wizard or barbarian or whatever because you will end up as a Stealth Archer.
Signs with abilities and meaningful stat changes. Stones can fuck off.
Skills, all of it in general, but especially pick-a-perk needs to go and 1H/2H need to be broken back up
Race and Sex bonuses and penalties, for the same reason as Stats.
Log book, so that I no longer accrue 10,000 meaningless "clear out [place]" or "bring [thing] to [NPC]" side quests I will never, ever do
Magic, Destruction and Alteration and Conjuration's bound weapons need to scale with you. Conjuration needs a serious nerf.
More enemy types. Somehow, there are less than fucking Daggerfall, a game from the dark ages.
More enemy abilities. There is no point in using poisons or resistance potions in vanilla skyrim because just about everyone uses, and is weak to melee attacks.
It's going to be mummy tombs, dwemer ruins and bandit camps. While the High Rock portion will be castle ruins, bandit camps and foresworn.
Meggan Boucher is a slut
Because gamebryo is incapable of those mechanics
Bethesda's fallouts were always meh at best but their elder scrolls games are always good and skyrim was better than oblivion. Elder scrolls is Todd's child while Fallout is an easy paycheck with little effort, it's been this way since fallout 3.
>I'm ready to see boring green fields again
what did user mean by this?
More like gamebryo is such a spaghettified mess they can't code anything new in there without breaking the rest. Seriously, they need to hire industry competitive programmers to unravel and rewrite their engine into plain code so they can start expanding on it again.
>After Skyrim I think its safe to assume that the RPG elements couldn't possibly get any more dumbed down
Oh sweaty, youre in a for suprise......
Or just use Id tech
All of these things we've seen before in Skyrim, mummy tombs being draugr in coffins
I think that was his point
No, no. They are totally different. Like Sith Troopers.
>Coming off of Skyrim
Why? If you want to know what TES6 will be like, look at Fallout 4, 76, and Blades. It's going to be irredeemably shit.
Fallout 4 was big and boring, and bought-and-paid-for video game sites could barely keep the wolves at bay when it came to how stagnant and stupid the franchise had become. The story DLC for FO4 was good but that goodwill is seriously drained when the other 2/3 of the DLC is mod-stealing and fucking settlement items. Fallout 76 was just Fallout 4 made shittier in every single conceivable way. ESO continues its slow ascent from Real Bad to Mediocre which means they continue to push off its inevitable free-to-playing. Elder Scrolls Blades (lol, but still) is just a buggy, repetitive ES-flavored rip-off of Infinity Blade with more aggressive monetization, and you should absolutely avoid it even at its price tag (free)
So, none of their recent projects have been very good.
>their elder scrolls games are always good
Bethesda hasn't made a good game in 15 years, counting an expansion as a game. Oblivion was a good game ruined by lazy level scaling, Skyrim was a further slide towards shit, neither was enjoyable without modding intervention, and hardly even then.
There is every sign that the slide in quality will continue, and now that Bethesda's greed has seen them trying to monetize their modding community, they'll likely ruin that as well, and lose the only avenue their games have for becoming playable. You can see Fallout 76 for how well that works.
It's also asinine to draw some kind of design distinction between their Elder Scrolls and Fallout output, given that they're just reskins of each other. They both represent an overall design philosophy of "fuck it".
Add all the shit cut out since Morrowind.
A nice color palette
After playing mordhau and chivalry I find elder scrolls combat to be absolutely unacceptable. I'm not saying a single player offline game needs to be exactly the same, and individual weak bandits should always be easier to kill than a single person balanced to be as strong as you like in Mordhau. That being said, they have to do -something- to make the combat good. SOMETHING.
Don't forget.
>You get to ride a dragon and fight dremora within the first 15 minutes of gameplay.
This will never happen but it should. A return to weird world building and unapproachable ideas would be good instead of the pluralist tolkien plebshit we will get
Combat has to be better.
Animations must be improved (like seriously, fucking soul reaver, a game from 1999, has better animations than any of the Beth's games. What the fuck)
Actually good RPG elements
No hour long intro sequences
And, of course, good story, quests, factions etc.
