How much will you be raiding in Classic?
How much will you be raiding in Classic?
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Not at all. Unlike in vanilla, I have a job, and can't meet a raid schedule.
Clownsuits is one of the reason why I don't understand vanilla hype.
WoW didn't get good until TBC, unironically.
At least in TBC clownsuits are a thing only pre-raid.
Salamander Scale Pants/Wild Growth Spaulders were just too good.
>dress meme
a fair amount but only in the 2nd half where i can get easier loot with less effort
all garbage, aesthetically gearing up in Vanilla was ugly as sin.
That's the primary reason i dropped all my DKP on Ten Storms helm, I wanted to be a chad.
>playing Shaman
Lmao faggot Thrall larper
>being on a dkp guild
>not being part of a loot council
You're no chad, i bet you chose your class based on racials
Any guild that uses DKP is pure trash.
Do you work nights or something then? Most people who raid have jobs and do just fine, even family men.
motley gear is charming, go play weeb shit if you want dress-up jpg simulator
My job usually has me getting off at 10:30pm, not getting home until 11. Every guild I've ever been it started raiding anywhere from 6-9. I suppose I could find a guild that has a different raid schedule, but honestly I'm not that interested in raiding anyway. All I really want to do is gank people.
DKP is the only thing that is going to work for most guilds.
Nobody is going to stick around for like 10 weeks just to get no gear because it's all being funneled to the officers.
I've been in multiple no-DKP guilds that had an extremely simple rule for loot.
Is it an upgrade for you for the main spec? Press need.
Is it an upgrade for you for the offspec? Press greed.
Nobody needs it? Do /roll and Raid Leader gives it to the winner.
Worked completely fine and didn't need any of the loot council/master loot/DKP faggotry.
Raided a Paladin in Naxx....the thought of levels one again to 60 brings me nightmare.
Speaking of Paladins, they were the best healers and low key best PVP class in classic (Only class that could stop a pally was a mana burn priest)
No, DKP is a terrible system for terrible guilds. If your guild can't do Master Loot with no drama it's because they're terrible, therefore they should use the terrible system for terrible guilds.
you just debunked your own argument, if no one is going to stick around then no one is going to do the thing you fear
dkp is awfully and never works because people do deals in private to game the system and fuck others over
>WoW didn't get good until TBC, unironically.
>blood elves and draenei
>flying mounts
>world empties out as all the high level players go to a completely different world
>beginning of the end of class fantasy in favor of homogenization by giving both factions paladins/shamans and removing race specific priest spells
and so much more. pretty much everything people dislike about modern wow can be traced to TBC
sounds good in hindsight eh? but we're talking about 2004 dipshit, and everybody used dkp
Credited Response here
>>beginning of the end of class fantasy in favor of homogenization by giving both factions paladins/shamans and removing race specific priest spells
That's a good thing, locking classes behind factions was always retarded and awful from gameplay perspective.
>>blood elves and draenei
Nothing wrong with them and nobody forces you to play as them
>flying mounts
Legit issue
>world empties out as all the high level players go to a completely different world
Plenty of people running in usual rep grind zones for the Drake Mounts, Mantis mounts etc.
If you aren't a faggot you'll take a slight stat hit to have matching gear aesthetics. Just mix shit around, BiS is more flexible since there aren't added armor penalties for not having the same armor type.
Speak for yourself mutt, my guilds never used it and didn't have drama.
All I'm gonna do is level and pick herbs.
>No flower
Get the fuck out of my raid
yeah i can smell your BO from here you retarded elitist.
anyone who says flying mounts killed world activity and wpvp never actually played tbc
>Calling someone elitist
>While using and advocating for DKP
The fucking irony
BEs and Draenei took away the "humans vs monsters" the Alliance and Horde used to be, but they're a necessary evil when it comes to how many people just want pretty characters.
I'd prefer if NEs were Horde and BEs Alliance but that's just me
I mean maybe I might, I'm hopefully going to have enough time to level w/ my new job coming up, Might have to find a weekend raiding guild
>Nothing wrong with them and nobody forces you to play as them
over 50% of the horde became elves and the rest of that 50% became dead humans starting with TBC. that alone is a big fucking deal. draenei are infamous erp bait that only retards play as well but generally less of a problem
all of the lore they introduced was fucking stupid too and the start of warcraft being superhero comics with a new coat of paint. the draenei have fucking spaceships and instead of a vague holy force or even some sort of personal belief in yourself actually the light is a bunch of windchimes. fucking stupid.
dkp was extremely casual and fair, if you spent your points you had no power.
Loot council just pools all the good gear to the A team and the benched cucks don't get shit.
None at all. I'll just rush to 60 and never log in again, I just want to have a character ahead of the curve for when they announce TBC Classic.
BE's have every reason plotwise to hate Alliance because of WC3 and likewise for Night Elves hating Horde.
It's not even a WoW issue, it's direct consequence of WC3 story.
I'll probably only raid ZG with randoms and otherwise just fuck around in Classic, as far as serious raiding goes I'd stick to retail mythics if I ever got back into it.
Nope, making a priest/mage and going to just casually get r10 on them and wpvp. May raid once AQ comes out.
>get ganked
>can just stun someone and fly away
they were ok in TBC but when they were backported into the main world with cata it was all over
>Blocks your attempt to not look like a huge sissy faggot
Put on a dress you fruit
Eh, it was more NEs fault for their fight than Horde's, The Horde was starting a nation and needed lumber and the NEs just attacked them with the help of a demigod and got their shit pushed in.
