How come Yea Forums never talks about gmod?

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it's not free

we are not reddit

It isn't 2011 anymore.

It’s time has come and gone.

Objectively the only purchase in my steam library that I regret. At least with some games I can say "that'll teach me a lesson".

Who is Gary

Multiplayer isn't redeemable anymore, It's just kikery on top of massive circlejerks. Also it had paid mods long before the big Skyrim shitstorm as well.

Because I’m playing Tower Unite

Yeah like CSS.

Game went from peak soul to soulless over the years

Damn I thought I was the only one

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reporting in

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Because that group of shitposters hasn't made a cinema night thread in months

Cause it's shit now, it all went downhill after the 13 update.

>tfw all the fun times are gone

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>ywn play garrysmod for the first time again

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Super late to the hype (only bought it like last year) so oops
Still pretty fun though, portal guns + hbombs never gets old.

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>we are not reddit
Say that again whit a straight face

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>open Gmod
>go into workshop
>download dismemberment mod
>download any anime ragdoll/NPCs I like
>go to role play map
>act out all my serial killer/guro fantasies
I’ve actually nutted to this shit several times.
Is there anything you CAN’T do in this game?

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any servers worth playing on?

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MP is pretty much dead and what remains is soulless garbage.

Too many people complain way too fucking much

No. Not a single one.

>not server-hopping the anime/furry servers and causing as much chaos before you get banned