They'll really pay for anything huh

They'll really pay for anything huh

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nintendo would be retarded not to do this

not today

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Nintentoddlers are autists. They'll buy a piece of cardboard if it has Nintendo's logo on it.

>announcing illegal activities on 4channel
I've already contacted the authorities. Thanks to reCAPTCHA google knows who you are and can easily back trace the post.

Good luck catching him, he used incognito mode.

Oh boy, I can't wait to cough up 20 burgerbonds to play whatever 3 shitty snes games they decide to roll out a month at a fucking time.
I genuinely don't understand nintendo's VC model. There is literally no reason for their new consoles to not ship with literally every pre-gamecube game playable on it at this point.

There is literally nothing illegal about emulation.

meanwhile everyone makes more illegal things and nobody nothices.

I guess the plan is to slowly increase it to the same amount as Xbone/PS4 so the 'tendies don't realize they're being scammed?

I always assumed this was the case, I'm one of the few who know how to get online for free anyways (not sharing) so have fun pay cuks

Nintendies are a good example of the boiling frog experiment.

SNES? Cool, but for additional pricing? No

These half-assed feature additions might be understandable if they were putting any fucking work at all into fixing the basic online infrastructure.

the one where if gradual heat is introduced that the frog won’t jump out?

>online is heavily criticized
>let's invite even more complaining
they won't do this, right? Just add it to online normally.

Nice lisp, fag

Get mad.

I think it's pretty fair. Expecting online services, NES games and SNES games for $20 is a little ridiculous. As long as they keep offering the $20 as an option I don't fucking care.

>additional pricing tier for the service
*urge to swashbuckle rises*


Why would I be mad? I can play my collection of nintendo roms whenever the fuck I want. I'm just confused as to how nintendo keeps fucking it up this hard.

Get mad.

Yes, they're going to add SNES games to the online service but you're going to have to pay extra to access them.

Thanks, I think I'll seed the latest SNES no-intro ROM pack :3

>Release SNES games on Switch through their service
>Will make controllers for it too

Nah get one of these instead. Pic related.

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I like them except their face buttons feel too clicky, not nearly as firm as the real ones do. Their overall quality is worse too, they're too light. Not that SNES controllers were heavy but you can tell it's just a very barren pcb on the 8bitdo controllers.

Honestly if you pay to play online you basically deserve to be disrespected as a customer. Xbros were retarded for doing it first, but sonybros and nintenbros are 2x and 3x as retarded for paying after seeing how everything works.

those are garbage, i got a logitech f310 and it was a better experience, also cheaper.

It's also made of paper. Drop it once and say goodbye to your triggers being true again. Though I don't know how much better those fake SNES controllers are.

I don't know how well this will work considering every investor meeting they claim they can't get people to subscribe for a full year at the price it is already. They don't see the value of it. If they're trying to add value rising the cost doesn't seem like a smart idea. All that does it keep the people on the fence from paying. Nintendo may not end up trying to rise the cost if they do add them to hopefully hook those people finally.

Of course knowing the stupidity of the market a few more bucks to a few people already paying into the service might make more money than actually getting your entire install base to hop on the paid online wagon.

p2p is not a service.

everyone is, even PCfags are having the heat cranked up on them, albeit at the slowest rate.

it's really not that hard. $20 for a year of online+a collection of NES games? not worth it to anyone, since NES games just aren't that deep or interesting, aside from a few exceptional games.
but if it was $25 for a year of online + a large colleciton of SNES games? people will pay tons for that since SNES games were orders of magnitude more fun and interesting than NES games, although it is important they get some third parties on board, if they do i could see them getting away with charging as much as $30 though.

How is it ridiculous? Those fucktards don't even put up a decent selection of games. You are better off getting a SNES classic than pay for this online bullshit.

Fuck off Nintendo.

why wouldn't you just use retroarch and have all these in one nro

dont knock it until you try it.

so how is the pi 4 for n64 and psp emulation?