After they allied against the BL, the horde offered to buy wood from the NE and they refused, so they had no choice but to forcefully start lumbering Ashenvale
>removing race specific priest spells
The only thing that changed about priest racials was fear ward being given to all priests, that's it. Draenei and Dwarves were compensated for the loss with Chastise
yeah, i'm sure the first two would look better if they had a proper shirt and tabard too.
>cut down other peoples shit without asking, violating their NAP
>continue to fight back instead of just leaving, kill a bunch of important people to them
"b-but it was fine in TBC"
that wasn't the point. the seed for all the issues was planted with TBC, even if it bloomed later. it was degenerating the game instead of moving forward
>Invade borders of a sovereign nation
>Starting chopping down their National Parks adn set up your massive pollution factories in their place
>not wearing the most ideal healing gear and just using jmorph to make yourself look like a nonfaggot
they wont do shit about it
Why would they back down? The orcs were all horny because they thought the female NE were the perfect women, Grom said so, don't bother him about it.
Keep moving those goalposts nigger.
>tfw I wouldn't have time to play WoW classic like I did back in middle/high school
>Because Activision destroyed the game going forward that means TBC is retroactively bad
Do you ever listen to yourself you retarded monkey?
They didn't even know the Nelfs existed before they attacked
Even if they did know they wouldn't give a shit and chop those trees anyway
When I feel like it.
Most raids are relevant throughout the entirety of classic so I don't need to treat raiding like a second job to keep up.
>tfw NEET with no discernible future
One of these days I'll pick up the pieces. Until then: WoW classic.
Depends on if it was Grom or Thrall who met them first. Thrall probably wouldn't have wanted to start a war after just arriving in Durotar. Grom would have done exactly what he did in WC3
Paid faction changes and server transfers damaged the game far more than any game play change or addition. And that shit started in Wrath.
>break into someones house because you thought it was empty
>castle doctrine'd
>decide to stay and kick them out of their house by murdering them
>implying most raids aren't relevant throughout entirety of TBC
Even endgame wise, half the best loot is in BT and half in Sunwell so you need to keep doing two raids at minimum.
And to get to BT you need to do the attunements which require doing all previous raids.
That time has passed. The classic wow experience was just as much a product of that special period of your and circumstances as it was the game itself.
The internet was just beginning to run out of space. The "wild west" mentality still existed, but was waning. You were younger. You had time. You were not jaded. The specific coding of the game didn't captivate you--the totality of the experience.
You cannot step into the same river twice. You cannot get that experience back. It is not the same game, and it never can be again.
Don't dishonor your past self, your experiences, and your old connections by digging them out of grave and parading around the corpse.
It's not even Wrath's fault, but Activision's.
Original Wrath concept was basically very similar to TBC.
Activision buyout demanded all the nerfing and casualization.
You can't castle doctrine if someone walks on your land and starts cutting down a tree, if you did, they'd have the right to kill you.
God I can't fucking wait bros....
I'll be raiding just enough to get my sulfuras hammer on my ret pally then it's DEUS VULT time for all the filthy greenskins and zombies
Loot council’s biggest flaw is when the guild throws everything onto a select few characters pissing off 25 other players in your raid. Plus now that there won’t be a select few quality raiding guilds, the likelihood of people quitting on you and moving elsewhere is much higher. And when it’s one of the guys who you threw everything at, your guild takes a massive setback.
DKP with a priority on raid attendance, proper enchants, and pre-raid BiS is the best system. Basically you reward those who have proven to put in an effort, not just who is best friends with the GM.
Nothing in the game forces you to dress up like a clown. Minmax autists think you need to have 100% the best gear in every slot to win, which is bullshit.
>Sorry, but we already recruited a feral druid to be our main tank. We don't need some sissy warrior min-maxer who got meme'd. Unfortunately, you're out of the guild
>You'll do anything, huh?
>Alright, put on this dress and grab some bandages, you're on healing duty tonight.
Credited Response...I won't play classic wow because 3/4 of the experience was being 14 stepping in Molten Core for the first time.
Looking back...classic mechanics (especially Paladin) were absolute shit.
It's really sad that i can't larp argent highlord and crush my enemies at endgame
>Sorry, but we already recruited a feral druid to be our main tank
Fucking lol, fuck off retail cuck
You're right, but retailfags wont ever admit it. Fact is the only good version of WoW was launch.
>implying I won't have a free range of guilds to tank for as a human warrior
TBC fucking sucked for PvP
Fuck resilience gear and fuck arenas
>loves everything about retail
>doesnt understand anything about vanilla
>bitches about it anyway
What drives the retail cuck to think anyone cares?
>free range of guilds to tank for as a human warrior
Every poll done for classic is showing +30% of the player-base is going human warrior
Its going to be even more bloated than it was on launch
were priests the only ones with race specifics?
yes but Fear Ward was far and away the best one so everyone went dwarf to get it
>He thinks he can just enter a guild as a tank
Sorry friend, main tank roles go to guild leaders and friends of guild leaders, there's just too much risk involved in gearing up a noncommited main tank
Best chance is joining as a fury warrior and leeching tank gear for a couple months in one guild until someone quits
Most are probably rolling Warriors biggest of their end game DPS
And 1% of them will hit 60
I want to go undead female rogue for the sick animations but orcs have such OP racials... Do I forgo the top of the meters just to look cool?
>le no warrior reaches 60 meme
Leveling in WoW is not hard and the same percentage of all classes reach 60.
