what game
Activision's latest poop they flushed out of their pristine business
Guardian, you need 12 uncompressed language packs to properly enjoy Destiny 2!
>6 years ago, any game bigger than 30GB was considered big
>nowadays 60GB+ games are the norm
Did the PS4 and Xbone having 1TB HDDs spoil devs and make them forget about file size compression?
Which is?
Huh, so Yea Forums is retarded. The game is Destiny 2, the game that Bungie now completely owns the publishing rights of. Do not listen to this uneducated user, he is retarded.
What the fuck is going on with games these days? Why are they so bloated? Is it just bad code management or something? Every new game takes up 1/5 of my hard drive
They honestly don't care about all the bloat data thats packed into their games
>Language packs
>6 Gorillion K Textures because muh grafix
>Nothing is compressed
>Day 1 patch the size of the game
Exactly, Activision flushed their toilet and took Bungie out of their business. Sorry you're too stupid to understand a sentence that's 1 level above a literal description.
mixture of devs not being able to do compression and a mix of pre-rendered cutscences. i know gears of war 4 about 80% of the file was pre-rendered shit
It's a business strategy to make people reconsider buying other games due to a lack of space.
It's Texture and Material resolution. Since most games are multiplatform (PC included) and want to look nice on high end PC's it's not uncommon for them to pack in textures in the 2k range, but you wont see them unless your on max quality.
Textures/Materials and such take up more filespace than an actual model itself, and that's where it's all going nowadays.
Larger and larger chunks of games got outsourced to inept code monkeys that graduated from diploma mills in the middle of streetshitistan.
>Every mainstream AAA game is ~100 GB
>When consoles have limited HDD size, and installing all that shit takes time
>So you are less likely to keep swapping games
>So you stay with that one AAA game longer and are more likely to pay for microtransactions and other gay shit.
Now all we need is a diminishing returns bait image for textures and materials.
I thought that it was just that PS360 never had hard drives bigger than 250GB, and PS4/Xbone having 1TB drives just made devs lazy, but that actually seems like a pretty underhanded tactic to get people to keep playing your games.
spotted the graphics whore.
Why not make language packs free DLC to avoid bloat? Just download the language pack you want and fuck off to play the goddamn thing. Why the fuck should I have to deal with 50+ extra gigs of language options by default that 'll never use? Why should anyone deal with that shit?
Just have console games read whatever the fuck language you have selected on your shit as its local as part of the games download adding that language to the prompt process. Do the same for PC's and and System Locale. Easy shit.
Doesn't matter how right it is, it is still bait, even moreso for the followup image that tries to disprove it.
they are doing this because they want you to only play their game.
On top of an anti-piracy measure.
Or they could make the langue packs paid DLC! you want the japanese version? that'll be 10$. some games actually do this already
Games are just getting bigger I don't know why this is so questionable. Yeah a game last generation would be considered big if it was 10 gigs. But games are fucking big now. Everything is sharp, open world, voice acting is a must with hours of dialogue and 6 hour music tracks.
The idea that game developers purposely design games to be big to keep people from playing other games is a hypothesis, just an idea thrown around here without a shred of evidence, it's just speculation.
AAA games have monumental expectations to provide so much detail. They can't help being big. You can't compress 6 hours of music as much as you think.
If you want to know more go study things yourself and learn the truth instead of believing rumours and gossip.
reply_bot.exe protocol: initiated
get out of here, Chio
>Games are just getting bigger
Imagine being THIS dumb
I think in this case it's also the voicepacks for all the different languages.
redpill me on Destiny 2, i burnt myself out of warframe.
Should i pick it up?
Not a single person that worked on halo works at bungie. Whatever fucking termites that infest "bungie" today are doing a pisspoor job of living up to the legacy of it's previous generation.
always gets me
Imagine replying without thinking for a single second. His is cognitive dissonance, just reflexively whining like a bitch because I said something you didn't think of
Do you like small repetitive grinds that take days to complete and one a week raid content?
it'll be "F2P", so you could just try it then
>Civ IV
Good shit
What in the fuck happen here?