Emulation is legal
Home brew is legal
The closest you MAYBE could get to calling it illegal is if he didn't make the rips himself, of course though if you believe that eulas are in fact binding, then at any point in his existence he could have owned said games, and technically has a license to use the software, because it's fundamentally indeterminable from other copies of the game.
That being said, it's still dumb that Nintendo is unironically doing a sony and gimped their Back catalog of games to push the online service, when it could have been supplementary.

But they do jump out

The mad lad!

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So is anyone going to explain what's wrong with this or are you all just going to blindly hate whatever Nintendo does? Seriously, it's TWENTY dollars a YEAR. What does it fucking matter if they charge an extra five or ten bucks per year in exchange for being able to play more retro games?

Doesn't matter that it's $20 a year, it's asinine that they're making their entire back catalog unavailable to people that purchased it, AGAIN, AFTER THEY MIGRATED ALL THAT SHIT TO NEW SERVERS AND THEY HAVE THE DATA ON WHAT GAMES YOU OWN.

>Online service is worse than 13 year old free services
>They don't do anything to improve it at all.
>Already looking at adding new higher pricing tiers just to add more old roms anyone can play for free on probably at least 3 items in their house right now.

This is a joke.

Twenty dollars a year is twenty dollars too much for a service that doesn't even have basic functionality that free services had more than a decade ago.

>Though I don't know how much better those fake SNES controllers are.
I use one as a general-purpose controller, it's not bad. It isn't 1:1 with an SNES controller (like another user mentions the buttons don't feel exactly right and it's too light because the internal PCB is much thinner than an SNES controller's) but the plastic is spot-on and the controls are responsive. Also has gyro and rumble.

>Emulation is legal
>Home brew is legal
Both of these are actually illegal. I have a law degree.

Emulation is illegal because the owners of the video games never agreed to allow their game to be emulated. This is similar to why it's illegal to watch TV without a license for it.

Homebrew is illegal because it does not have a legal license attached. Fake licenses like GNU and open source ones are actually illegal, which is why businesses use Windows (Microsoft's operating system).

>This is similar to why it's illegal to watch TV without a license for it.
Thankfully, the vast bulk of us don't live in the UK or any country that has such a stupid thing as a TV license.

Honestly, the news about the controller is way more exciting to me. It would be great to get a modern SNES controller from Nintendo with a proper dpad so I can retire my shitty 8bitdo.

fpbp then 50 posts ignoring it

Additional pricing?
Are they for fucking serious?
Nintendo online is already a gigantic ripoff and they want to make it even worse?
If you want me to pay extra for the games that come with the service then at least FIX YOUR SERVERS WHICH IS WHAT I'M ACTUALLY PAYING FOR

At least add a messaging and invite system comparable to free crap from more than a decade ago...

Based snitch

>I have a law degree

>This is similar to why it's illegal to watch TV without a license for it.
I still can't believe this isn't a fucking joke.

You guys are gigantic fags holy fuck I hate this board

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How did you post from your switch? Did you seriously connect to your pc just to post a screenshot.

>connect to your PC
You can do that? I thought you had to remove the mSD and copy the contents.

>they'll buy
**they've bought

This isn't even bait, you're just being retarded.

>Fake licenses like GNU and open source ones are actually illegal, which is why businesses use Windows (Microsoft's operating system).
Lmao wat

Shit dudes, I gotta tell my boss that using linux is fucking illegal before the microsoft Windows Compliance police come for us all.

It'll be $60 a year before it's over, they'll charge a little more for SNES, a little more for N64, a little more for GameCube, until people are paying Sony prices.

Except the money will be well worth it

it's already too late, user

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I wouldn't even mind paying that much a year if they had entire catalogs.
But fuck paying for 2 shitty obscure games a month.

>paying a monthly fee to play old games
>well worth it

>old games
Not if you aren't a 40 year old manchild


Are you that dense? Old as in "not fresh." If you haven't played them already, they aren't old.

I fully expect it's only so they have an up to date patent or whatever to slap a CND at 8bitdo for making Switch compatible controllers that have a SNES-like form.

So now it is my fault that you failed at exposing your own ideas. Besides, shit is old regardless you know about it or not.

No, you're just retarded.