You're literally just saying something you've heard before and want to believe so you feel like you're a special snowflake who 'made it' to 60, when the fact is everyone does.
I just remember that the horde ones sucked, but that may be poor memory
>naxx opens up
>Yeah no bud, i already got my r14 solo so naxx gear is obsolete to me
If you want to minmax, Troll is the best race for basically every class
>everyone hits 60
>actually being so stupid you think some magical tiny percentage of people playing TBC when it was the peak of WoW
Holy fuck user get over yourself. You're not special leveling warrior.
Did anyone roll a female NE melee char just to stare at that ass?
Very situational, blood fury is a way better racial in almost all scenarios
I cant either, i have a long commute, and i usually get home at 6pm.
It's the reason i'm not picking up vanilla, and also because i pretty much beat the game with my bro when i was 12.
I got Gmarshal on my rogue, and he pretty much had full Naxx gear on his warrior.
>You're literally just saying something you've heard before and want to believe so you feel like you're a special snowflake who 'made it' to 60, when the fact is everyone does.
Fuck me this so much.
Warriors are the most common class to find at 60, why people cope so hard to say its rare to be a warrior is beyond me.
>Literally only works for melee
>Doesn't scale with +AP, only strength/Agi AP
>50% Mortal Strike for 30 seconds
Why are nelf inns so uncomfy?
>Faggot92, who has been with the guild since it's inception, keeps getting bad luck on rolls
>Basedkid69, who is on his first raid with the guild, high rolls everywhere
>literally tens of millions of level 60s
>TBC was the height of WoW subs and max level characters
>n-no only a few people made it to 60! warriors are really hard to level!
Kek, grow up
I'm going to create a guild and main tank for it. I'm going to build a bridge to the end of the universe out of the ashes of my guildmate's broken dreams.
Priest racials didn't get axed until WotlK. All BC did was give dwarves Chastise while making Fearward baseline for all priests.
>always likes tanking
>Gonna tank in classic
>niggers trying to dissuade me from having fun
I said for rogue.
You can't just proc troll racial when you want lol.
Forgot pic
Lol Dwarf Priest
I remember my guild getting gear checked hard by Magmadar and the whole guild running a dwarf priest from 1-60 24/7 for like a week to get them into the raid because we didn't have one.
Orcs are the best warriors because Axe spec and bloodfury, but mostly axe spec.
Trolls are technically the best PvE DPS for pretty much everything else they can be but honestly the Orc and UD racials are so good for PvP that a lot of the time it's worth it even if you're going to be PvPing casually.
So? It's still a fair system. Everyone has literally the same chance because you can't rig official rolls.
Based flip animation. I made the same thing back in MoP for that reason. Ruined in Legion though with the shitty soulless animations for every single race.
Thats why in non-dkp runs you limit items to one a night.
I played with a guild that did something similar and trials weren't allowed to roll until they got promoted.
>I said for rogue.
No you didn't.
>getting gear checked hard by Magmadar
That's a great way to dissuade people from sticking around.
As a hunter, what's a good 2nd class to have to slowly build with farm money for the next set of phases?
The guild I was in at the time was pretty bad.
Not him but
>I want to go undead female rogue for the sick animations but orcs have such OP racials... Do I forgo the top of the meters just to look cool?
so what can we do right now if i decide to sub tonight
>that mace
>implying anyon would give it to paladin
Top fucking kek
rogue and mage are easy to gear but, by that I mean they're inherently powerful as opposed to a warrior or shaman who need to be geared to whoop ass
Minimum benefit Berserking is still about even with Blood Fury in terms of DPS increase
If you can get a maximum proc it's not even close
Should have just told your tanks to get fucking gud.
10 seconds of haste is not anywhere near as good as 25 seconds of AP
>You should get loot first raid night when you might as well be a PuG
That's a great way to throw away core upgrades.
that feel when you learn youre moving swing shift and working 6 days a week for the next 6 months and wont be able to raid
Or, you know, its still a good game and will be fun anyway even if im not 14 anymore. I don't get why people dont understand this, people still go back to old games all the time.
Blood Fury is 15 seconds of more base AP that is unusable on any fight with raid damage
It's not as good as it sounds
>unusable on any fight with raid damage
This is how I know you're retarded
All you're doing is making it more likely you will get ninja'd by the recruit.
>Feral druid
>Main tank
Of what? Deadlines? Fuck out of here with your no plate no shield having hairy ass.
Pop that shit on Vaelastraz tell me how it goes
you only really need to minmax for naxx and some parts of aq40, and even then not everyone has to. Raids were cleared just fine back in the days of piss poor knowledge. Moonkins cam just afk so long as their aura is affecting the right clothies. Hunters can just afk autoshot with a wolf at their side spamming furious howl which is the only way a pet is going to survive an entire fight and be useful.
Imagine having such an uninformed and bad opinion, you think randomly guessing shit in another expansion would go unnoticed
The boss dies a few seconds faster because I drank a Greater Fire Resistance Protection Potion
>friends are getting ready for Classic
>talking about classes etc
>everyone wants to be the same classes
how do you resolve this
Roll the same classes, duh
>He thinks two fire prot pots will last more than a few seconds
Nah mate Berserking is better almost always
But then you have to share loot. You can focus on different trees but for leveling up you're still going to be sharing loot. That's gay
No way, you need to make your own guild if you want to be a tank.
So most likely you will be forced to be fury whore, good luck trying to get gear when 50% of dps are either warriors or rogues.