Better is arguable, but Skyrim was certainly more stupid than Oblivion. There was less going on and the player could do fewer things.
They replaced bad systems with no systems (speech, barter, movement skills, spellcrafting for instance).
They replaced useful, interesting systems with lame ones, like Alchemy and Enchanting.
They railroaded the guilds to the point where you could become Master of all of them before you even fought a dragon.
They made the interface enormously shittier and harder to sort and navigate.
They got rid of classes, stats, signs, and even sex differences so that you could Play It Your Way no matter what.
BUT, Skyrim is definitely more varied in the environments department. So it's better.
>Full set of enchanted daedric armor and OP sword given to you 10 minutes in because it's "le prophecy" given to you by a daedric god or the emperor
If anything, by all rights the combat should be way better than those games since they're singleplayer and its easier to create balanced and polished gameplay in a controlled environment full of stupid linear dungeons and the same four enemy types than it is in a chaotic multiplayer game.
Fucking Dark Messiah had already been out for 5 years by the time Skyrim was first released.
Bring back spellmaking
Bring back levitation, jump spells, mark/recall
Bring back persuasion/bribing/friendliness bar for NPCs
Add boats and hot air balloons
Lootboxes, pay-to-win multiplayer, and a shitload of broken AI most likely.
Also better destruction spells that aren’t just different variations of fire, ice, and electricity.
And make telekinesis viable for combat
A world that's actually big, like bigger than Daggerfall, even if it ends up being a 300gb game or something, would actually be welcome. I think that would be pretty cool so long as it's not empty. It has to be filled with amazing things.
>wanting even more randomly generated bullshit
Character's skin gets progressively darker the more you pickpocket but this is never explained in-game.
Is it going to be one of those service games?
I once had a mod that made the guards beat and harass Redguard characters, but the faggots over at reddit complained and got it removed from nexus.
For sure. Someone earlier said they'd call their Disney Dollars "Septims", which seems likely. You can use these to buy experience, Daedric weapons, or their new premium mods, which I give a 50/50 shot to being the only real mods allowed.
Yes, even though it won't actually have multiplayer, it will need to be always-online so it can keep track of your lootbox timers. Only 7 hours to unlock them, goy :)
No no, I want none of it to be randomly generated. I want it all done by hand and I'm ok if they spend the next 10 years to do it.
I'll just be pumped for it not to be nordic.
The always online is also needed to make sure you only use licenced mods and you need to be online anyway to run Denuvo.
>The Elder Scrolls VI: Skyrim 2
>Heaving skill trees that aren't completely fucking worthless and boring
Holy fuck this. I recently replayed Skyrim with a modded skill tree and additional spells and it felt like a different game. You could actually specialize into different play-style and gave more incentive to level up then "+20% damage".
A decent fucking combat and movement system
>>Pickpocket, lockpick, and stealth are all one skill now
That would actually be a good idea
Honestly be really cool, but they would need better level design and enemy ai. Bethesda is just too lazy for that
>10 years
Even if they were working crunch hours 7 days a week 365 days a year for that amount of time it wouldn't be enough to fill just one of Daggerfall's 44 regions with fully handmade content of a similar level of detail to Morrowind/Oblivion/Skyrim.
Skyrim was hardly nordic either. They're so obsessed with making each hold/province/county/kingdom/whatever have it's own biome, that they can't convincingly portray a region and culture anymore.
Remove all gameplay.
Do not tempt him
made by a different developer who can code a non broken mess.
Needs to be more like WoW Classic.
It's not like main quests in bethesda games are popular to begin with
We have to go back !
This genuinely needs to be filtered.
Yeah, I just mean I'm excited for either an exotic locale or a return to basic sword and sorcery
>Maybe a character not so tied with some epic destiny and just a joe schmo
Being chosen and arrested is the bedrock of TES.
You weren't really "chosen" in Oblivion, you just happened to work out.
variety in biomes
please dont make it all steppes and mountains again
But the Emperor saw you in his dreams.
I'm ready to see Tolkien green fields again
Return to the actual RPG mechanics of Morrowind over HURR FPS RPG LITE garbage from Skyrimjob and Oblivious.
You'd hate playing D&D, kids.