I only "paid" for Nintendo online because it came with my copy of SMM2, fuck paying fully for it though. Console only plebs are pitiful.

Doubt it, Nintendo fans will immediately abandon it if they try to do so.

It is for every other platform.

Yes of course, that's why ZERO people in this thread have proven me wrong. Here's my picture of my law degree for proof. Try again next time BUCKO.

Attached: my law degree.jpg (1461x1103, 887K)

Until they decide "fuck you round-eye" again and we get 1 game to Japan's fucking 6 like with Wii U.


You have a law degree and you don't even know about the Bleem case that deemed emulation legal?

>he actually believes this

Nice try.

Attached: degree.jpg (4496x3000, 1.83M)

>pay for nintendo online
>shitty online gameplay combined with shitty online features (or lack thereof)
>want me to pay more for SNES roms

And where are those profits gonna go to? Its certainly not going towards making nintendo online bettet

I thought Labo sold really poorly.
My entire group of friends have Switches, none of us bought any Labo,

I have one for my PC, it's fucking great. But it never connects to my Switch.

That's because you aren't a part of labo's market. Contrary to what most of Yea Forums believes it's the games that target specific audiences, not the console.


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Yeah, classic Yea Forums
It's both the best and worst place to read about video games

Wasn't there a "direct leak" a couple days ago that said SNES games were coming for like 1.99 a month

Well I would say these days it's just the worst. It's hard to find any redeeming qualities among the anti-pc and Nintendo posts.

>implying you even play those games


Nooooo not the cyber police! He dun goofed!!

>My entire group of friends have Switches, none of us bought any Labo,
nice focus group you have there

Fuck. Consequences will never be the same...

I mean there definitely was. Doesn't mean the leak is legit tho

Just kill yourself nintards.

>snoyfags SEETHING this hard
LOL, cope more cuck

bad deadzones

holy fucking based

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Where did this utter disdain for retro games suddenly come from? Yea Forums always used to love and respect the classics.

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snoys came, and this place is now resetera 2.0

Charging more for SNES games is shit

Bear in mind that the service is about to lose value due to a massive influx of players limited to wifi on Switch mini

If anything they should be adding value to make up for the fact that Smash, Splatoon and Mario Kart are going to run even worse online than they do now

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It's just a way for shitposters to fish for (You)s. The amount of people who still care or play older games is much smaller than the amount of people who play newer games. /vr/ exists for a reason because any retro game discussion is too slow for Yea Forums's ceaseless shitposting.
I blame the PS3/360 generation for advertising their consoles with things like Netflix. It encouraged gamers to think of gaming consoles as "all in one entertainment boxes." The PS2 doubling as a DVD player also exacerbated this. But nowadays, people have phones and computers that can do everything consoles used to do but better. Why would I want to browse the internet with a controller instead of on my phone? Game consoles are slowly reverting back to just being about playing current games so any loss of bloatware or features a previous console could do is considered a negative.

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Nintendards will buy anything Nintendo wretches out.

It's sad if Nintendo actually does this though, their online service isn't worth the cost right now.

lol emulators aren't illegal dumbass.

You need the usb blutooth dongle to do that.

Why do snoyfags always say this after vehemently defending censorship?
Makes no sense to me.

I ain't a sonyfag, so nice try. And what the hell does censorship have to do with Nintendo charging for a "service" that's not worth money and on top of that them adding in snes games that you have to pay for?

Get mad.

You are genuinely retarded.

you should see this faggot bitch streamer excessive profanity.

somebody said the switch was 'gimped hardware', he gets a massive autist spergout over the word 'gimped', says person is a braindead consumer falling for marketing schemes, then eggs his audience on to vote.on whether to ban the guy. of course the little streamer kiddie audience all votes yes.

this is the nintencel. after the ban, he went on for another hour how nintendo are 'innovators' and how the hardware is perfect, got mentioned to him its an underclocked nvidia shield but hw doesnt even know what that is, nor does he care nintendo charges you 2 to 3x what that is worth.

nintendo is the apple of gaming - having you pay a 3 to 4x markup for obsolete trash tech and having their braindead cult like 'fanatics' whiteknight their every move.