>''oh you're interested in paladin, haha you think you're chad but you're only going to be healing bet you didn't know that''
I don't get why everyone keeps acting like they're btfoing the other person when they know what they'll be doing as a paladin already in raids
lol wut? Most warriors want to do DPS over tanking, especially more casuals. Playing fury was only a bonus after tanking for anyone taken seriously in guilds at the time, unless you were established as a PVP guy.
Old games should be revisited every once in a while, it really doesn't have to be deeper than that user.
DKP worked fine for us, though we prioritized getting the MT geared before bidding.
>rolling in a raiding guild
Never saw this in vanilla, at least not outside ZG/MC pugs at the end
Glad I'm not the only one, I figure I'll play classic for 6months or so then join the military or some shit that or just an hero.
no walls
Try to talk someone to play Dwarf Priest, wonders of wand whacking and instapicked in dungeons/raids
What a fucking loser
>the seed for all the issues was planted with TBC
They were, but BC didn't enact them are fervently as "Bring the Player, not the Class" did two years later. BC was flawed, but also built on what came before it to make a more mechanically fine-tuned and better game.
WotLK completely destroyed WoW's class design to casualize the game for grandma. Faggot GC admitted this was an actual criteria he set for himself as he started the expansion.
idiot cunt fuck
you stupid mudderfucker
that's a 50 dkp minus
this is the correct way.
Ret paladin kings buffbot
tbc was fine until the badge of justice patch.
Why are you so mad user? Obviously I know Im a loser but my crippling depression makes me not give a fuck so I can freely admit it.
Probably very little to none at all unless someone will let me join as fury without me having to beg for the slot. Tanking 5 mans is fine but fuck leading around 39 goddamn people.
>thought i was finally going to escape, got my license, an okay car and even had family nepotism line me up a decent-paying job
>randomly got denied at the last step
And so I'll slither back to my room for the rest of the year. At least Classic's almost here.
>You cannot step into the same river twice. You cannot get that experience back. It is not the same game, and it never can be again.
>Don't dishonor your past self, your experiences, and your old connections by digging them out of grave and parading around the corpse.
except nu-wow is shit and even in this modern era playing old wow would be better
>The Horde was starting a nation and needed lumber and the NEs just attacked them
What is this revisionist history
How horrible a cuck fetish do you have to have to make this post?
You guys know you can apply to more than one job at a time, right?
What goals/hopes/aspirations/dreams do you have that you haven't met?
I'm 41 and divorced and had to pay the bitch $130,000 and my car just so I can end up with the same room I had when I was a teenager.
Hilariously enough I'm happier than I was.
Remember Shamanons, if anyone tells you to pick up mana tide totem, gquit on the spot.
This isn't 2005 blizzard, they actively ban model swaps these days.
Is that a trap?
That is exactly what happened, Thrall sent Grom north to secure lumber to build Orgrimmar. Grunt heard whispers in the woods, and then the night elves attack the horde lumber camp.
>even family men.
Yes, 4 nights a week will totally fly with my wife and daughters, they'll totally not fucking need anything from me during this uninterrupted block between 8pm and 11:30pm.
>Ret paladin kings buffbot
For what purpose would you do this instead of just having one of your holy paladins get Kings?
Fucking every paladin dips into Kings retard
Yes you can, that tree is your property
LOL, okay Zoomie. That excuse never work, and WoW proved that, with 40 people.
Most guilds bring like 4-8 fury warriors, you'll be expected to tank dungeons sure, but as long as you can play fine and get prebis there shouldn't be any reason you can't get a fury raid spot
You may be expected to tank a bit in the odd encounter that requires more than three tanks so just be prepared for that
Castle Doctrine only applies to entering your home, you shoot someone on your property and you're going to jail for murder
>Forsaken shadow priest
Am I retarded or max class/race mix aesthetics?
>not 16 anymore
>none of my old guildies will be there
>everyone now knows everything about the game, there is no mystery, excitement or adventure
>am married with career and kid now
i wont even bother, but i hope you guys that do find that magic that i had all those years ago
>Nothing wrong with them and nobody forces you to play as them
Right, nothing "Wrong" with giving all the thots a "cool badass rebellious sexy girl with green eyes" to play, nothing wrong with adding pretty races to the horde, nothing wrong with how when I stand in orgrimmar (sorry, Shittrath*; a shared city was a bad idea too, btw), 75% of the people of "my" """faction""" online are fucking blood elves, just "human, but better looking, taller, more charming" as if that fits the theme at all, as if they don't cheapen the fact that I've played a troll female, a tauren female, an orc female, you let these roasties in and it ruins the whole fucking game, and it did. Even though I will never, ever, play as one, it has diminished my experience greatly, because even though I don't play AS THEM, I unfortunately have to play WITH THEM, and while I used to have a "no elves allowed" rule, now *I* am the problem for "gatekeeping" from these shallow whores, and get shunned if I even speak out at all about them.
It doesn't matter at this point, with pandas and goblins and "night elves but duuude void" and other such fucking stupid shit.
Also, horsecock ERP spacegoat faggots need to be gassed, like alliance needed another "Sexy" race and blueskin retards from space like some star trek episode or something. The fact that they can be shaman is just heresy. Then again so is the fact that blood elf paladins exist.
>Don't be fooled into being a sissy
You signed up for that roll the moment you picked paladin.
not a single tmorph user was banned at any point in WoW history, furthermore not a single jmorph or lucidmorph user has been banned since the warning. so your statement has 0 credibility regarding how they enforce model changing
what are the most useful professions for shamans? are any of the armour crafting ones needed for bis items?