Remove magica / stamina / health
Bundle up skills into simpler categories; no need for one handed, two handed, blades, maces etc, just have Warrior, Thief and Mage as the 3 stats
Remove unnecessary dialogue options, it would be so much better to just have NPCs explain you that they need help from a hero and all you need to say is Yes or No.
Better yet just remove the dialogue option, just have NPCs hand me bounty notes which I can click to teleport to the quest location
I hope the fastest horses can be bought with real money
Also it'd be better for adveturic immersion if there was no night or if dark caves were lit up by torches, I'm here for an adventure, not to squint trying to see where the treasure is.
There's a world of difference between a tabletop RPG that only visually exists in your head and actually seeing two characters in a videogame slash the air in front of them for 5 minutes because of bad 'dicerolls'.
You cant seriously expect them to go back to Morrowind combat
Fuck that guy and fuck his 'experience'. Apparently it's possible to do something for YEARS and still not learn SHIT.
idgaf about D&D. We need to move on from diceroll combat
Zero immersion when you're swinging a sword 1cm away from an enemy and it doesn't connect once.
Sexier outfit design
Since the game is taken place in hammerfell. I need all the post skyrim/eso islamization retcons that were done to the redguards to be severely pulled back. For one, its flat out racist that the white boy races like the nords, bretons, and imperials get to maintain their real world equivalent cultures when the Redguards get theirs retcon the fuck out for no reason.
For fuck sake, the Crowns descend from the noble Na-Totambus, obviously african, and the initial redguards that conquered hammerfell wore spears, tribal like shields, and straight swords, however, in eso, every redguard now has a Arabic name, turbans, and those fucking cancerous meme curved swords. They wouldn't have never brownwashed the white boy races like this, this is fucking ridiculous.
Secondly, fantasized Africa weapons, clothing, and armor is more original, fresh, and cool then arabian fantasy which is played out and lacks weapon diversity imo(omg muh million different curved swords). Why the fuck aren't Redguards using spears anymore??? How is a fantasy race made more better by removing elements from it?
They could've kept that corny Arabic shit for the forebears and natives of the alik'r desert while having the other redguards maintaining their African context. That would've added diversity and made redguards more interesting instead of the shit we have now where everyone is name muhammad, nazir, or Akhbar and is equipped with the same old boring curved sword shit.
I swear to god i'm so close to making noise about this on twitter about how racist bethesda removed the redguards african foundations because they think african fantasy is inferior to the white european fantasy. This shit better get worked out in tes6 or todd has got a problem on his hands.
Normies would murder Bethesda for not being prudes. They'll never be able to do this in modern times.
holy fuck i want her to peg me
Based nigger
Finally someone said it. I absolutely HATE how the Redguards are being whitewashed from being clearly the "Black people of Tamriel" with African inspired stuff like Na Totambu, Ruptga, Tuwhacca, weapon and armor styles, etc. to becoming the much less black and much more familiar to the Western eye Arabs/Moors.
And yes, ESO has gone WAAAY to far with this sort of retconning. If this was done with any other human race, tes fans would be rioting in the streets but since their black and a lot of people are racist, it just gets overlooked.
Don't worry, none of that lore will survive in the actual game. Each region of Hammerfell will have feel culturally disconnected from the last, but somehow still having a shared culture of banditry, driving a full 95% of the population into bandit caves.
Not only good world building, but decent character building and development would be nice, for a change.
t. emil pagliarino
This is Bethesda. You want some other dev studio.
>If this was done with any other human race
Been done with all of them. All the interesting lore was written nearly two decades ago, and Bethesda has been shredding it every since.
He's right though. They could've added 2 other trees if they condensed the awfulness of pickpocket and lockpicking which legitimately didn't need their own.
They're not in the business of adding things.
I do feel that lockpicking and stealth needs to be separate though
>grind stealth
>you get better at picking locks
You're the problem
Okay, but the nords for example are still largely shaped by their real world counter parts. Its not like they were weirdly retconned into being german looking dudes that are nested in a aboriginal fantasy culture or something.
Almost none. It will be further degraded when it comes to complexity rpg mechanics and all other content.