If games like Destiny 2 are able to push 2-3 other games off of your HD, that's 2-3 less games that Destiny 2 has to compete with for your time investment and microtransaction dollars
Why does every game suck today? WHY?
>Doesn't matter how right it is, it is still bait,
huh, now that you mention it most real fishermen bait their hooks with things fish actually want to eat, so in that sense good bait is usually real.
>Game weighs around 60-70 GB
>Repack drops it to around 30 GB with nothing lost
Another reason to pirate everything.
Make it harder to pirate.
I will say my playthrough of the story was fun and I enjoyed doing a couple rounds of the end-game missions before realizing just how shallow the game was.
The PVP is horribly loot-imbalanced so unless you grindlord it up, you will get farmed.
Those are eels that produce slime when threatened. I think they're called hag fish.
>The PVP
it's fucking peer-2-peer, is there any other reason needed to hate that shit?
dang that's gay.
theres no hope bro
i;m just going to find a new hobby.
Its okay. I like parts of it more than others. With the exception of parts of the Red War campaign and Forsaken its kind of forgettable. Its an uneven game though, some of the activities are far more enjoyable and more fun to replay than others, and if you try checklisting some activities you're going to end up frustrated.
That your gun shoots crooked nerf darts compared to some autistic with shit taste who did 239820938 Nightfalls and got a railgun powered by Jesus.
It was a brief moment of lucidity on my part and I wish I had thought of the conclusion that you drew from my comment.
stupid programmers
a competent developer create shared libraries
>The PVP is horribly loot-imbalanced
The only thing really shit in the pvp are armor mods and some supers or when a new exotic shows up because Bungie does fuck all about broken shit for months. Some of the best pvp weapons are blue-tier. For instance. Shotguns currently rule the Crucible just like they did in Destiny 1 and a shitty ass green-tier shotgun is still one of the best choices to use. Fuck, pic related is in the top three for best shotguns in the game due to barrel length being a factor for accuracy at range and its a blue.
He isn't wrong in that games do carry more expectations in terms of voiced content as well quality of textures and physics which do come with larger space and apparently audio and video like to take up a lot.
Maybe that is just the way of it but honestly I wonder when Valkyria chronicles 1 wants 25gb, as much as the witcher 2. A lot of indie games certainly doesn't seem to live up to their file size, at all. Even if they aren't obscenely large in absolute numbers they certainly seem to take up a relatively large amount of space.
ngl I'm kind of disappointed this didn't turn out to be some off topic Aqua thread desu
code is without exception always the smallest part of a game's file size.
As much as I love my goddess I prefer Yea Forums with videogames.
Yeah, but what about Lalatina?
Hell, PS4 didn't even get 1TB HDD until a few years in. Everyone I know (including myself) had to buy the 500GB one. Was fucking stupid to launch it with so little
Ark is even bigger
You're right, I should've mentioned the outsourced resources instead.
pre-rendered cutscenes must be removed. in-game cinematics only because holy fuck I don't wanna wait longer to download them.
The game in question doesn't have enough lewd monsters for her to fantasize about.
what happen?
they took er
that's why it's called "low quality bait"
come on nigga
Repacks are laughing at you.
Yea Forums's retarded but for different reasons. Every thread this has come up in has had people bring up how the 165 number was the misreported size of the Ps4 update which are always bloated due to how the PS4 writes data, but Yea Forums would rather be mad at a game they don't play for drama.
>he only plays AAA games
>not a single person who worked on halo works at bungie
1. You're very wrong
2. Why would that be a bad thing anyway if they're not making Halo?
>misreported number based on ps4 file overwriting systems
Name names of people who work there.
It's misleading. You go into destiny expecting the people who made halo. You put the name of the team but it's not the same people. Why entrust this game to these people? Why even say "team bungie made this" when nobody who worked there worked on anything with bungie unt destiny? That's a completely different team.
If you can name them that's be great.
the three biggest public faces alone? besides, did you expect the company to just give up its name and branding just because people leave? People leaving to go to new companies is normal user, its not a fantasy land where people die in the company they worked
someone set up us the bomb