It's a pretty strong pvp combo, and Berserking isn't so much better that people will tell you to fuck off if you want to raid
Everyone wants to fuck fem Orcs more than Belfs though.
sounds good to me
>TBC fucking sucked for PvP
>Fuck resilience gear and fuck arenas
This is one of the only good things about TBC.
I mean don't get me wrong it's no world PVP and battlegrounds did completely kill real pvp. But arena was neat. It should be implemented if BGs are the way they are now.
t. s1-s6 gladiator before they removed it in s7 because of deathknight imbalance that they themselves created.
I want to PVE though.
Elemental Leatherworking's decent if you want to be one of the like three people in the server that can make Living Shoulders, it can also make some ok Shaman gear
Otherwise just go a money making profession and engineering like everyone else
undead has the best rogue racials though.
kek hortde not having feard ward get ufckcekd
Depends what you want to do. Troll priests are underrated in pvp.
>cheap as dirt 20% healing reduction curse
>shadowguard that can proc blackout, warriors and rogues on suicide watch
Which of the clothies will have the least competition for DPS gear?
>massive fucking normie / leddit idealized paladin
>based minmax autism, an aesthetic normies will never understand
RIP those days
24 hour alterac valleys
would go to school come back rejoin the same fucking AV.
If you want to raid shadow priest you'll have to be extremely lucky, most guilds will only take one if even that
You'll have no problem getting in as a healer though
The trees are your home
blood elves aren't the issue, other horde races are just poorly designed except undead
especially female orc/female troll why the fuck are they just re-skinned more muscular humans?
no idea why people don't like undead, might be the broken clothing and bones showing I guess
It absolutely did. World PVP changed completely and I fucked hated it within the first month of TBC.
source on this gif?
right, everyone gets kings, even though it's at the bottom of the ret tree. Unless you forgot that blessing of kings is literally the ret paladin 31 point talent. You stupid fuck. Did you even play vanilla?
i dont want to play pretty characters, i just want to play whatever race/class combo i want
>He actually doesn't know
Then give up on that shadow priest dream.
Luckily for you they're adding respecs (puke) so faggots like you can level as shadow and just pay gold to finally raid (as holy)
If they ninja on their first night, then you know they're shit, and you save yourself a headache. Assuming it's not THE item everyone has been waiting for, it's probably worth the loot. Can also report it if needed, though mileage will vary.
I wasted 5 years of my life on heroin addiction, Im clean now but living in the darkest parts of humanity for so long pretty much drained me of the will to live.
Female orcs/trolls were more monstrous intially, then they backed-off.
And it worked. The few girls who played horde of their own accord all played female trolls with the same goddamn face.
This was not the case in 2007. The internet did not become what it is. Amazon / thicc memes didn't exist. Etc. It completely changed the dynamic and denying the past is horrible of you to do.
I thought respecs were in vanilla for gold.
But it did you stupid fuck. Especially fucking DRUIDS who didn't even have to MOUNT just had to go BIRD FORM fucking HATE DRUIDS SO GOD DAMN MUCH
>they were ok in TBC
no they weren't.
>when they were backported into the main world with cata it was all over
yes, it was far beyond dead and ruined by then.
silly me i thought they'd make northrend "no flying mounts" but they went back on that too. fuckers.
A lot but only because I'm gonna run a guild for all my homies and someone needs to coordinate and only a few of us actually raided the last time any of us played and thats me and a few others out of the like dozen people we got so far.
This is cute bait, 7/10
he must know that it got moved to 11 point protection talent
They were not. But they will be in """""""""""""""""classic"""""""""""""""""
they were also really ugly, or rather unaesthetic
ugly/unaesthetic and monstrous are not necessary mutual, dragons, naga are monstrous but still have good aesthetics
If you'd be so kind as to look at a 1.12 talent calculator for about ten seconds I'd appreciate it
They aren't seriously basing classic on that clusterfuck are they? It isn't 1.0?
I don't mind healing in raids since healing is pretty much the lowest bar for entry into raiding. Guilds will suck you off just so you rock up late in full 60 greens and heal, then be funneled loot just for the pleasure. Since nobody else but Paladins uses T2, I'll be getting the fucking T2. And if the guild isn't full of idiots, 2 handers will be up for anyone who wants them.
Then I'll go and pvp in glorious Judgement for hecks and be a total cunt to kill out in the world, and maybe when the stars align I'll one shot some zombie with a lucky seal of command crit.
respecs were in vanilla u retard stop pretending you played it
See this nigga knows how to play the system
This is max performance pally
jesus christ, what fucking job do you have?
>respecs weren't in vanilla
You went to your trainer and paid for a respec, each time you did it it costed increasing amounts of gold to prevent you from constantly swapping
Most importantly:
They completely ruined PvP
Fuck TBC forever
guys i only really played during legion but got interested in classic
i never really did world pvp so i was wondering how much fun it is to go rogue and just annoy the shit out of people trying to quest?
Make three characters total across all realms and play retail up to whatever expansion you own.
I'd rather not derail the thread too hard. I dropped out of high school, got my GED then sat on my ass for 6 years and counting. I don't really trust women after seeing so many situations like yours, so a family is pretty out of the question. Being self-sufficient enough to move out and working a job that doesn't destroy my body would be enough for me. Probably won't ever own a house. Relationship with the family is as good as it can be when you're a leech, I do my best to make them happy every day. I'm lucky to have what I do, but we're not well off enough that I can let it last forever in good conscience. Considering just walking away once my dog passes as childish as it sounds. She's my best friend for 14 years now and I don't have so much as an acquaintance otherwise, honestly don't know if I'll be able to cope.
There are people that play vanilla to do literally nothing else but that
Fuck off you dumb zoomer. Go farm raid mats and resist gear and rep before the raid even fucking starts and you can talk.
Literally every Classic player with a brain in their head says how Vanilla WoW was a job and why its where we get poopsocking from. Its not the raid that eats up all your time you dumb zoomie.
If this has darkmoon faire in it i'm not playing it
Roll UD rogue and go hang out in STV
>when you're leaving Nesingwary's Camp and the trees start speaking Gutterspeak
You don't actually want classic wow
>decay is added in 1.11
>Classic is 1.12
Whats your point?
1. Your link only discusses respec cost decay.
2. Fuck off wow always had respecs.
Ill be having fun as a male dwarf holy pally and dabing on UD rogue with stoneform and HoF
Earlier this year I leveled a druid on chink's hope with a paladin friend
It was fun as shit having him bait out rogues while I was stealthed
Stupid fucks thought they could actually kill a paladin
>People ITT crying about Flying
Roguecucks literally fucking seething.
I'll be rping as well as raiding, it should be better considering now the furfag races are now gone and hopefully less normie tumblr tier rpers.
nice backtracking after getting BTFO and exposed. why is it the fags who never actually played vanilla always getting most upset about perceived changes in classic?
>be in guild with loot council
>fury warrior
>bags full with 3 gear sets, consumables, etc
>100% attendence for 1.5 months
>7-15th dps on bossfights despite still greens and blues, sometimes tanking items to survive encounters
>t 2.5 pants drop
>go to ret with Sulfuras, 10% attendence, but 1.5 year history
>just farm titanic leggings lol
Fuck loot council.
It emptied out the world between points of interest. You landed, did your thing, then mounted back up and flew high enough that no one would fuck with you then num lock'd to the next place on your list.
Healing is fine and you'll get tier pieces to pvp with so paladin doesn't have it rough imo
People design bad dkp systems and all the loot goes to officers first anyway. Enjoy officers getting a lead in points for 'contributing' to setting up the raid, that will never deplete because DKP prices are too low.
>Joined the guild when they were able to carry you through everything up to fucking AQ40
>1.5 months
>No fucking Titanics
>Getting pissy on a guaranteed item you can just have a shot at next week
>Probably on a dying vanilla server
Nigga you a nigga
Does jmorph change how you look to EVERYONE or just you?
Why wouldn’t they? It’s literal garbage for a warrior.
Listen up retard, it was the beginning of a philosophy that ruined the game. The only reason it was tolerable in BC was that the vanilla philosophies hadn't been completely erased yet.
naxx 40 is my goal because i didnt finished it completly back then.
>People still unironically believe leveling clownsuits have a place in 60+ content
I really hate false-nostalgia fags
no of course not just you, which is why blizzard considered it mostly harmless since its inception
That's AQ40 bis friend
You have to take the good with the bad
>Every class spec became offered something useful, yes even rets were good in a raid setting but good luck landing that spot
>PvP became somewhat balanced, no more 2 GCD kills and every class and most specs had a viable role in an arena comp
>Raids became hard on their own and not because you had to farm consumables 24/7
>Questing routes make sense now
>heroic dungeons
>More involved rotations for all classes in pvp
I agree with everything you said but the last point, removing racial priest spells was a good choice, but overall I'd say TBC is an improvement over vanilla
The best guild I ever joined had an EP/GP system where nobody was ever excluded from loot. No bonuses were given unless we did a good job during the raid and they went to everyone. Guild leader himself was never above the system.
The system had a 10% weekly decay so recent contributions and loot gains mattered more than older ones and you couldn't hoard.
A meritocracy at its finest.
What's the point if it then if only you see it
Blizzard or the Blizzdrones will ruin the classic experience. Debate me.
>what is Will of the Damned
I hope the fact no one needs to chase Raid Firsts anymore means Classic+ will let Paladins tank without giving them to Horde.
It was always fucking empty between major points of interest/chokepoint zones, stop spewing nostalgia bait.
I thought they were pretty good in pve once they got gear.
You think you want classic wow, but you don't.
It's a hunter weapon obviously.
They're fairly strong, however damn near everything they can do takes a precious debuff slot that could be going to something more beneficial
Most guilds if they take any, will bring along one for their shadow damage buff to make warlocks hit harder
You mean Will of the Forsaken.
Hunter or warrior?
I dread sitting on a city trying to find a group as a DPS but by the looks of it everyone is going to play warrior/rogue. If only hunters didn't become deadweight by about third phase
Here's hoping most warriors won't be able to handle the leveling hell and end up dropping halfway or I'll be fucked trying to make a group with 3-4 melee
Just tank dungeons nigga
Like shit equip a fucking shield and cast taunt like holy fuck literally free groups
What other than SWP takes a debuff slot? I think they get one +shadow damage debuff too? With 16 slots from the start I think it's reasonable to bring a couple SPriests. It's also irrelevant in dungeons too.
the point is that I don't have to look like someone barfed a crayola 64 pack onto a melted wax figurine
holy shit. you're right. I guess it's been a while
Shadow weaving and mind flay
Why the fuck would you use that gay ass belt when belt of the ordained is so much better and doesn't even look bad?
>Warrior only gets better as the game progresses
Hunter gets worse as the game progresses
>Warrior can choose their party
Hunters cannot choose their party
>Warriors can tank
Hunters cannot tank
>Warriors can DPS
Hunters can DPS
>Warriors have better DPS than hunters
>Warriors have a shittier grinding experience
Hunters have an easy mode grinding experience
None of them, cloth gear has a ton of competition since every caster/healer will need almost the same preraid BiS, sameshit happens with melee and leather gear so whatever you play you're going to get a ton of competition for gear.
Except tanks
I will tank while farming 5man dungeons but even then I fear the class population will be so skewed half the server will be rogues and warriors and I'll end up having a hard time finding a raiding guild and 5man groups
Debuff slots aren't that rare of a comodity once you assume dots are out of the picture
Shadow weaving is the shadow debuff I was talking about, but Mind Flay is actually a debuff? Isn't it just a channeled spell?
Nah there'll be plenty of hunters and mages to bring along as well
As a tank you are a minority.
You can handpick who you want.
Don't stress it too much, play warrior, literally the best class in the game for >70% of the content
That was the super abridged version.
They were only running aq at that point which for me was just a goldsink on consumables which stopped me from grinding titanic and ALL the gear went to officers who underperformed on everything except tanking.
Titanics were fresh and costed as much as an epic mount.
The loot lists had 10 people on them, so why would I stick around if I had to grind a week's free time worth of consumables just so I can see AQ?
>Want to roll Troll Hunter
>They are utter dogshit in PvP compared to Orcs and Taurens
>They are demigods in comparison to Orcs and Taurens when played right in PvE
Orc it is I guess.
B-but all those pets I could tame, elites to solo, mages to oneshot with aimed+multishot while leveling.
Dunno man, I half expect hunters to be a rare class at level60
And again, you're missing the point, everyone knows warriors are the chad class so they'll be overpopulated as fuck, this minority situation might not happen at release
Why the fuck did you want t 2.5 pants? They're right to give the pally the pants over you, since avengers is BiS for ret, and he's raiding as ret.
Literally and unironically just farm for the pants you sperg.
Bruh if you want to go hunter just go hunter
It'll be harder to find groups but if you want to play it just fucking do it why are you such a bitch that you're trying to get some faceless faggot words tell you what to do
I don't know about your particular town, but you might want to supplement that ged with a couple of years at a community college or some online classes.
Otherwise work might be difficult to come across.
Trash players are still going to roll hunter because they're easy to play.
Rare class? Sure
That's because they fucking suck in comparison to other DPS and they don't scale well at all.
Good at PvP? Sure
But you need to put 4 or 5 times the effort to do what a Warrior can do by just getting a partner or gearing up.
>everyone knows warriors are the chad class so they'll be overpopulated as fuck
And most of those people will drop the class really fucking quick once they realize how slow it is to level them up, you dingus.
Roll whatever the fuck you want, just don't cry when your class starts to deal less damage than a poorly geared warlock/rogue and your only job is to spam tranq shots because your pet gimmick is fucking trash.
I'm only in it for the wpvp and ZG tiger
look good feel good
So will they eventually move these servers to TBC? Or will they create new tbc servers and give you the option of copying your characters to it?
Outside of going to nax much later theyve said nothing of long term plans. Dont forget in Blizzards head classic is an oddity at best its going to fail. Fuck I think they want it to. If its still extreamly popular come Nax then im sure we will hear something. They may be too prideful and shut it down. They might go to TBC. Fuck they may go gold and make some sort of OSR kind of thing. I aint holdin my breath though.
They flat out side they're open to bc and wotlk servers in their classic interviews on wowhead and YouTube
I raided enough to know it's shit back in 2006
Maybe I will join a pug time to time because that just makes things easier
Ok, after checking private server populations it seems like I was worried over nothing, warrior is still the most populated class but the diference is not as big as I thought it would be
it has a speed decrease along with dmg that takes a debuff slot
>All those pets I could tame
Nigga, 3 stable slots is all you can have in vanilla
Hunters are fucking trash because everything they do, other class can do it better. Except for tranq shot
And tranq shot was introduced to FORCE people into bringing hunters into parties. Now that is fucking SAD.
If classic is profitable to blizz no way theyll shut it down even if it shits all over retail (which it will).
Every time I think I've decided on what I want to play I keep thinking about how cool the other classes I'd like to play would be.
It never ends.
>playing a Paladin with my bro who's rolling Priest
>with tank and heals sorted we're going to have our pick of the litter when inviting dps to dungeons
>will only ever take druids/rogues and maybe the occasional water dispenser
happy to let a druid tank too, i can support dps and we'll get by just fine. all the plate gear will be mine and cloth will go to my Priest bro. life is good gents
What are your top picks?
If your guild needs 4 nights a week to clear the content you need to find a new guild.
It's already ruined as we will only have 20k populated server.
True vanilla experience should be around 2-3k medium sized server.
Shaman, Rogue, Mage, and Priest in no particular order. I dunno, these all seem like they could be fun to me.
Now would you rather heal or DPS?
I am not gonna convince you, but this might help, who knows.
Also, it might help if you know what race you like the most.
I don't normally heal so part of me was thinking that it might be fun to try it out.
Does the idea of playing piano to support teammates sound fun to you?
>troll hunter dogshit in PvP
>not going full ham survival tank CC locking people while your regen saves you from narrow death
>Paladin tank
>Im regenerating 5hp per second
>Stupid fucks thought they could actually kill a paladin
Well considering your healslut was needed another healslut to cover him, they had plenty of reasons to belive in it
Based, my friend is Dwarf Priest heal too, while i'm Human Paladin tank
Though i will probably later get also heal gear to get better tank gear in raids. I don't plan to heal for long time at least, fuck it.
And there's nothing you can do about it.
I can't even read sheet music.
Priest it is.
Paladin is secretly by far the best PVP class in vanilla.
based, redpilled AND white
There's people in this very thread that will roll HUNTER
Imagine rolling a fucking hunter lmaoing
Can't wait to level as a tankadin again just like I did in Nostalrius!
Because of bubble and only when you get the right amount of gear to achieve casino master or infinite mana.
Also holy resist gear/items is pretty much non-existent while shadow resist gear is plentiful.
- Infinite mana
- Best burst heal / defensive buttons
- Utility stun
- Buffs
- Auras
>Fact is the only good version of WoW was launch.
WoW was never good nor will it ever be.
>goes oom 1/4 into the fight
>has no taunts
>has no viable ohshit talents
Have fun wiping on the trash in LBRS
so warrior dps at launch: meme or not a meme
what items?
fury is very good in phase 1
And the sad thing was, hunters were pointing this out constantly on the forums and the devs were sticking their fingers in their ears and humming.
It was straight up "We know you don't do nearly as much damage as any other dps but you don't have the repair bills so fuck you."
I joined a semi-hc raiding guild, prepping for Classic. Supposedly we'll do progress raiding as it comes but there is no serious requirement for getting worldbuffs and full flasks and elixirs, and we'll allow a few players with memespecs.
I'm just worried about guild drama because it's lead by, supposedly, a woman. Haven't heard their voice yet. And the guild is clear about being safe for LGTBshit, which could lead to bitching.
At least it has experienced raidleaders, I'm in the core team and will never be replaced as long as I'm active, and they use EP/GP for loot which seems reasonable.
I'm hoping to get decked on tier 2 or so with them, and if it looks like we won't get much further I'll switch to a stronger guild then.
>supposedly a woman
tranny alert
How else you gonna make 58-60, grinding mobs in silithus?
Yeah probably. I don't care as long as I get loot. I avoid guild drama.
>a feral druid to be our main tank
Wtf nigger just quest.
Okay but you fucked yourself getting married in the first place, or at least not getting a prenup
Okay, i'll keep that in mind buddy.
Hunter damage is fine and they have a slew of utility (if you spec for it). Their DPS is shit because pets are unreliable, fickle, and a detriment to optimally playing hunter.
You have to choose between empowering your pet for ok-ish dps that might die to raid damage anyway and require wasting time to revive it, or empowering your ranged attacks for ok-ish burst and having a pet that will absolutely die to raid damage constantly.
You don't get to do either because hunters are only brought for their niche talents for specific raid bosses.
If you're a hunter that maxes out pet or ranged damage talents, nobody wants you in their group because they know you're not going to do anything important except do less dps than the rogue or warrior.
>Sorry, but we already recruited a feral druid to be our main tank.
I'll just wait until Naxx comes out and they'll be coming back, begging me to tank for them. Obviously I'l ltake all the loot and then I'll get poached to a much better guild.
zoomer alert. Kid has never done an hour 8 BRD run.
>he doesn't know
There aren't enough quests in vanilla to make it all the way to sixty, you have to straight grind for a few levels
Rolling Human female mage, fuck being a shitty gnome
I leveled myself to 60 as a Warrior on Nostalrius.
I had like 3-4 locations i skipped without questing at all.
Just do all quests for fuck sake. I'm sure you nigger skipped most quests like your guide told so.
>Has even less armor
>Good 4Horse tanks
Except there is enough quests in 1.12
I'm finna go full autism in pvp
If you want me to heal I can heal ya complexion with my fat load
devouring plague is amazing. A second DOT similar to SWpain that also healed you. It cost a lot of mana, but for PvP its pretty good. Troll shadow guard was pretty neat as well for the blackout procs and some extra spice.
Fear ward is amazing but shaman's had tremor totem or you could have an undead warrior with 20 second WotF to deal with raid level, or just plan around it. The ones that got really shafted were night elves. A channel when they already have mindflay, and it was arcane which they had no talents for.
"going full autism in pvp" means raiding though
>removing racial priest spells was a good choice
They shouldve given every class/race combination unique spells. Made you feel like you were special when you used your unique ability.
>people worried about getting to 60 as fast as they can
>me getting 45 as fast as I can to get Thrash Blade
>tfw wanna go (male) nelf but the race is bad at literally fucking everything except druid but even then, that's only because the other ally druid races dont exist
Humans are cool too but they're what i usually roll so i figured i'd spice it up. Guess not.
The problem is you have to actually raid as a paladin... Which means spamming 1 button over and over again.
So how do warriors make money? I really wanna do engineering and raid and shit but that can be expensive and as i understand it they can't do pickpocketing runs like rogue or diremaul runs like mage
They don't.
I hope you will have well geared farmer.
So do locks and mages though
You charge to tank dungeon runs and reserve shit like orbs.
Has no legal force anymore
>1/10 MC progress guild looking for members
The only reason to play Human is because you don't look retarded wearing anything. They're the default model. Even Horde pvp sets look better on Humans than Horde races.
>tfw male troll main since vanilla
Well it always has, it's just if you acquire say, a car DURING the marriage rather than before, then the prenup doesnt apply
the best pvp gear in vanilla is from raids lmafo
Well hopefully warrior tanks are scarce enough i can get away with that, but im im Herod so i doubt it